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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2018 in all areas

  1. Hey, havnt seen you for a long time guys! Today i got an idea to draw some ss13 art, but... well i didnt want to draw anything boring like a normal station crew or something, and that led me to a concept of mech. While i was thinking about new mech, i remembered Space Ninja and it's Spider Clan that was probably removed from paradise, and i decided to give it a try to draw Spider Clan mech, which has giant blade in one hand, another hand is normal one, and of course some invisibility stuff. And person can probably never enter this mech like normal ones, only MMI or some simillar Spider Clan device can fit in.
    5 points
  2. Hello all, Completely new to the game. I'll be keeping your floors clean as I learn the ropes any tips are more than welcome.
    2 points
  3. Here's another fun comic. Don't mess with a man's outfit? Doctor Varloss A drawing of myself! Because I'm cute I either saw something cute, or someone is giving me chocolate.
    2 points
  4. Full Name: Eli Jones Age: 53 Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: AB+ General Occupational Role(s): Medical Doctor/Surgeon Security Officer/Brig Physician Quartermaster (recommended) Miner Bartender Biography: Parents [ONLY ACCESSED BY NT REP AND CC] Operation [REDACTED] (Known as Silk Dawn) [ONLY ACCESSED BY CC] Family: Jessie Blair and Connor O'Neill - Biological Parents [DECEASED] Maria Jones - Adoptive Parent [RETIRED] Qualifications: Advanced medical training and surgery. Qualified for small, medium, and laser weapons. Bar license. Skills involving organization and delivery. Employment Records: PMC Lyondell - Associate Missions- Operation Clowning Pass Operation [REDACTED] Odd Jobs Security Records: PAST CRIMES Attempted Murder/ACQUITTED Working in Black Market Goods/TIME SERVED Medical Records: PAST INJURIES Gunshot Wounds Burns Missing Limbs PROSTHETIC LIMBS Right Hand and Arm Mechanical Right Leg and Foot Mechanical MENTAL STATUS Eli has problems distinguishing real things from fake, like costumes or weapons due to PTSD, he also has trust issues, and either trusts the wrong people or distrusts the right. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: Eli is very prideful and overprotective, if he senses danger, he will either hunker down and fight, or if the odds are against him flee to a more defensive position, he will protect close friends and colleagues at any cost. Eli will continue to act on his or others behalf, no matter the risks.
    1 point
  5. Lookie here, we have E.L.O and Serac having a chat in medbay.
    1 point
  6. Just re-uploading this here, because I like it.
    1 point
  7. One problem i would have with that, is that it mechanically enforces your characters knowledge. We do have people who are in relationships with others on the station, and suddenly, you can't seem to connect their voice to them because they are in another department? There also would be the problem of the radio, if you would need to see an ID to link the voice to a person, you would mostly hear unknowns, and such, as civilian, you can't be sure if the call of a plasma fire in science that spread into the hallways would be from an engineer or scientist, to warn people about it, or just a bored cargo tech. Given how tcomms can add job titles to the person speaking on comms, i always figured that they are more than just simple headsets, and would work as a voice identification device, or at least would tell you what tcomms tells you about them.
    1 point
  8. Ayyyy, Paradise! Long time no see! How's everyone been? :DDDD It's good to be BACK!
    1 point
  9. 1. The station shouldn't be going to Red alert very often to begin with. But when it does... 2. It should have what it needs to not require an additional ERT team. But when it does... 3. The armoury should be appropriately fitted for -at least- half the security staff in any given scenario. Increased hardsuits, lazers, etc. Maybe 5 or so of each item. That should be sufficient for the security force to do what they need to, not including the additional ERT forces. But when it isn't... 4. Gamma gets called because of the lack of actual lethal weapons (no, the same person I always see shooting spiders with an ion rifle, that doesn't do what I think you think it does. Tazers don't do anything, either. Nope, a disabler is not a laser that just happens to be blue. A lazer, you want a lazer. No, not a bean bag shotgun. No, a stun baton won't work. Good lord, put down the flash.) AND WHEN GAMMA ISN'T ENOUGH...? Well? I mean, at least try smoothing out the red alert armoury, first. Gamma -should- most certainly be enough to handle a dire situation of xenos or a blob, a revolution, or what have you. Gamma shouldn't be called because red alert is the new blue alert. Gamma is the new red. Delta or epsilon or whatever becomes the new gamma. It shouldn't be that way. If the armoury is properly outfitted, maybe gamma and ERTs won't be called as much. If red means reasonable lethal threats are brought to antags; maybe antags will learn to not go balls to the wall at round start, because they know they can get away with it, because security can't fight back. Maybe red alert will actually mean something, again. Right now, it is a functional blue alert that no one takes seriously. Red alert is raised 15 minutes into a round, and it stays like that until the end. Hell; this even ties into the shuttle call being reduced to 5 minutes; that's not fair to antags, just because red is the new blue alert. Seriously, when gamma, a moderate security force, and an ERT team isn't enough, something is wrong.
    1 point
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