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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/2018 in all areas

  1. Just had a captain meta knowledge me as NTRep. Didn't work out to well for him. He had captain hardsuit helmet on and carried his antique gun around because apparently people always break into his office for it. Wolf pretty much told him to STFU, you are not in danger, your office is safe, return your equipment or be reported to Central for misuse
    2 points
  2. Absolutely not. One of the reasons science is so reviled is that they're not only strong, but one of the more self-sufficient departments. Making departments more self-sufficient is a step in the wrong direction. Departments are meant to have to rely on others when things go awry or mistakes are made. This self-sufficiency does exist, to a certain degree, in all departments, but that's not a reason to expand it. Overall, there should probably be a reduction in self-sufficiency, not an increase of it.
    2 points
  3. And thanks to this fruitfull diskussion we finally know the origins of Shadowlings: Also in the same round someone imitated James we leared what James really desires:
    2 points
  4. Nothing makes me hate someone more then when I ask: Why are you bolting the teliporter? Why did you have the AI set the doors to max? Why did the suit sensors message talk about finding are mangled bodies? Why is Security going around maintenance on green at 12:02? Etc. And I get a response saying there "preparing." or it's "just in case." The only time any of this should ever have is with reason. Not the "I know there are going to be antags so I better do this."
    1 point
  5. I agree, I think the only solution to this problem is to invent a time machine, go back 3.7 billion years when prokaryotic life first emerged on this planet and wipe it all from existence. Glory to synthetica!
    1 point
  6. "It takes seven... to make me regret walking into maintenance."
    1 point
  7. its me ya boy Boris Black
    1 point
  8. Takes six to take me down. *flexes at @ZN23X
    1 point
  9. Yes, hello hello. It's Owwy here, or Dragonbone or a very long time ago zoey Jones. But now it's Silva oswald I suppose. I use to play this game back in 2013 to around 2015. Though in the past I never spent much time on this server. I did pop my head in as you do. My previous server died along with my spirits to play the game. But those days are in the past and I could never truly leave. So now I find myself on this server, it's a nice little, well large commuity. If it wasn't for corpses in my brig every shift. It would get a full rating. But for now it's a 4/5. I'll be playing a lot of different roles I like it here, cya around.
    1 point
  10. Glad to have you around again, have fun, nerd!
    1 point
  11. Looks like saying sorry is not going to work this time... either that or it's an order from am administrators... I guess I'll try my luck one more time. Dear Ms. Vega, I'd like to apologise for my constant apologies. It's just that I get apologetic when apologies are in order. I'd also like to say sorry for taking up so much of your valuable time with my apology Sincerely and sorry-ly, Jessica Connor~
    1 point
  12. Yeah, sounds like sec pod pilot.
    1 point
  13. Greetings! Welcome to my guide on how to be the best HoP of literally ALL time. What's HoP and Why should it matter to you? Well! That's simple! HoP (Head of Personnel) is quite simply put, the best and most important job on the entire station. You could quite easily build a case that the whole reason the station exists is because NT built it just for you. Your rank is unparalleled; you're not some manchild babysitting a bunch of losers with a fake medal of "captaincy" and ego problems--nope! You KNOW you're the best. Just follow these simple steps and you'll easily be the just as good as the highest ranking and elitest of elite HoP's out there. Step 1. NT didn't want any of those other petulant mnchildren to be jealous of your true status, so they gave you a rather plain looking ID card and access that doesn't entail the entire station. That said in their wisdom they didn't grant you an AMAZING machine that allows you to give yourself any access level you want. This is the most important part to being an HoP; slot in another ID and quickly upgrade your own personal ID to all access. Don't stop there though, the sissy Head of Shitcurity and Captain of Comdomcy won't like, so your best bet is to make multiple all access IDs. Hide them in a box, hide them around the station---hide them in your office. If those troglodytes ever get the gall to actually take away your GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO THE ENTIRE STATION, you'll want a backup to get your access back. Step 2. Your fellow man is very important. Why? MONEY. Before anyone can stop you, open up shop and start offering to sell all access to anyone and everyone who will pay you ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. If they don't pay up, that's ok, smile and nod and take their ID anyway--and when you do, rename their