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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2018 in all areas

  1. Hey everyone, I very recently discoverd this messy masterpiece of a game. And boy do I enjoy it. The different departments are interesting. Lots of things to learn, which i enjoy, and plenty of nice people to help you along the way, should you not know further. Also, RP is always fun :D I haven´t pinned any names yet, kept it random for the most part. For one because I´m uncreative as all heck, and I also didnt want to brand myself as that guy that cant get shit done. My Byond account name is the same as in this Forum. So far, i´ve been only playing on Paradise Station so by now I at least know the Layout. I played a couple of departments, Engineer, Medical Doctor, Botanist, Janitor, Miner, Security, Genetics. All pretty fun but I think my favorite might be Medical. Not 100% sure yet, since the other departments were quite fun, too. And I only had one shift in Medical. And it stressed me out quite bad when shit hit the fan the first time xD But like I said, there was always someone willing to help. I also have the wiki open at all times when I play. That might fade in time, but right now I definetly deem it necessary. So, yea. I love this very welcoming community and the game. The occasional outlier doesnt even bother me.
    1 point
  2. First Name: M.A.N.T.I.S. Last Name: N/A Gender: N/A Orientation: N/A Nicknames/Alias: Mantis, TOASTER, Bot, Tin-man Picture(If Available): Age/D.O.B: 40/2521-10-21 Place Of Birth: Xion Research Station Species: IPC Blood Type: N/A Alignment: Chaotic Good Affiliation: Synthetic Union, Xion Manufacturing Group Religious Beliefs: Synthetica Childhood: N/A Adulthood: Experimental IPC, Engineer in Synthetic Union, memeber/leader of Yellow Incident Response Team Detailed Information Appearance: Brown IPC. His head ((especially eyes)) looks kinda mantis-ish. Always wears blue berret and cigar/cigarrate. Character Voice: Imagine Kaidan voice, not make it a little bit robot-ish. That's it. Personality: Can be pissed off ((basicly when player has a bad day :^) )) but generally tries to stay cool. Loyal to his department. He does not care much about factions, after all everyone has their reason to work for Nanotrasen, Syndicate, etc. He likes to speak, why don't you find out his personality own your own? Medical Record: Normal IPC, nothing special. Character Biography Background: Family: N/A History Personal Relationships E.L.O. (Admire/Respected) Best Surgeon I've ever seen! Q.U.A.R.K. (Close Friend) MY MAN, Friend from the military times. Gerhard Van Lutz (Good Friend) If Gerhard and E.L.O. cannot patch you up, no one will! Joe Major (Acquaintance) HOTrod (Acquaintance) and more! Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Faction Relations Allied Synthetic Union Xion Manufacturing Group Love Biotech Solutions Like Neutral Nanotrasen Wizzard Federation Synditace Dislike Chageling Hiveming Hate Cults Enemy Aurum Goverment ((Kaidan homeworld)) Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Theme Other Information
    1 point
  3. Picture Update! My IRL friend asked me if I wanna some drawing, so I said sure! And here we are! He didn't really wanted me to post his nick here for some reason (y)
    1 point
  4. Alrighty then, the mentor wave has come to an end for this one. Yurivw, rb303, V-Force_Bomber, Miraviel, Shockpoint, Sagrotter, HairyVoodooShaman, IK3I, Pennwick, Colfer, Devemviri and Harkness have all made it to the rank of mentor! Also on another topic, Tayswift/TayI has joined the ranks of the admin team as a Trial Admin.
    1 point
  5. Yey, my first medal. Mostly from saving people in the bluespace chaos and gathering dispersed sec gear.
    1 point
  6. Firstly, wellcome to our server. Secondly you could use a random character if you feel like it but please, don't do it just because you are afraid to fail. Believe me we all failed a lot at the beginnig...a lot, it's part of the game so don't worry about it. And most knowledge doesn't reset. Obviously you can't remember your deaths or the station getting blown up but you can remember other characters, friends or things you learned during the prior shift. Stay safe and I'm glad to hear that you enjoy playing in the medbay. I'm sure we'll meet each other then!
    1 point
  7. Glorious. I do like the character of Rooster
    1 point
  8. Well. This was a thing; It gets worse. Lol you think that's it? Pebbl learned a lot this day.
    1 point
  9. LPSpartan has passed their trial and has been promoted to Game Administrator
    1 point
  10. If you don't tape you boots. THE FILTHY SYNDICATE CAN HEAR THEIR DOOM.
    1 point
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