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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2018 in all areas

  1. Come one, come all, the newest Paradise MineCraft Server is here and its ready to shine! Or some kind of bullshit idk, Im just here to host a server. The modpack we are using is our very own, its called Paradise Station Offical! You can download it here: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/nogcraft-2.877941 The modpack will work on a build basis, being we will be adding more mods in the far seeable future. So this isnt the modpack in its prime! Think about it more as in its testing phases and seeing what we can get working, so we can add things slowly and make sure everything works nicely! Examples of some of the mods we already have are as follow: galacticraft, blood magic, ars magica, ancient warfare, baubles, big reactors, mekanism, buildcraft, computercraft, carpenters blocks, draconic evolution, flans, growthcraft, immersive engineering, iron chest, modular turrets, modular forcefields, optifine, pam's harvestcraft, reis, witchery, thermal expansion, T construct, railcraft, rftools, open blocks, minechem, powersuits, backpacks, extra utilities, ender io and more. If you have any complains or questions feel free to come at me with pitchforks and torches when nothing works. Im very willing to pay for the server as it stands, or atleast for the first few months, if anyone wishes to donate well um. Thats a good question, maybe I should set something up for that, but for now um. Dont worry about it. We have a few plugins on the server for like set home, Which is very useful, to use this, simply do /sethome and then /home . And if you have any friends, you can use /tpa "name of said good friendo" and you can tp to them if they let you, how neat! We also have kits on the server. Simply do /kit and youll get some nice stone tools, so you don't have to break a nail on a tree. The current Ip is : - But the Ip is per installed on the modpack for you. Currently it is open.
    2 points
  2. The Circus is in town! I'd like to note beforehand that I'd be happy to try and develop some of the code for this myself but I'm just running some ideas past people to see if this is the sort of thing or things that are of interes (because there's no point doing that work if its of no interest). So this post will contain a number of ideas some of which are probably rubbish and all of which could be improved. Why? It'd be nice for there to be more active role play jobs and would give people something to do or interact with when the station is busy. These sillinesses would help keep crew entertained rather than causing trouble, increase interactive roleplay. New Role Fortune Teller Another goof-off role akin to the barber of no real use to the station. To add to role play and make crew laugh. Wander around with useless crystal ball, lucky heather, "healing crystals", a lucky Tajara foot and some Spacestation Themed "Tarot cards". Purpose: waste karma, make bad predictions, tell the captain he has a curse and so on. "solve" mysteries and murders by asking the crystal ball. Hypnotist Another goof-off role akin to the barber of no real use to the station. Engage in constructive roleplay and make dialogue on station more entertaining. Try to persuade the psychologist you can cure people. Purpose: waste karma, make try to persuade people to cluck like a chicken. Wave a monacle. One Man Band Another goof-off role akin to the barber of no real use to the station. keep the crew musically entertained. Purpose: waste karma, play all the instruments at once. Especially the drum on your back. Contortionist Another goof-off role akin to the barber of no real use to the station. The jumpsuit already exists but it would probably be gamey or something. Would need some sort of handicap or something. Mapping Combine mime and clown office into a singular circus office with more equipment to encourage actual japes and jokes not just slip-and-shit nonsense. Items Cardboard, Snap pops, carboard tubes to a combined office. Musical instruments - accordian especially. Human Cannon For the clown. Helmet advised. Works best when emagged. Unicycle For any personnel A Hoop Persuade crew to flip through it. Or flip through it yourself. Magic Set A briefcase with a flower cane, a top hat that you can put items in. Hankercheifs you can attach as accessories. A Giant Fake Cake Deliver to the bridge and burst out of this with a honk (not an esword). Monkey Cubes Needs no explanation A Fake Poo Needs no explanation Do not emag Itching Powder Bottle For when you have an itch that you just can't scratch A copy of Atlas Shrugged Needs no explanation Custard Pies Needs no explanation A fake cluwne costume Because that couldn't go wrong ever, could it? I decided to suggest some of these ideas which I'll be happy to do the work for if people like because (1) I'm getting too much Karma and nothing to spend it on (2) most clowns and mimes are shit (3) sometimes I join a round and have to play something unFUNNY and (4) honk
    2 points
