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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2018 in all areas

  1. Command [Captain] AI/Captain tips? [General] How to be a good Head, and not a ComDom [General] "NAS Trurl here" - A Guide to Faxes [Head of Personnel] How to HoP - Guide [Magistrate] The Magistrate --- Not the Law, but close! [Nanotrasen Representative] Nanotrasen Representative Guide Engineering [Atmospheric Technician] Baxter's Guide to Atmospherics - V2 [Atmospheric Technician] Patton Hunts for Turbine (WIP) [Atmospheric Technician] Setting up the turbine for dummies [Station Engineer] OH GOD IT'S LOOSE - Guide to Singularity Safety [Station Engineer] Quarks Video Guides to Engineering [Mechanic] A Mechanic's Guide to Pods! (And space) Medbay [Chemist/Doctor] Quarks Video Guides to Medbay. [Chemist] Beginner's Guide to Chemistry (Medical) [Chemist] Praxis' guide on how NOT to get fired from MedChem [Doctor] Ansari's Complete Guide to Medical Doctor & Medchem [Doctor] Guide to Defilibrators [Doctor] Guide to keep Vox alive in surgery - For all surgeons [Virologist] Virology Done Quick Security [Brig Physician] A Brief Guide to Brig Physican [Brig Physician] How 2 Brig Physician with Hylo (WIP) [Brig Physician] The Brig Physician - A saint among devils [Detective] Bright's (Practical) Guidelines for Detective Duty - Revised [General] Hints about Security [General] Quick Crash Course in Security [Security Officer] A few notes on how to not be shitcurity [Security Officer] Brigging a Vox - Procedures to keep in mind [Warden] Warden tips Service [Bartender] A Synthanolic's guide to Bartending. [Bartender] Video Guide List! [Botany] Full guide to New Botany by a 4rry [Botany] Praxis' Guide to Botany (For real this time) [Botany] Thalis Ultra compact guide to self sufficent botany [Chaplain] Guide To Gods and Prayer [Chaplain] Some Random Prayers. [Chef] Tips for being a faster/better/more efficient chef? [Clown] You have been HONKed in the groin. A guide to clownery [Janitor] Janitor: How Not To Suck At Your Job [Janitor] Mavor's Custodial Tips [Journalist] Press Corps: License to Slander (Journalist) [Journalist] R.V.D.'s guide to journalism! Science [Roboticist] Bigfat's guide on Limb Augmentation [Roboticist] Guide to Building a H.O.N.K Mech [Roboticist] Zero.Platform's guide to IPC repair/surgery [Roboticist] Zero.Platform's habits of Highly Effective Roboticists [Scientist] A Comprehensive Guide on Xenobiology [Scientist] A Dogbeasts Guide to R&D [Scientist] A scientist's guide to getting your own soap/candle! [Scientist] Guide to Anomaly Fighting [Scientist] Improved's cheap guide to bombs [Scientist] List of all Tech Origins in items (RnD levels) [Scientist] Tripods guide to Illegal technology! [Scientist] Xenobiology and You!A Sans-sational guide to slime breeding! Supply [Cargo Technician] Beginner's Guide to Cargo Technician [Shaft Miner] Introduction to -tg- Mining Synthetic [AI] AI/Captain tips? [AI] Alarm sounds for AI voice use feature [AI] Diablo's Virtual Intelligence Compendium (AI) [AI] I found a nice tcommscript for the ai i want to share. [AI/Cyborg] Guide to Robocop [Cyborg] L.A.R.S. Guide to Being a Badass Service Borg [Maintenance Drone] Basic drone behaviour guide. Antagonist [General] A gentleman's guide to murder [General] ALL OUT CONTRABAND HIDING the guide [General] Creative Antag Plans [General] How to subvert the AI like a pro. (LONG) [General] "THE AI IS MALF" - Guide to Subverting the AI [Nuke Ops] Nuke ops guide V2 - THE SPESS JAM IS BACK [Nuke Ops] Nuke ops Training course V1 [Traitor] Comprehensive list of tips for traitors [Traitor] K3's Bombastic Guide to Blowing Holes in Your Ship [Traitor] Regen´s guide to traitoring [Traitor] Scrat's Guide to Guardians Technical Guide to contributing to the server [No longer WIP] Launching Paradise on Steam! monster860's Guide to Adminbus - Flipping the Escape Shuttle monster860's Guide to Adminbus - Shuttles Windows 10 or any gaming pc? Frozen Screen? Try this! Miscellaneous A Study in Imitating Nubby Nubs. A Guide to Petty Crime. Addiction Explained An IPC's guide on Not Getting Killed! Basic Telecomms Job Script with Customization! FalseIncarnate's Guide to Fish Farming Guide to Combat: How to lose friends and infuriate people. Guide to Flavor Text. Guide to Prayer Guide to roleplaying as a Diona Guide to setting up a telecomms script Guide to stealth and escaping. Guide to Tcomm Scripting How to: Be a Comdom How To Open Abandoned Crates: The Multitool Way Job tricks Mortality and you: How not to die! New Player Guide - Game Events: IT'S AN EMERGENCY! What should I do? Survival 101 - How to stay alive. The Gamer's Guide to the Arcade The NSSCyberaid Telecom Configuration Reference Tips on getting karma Tips to Multicultural Languages Non-serious FalseIncarnate's Comprehensive Guide to Pet Rocks Fox's Guide to be being the BEST HoP EVER Getting along in Paradise Guide to being e Renevant - How to be an Asshat Guide to IPC humanization surgery Guide to making a proper pAI How to ERP like a Pro Jim's guide to Mining. Jim's guide to Surgery on Voxes Minmaxing the Janitor Nuke op guide to basketball With Great Power: A Guide to Vigilantism Outdated Guide to Surgery Malpractice bay 2.0 or WTF are you doing with my organs? Map of the Cyberiad's power grid, and some notes Mark's guide to crapcurity. Praxis', Jeb's, and Cid's Guide to RnD (WiP) Scrat's Race Guide (last updated 03/04/2015) Some guides were left out either because every part of them was outdated or because they did not fit into any category!
