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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2018 in all areas

  1. I know you all have been wondering, "What would Zeke look like as a Zora?" Well wonder no longer! He is a pretty fish Here's a fun collab I did with someone from a random discord server! They did up a wonder sketch of my pink haired Demon that I thought it'd finish the picture.
    4 points
  2. Borg lockdown is very powerful, a borg is only able to talk locally and in binary chat when they are locked down. It is very useful, however in it's current state it is over powered and very unpleasant for a borg player. A borg can be locked down, the person who did it could be killed or distracted, and the borg is then screwed for the rest of the round. This also is way too easy a way to mess up the AI if they are malf, or even just suspected. A simple idea (I don't know how simple the code execution would be though) is to give lock down a time limit. 5-10 minutes or something in there, after which a borg automatically regains control of itself. Maybe make it so a borg can resist the lockdown and can "hack" itself out. Another additional possibility is to add a cooldown to the lockdown so that you have to use lockdown intelligently, because if you use it too early you can't lock down that borg for a short time. A lot of these ideas are minor though, the biggest thing is that it needs to be changed that borgs can be locked down and are left to rot for the rest of the round. The last round I played all of the borgs were locked down and we stayed that way for the rest of the round, until we got detonated. It was a very long time. One borg was on the construction station so he had basically no chance of ever being found. You are able to resist cuffs and welded lockers, you can break out of jail and perma, a locked down borg should be able to get themselves out or be released automatically. Permanently locking down borgs is super powerful, but much more importantly, is a HORRIBLE experience for a player and a fix should be implemented.
    2 points
  3. The changes suggested below the visual aid are mostly small text and description changes, but also include adding a few items such as a radio headset, assault belt, and armor vest. Currently the Solar Federation Marine job is under-powered, and when they show up and split up they're immediately without communication and also cannot holster their weapons properly. This suggestion list has changes that would let them communicate, holster their ARGs, hold their knife and ammo in a belt, and just operate far better. The biggest change suggestion however is adding a TSF radio channel for them to communicate with each other. They operate in large numbers and a dedicated channel would benefit them. This job already exists, these are change suggestions to a pre-existing job to balance it to be feasible. I've talked with Birdtalon, Shockpoint, BlessedTuna, Spacemanspark, R1f73R (Ide Taro), C.A.S. (Casey), and Fraggloid. We've fine tuned it and agree these changes are due. The current Solar Federation Marine event job inventory: 1 security backpack 1 box containing breath mask, emergency oxygen tank, and emergency autoinjector. 1 ARG 3 toploader magazines (5.56mm) 1 combat knife 1 magboots 1 combat boots 1 combat gloves 1 Sol Federation marine uniform 1 Sol Federation marine cap 1 ID Card (Solar Federation Marine) Suggested changes to text and description: Have marines spawn with rank names: Currently they spawn with names like Ishmael Bunten, instead have names like Private Bunten. Like the ERT. Rename ID cards to “Trans-Solar Federation Marine”, more accurate. Rename “Sol Federation marine uniform” to “Trans-Solar Federation Marine Uniform” Change description of uniform from “A comfortable and durable combat uniform worn by Sol Federation Marine Forces.” to “A comfortable and durable combat uniform worn by marines of the Trans-Solar Federation.” Rename “Sol Federation marine cap” to “Trans-Solar Federation Marine Cap” Change description of cap from “A soft cap worn by marines of the Sol Federation.” to “A soft cap worn by marines of the Trans-Solar Federation.” Change ARG description from “A robust assault rile used by Nanotrasen fighting forces.” to “A robust assault rifle used by various fighting forces.” Change toploader magazine (5.56mm) description from “A box of ammo? There are 30 shells left!” to “An ammunition magazine. There are 30 shells left.” Change 5.56 bullet casing description. “A 5.56mm bullet casing. This one is spent” Just add a period after the word "spent". Suggested changes to marine equipment: Give marines ERT-level access cards, they are an emergency response force. Make marine ID cards have a unique appearance, or at least be blue? Blue is the TSF color. Give marines an armor vest, for protection. It would also allow holstering of the ARG. Give marines an assault belt to hold their knives and ammo. They currently have nothing to hold them except their backpack. Give marines a radio headset, and a station bounced radio. They currently have zero communication options. Replace security backpack with a leather satchel, the Nanotrasen security backpack does not fit for Trans-Solar Federation marines. Suggested changes to the SecHud: Give the Trans-Solar Federation Marine job a SecHud icon. They currently are just displayed as the ID-less question mark. Suggested changes to radio channels: Introduce a Trans-Solar Federation radio channel, which these radio headsets would be able to access.
    1 point
  4. I don't really see the problem with ascension, it's like saying cult summoning their god which just kills every who gets near it isn't fun. The slings have already won and the round is going to be over in roughly 5 minutes anyways
    1 point
  5. Welcome to paradise! I hope you enjoy your time here
    1 point
  6. Well welcome man, hope to see you on the station sometime.
    1 point
  7. ZN23X has passed their trial and is now a Game Administrator. In other news, Normalyman has joined the staff as a Trial Administrator.
    1 point
  8. I think it's about time I put effect into an IPC Character.
    1 point
  9. Just as a disclaimer, this isn't meant to be a guide to scripting (I'm not super familiar with NTSL myself). But, I can answer your questions: In my script, to change the job name displayed, you would do something like this. This turns "Biomechanical Engineer" into "Robro": if($job == "Biomechanical Engineer"){ color = "3b3b3b"; // Science Radio cardcolor = "cb7cc5"; $job = "Robro"; } To replace text, you would use the "doAsdafagus" function or the equivalent in your script. This turns "captain" into "cap" and highlights it: $content = doAsdafagus($content, "captain", "<b><u><font color=#aa9100>Cap</font></u></b>");
    1 point
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