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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/28/2018 in all areas

  1. Hmmmmmmmmmm.... I heard you guys really like clowns... And even more than that, you just worship changelings! Well, i have something that you, with your filthy taste, might find incredibly satisfying! Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our guest from deep dark maintenance - THE STALKING CHANGLING CLOWN!
    4 points
  2. ah nothing can stop me, i am on my drawing spree. before going to bed decided to make a quick rough deathsquad sketch. Ended up as a visit card
    3 points
  3. I've been on a Mignola/Miller kick lately.
    3 points
  4. Two scientist tresspased into Gateway. Officer went after them. Scientists returned and said that officer died. Rescue team with HoS and one officer(me). I found EMP spellbook and I used it, but I died becouse of my mechanical heart. HoS pulled my dead body to other room, NPC morph atacked him, he started running around untill he died from wounds. Original officer's body was not present in gateway...
    2 points
  5. That is absolutely amazing. xD. Definitely going in her profile. Nice work man~
    1 point
  6. time to shill: Ever want to see your character drawn in the style of Sin City? Hit me up. Images are at 1800 x 2057 300dpi. Contact me here or on Discord (FeiH#6969) if interested.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. A few rounds back last week, I remember this officer doing his own thing. First time was when I crossed them stripping the mime down in the prisoner-locker room; and they told me not to interfere when I thought the mime invisi-walled them. Anyway, they said that they were doing it on 'HoS orders'. So, okay. I go back out on patrol. Soon we get a call about acid peels. Okay, we deal with the clown fast enough. Then I hear calls to arrest that officer in particular. I ask if they warned them first, and they did. The officer was going around, slipping everyone with acid peels. ...Okay? So the guy's near me, I taze and cuff him, drag him to processing. He starts complaining to high hell. The flyboy comes along and tries to talk sense into him, that he's not a clown, that these peels hurt. Result: Shitcurity was spammed 40, 50 times, and he SSDs. Then later we stop the mime from [justly] suicidin' themselves, we find out that no, the HoS didn't tell him to perma the mime for...trespassing. That guy...that's the epitome of shitcurity, so far as I've seen it. There are the guys who love rules, the guys who think antags are terrible people, but this guy? Pure shit.
    1 point
  9. My tales of incompetence and failed role play. 1. Being arrested for assaulting an officer. By this I mean walking into one with an intent that makes me push him. 2. Being arrested for assaulting an officer. By that I mean running up to one and yelling "STOP! RANDO SERCHO!" Then accusing them of being a enemy of the corporation when they start to ask me what the hell I'm doing. 3. Getting harmed with the stun baton as a mute for taking off my cuffs to point at paper. Not running or even moving, just sitting... pointing at paper. 4. Going to up the Brig to turn myself in just to be attacked when trying to say "I'm here to turn myself in." I kinda get this one, but it was green and I think standard operating procedures say something about using words. 5. NO ONE IN SECURITY EVER TALKING. Please just take the time to hear me out. I get it! I just turned the mime into meat and ate him, but I still have my side of the story after all! 6. Being put in prison for hitting a dead animal with a baseball bat. 7. Myself any and all times I try to work in the security department. 8. Being forced off a meat spike when I'm in crit, begging for them to stop. 9. "SPIDER IN HEAD OF SECURITY'S OFFICE!" I like to hear this since I did the exact thing my first time in the Brig. ON THE OTHER HAND SOME GOOD SECURITY THINGS I HAVE SEEN ARE. 1. Letting me shower when covered in blood. 2. Respectfully waking up to me in red and asking for me to come to the Brig with them. No cuffs or anything. I get that this one can be a good way to die as a security officer but it made my day when it happened. 3. Getting me smokes, Food, and drinks when asking for them. Karma for you good sir. 4. I once asked for 26 hugs and I got all 26.
    1 point
  10. Wizard Round - Walking down corridor from arrivals, about 5 mins into the shift. Pop goes the wizzy who walks past me and fireballs me - first casualty of the round. Still alive, but burning and screaming, fading and going into critical. See a sec officer walking up, I think, 'Phew, some help... maybe he can get me to medbay qui... wait, why am I being brought to security...' At this point, I'm unable to talk. Still alive though, and on fire. Get brought to processing while the coms are going mad with 'Wizard attack in cargo! Hurry!" Sec officer buckles me to a chair in processing - still on fire. At this point, I died. Warden comes in, see's the burning corpse strapped to a chair, and after a few seconds of wondering WTF, he puts me out. The other sec officer goes, "O... he's dead." It takes a further 5 minutes for me to get dragged to medical...
    1 point
  11. Oh boy, I finally have a story for this thread, even if it's kind of short. So, I decided to play my grey Seven in science for a round. Everything's going good, it's a rather quiet round for me so far. Then we get spiders. I start walking around welding vents and stuff, and come across a spider in experimentor that's standing there trying to attack a wall because it can't get to me, so I just stand there and stare at it for a moment. Another scientist walks up with a monkey and suggests feeding the monkey to the spider, and I decide to humor him, so I point to the door and he opens it, so the spider immediately attacks me. We manage to kill it, but being a fragile grey, I die as a result of it. And here's where the shitcurity comes in; the scientist who was with me drags me to medical through genetics, to get me to cryo, but another doc momentarily steals my corpse and scans me in the cloner, then the guy continues to drag me out of cloning to cryogenics where a random sec officer cuffs my corpse while they're trying to defib me. Then I pop out of cloning, naked and confused, and a doc lets me out, so I immediately notice my second body in the cryo pod and scream. I walk over to cryo to try to get my body back, and the officer from earlier attempts to cuff me despite the fact I've very obviously just gotten out of cloning. Doesn't even try to give me a chance to get some clothes on. He fires disablers at me but I run and hide behind the other people in cryo until my body pops out of the pod, at which point I drag it away to cloning so I can get dressed. The officer, of course, follows me and tries to arrest me AGAIN while I'm trying to get dressed. I can't exactly talk fast to him because I only speak wingdings, so I just back away repeatedly while putting all my clothes back on and dragging around my second body, which is alive because it was defibbed. Then... As I'm getting all my stuff, the officer harmbatons my second body, cuffs it, and drags it off to the brig, and it dies soon after. He doesn't even seem to realise he's arrested the wrong person, let alone the fact I followed him all the way to the brig. Or the fact there's two of me. I decide to chill in processing while the officer "processes" my corpse, and then the warden shows up, and the officer tells them that the HOP thinks I'm a changeling, and then starts punching my corpse a few times. I telepathically explain to the warden that the officer arrested my corpse instead of me, and that they have no reason to think I was a changeling. So the warden tells the officer he arrested a corpse, and then says to let me go. The officer never even seemed to realise he arrested the wrong body...
    1 point
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