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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/29/2018 in all areas

  1. When the engineers are worried about the type of engine the Chief Engineer wishes to build, maybe the CE should listen. Or maybe she should enforce her rule with an iron fist and build the damn engine anyway. Jane Doe is one such CE. If she wants to break the laws of physics by harnessing the power of a black hole, she damn well builds the Singulo. No matter the possible repercussions. After all, what can go wrong? You just have to set up the containment, power down the PA and check on it every now and then. "But what if something goes wrong?" asks the newly recruited engineer Alexander. "Nothing will go wrong," she reassured him. "Where's your spirit of adventure? This uncertainty is what engineering is all about." "We're all gonna die if you don't build the Tesla." "Hush now," Jane Doe hissed. "The Singularity is the superior engine." "The Singularity is the superior engine," Poly repeated. It was this moment of RNG that should have made me wary. But I felt like Poly was endorsing me, rather than tempting Lady Fortune. Boy, was I wrong. Who could have known that the AI was malfunctioning and would send the Borgs to the containment field? Who could have expected that the Singularity would, defying all laws of physics and quantum mechanics, teleport through the station? Who could have foreseen the singularity cleaving the station in two, straight down the middle, from containment to permabrig, leaving a clean cut as straight as he edge of a razor? "The Singularity is the superior Engine."
    5 points
  2. I've done a few sketches of BEER and DICE as traitors, even have little phrases for them BEER: "I'd offer you a drink, but *esword activates* you know how it is." DICE: "Care for a game of cards?" "No? *pulls a revolver* How about roulette?" Anyway, great art as always dreamy! Charisma emanates from traitor Zeke
    3 points
  3. I took part in an art contest, the theme(?) was multiverses. So, the idea was to take your OC, look at their back story and change an action they did. This could be how they reacted to an out come, or picking a different decision. So I basically turned Zeke into a villain(?) When he came to the realization of his childhood and little bits that NT was involved in it, so going all "fuck this shit" he stopped working on one of the NT station, some point he joined the Syndicate(?) Because generic Villain back story? Is it Generic? I dunno, let's get on with some pictures. Normal Zeke and Traitor Zeke, he's a very dramatic man, and isn't much for subtlety He has burn(?) scars from being too close to an explosion. Ended up getting a Robotic arm as his took most of the impact of the explosion losing a lot of nerves and feelings in it. Fun sketches. It was a lot of fun drawing and thinking about a "what if" kind of thing. Will I draw more of Traitor Zeke? I dunno, probably. I would love to hear if anyone else has thought of things like this.
    3 points
  4. FROM: YAMORIMLO TO: WHOEVER BOTHERS Greetings Yo what's up. I just started playing some SS13 out of my love for the game Barotrauma and I've been enjoying it so far. Got a couple of good stories already, but I'm sure it's nothing out of the ordinary. I hope to be playing on this server a lot and contribute to the forums with bad memes and crappy posts like this one. Until then, see y'all in the server. Also I love movies a lot Like a lot An unhealthy amount
    3 points
  5. Ahh it ain't as bad as you think it is. You know what I love about this Voxxy? You managed to perfectly capture the insane/angry look he has....I'm sure he is about to say "Voxxy will killings yousies right nows!" Keep it up!
    2 points
  6. It's at the point that I'm happy with it. Even if the tank needs to be bigger and the proportions are awful, That and the scarf is bad and it's hard to tell the arm is under it.
    2 points
  7. I both love and hate how this thread has turned away from its original purpose of people sharing unique experiences from sec to mostly just reading the title and sharing stories about actual shitcurity. My tounge in cheek title coming back to bite me XD
    2 points
  8. ah nothing can stop me, i am on my drawing spree. before going to bed decided to make a quick rough deathsquad sketch. Ended up as a visit card
    2 points
  9. That is absolutely amazing. xD. Definitely going in her profile. Nice work man~
    1 point
  10. thank you! Dont you see two giant scratchers?!
    1 point
  11. One problem i would have with that, is that it mechanically enforces your characters knowledge. We do have people who are in relationships with others on the station, and suddenly, you can't seem to connect their voice to them because they are in another department? There also would be the problem of the radio, if you would need to see an ID to link the voice to a person, you would mostly hear unknowns, and such, as civilian, you can't be sure if the call of a plasma fire in science that spread into the hallways would be from an engineer or scientist, to warn people about it, or just a bored cargo tech. Given how tcomms can add job titles to the person speaking on comms, i always figured that they are more than just simple headsets, and would work as a voice identification device, or at least would tell you what tcomms tells you about them.
    1 point
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