    2 points
  2. 1 point
  3. Welcome to Cargonia! This is a brief guide on what to do as a Cargo Technician (cargo tech or CT), intented for new players. Cargo is a small but essential department of the station. If it runs well, the entire station will benefit from it. Main responsibilities You have four jobs to do: Order and deliver crates Print and hand out items from the Autolathe Overwatch the Ore Redemption Machine (ORM) Handle disposals It might seem a lot at first but let's go over them step by step. Also don't forget that you are not alone - you have a colleague and your boss, the Quartermaster. Should you get lost anytime, ask them for help! Order and Deliver Crates Crates of goods can be ordered with supply points. Supply points are earned over time or by shipping specific items. Shipping Crates Go to Cargo Bay, west from the main office Drag a closed, preferably filled crate onto the shuttle (or use the conveyor belts) Close the airlocks and send the shuttle (see below) Shipping empty crates doesn't yield too much but it is a tradition to do it at the start of the shift. Later you can fill it with the following items for a tremendous amount of points: Supply manifest (they come with ordered crates, stamp them with APPROVED or DENIED accordingly) Technology disks (Scientists can bring them) Plasma sheets (obtained from the ORM, see below) Mutated botany seeds (you'll almost never get this) Now that we have points - and Cargo should always have points, what if an emergency situation kicks in? - let's move on to how to order crates and handle orders. There are two consoles in the Cargo Office area, the Supply Shuttle Console and the Supply Ordering Console. The latter is used by the crew to order things so let's focus on the former. Ordering Crates The Supply Shuttle Console is the heart of Cargo. It sends and calls the supply shuttle (with its corresponding Supply Control buttons) and you can accept or deny supply crates with it. A few tips: Never send the shuttle without checking Cargo Bay and/or asking if it is good to go. If someone is in the middle of loading it and you send the shuttle, you space your colleague, most often killing them with it. Never deny a crate without a good reason. People will usually order what they really need. If it seems out of place (insulated gloves for Medbay, supermatter shard for Security), ask your Quartermaster to review it. If it is a crate called ERROR_NULL_ENTRY, send a message to the Head of Security/Warden through your PDA and stay silent. Why? Because it's a syndicate (= antagonist) crate full of contraband items and, more importantly, someone just blew 140 points that cannot go unpunished. It's tempting to order 5 crates of pizza with 3 crates of corgis when you are bored and I wouldn't blame you for it. However, if you order something for yourself, try to check in with the Quartermaster (they'll almost never deny a pizza crate) and make sure there will be supply points left. It's also tempting to order things that "might come handy later". This is generally frowned upon and I'd rather you didn't do it either. This includes ordering insulated gloves (when the AI isn't rogue/engineering didn't ask for it), weapons (when there is no nuclear emergency/security didn't ask for it), space suit crate (this is almost never justified), you get the idea. The golden rule for how not to be annoying in this game is "just because you can, you shouldn't". It's also a good idea to put every order the console prints to the filing cabinet below it. This way you can keep a track of crates, who ordered what and when. It's rarely asked for, paperwork is not enforced on this server, but sometimes Security come over to check it. Delivering Crates The last part of this section is how to deliver crates. There are three ways of doing it: sending it through the disposals, with a MULE, and delivering it personally. Sending it through the disposals is the most preferred method - it's fast, safe, and efficient. Disposal units aren't simply trash bins, they form a complex system capable of sending items (and people) from one unit to another. (Though people can only end up in Cargo, they cannot be tagged.) Wrap a crate with a wrapping paper to turn it into a delivery crate Use the destination tagger in your hand, select the target office and click on the delivery crate with it Put it on the conveyor belt (the horizontal one) and click on the conveyor stick. Make sure there is no trash on the horizontal belt before you send the crate or it will be delivered with your shipment. If there are massive explosions on the station, the piping system can