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  1. The more slack we cut the more players abuse it. It will not reduce admin workload it will just lead to more excessively abusive behavior that will still have to be addressed. We already have a problem with security failing to discipline thier own for severely beating prisoners or illegal executions. If we allowed stuff like that to happen even MORE without admin intervention what posseses you to believe security will suddenly start being more responsible IC? We already rarely see officers brigged for assault when its appropriate or given perma for manslaughter or murder when they illegally execute someone or unnecessarily kill someone with excessive force. Honestly if these things WERE handled IC then admins wouldn't get involved. We would PREFER they are handled IC. THAT would reduce admin workload. If people are worrying if thier actions will possibly lead to them getting banned then it means the rules are serving thier purpose. They are there to make you think and be accountable for your actions.
    2 points
  2. Aaah, stuff I've drawn lately and forgot to post! A commish for ID107, who i don't think has a forum account... and another picture of ID107, because i'm super proud of how this turned out. sterling the angry robot, complete with esword this started as me just scribbling and somehow became playing around with lighting, i like it though. (slightly related: i just realised i forgot his head accessory thing, aaah...) aaand a proper, full body picture of sterling, because i like how it turned out for some reason i've been drawing sterling a lot lately...
    2 points
  3. Hey dudes, I haven't actually been on this account in ages forum wise but I've been playing the server for a while so I thought I could post some of my art things I work on here. A fair warning in my opinion they are not that great and I only use paint.net to draw pictures so yeah. I'll most likely update this forum with more pictures over time. Please let me know what you think about it and how I can improve, thanks!
    1 point
  4. Skrell eat ties, right? Some fun sketches for planning out future plot elements for my comic (someday I'll work more on it) Because I'm a horrible person, here's trap Zeke.
    1 point
  5. Wonderfull, although you won't see him like this for a while! Thanks a lot @Benjaminfallout
    1 point
  6. Related note: If anyone sees security or is a victim of sec using excessive force unnecessarily, ahelp it... Long before I became an admin, another admin told me "While we are capable of seeing everything, we are not omnipresent. Report stuff in case we missed it." I like to echo this cuz its true. We can't correct bad behavior if we are unaware of it. There is ALOT going on every round that we need to try to keep an eye on.
    1 point
  7. @davidchan I'm afraid your last post is very confusing with saying EOC is not a thing then quoting a very small section of the "EOC" part of Space Law, then adding exceptions which just in fact reinforces the point you are arguing against. To clear it up: EOC is still there and there are a lot of reasons to kill an antagonist, such as: - Hatched shadowling: kill on sight - Nuclear operative: kill on sight - Confirmed changeling: kill on sight - Wizard/Apprentices: kill on sight (as it is basically a meme round) This leaves us with the following antagoists: - Vampires: if they are powered - not necessarily fully powered, just simply powered - security can deem them uncontainable, execution/exilement - Cultists & Thralls: unless they go murderboney, they have to be deconverted; if they go murderboney on a large scale and/or in massive numbers, lethal force is authorized (which is often forgotten...) - Traitors: this is probably the only antagonist you referred to, yes, they need to commit a capital crime to get executed/exiled, otherwise they have to be put into perma @Coldflame Seeing how many antagonists have to be or can be instantly killed by the law - and most of them don't even reach the execution chamber, just get killed on sight then tagged as DNR - I don't think we need any more encouragement of permamently eliminating antagonists from the round. If everyone was allowed to subdue antagonists, why would NT hire a security department? And more importantly, what would a round become? The first time a changeling would kidnap an engineer, his fellow engineers would vent the hell out of that maintenance and/or electrify the airlock, zap the guy, then bust in with three more Grey McTiders and fireaxe the changeling to death. Then we all sit for 2 more hours because the other changeling is probably new and not ready to face 80 crewmembers. Keep "medium roleplay" in mind. If you see a vampire kidnapping your colleague, you should be terrified. Rules allow you to rescue someone if they are in immediate danger, which you would probably do in real life (if someone tried to kidnap your friend) but actively seeking out a psychopath? I doubt that.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. @ZN23X so, I guess it's time for me to getting more into bad Yaoi drawings where the men have huge hands and long arms.
    1 point
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