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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2018 in all areas

  1. Species with fur should be harder to extinguish once on fire.
    3 points
  2. Thing I worked on last night.
    3 points
  3. Wooo! Fun Comics!! You know Slade, he's a fun guy How did they get into a relationship after that day you may wonder? Well, there was a lot of me harassing Tully OOC For fun, here's an old drawing of the scene
    2 points
  4. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/8783
    2 points
  5. - IPCs are incredibly fragile... I know its their gimmick to be vulnerable to EMPs but really... instant kill? Who uses semiconductors and transistors in the future... or lacks emp proof materials. Make them pop off a limb, mute them and severly damage their internal components maybe. But not outright kill them. Its a joke for most antags to kill an IPC. - Greys could get an immunity to Fluorosulphuric Acid. Because the Sulphuric Acid immunity is pretty useless considering only Fluorosulpuric Acid is used for murder. That or maybe make Sulphuric acid heal them slowly over time, kind of like Saline Glucose, just less efficient. - Make cardtridges printable for plasmamans suits. Allow cargo to order spare plasmaman suits for some points. - Remove Slime Squishing, Make Slimes weak to all temperature extremes, not just cold, but give them chemical resistance. Neurotoxin and Sarin should do considerable less damage considering they lack a liver and their brain is their slime core. - Drask: Dunno make their armfins actually have a unique bashing sound because they look like they can be used for fighting. Make them maybe glow ever so slightly on their colored arm things. - Vulnerable to heat (not fire/laser/energy/xray damage, just hot atmos), but harder bones to break. Maybe do something with their bones like... not being able to use patches with styptic powder due to having an exoskeleton. Raise brute resistance to balance that out.
    2 points
  6. Asides from plasmaman having a free space suit, they cant wear anything else like a helmet or exosuit unless its fireproofed and their suit too, doing so is a risk cause itll set people around on fire, plasmaman ALSO gets more damage with brute or lasers, they got a bigger chance of bone broke as far as i remember. I believe every race already has a decent weakness. Vox can die to EMP and have weak bones(higher chance of bone break) (They're loud and can be located way easier too when speaking) Kidan cant even wear glasses, its annoying i believe they should be allowed to get special goggles. and pest spray kills them Diona gets killed by plant b gone, they're strong but SLOW, they can self regen Slimes, alot of stuff, cold, temperature gun, frost oil. Able to grow their own limbs. Greys, fire extinguishers, and gets more damage, water kills them. Psionic Communication Drasks, heat kills them, so does a temp gun. Breathing cold oxygen regenerates them (also loud) IPC's, EMP of course. Easily repairable Skrell, no idea but inmune to water like /the pool/, cant drown Unathi no idea what's bad in them but they have claws and i swear i dont like the claw decap chance Vulps, no idea. claws Tajarans, no idea neither. and claws Humans, bigger knockdown chance. MY ACTUAL SUGGESTION I suggest kidans can spawn with special goggles for them like sec huds , its impossible to play security as a kidan specially when you get flash gear, and you have no protection of it. Raise the chance of greys extinguishing fire when they roll, litterally when theyre set on fire, theyll obviously get fire extinguished(with a intent of helping).. and thats going to kill them. Plasmaman should atleast come out cloned but in a critical state, it's not fair to instantly take a player out once cloned then having no DOCTORS knowing how to revive. Atleast giving a chance to the doctor to put them on a cryotube before they die, seem fair. One more suggestion even though the race isnt mentioned REMOVE CLAW DECAP CHANCE
    1 point
  7. I mean we ARE aiming for realism so...+1
    1 point
  8. Zeke's face says it all... "Dammit, Slade"
    1 point
  9. More brilliant art! Huzzah!
    1 point
  10. Despite the description and the fact it reach to number 20... I DIDN'T KNOW IT'S GONNA GO BOOM.
    1 point
  11. That was my favorite part of the entire round, coming up with more and more absurd things to check Ide's pockets for. And Blueshield fashion advice of course.
    1 point
  12. Pocket spiders. A growing threat to our glorious station.
    1 point
  13. Alrighty then, the mentor wave has come to an end for this one. Yurivw, rb303, V-Force_Bomber, Miraviel, Shockpoint, Sagrotter, HairyVoodooShaman, IK3I, Pennwick, Colfer, Devemviri and Harkness have all made it to the rank of mentor! Also on another topic, Tayswift/TayI has joined the ranks of the admin team as a Trial Admin.
    1 point
  14. Comic book cover mockup. It's not actually going to be a thing.
    1 point
  15. From Bonnie, putting it here cuz they didn't actually post it: Bonnie-Today at 12:51 AM Let's see. Drink: Hawking Radiation Description: The result of dividing the square root of a singularity by Zero. Taste: You can taste a brief history of time. Ingredients: 10 parts Singulo, 5 parts Manhattan Project, 5 parts Brown Star It'd look like the Singulo, but possibly with the green sheen the radioactive drinks have (like the atomic bomb, or the Manhatten project) Maybe it could give the Spacedrugs effect, the way Nukacola does. I dunno how ridiculous that is, it's 6am, I'm just trying to think of something cool people would actually care to drink at the bar.
    1 point
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