be compromised. In this case, MULEbots (but preferably, personal delivery) should be utilized. MULEbots are incredibly stupid and slow machines, preferred by some people... For unknown reasons. Never send two mules after each other to the same destination. They will get stuck and beep in the maintenance until the end of shift. This is a personal opinion but I suggest never using them at all. However, since this is a guide, I should include how to use them: Drag the crate on top of the MULE Set a destination on its control panel Send the MULE The last way to deliver crates is delivering them in person. Control-click the crate to drag it and run to your destination. This is probably your only chance to get out of Cargo a bit and look around on the station. The Autolathe The Autolathe is a machine that can print simple items. Insert Metal and Glass sheets into it then click on it to use it. People will stand in a queue to ask for items. You'll most often asked for buckets, beakers and construction tools (welding mask, screwdriver, multitool, and so on). While many items, especially the multitool and the welding tool can be used for nefarious purposes, you should almost never deny an autolathe request. Don't forget that your character doesn't know about "antagonists", it shouldn't expect everyone trying to hack airlocks or make makeshift weapons. My piece of advice is, just hand out everything unless it's clearly a weapon (speedloader, flamethrower, slugs). You can click on the windoor on the table to keep it open, then take the printed item from the Autolathe, press R and throw it on the table. This will not only save you from a hundred steps to and from the table but it will also give you the "oh this guy knows what he is doing" aura. The Ore Redemption Machine (ORM) If the Supply Shuttle Console is the heart of Cargo then the ORM is its backbone. Miners returning from the asteroid bring their ores to the ORM which smelts them into usable sheets. Minerals are mostly used by Scientists, Roboticists, and Engineering. There isn't much to do about the ORM if you are new. You can use it to dispense Metal and Glass sheets for the Autolathe or Plasma sheets for supply points (see above) - make sure there are at least 30 sheets of plasma left if you use it for supply points. The only thing you should look out for is people wrenching it. The ORM can be moved by wrenching it then dragging it around like a crate. Some people do it after flushing themselves down the disposals (see below) to get out quickly. Good lord is it annoying, but the most you can do is to make sure the ORM gets back to its place. If the ORM gets stolen or destroyed, it can petrify the entire station. Luckily, it almost never happens. Disposals The disposals system isn't only for sending items but also for what the name suggests - handling the trash. People flush down the weirdest things (including other people) and you have the thankless job to sort it out. While you don't have to do it, it can be very rewarding. This section can be entirely skipped but I suggest reading it. Tips: Stand next to the trash pile and alt-click it. A "floor" tab will appear on the top-right where you can inspect dozens of items without freezing your client. Sometimes you can find weapons, headsets or even IDs in there. It's NOT for you to keep - if it's something illegal or related to Security, notify Security immediately. Sometimes people flush down themselves to unstuck themselves or to run from security. If you hear security screaming about it, do NOT let out the person who comes in. Let out everyone else. It's an annoying job to do but they can get out with other methods and you sure don't want that. Once you are done with sorting out trash, pull the conveyor sticks to send the trash into the delivery chute. The conveyor belt sends things to "Disposals". It's a small room in the maintenance. Go to the supply shuttle, open the yellow airlock to the north (called "Cargo Bay Maintenance") and head to the west. It is very important to keep the conveyor belt turned off here as this place can kill, even permamently kill people. The Recycler turns certain items into ores and sends it to the stacking machine. If Cargo is really low on minerals, you can use the green console on the wall to retrieve some sheets from it. There are two buttons just next to the mass driver. The "Disposal Vent Control" opens and closes the blast door - open it to move the non-recycable trash on top of the mass driver, then use the "Mass Driver Button" to eject it into space. Don't forget to close the blast doors and turn off the conveyor belt after you're done! That's it. It might seem a lot to do at first, but as I said before, rely on your colleagues! Cargo is a usually close-knit department, probably the most accepting and welcoming workplace on the entire server. You cannot mess up too much, you can learn a great deal about the game and you can easily make friends here. I can only recommend CT for a new player, be it a new player to the server or to the entire game.
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