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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2018 in all areas

  1. I'm Dan. Feel free to call me Dan. I play Daniel Ullman in-game, most of the time. Sometimes I play as cyborgs or maintenance drones. Might set up an art thread or something, but it's been a while and I'm a little washed up, so we'll see.
    1 point
  2. Hey! I'm in this one!
    1 point
  3. I feel the opposite, that Cargo really shouldn't revolve around the autolathe at all. Cargo in my opinion is about mining and the cargo shuttle. Those are things that are completely unique to cargo, and therefore the things that should be developed. An autolathe isn't rare or special and shouldn't be, and adding a process to giving someone a flashlight or station bounced radio is just really silly to me.
    1 point
  4. How about that vox leap Eldritch Sigma's slime changes and grey changes are cool too
    1 point
  5. - IPCs are incredibly fragile... I know its their gimmick to be vulnerable to EMPs but really... instant kill? Who uses semiconductors and transistors in the future... or lacks emp proof materials. Make them pop off a limb, mute them and severly damage their internal components maybe. But not outright kill them. Its a joke for most antags to kill an IPC. - Greys could get an immunity to Fluorosulphuric Acid. Because the Sulphuric Acid immunity is pretty useless considering only Fluorosulpuric Acid is used for murder. That or maybe make Sulphuric acid heal them slowly over time, kind of like Saline Glucose, just less efficient. - Make cardtridges printable for plasmamans suits. Allow cargo to order spare plasmaman suits for some points. - Remove Slime Squishing, Make Slimes weak to all temperature extremes, not just cold, but give them chemical resistance. Neurotoxin and Sarin should do considerable less damage considering they lack a liver and their brain is their slime core. - Drask: Dunno make their armfins actually have a unique bashing sound because they look like they can be used for fighting. Make them maybe glow ever so slightly on their colored arm things. - Vulnerable to heat (not fire/laser/energy/xray damage, just hot atmos), but harder bones to break. Maybe do something with their bones like... not being able to use patches with styptic powder due to having an exoskeleton. Raise brute resistance to balance that out.
    1 point
  6. Name: Rsik Ugsharki. Commendation: Medal of Loyalty. Reason: exceptional loyalty to NT despite personal risk. Actions leading to Commendation: This first shift I ever saw Rsik Ugsharki. I was working as Magistrate at the time, getting my folders named and securing my gilded pen when I hear him offering protection over the general coms, His going rate was 500 credits per half-hour. As I was experiencing seizures at the time I was more then happy to hire him for the full shift. I fax the Head of Personnel telling him about my need of an assistant and told Rsik Ugsharki to head over to him over PDA messaging. He soon arrives at my office and was paid 4000 credits. From this point on he remained loyal, Constantly helping with my seizures and stuttering without batting an eye other offers. Rsik Ugsharki was later killed Xenomorphs and after having a new body created of a different species he was still loyal to me. Recommending Person: Jessica Connor I, Jessica Connor, do solemnly swear the above account is true, made in good faith, and understand that lying upon this commendation is grounds for immediate dismissal from NT and further penalties may apply.
    1 point
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