  3. (I've done a lot of coding and spriting for this, but I must defer to those more experienced with the balance of the game to design mechanics) Locked in an eternal civil war, the Yin are one of the most technologically sophisticated powers in the Galaxy, though they rarely involve themselves in the affairs of others. Their organic forms are little more than wriggling masses of nervous tissue with a flagella, but they inhabit a wide variety of synthetic shells, their "bodies" being anything from small combat drones to entire starships. While reluctant to involve outsiders in the War for fear of unpredictable escalation, one faction has seen a temptation too great to pass over: The NSS Cyberiad. Seizing control of the station and its assets would grant them an excellent production facility for their efforts against the others. And no outsider would know which of the myriad factions to retaliate against. Mechanics The Yin start in critter form (outside their shells) on their ship One will then enter the empty control core in the center of the ship, enabling them to control the ship and its machines, and coordinate the invasion effort. The Yin will then use the Shell Fabricators aboard their ship and plan their strategy. Shell Fabricators These print out mechanical shells for the disembodied Yin to pilot (and perhaps items or upgrades). These draw from a point pool (similar to TC stations), which might be static or might be replenishable by loading in more resources. There are two kinds of shells to print: Invaders, a borg-like, heavily armed and armored shell for overt tactics Infiltrators, a humanoid shell for stealthy tactics. Possibly starts with implants, possibly spends points to print additional implants/equipment Yin can eject from their shells at any time, and while in critter form they can ventcrawl. Their organic forms have a bluespace uplink implant that enables them to communicate with each other at any time. Objectives The Yin seek to claim the station as a new production facility for their war effort, seizing control of all it's assets (including the crew). To accomplish this, they must: 1) Install a Bluespace Shield, preventing BSA fire from hitting the station or its vicinity 2) Take control of the station's systems by subverting or replacing the AI 3) Prevent their new slaves from escaping These really need a lot of work. Unique Equipment Not that many yet, and not sure about these. -Morphic Disguise: a programmable disguise for the Infiltrators. Customize your false appearance then slip it on in the mask slot -Armblade/Armgun implant: a weapon for Infiltrators to use. Not overly powerful -Guns: Probably mostly energy based. Considering giving their weapons a plasma focus -Yin Neurotoxin: Causes victim's brain to mutate into a Yin, exploding out of their skull. Probably not as an antag. Won't have the uplink implant (Probably not using this) -Yin Nanoplastic: transforms the victim into a walking meld of flesh and machine, enslaved to the Yin controller.
    1 point
  4. Okay, shadowling is the worst thing about paradise currently. It has a bunch of major flaws and I literally just want to cryo whenever there is a shadowling round. Here are some of the issues with it: 1. Over 90% winrate. I mean, really. It has to be way up there. It's above 70% at least. Unless security and command are hot shit and botany gets shrooms growing right away, it almost ends in a shadowling victory. Are there actual stats pertaining to shadowling winrate? 2. Endings are boring. The easiest gamemode in rotation should not have the best reward for the antagonists. Getting to become a god and be a dick to literally everyone you don't like is kinda dumb, and this could be improved. 3. It is way too easy to convert people, and some people just go back to maintenance right after they are deconverted. Likewise, deconversion is a painstakingly lengthy process during which you are almost always going to be jumped by the shadowlings. In comparison to cult, where you must first be dragged back to the cult base, shadowling conversion is on the spot and very quick. Unlike cult where you can deconvert with holy water, you must also perform surgery. The purpose of this thread is to discuss making shadowling a polished and interesting gamemode rather than the turd it is now. The premise is really cool: night creatures that thrive in the darkness and enslave people's minds. The execution is bad. My suggestion is this: 1. Make thralls permanent. This would mean becoming a thrall (or being thralled) is a significant event in your round, only escapable through death. This would encourage people not to become a thrall unless they are really into it, and also stops people who want to become thrall from being thrall again right after being converted. This would also allow security to fight back against the thralls much more effectively, since they would be able to kill them on sight. In exchange, thralls no longer are visible from their facial features. They would have to be specifically tested if suspected of thralldom. Perhaps with an advanced medical scanner. Currently security is very handicapped in fighting back against lings. It is hard to find a competent surgeon, and if you are deep in maint, it is even harder to get out with the thrall and not get thralled yourself. 