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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/2018 in all areas

  1. Time to slowly push forward the idea of a rabbit race, Don't even think about it just think about it. Here's a random dramatic comic thing
    2 points
  2. Immovable rod broke the plasma chamber in atmos and eventually found a dude smoking a cig in medbay. Shuttle called. Immovable rod has now been jobbaned from being an immovable rod due to lacking hijack objective.
    2 points
  3. Firstly, it's not meta knowledge to know about things security are briefed on. Every TSA agent knows about terrorists and shoe bombs, ofc NT would know about the Syndicate and e daggers. Secondly, actually enforcing what every character is supposed to know is bloody hard. Unless it's canon that everyone is brainwashed between shifts, then who is to say my character hasn't worked with the syndicate before (esp if a collab), arrested them before when working as sec officer, or just overheard them talking? If we wanted proper "stealth" items, then mechanically restricting it is the best idea.
    2 points
  4. I was covered in blood and they searched me 4noraisin. Try hards.
    1 point
  5. Hell no he ain't going to heaven, I'm going to the aether @Chronarch
    1 point
  6. Random searches are wonderful honestly. I had myself searched thrice under five minutes when I had my own blood on my own hands; I was heading down to dorms bathroom to wash them from the mechanic's office. Sometimes officers should just chill. One of them came into the toilet while I was cleaning my bloody hands, and says "WHY U WASH UR HANDS?", pointing his taser at me.
    1 point
  7. It's really great watching your art skills evolve over time!
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Going by the sec players that do the "perform surgery to check if they have implants" shit I wouldn't be surprised if those same sec players are just like "replace thier internals box with a new one just to be safe" XD
    1 point
  10. I gave up on this one.
    1 point
  11. I wanted to make myself a new background.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Welcome, enjoy your stay!
    1 point
  14. If someone is calling on the radio that there's a WIZNERD IN DORMS and you're dragging some guy who was hacking the eva doors to brig, cut them loose and get to the dorms if you're equipped to handle the threat. If we know there's a wizard but he's vanished and nobody has a clue where they are, it's security's job to arrest the other criminals and you absolutely cannot fault them for doing their job just because you feel you should get a free pass into a restricted area while there's an ostensibly larger fish to fry. Do your job, sort your priorities. Security can't do shit if the threat is nebulous and not actively harming the crew, they're not clairvoyant. You're just as much of a shithead and worthy of brig for breaking into places during a severe threat to the crew as security is busting you for it with a big threat around. Now, if there's an active wizard and the crew is calling for help, and some sec dude ignores it to bring in the clown for slipping him, that's shitty security work.
    1 point
  15. - Paperwork - Fastmos. Even 1 bar to vacuum doesnt sen you flying. - Sec officers arresting for menial things despite real threats being out there (You vandalized that one window while there are ops inbound) - NT Reps that think they can fire anyone they don't like. - Powertripping NT Reps. - Blueshields not getting more weapons because "Revolver is enough". Then get emped or disarmed and lack a backup weapon.
    1 point
  16. I have been wanting to put slips of paper into people when I put them under. Have things like "Jessica was here" written on them.
    1 point
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