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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2018 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. Pulls out a piece of paper and begins scribbling Tetra O'Shaw repeatedly while twirling her hair. *SCREAM
    1 point
  3. Full name: Kilix'Miniiixx'Lixrazz'Naxxzzz Gender: Female Orientation: Bisexual Nicknames/Alias: Ki'Li'Mi'Na Picture(If Available) Age/D.O.B: 2542/12/12 AD Galactic Calendar. 20 Years old. Place Of Birth: Aurum Species: Kidan Blood Type: O- Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Affiliations: No named factions at the moment. Religious Beliefs: 'The Holy Hive' Ki'li is a firm believer in the entity simply called 'The Empress'. As she's stated, it's an entity residing in the spirit realm (Red space) that had told the young kidan when she was fifteen years old through a dream. For years this dream was all that consumed Ki'li's every waking thought, she searched high and low, cutting ties with her family and friends to look for information of these Empresses. In her searches, she found many books that told of the battle between the Human Skrell Alliance and the Kidan Empresses. The figure that came to her in her dreams, from her deductions, was the combined souls of all the fallen Empresses of old. Not willing to let their memory fall to obscurity, and to let the Kidan people be forced to be the lesser of the races inhabiting the galaxy. Ki'li signed herself into service of Nanotrasen at the age of 19, mostly so she could leave her homeworld and see if she can learn more about her holy goddess. Since then, many supernatural events have taken place to further her belief. Though, while Ki'li is enthralled to the Empress, it's unknown if the being known as the Empress is truly the being it claims to be. The requests of the Empress are simple. 1. Do not force others to follow the Empress. 2. Be kind to others as you would to the Empress. 3. Spread the word of the Empress to all those who will listen Childhood: Farmhand Adulthood: Religious Prophet/Personnel management Detailed Information Appearance: A 5' 9'' female kidan with bight pink eyes. Her antenna are shaped into a heart like shape. Her carapace is a rich brown coloring, obviously having been well kept. Her hands are not very dainty, the fingers are quite sharp. She speaks with a lispy buzzy accent from her kidan origins. She often wears her job's standard outfit when on duty, though wears a black dress and coat of the Victorian era when off duty. Her preferred chaplain outfit is the witch-hunter gear, because it has a cute hat. Character Voice: https://youtu.be/RpR12NwyfZQ?t=4m32s Xaril, The Poisoned Mind Personality: While on the outside, Ki'li appears to be a lighthearted idiot, she's a bit more developed than that. She has multiple skills from minor robotics expertise to people management. Though she mainly worked in Xenobiology, having a rather ruthless efficiency when handling slimes. Medical Record: An average kidan female. She doesn't have an notable mutations, and lacks the bio-luminescent markings that some kidan possess. Very adverse to having non-kidan/robotic limbs when a limb is unrecoverable, causing major stress in the subject. Will calm down when a new limb is produced at Central Command. Character Biography Background: Grew up on a plantation on Aurum, experienced a religious vision and now works for NT to further her goals and agenda. Family: Only child of a pair of kidan parents. She doesn't speak of them, though records indicate they still live on Aurum. History: [Refer to Religion] Personal Relationships: Eeehirahawk: Close Friend/Admire 'Szzhe's my little buddy! It getszz lonely out here when the Empresszzss doeszzn't speak with me.' Mike Murdoc: Acquaintance 'Mikezz kind of a weirdo. But he'sz not mean..Mozstly? He'szs okay!' Kaiikah: Friend 'My littler buddy!' E.L.O.: Acquantance 'She's a good CMO!' Han Sprite: Fears 'A diona...WHO'SZZ IN CHARGE OF THE LAW!?' S.O.M.B.R.: Acquaintance 'You szhould totally date Kaii!' Hasthi-Salvata: Dislike 'He keepsz puszzhing people...What a meany!' Kali Jylhan: Acquaintance 'Zshe szzaved me a bunch one shift!' Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Faction Relations: Nanotrasen: Dislike I uszed to think they were okay..But I think they've been usszzing me and my friendzs. Syndicate: Dislike Juszt as bad aszz NT, juszt more red. Wizard Federation: Hate Thozze Wizardssz are alwayszs causzing problemzzs. Jerksz! Human Skrell Alliance: Enemy They killed our Empresszzessz and destroyed everything we built! I can't forgive them EVER! Pro-Reclamation Kidan government: Allied Other Information: Enthralled to the being named 'The Empress'
    1 point
  4. I dont do in depth searches (like PDA and all) on random searches. Only people in processing who have evidence that would likely result in them being permad or otherwise anyways
    1 point
  5. Skrell eat ties, right? Some fun sketches for planning out future plot elements for my comic (someday I'll work more on it) Because I'm a horrible person, here's trap Zeke.
    1 point
  6. Aaah, stuff I've drawn lately and forgot to post! A commish for ID107, who i don't think has a forum account... and another picture of ID107, because i'm super proud of how this turned out. sterling the angry robot, complete with esword this started as me just scribbling and somehow became playing around with lighting, i like it though. (slightly related: i just realised i forgot his head accessory thing, aaah...) aaand a proper, full body picture of sterling, because i like how it turned out for some reason i've been drawing sterling a lot lately...
    1 point
  7. -- My english may suck, so be prepared! -- Well, it was a very good day. I was in charge of Cargo, people called me QM. My Cargo Techs were energetic and motivated. Especially one Cargo Tech. She was always by my side and asked me to get permission for "searching crate in maint". Well, nothing wrong about that, right? Some time has passed, the Cargo Tech (i call her...Sharon, just to have a name), was absent more often and i was thinking about it. Later, the IAA came to me, he told me that there are Cultists on the Station and that some of my people may be cultists. I thought about Sharon...could she be a cultist? I tried to lure her into a trap. I got me some nice holy Water. I wanted to mix it with a drink, like "sharon, you do great work, let's drink something". i never got the chance to mix the drink, because sharon came to me first and asked me to follow her into maint. I knew that this was a trap, but i wasn't unarmed (had a cleaver in my pocket) so i followed her. She lured me deep into maint, and then it happened. a flash hit me and i was paralyzed, i had no chance to react. She said something strange and then...well, I was a cultist, she converted me... i belonged to them. I faced my destiny and met the other cultists, we teleported into a abandoned room so we could make a strategy. And then it happened again...a flash, well not that bright and not painfull...why? becauce it killed me in an instant. What happened? Well, one cultist activated an EMP Grenade...accidently of course (or some EMP spell, i dont really know). You know it by now, right? My heart was a mechanical one, so the EMP attack killed me instant. The first comment i saw in chat (as a ghost) was "woops, we killed the QM". And that's it, maybe not that heroic, but it was a funny situation for me.
    1 point
  8. What is this, an "updated" page? I don't think this much tension is allowed.. To be continued? EDIT: April Fools Page
    1 point
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