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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/2018 in all areas

  1. The Robusta Cafe. Get Drunk and get your ass kicked at the same time. (Boxing gloves must be worn for those entering the arena) Had a few good rounds in there until the terror spider came and ate me behind the bar.
    2 points
  2. I used to play a sassy witch-hat wearing cargo vox. It was pretty much my main thing for a long time. While you may not be able to force other people to play the way you want you can change how you play. There are a few things you as a cargo tech/quartermaster can do to make your job more interesting and more enjoyable/streamlined. The Filing Cabinet is your friend: Create folders for each department and store them in the filing cabinet. (store approved orders in the folder of the department that ordered them) Create one folder for declined requests and throw all the declined ones in it. You have a warehouse. Use it.: Keep emergency supplies and commonly requested supplies on hand in the warehouse. It'll cut down on wait times if you have the points to spare on stocking it. Restock Tool Storages/Vending Machines: Your job is to keep the station well-supplied after all. Pay attention to comms aka Be Proactive instead of Reactive: You don't have to wait for someone to order something. If you hear there's vamps maybe order some extra bloodbags for medical. If there's a lot of injury and not many medical staff then more first aid kits are probably a good idea. Take initiative and order things before everything is exploding. You can also periodically contact the heads of departments and ask if they require any crates. Often some departments are too busy to come order things but they may be short of supplies. Initiate the contact with departments. :p
    2 points
  3. Woah, I noticed that I had two pictures from a while ago that I've forgotten to share on here. Here's Alex and Dreamy Rockwall. No lewds are going to happen. Is that an arm-blade in your pocket or are you just- wait, that doesn't make sense. It's always tough being a doctor, you don't know the kind of people you're helping A R.A.B.B.I.T aesthetic board. hop hop hop hop! A kinda silly(?) picture of Zeke's place, Churchy doesn't sleep at night too often, so she spends a lot of nights looking into the fridge, Jonah sometimes keep sleep at night because reasons, so he works on things in the kitchen spending time with Churchy. They're used to this. Zeke on the other hand is confused and now understands why the hydro bill is up.
    2 points
  4. Necaladun has retired as of this time, although it'll take awhile to weasel all the bastards permissions out of the system and hand things over properly.
    2 points
  5. These are great ideas FoS. While I rarely play cargo, apart from being proactive I never really knew what to do... These things seem to spice it up, I'll try them. Thank you!
    1 point
  6. Ayy, you may've seen me around the station a few times, and I decided to join the discord n' forums cause why not. I really hope "New Topic" means post somethin' and I'm not messing with the layout or anything.
    1 point
  7. That rewarding feeling when you, in your spare engineering time, make a spare room outside escape that's apparently so convincing, Command thinks that it's an actual ship that's docked beside the station. Mind, this screenshot is after the announcement, when people came in to check it out and summarily helped me finish and decorate the room.
    1 point
  8. I'd be fine with just the self attachment bit. I kind of feel like the internal damage is kinda like a broken bone/internal bleeding analogue that you NEED help to get it fixed. Though in reality that's not 100% true because you can hop in an upgraded recharger to repair that basic internal damage. So its kinda like Borg 'cryo tanks' aren't on station round start but they can fix broken bones. I'd say IPCs aren't in a hugely disadvantageous position but still lag behind some. Their 'advantages' are pretty double edged or easily replicatable. No need to breath? Wear internals. Not affected by toxic/sleepy chems? Still affected by burning chems and also not affected by good chems. Not affected by bad viruses? Not affected by good ones either and whens the last time a bad virus has been more than an inconvenience. No radiation damage? They kinda get this one, they also can't get powers but those aren't as common. No welding eye damage? They get this one. So for their kinda already balanced buffs they get an extreme EMP vunerability and 1.5x damage. I think it could use some tweaks somewhere.
    1 point
  9. Here's a more mechanical reason this can't fly. The grilles between the lobby and cells is shocked. When someone's attempting to break out it can sometimes go unnoticed when the brig is busy.The repeated sound of shocks once you get to the grille help let security know when you are breaking out. Plus can kill you if you aren't an antag with self healing abilities. With this new setup you are one windoor away from freedom. People who are both antags and non antags try to break out frequently, far more frequently than people accidentally get left in the brig for an extra few minutes after thier sentence is up. If you want to argue sec needs to do a better job watching prisoners, work sec for a few hundred hours and you'll see that sometimes its just too busy. Or too much of sec is dead. Especially when you frequently have non antags pushing the limits of nearly self antagging added on top of the actual antags chaos, and criminals who will literally kill themself because they can't wait the 5 minutes for thier sentence to be up.
    1 point
  10. In response to above, Dinarzad. specifically about 4 of the 'medium suggestions' is that station bounced radios can already be set to other comms frequencies by the user as long as they have (I think) a headset with the encryption keys, so maybe what can be done is the ability to 'copy' a encryption key to stick into the pAI or just straight up have the holder decide what channels the pAI will be able to access of the channels the holder can, though that gives a smallish exploit of syndicate allies helping each other out by using pAIs to 'lend a ear' to other department radios and such, maybe a bit roundabout but they could trade pAIs a moment and give the access or whatever. At least how I imagine it. pAIs can already ask the AI to open doors and usually the AI is nice enough to do so, basic access would be nice but not needed, possible syndi upgrade or something to make them more useful for syndicate, who are also generally the ones that use em. Lets make a note that mid-round antags are played by players, why not give some more 'minor protag' role abilities? I get that the goal is to widdle down the station's crew. But the fact is that anybody can become a diona nymph and become a big impact on the station with just a few minutes and a dire situation pressuring command, those of us that do pAI don't care for becoming a big role, we just want close interactions and more people picking up pAIs, maybe this is actually the wrong way to go about it (giving more useful abilities, those people looking for things to help them out, so forth) but right about now it also seems like the best way with OOC muted during rounds.
    1 point
  11. @Threeinone we actually have lavaland almost implemented here, it’s been a project for a number of months. We just kinda need someone to do the final push.
    1 point
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