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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2018 in all areas

  1. Because I like demons, here's a sketch of two demons, Azriel and Annette, She stole he's shirt. A sketched up a bust of someone's characters who I follow on DA Say hello to Lust and Pride(?) I actually drew this up a long time ago, these were two characters I made up from a set of images I found. They're blood mages(?) in a world that frowns upon blood magic, but they're rich so they get away with it. what a bunch of ass holes, huh. Look it's a Churchy. She's cute. I've gotten into an obsession(?) of making Aesthetic Boards, send help. If you don't know what an Aesthetic Board is, it's just basically a bunch of images thrown together in some sort of nice placement to show off what a character (or anything) is like. I'm not really good at explaining things Here's my classy bastard Zeke Varloss Jonah Bright, Churchy, Dreamy Rockwall, NECROMANCER, Huh... a lot of pictures to go through this post. :sweats:
    2 points
  2. Hey there! Look at that! Some fucko made the Skrell planet-thingy. This post is an absolute mess, but I figured that I might as well post it considering I put (some) effort into this. I was just looking at the Paradise Station Wiki, and I was looking at the images of the planets where all the different types of species are from. I thought I'd have a go at making a 3D Planet of the Skrell homeworld. it's just the images on there are a little small, and I kinda thought that it would be a good idea to do something like this. So yeah! Posting this in the graphics because that's what I was told where to put it. I know... the gif sucks, and it's laggy and what-not. Maybe one day I'll actually put some proper effort into making all the homeworlds? Eh. Who knows. Anyways! I hope you like this whoever's reading this and or looking at that weird spinning thing just below this text.
    1 point
  3. https://managore.itch.io/planetarium
    1 point
  4. With all the serious debates about security gameplay going on nearby, this is something we need but dont deserve) Your character arts are awesome!
    1 point
  5. "Earth, stop spinning!" "No!" -2013, probably.
    1 point
  6. S'not bad, s'not bad at all.
    1 point
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