2. Make thralls actually act like the description suggests. When a shadowling takes damage, make it so that a certain portion of the damage is divided among thralls. This would scale with the number of thralls. For example: staring at 5%, maybe 5% more damage gets divided among each thrall, up to a maximum of 80%. This serves as a way to, again, discourage people seeking thrall unless they are deadset on it. Even though players shouldn't seek to be thrall at all, this would discourage the metagamers at least until they think the thralls are competent and they won't just be throwing their lives away. 4. Remove ascension. Becoming a literal ascended shitter is fun for nobody but the thrall. No other gamemode gives you the same amount of room to just be a dick to everyone. Sometimes shadowlings are even dicks to their own thralls after being ascended. While I don't want to seem like this one is out of salt (although it somewhat is, although I think others have similar sentiments), in a recent example I was a thralled roboticist helping rescue thralls in an odysseus. The ascended ling then proceeds to destroy my mech and then kill me when I call him an idiot for doing that. 5. Replace ascension with a series of related powers that unlock with more and more thralls. At high amounts of thralls, you might unlock a death ray or insta-thrall beam similar to what ascended lings have now (but you still have to actually hit with it), but they never become invincible. The idea is shadowlings become more and more powerful but never actually invincible. As lings get more thralls, not only is damage reduced tremendously as thralls take the brunt of it, but they unlock powers that make them more and more dangerous. I think this is more interesting for all involved than the current ending, but still rewards lings for good work. 6. Add objectives. Like other antagonists, instead of just ascending, lings get objectives. These would need to be very difficult objectives, that are generally only possible if the thralls are super-powered. Perhaps the current form of ascension could be an objective thralls get on occasion where they have to summon their god or merge all their thralls and lings together into one ascended shadowling, which performs as it currently does. My idea is to generally to make thralls more of an eldritch beast type thing. As it prowls maint and collects more thralls, it gets more powerful and harder to kill. Instead of just becoming outright invincible at a certain point, it just gets more and more robust. Added on to this, they also get objectives which can then be worked towards as a team with all the thralls. I think this is better than what we currently have because it cuts down on some main issues thralls have, mainly boring endings and easy conversion / difficult deconversion. Anyways this is just my idea. Any other suggestions are welcome. Anything is better than the current implementation of shadowlings, including removing them altogether.
    1 point
  5. Why not make shadowlings be separate individuals? Meaning that they do not communicate with each other, nor do they share the same thralls with each other or know the thralls of other shadowlings. That way, they have to compete with each other and go beyond their abilities, since they are immune to their own abilities, instead of it just being mostly a shadowling vs. sec thing. I never understood myself to why shadowlings would work together, since you are ascending to godhood, why should there be others to share/take your spot?
    1 point
  6. The most boring gamemode. I main HoS and it's taboo for me to cryo so i am cursed with remaining in sling rounds and playing not because i want to, but so i can end the round earlier. Let me sum up the gamemode for everyone here. >Go into maint, find thrall, dethrall >Go into maint, find thrall, dethrall >Go into maint, find shadowling, fight, they mist >Go into maint, find thrall, dethrall >Go into maint, find thrall, dethrall Dogshit gamemode. The only times i've lost as a shadowling were my first two times as a shadowling, after that, constant ascending. The antag is piss easy and i consider it the 2nd most robust antag. Security being all organized and efficient by being in a group while hunting you? Okay, mist, go over them, AOE freeze, and while still in your mist form go back to your hidey hole. Sec limps to medbay and stops by for robust coffee too, but by the time they've done that you've thralled enough to get EMP and dunk on borgs, just craft a spear and they're history. Then you ascend. I turn the sling antag on whenever i feel like blowing vulps, slime people and those damn IPCs the fuck out, since whenever i roll sling i ascend quickly because of how easy the antag is. Anyway here's a few tips on dunking on slings: If you dethrall a thrall and they end up getting thralled again, just murder them next time you see them in maint, no more wasting precious surgeon time Fuck maintenance up. If the slings are taking their precious time to ascend, stop by cargo for an RCD, get a hardsuit and magboots and start poking holes into space in maintenance. It'll force the slings closer and closer to open areas where they are vulnerable. Get robust coffee, slings are capable of AOE freezing you even if they are in mist form, so don't bother "grouping up as sec" to "counter" slings because if they're competent enough as sling, they don't give a fuck, you'll just get your blood frozen. Borgs are your early game advantage, slings can get an EMP screech later on but till then they're at their mercy, utilize the borgs, if a thralled RD (basically every sling round) blows up the borgs, consider killing thralls on sight because now the slings are at the advantage and it's only a matter of time till ascension, unless they are incompetent, ofcourse. Call evac shuttle, not just because the round's boring, but the slings will get desperate and either murder one of their own thralls to delay it, or start appearing in open areas for thralls for a desperate rushed ascension where they can be killed
    1 point
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