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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2018 in all areas

  1. Woah, a big commission here We have BEER, S.A.M, Jerkio, S.Y.R.E.N, Slade, LUMI, JRO, Aurora, Spark 5.5 and Spark 5.5m, P.A.T.C.H, and E.L.O
    2 points
  2. Full Name: Eli Jones Age: 53 Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: AB+ General Occupational Role(s): Medical Doctor/Surgeon Security Officer/Brig Physician Quartermaster (recommended) Miner Bartender Biography: Parents [ONLY ACCESSED BY NT REP AND CC] Operation [REDACTED] (Known as Silk Dawn) [ONLY ACCESSED BY CC] Family: Jessie Blair and Connor O'Neill - Biological Parents [DECEASED] Maria Jones - Adoptive Parent [RETIRED] Qualifications: Advanced medical training and surgery. Qualified for small, medium, and laser weapons. Bar license. Skills involving organization and delivery. Employment Records: PMC Lyondell - Associate Missions- Operation Clowning Pass Operation [REDACTED] Odd Jobs Security Records: PAST CRIMES Attempted Murder/ACQUITTED Working in Black Market Goods/TIME SERVED Medical Records: PAST INJURIES Gunshot Wounds Burns Missing Limbs PROSTHETIC LIMBS Right Hand and Arm Mechanical Right Leg and Foot Mechanical MENTAL STATUS Eli has problems distinguishing real things from fake, like costumes or weapons due to PTSD, he also has trust issues, and either trusts the wrong people or distrusts the right. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: Eli is very prideful and overprotective, if he senses danger, he will either hunker down and fight, or if the odds are against him flee to a more defensive position, he will protect close friends and colleagues at any cost. Eli will continue to act on his or others behalf, no matter the risks.
    1 point
  3. Name: Jessica Krish Connor. Age: 17 Gender: Transvestite Female. Race: Caucasian Human. Blood Type: O-. General Occupational Role(s): Assistant and other jobs at Random. Qualifications: Bartending and Basic First Aid. Employment Records: Previous work in Medical and Cargo. Security Records: [Records Lost] Medical Records: Mutadone prescription for seizuresand stuttering. 1 unit pill before and after bed. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Ectomorphic build, Flat chested, 5'3 (160 cm), and has a tattoo on her back that reads "Property of Logan Connor." Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes:
    1 point
  4. Hey everyone, I very recently discoverd this messy masterpiece of a game. And boy do I enjoy it. The different departments are interesting. Lots of things to learn, which i enjoy, and plenty of nice people to help you along the way, should you not know further. Also, RP is always fun :D I haven´t pinned any names yet, kept it random for the most part. For one because I´m uncreative as all heck, and I also didnt want to brand myself as that guy that cant get shit done. My Byond account name is the same as in this Forum. So far, i´ve been only playing on Paradise Station so by now I at least know the Layout. I played a couple of departments, Engineer, Medical Doctor, Botanist, Janitor, Miner, Security, Genetics. All pretty fun but I think my favorite might be Medical. Not 100% sure yet, since the other departments were quite fun, too. And I only had one shift in Medical. And it stressed me out quite bad when shit hit the fan the first time xD But like I said, there was always someone willing to help. I also have the wiki open at all times when I play. That might fade in time, but right now I definetly deem it necessary. So, yea. I love this very welcoming community and the game. The occasional outlier doesnt even bother me.
    1 point
  5. I'd agree even though I don't play an IPC at all. I might however play an IPC if this was added, at-least the limb thing. It makes no good sense that an IPC couldn't pop it's own limbs back on provided they have the adequate amount of appendages to do so. So long as a timer was added and a table was needed, I see no reason to disallow repairing internals too.
    1 point
  6. Didn't expect a pamtri reference on these forums. Well edited!
    1 point
  7. Lack of communication and coordination between security officers. People who get mad for overstepping their bounds and getting punished for it - sec included. Lack of communication between players. One accidental hit or awkward scenario becomes round-long (or even longer) drama. Fastmos. 1 psi pressure doesn't do that, not with our small spaces! Gateway explorers that don't hand in contraband. I really think this should become an official job. We need more jobs in general, because civilian/assistants/traders/businessmen swarm the station and the HoP doesn't manage 'em. They just become a big mass of uncontrollables fighting each other for the last screwdriver that's available.
    1 point
  8. I have been wanting to put slips of paper into people when I put them under. Have things like "Jessica was here" written on them.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Spooky vampire(?) Continuing from a bunch of drawings I did before where Zeke is dressed as a woman, *becausewhynot* Something dramatic with a cultist Something cute and silly(?) Gay romance(?) Redrawing one of my first digital drawings(?)
    1 point
  11. A Certain Vulpkanin Floats By "Howdy Slade! I See You Made A-" And Said Vulpkanin Floats Out Of Earshot, Waving
    1 point
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