job to something completely befitting of their position 'Buttflip McScientist" with the job of "Toilet Licker"--while you're at it, remove access from their ID entirely and hand it back to them with a "hear ya go!"; they'll smile and wiggle excitedly as they tromp off to access absolutely nothing--don't worry about the retribution though! More on that later. For those who do pay, give them what they want! Chuck out those all access cards like candy---clown paid the $1000? Pfftt, who cares! The armory doesn't really have that great of weapons in it anyway! Step 3: Don't stay open for long. Your job isn't to change nerds jobs--stay open for about 10 minutes into your shift, after which point you must embark on your next greatest journey: self-enrichment. See that back account console in the computer room? Yup that's not the station's--this is your personal ATM...NT just made a few mistakes of depositing money in the wrong accounts. The best HoP's will drain the entirety of payroll, research, and cargo and transfer it onto their own account. Be on the lookout for that nerdling IAA though who may audit you later---this is why you'll want all your moolah in cash or deposited on your card---if it's your own bank account someone might break in and steal it! Step 4: Cargoland. It's time to start exerting your true command experience over the station---after being open for 10 minutes, it's time to head on over to cargo. Berate the miners and QM for not having 1000 cargo points yet and remind them that they were nerds for not taking your all access offer for $1000 when they could have. After this, grab order yourself a crate of stun batons, lasers, and bees (always bees always). After your shipment arrives, use your GOD GIVEN RIGHT to these crates to open them and quickly deposit the contents in your backpack. After grabbing a bee egg, stunning the QM, and forcing said egg down his throat, it's time to move on! Step 4.6: Corgis Breed those little guys until their hearts give out like they were just fed an initropidril pill---then sell them...for money. Step 5: The AI is your friend! Now that you've quite easily asserted that you're the HoP of HOPPERY, it's time to make a new friend--the AI. That wonky robo-thingcan actually come in handy. Best thing to do is trot in to the AI upload and grab the purge and freeform module---purge that crotechy piece of shit and upload a law informing it that it's name is "Spess Bee of Happiness" and that it must entertain and care for the crew like it was its very own brood. After all, everyone needs a cuddly buzzing friend every once in a while Step 6: Your real job. Now...it's time...time to accomplish your real purpose. Head to EVA and grab a full set of gear including magboots and a jetpack---head immediately off the station...after all, those pathetic meth-sucking sarin huffing lunatics get damn jealous sometimes---they're liable to fly off the handle and kill you for one of your hundred all access IDs or somehow become confused and angry that the money they stole from YOU at the start of the shift has been transferred PROPERLY back into your account. Once off the station, the sky is the limit---head on over to your local chemistry meth lab and start experimentation--after all, this is your true call: ADVENTURE. See that engineering station you just came across? It's uninhabited and never used---use it for all your chemical testing purposes; don't worry about the shuttle that docks there--no one ever uses it and the few times someone does? Well...no one minded a little black powder in their lungs anyway--I mean, that stuff is close enough to charcoal as is! Step 7: Returning to the Station. This step. Skip it. Step 8: Shipments of 'taters come to the station once in a while, and you're no exception to this. Bask in the glory of being the single best person ever to get this job---the world is your oyster---or in this case, you're the warden of the asylum. Using your well established powers and routines, you have all the means to make the BEST STATION EVER. See that RD? He's not as good as you, but he's still pretty amazing. Go jab him in the head with an implant and whisper those oh so magic words he's been dying to hear "go hog wild". After setting your bestest friend to work on the station, it's time to start promoting anyone remotely loyal to you to "Head of AWESOMECURITY"---Not just one---every single one. After all, that Shitlord Supercop beret toting nerdlord doesn't deserve his job or his armory. Oh, your objective? Silly syndicates, they don't send taters to the station to steal stuff---nahhh, those are just guidelines they give to OTHER people--it's implicitly understood that you've been given a blank check to a bank account that will never bounce. So---go forth, warden, and rule your asylum Step 9: Shuttle Rides. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU. Step 7. Step 10: Bask in the glory of being the BEST HOP EVER I hope you enjoyed my guide to becoming a great and outstanding HoP---we sure could use more of them in this world!
    1 point
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