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  1. Combinations that are too powerful are removed to prevent abuse. A hulk can not have carp projectile protection, or a double esword, a bunch of powerful genetics powers will cause you to die from genetic instability, carp should not be able to be combined with antags such as changelings or vampires, vampires especially. Vampires are very dangerous in close quarters. They have excellent stun abilities with an AOE glare, a stunning shriek. They can summon bats to help them escape, they can shadowstep out or mist form away. They have an anti stun, they have thermal vision. A single full feeding will give most of these powers. Combining this with immunity to all projectiles is ridiculous. Now the obvious argument against this is that vampires dont have easy access to hulk, they don't get telecrystals or an uplink. While that is true, currently it is not working out that way. People are purposefully seeking out traitors to get carp fist, usually in exchange for completing their objectives. As well with the current round balance, traitors+ rounds are very common so having vamps and traitors in the same round is fairly likely. An obvious solution would be to crack down on friends seeking each other out to try to code word each other to get their carp, but that doesn't appear to be against the rules technically and much more importantly would require a ton of work from the admins. The simplest solution is simply to make it so a vampire can not use a carp scroll. If they want to get syndie equipment they still can to help them, but not something quite that incredibly over powered.
    2 points
  2. TEENY TINY ROBOTS! (and one slime) it's SAM, STERLING, LUMI, ELO, PATCH, BEER, BT-7274, ID107, and serac ( unrelated: i totally forgot i was going to draw tetra last time i looked at this thread, i am a sham )
    2 points
  3. IMHO, sleeping carp should not be in the game at all. Total immunity to ranged attacks is quite simply too strong. Most attacks in the game, certainly most of the higher-end ones, are ranged. It might as well be 'total immunity to a majority of all attacks in the game'. That's too strong. It is ridiculous. You can't parry a bullet. Even if you were fast enough to parry or dodge one bullet, there comes a point with enough bullets where it is physically impossible to dodge no matter how fast you are. This is even sillier in the case of lasers. How are you going to deflect a laser with your bare hands? It is impossible. It reaches new heights of absurdity when you talk about things like missiles, or x-ray lasers. How exactly are you going to parry an x-ray laser which is totally unaffected by solid matter, and will pass right through your hands even if you were magically fast enough to even catch it? It is cheesy as hell. The voice quips you do when you're using carp sound like they came out of a terrible and slightly racist kung fu movie. That said, I realize some people might like sleeping carp. If sleeping carp has to remain in the game: It should not be possible to use carp as a vampire. The combination is too strong. It forces everyone else to engage the vamp in melee range, where they are strongest, it negates the vamp's main weakness (ranged weapons), and its 'tradeoff' (inability to use ranged weapons) is irrelevant to vamps as they don't need ranged weapons anyway. It should not confer 100% invincibility to ranged weapons. Even 90% is probably too much. At most, it could give you total immunity to a narrow class of ranged attacks, like tasers. Or it could give you 75% immunity to all ranged attacks. Or it could give you the ability to dodge 1 projectile per second, but NOT more then that. Or it could only function against attacks from more than 3 tiles away. There should be *some* limit such that a full squadron of guys shooting you at point-blank range with assault weapons CAN kill you. Otherwise it just produces insane results like a full squad of ERT emptying their guns at one guy, three tiles away, and missing every single shot. That's just flat-out impossible, overpowered, and it breaks suspension of disbelief.
    2 points
  4. Hello Paradise. I've played SS13 for some time and really enjoying Paradise station. I play mostly clown (Giggles) and mime (Hushie) and occasionally when I have to put up with a human name I play as Bogolyubov1, usually as chaplain or barber but occasionally as the least robust security officer ever. I always try to develop my own jokes or modify existing classics to the world of SS13 and am always looking for material or topics that need to be pun-ished. 1if you get both the chess and the chaplain reference you're a nerd
    1 point
  5. Name: T3A-V4 Can be said as "Teva" Age: unknown Gender: "female" Race: Machine Person/ IPC Biography: Teva was an IPC created by the CEO of Nanotrasen to have a sort of daughter, a horrid event came to be when a tear between realspace and redspace... bluespace! the IPC's body and "memories" was taken over by a demon. There was no success in separating the two from each other, however a way to tame the demon was found by carving runes and symbols over Teva's body. As time went on, Teva was able to find ways to use the demon's powers with out releasing it, this gave her the ability to succeed in any combat and to lead any sort of command role. Word about Teva was leaked out and came to the Syndicate's attention. Syndicate sent a handful of agents after the IPC to kidnap her for studies and such, when the group agents finally found her, she took them out with her bear hands, literally bear hands. After single handling with the Syndicate she was promoted to be the DOOM squid... squad leader, this squad is more under wraps than the deaf squid... death squad. NOTICE: It has come to our attention that some of our officers like toy with employee records, we are in the process of doing a recover of this and many other crew records.
    1 point
  6. Don't count this one But what have I started?!? I'm so sorry!
    1 point
  7. After seeing 11 shrinks, I don't feel depressed anymore, though I do feel pretty small
    1 point
  8. If the lockdown is against their laws (which they usually are) then they definitely should. The sheer power that console has is ridiculous, its little wonder many AIs who are malf, hacked or otherwise not trusting the crew make sure that console disappears. With the number of weaknesses and handicaps borgs have, super-unbreakable-remote-buckle-cuffing should not be one of them.
    1 point
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