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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/2018 in all areas

  1. The guy who plays Logan had his computer blue screen.
    3 points
  2. Time to slowly push forward the idea of a rabbit race, Don't even think about it just think about it. Here's a random dramatic comic thing
    3 points
  3. Water cooler Research Center
    2 points
  4. I did my best to make it look lived in.
    2 points
  5. -- My english may suck, so be prepared! -- Well, it was a very good day. I was in charge of Cargo, people called me QM. My Cargo Techs were energetic and motivated. Especially one Cargo Tech. She was always by my side and asked me to get permission for "searching crate in maint". Well, nothing wrong about that, right? Some time has passed, the Cargo Tech (i call her...Sharon, just to have a name), was absent more often and i was thinking about it. Later, the IAA came to me, he told me that there are Cultists on the Station and that some of my people may be cultists. I thought about Sharon...could she be a cultist? I tried to lure her into a trap. I got me some nice holy Water. I wanted to mix it with a drink, like "sharon, you do great work, let's drink something". i never got the chance to mix the drink, because sharon came to me first and asked me to follow her into maint. I knew that this was a trap, but i wasn't unarmed (had a cleaver in my pocket) so i followed her. She lured me deep into maint, and then it happened. a flash hit me and i was paralyzed, i had no chance to react. She said something strange and then...well, I was a cultist, she converted me... i belonged to them. I faced my destiny and met the other cultists, we teleported into a abandoned room so we could make a strategy. And then it happened again...a flash, well not that bright and not painfull...why? becauce it killed me in an instant. What happened? Well, one cultist activated an EMP Grenade...accidently of course (or some EMP spell, i dont really know). You know it by now, right? My heart was a mechanical one, so the EMP attack killed me instant. The first comment i saw in chat (as a ghost) was "woops, we killed the QM". And that's it, maybe not that heroic, but it was a funny situation for me.
    2 points
  6. Name: Argyro Lakkotrypis (formerly known as Argyro Summy) Age: 34 Gender: Female Race: Human, Greek(?) Blood Type: O+ General Occupational Role(s): Security Supply Command Science Service - History: Little is known about subject Argyro Lakkotrypis (formerly known as Argyro Summy). She has a minor scar behind her left ear, implying that she had implants before being assigned as a crewmember aboard the NSS Cyberiad. Difficult childhood, as stated on her interview: she saw her parents die on a raid to her home planet (subject refused to state the name of the planet), and escaped on a pirate ship, possibly under the jurisdiction of either the The Syndicates or the Donk Corporation. While being held a prisoner, she met a man by the name of [REDACTED] that taught her the basics of Robotics and Engineering, two qualities that she will come to improve later on. Argyro felt reluctant to speak about the people that were helding her hostage, showing us the possibility that she maybe was raped or severely mistreated in a way that left her this trauma of commenting about said agents. She was only thirteen years old when she was captured by them and, by the time she was sixteen, she was forced to do labour work on the vessel she was being held hostage, as a Junior Roboticist; she was the chosen one, as the other subject, [REDACTED], was murdered before her eyes. All she could hear was the words "traitor", "disrupting" and "sabotaging" amidst all the loud discussion, while curbed up on the back of the cell while the crew was questioning the said man outside her brig cell; followed by sound of heavy punches, coughing, and afterwards some yelling, three shots. Possibly, this man was somebody that helped the organization that they worked for, possibly a rival of one of the two currently being spoken of. Afterwards, she was taken to the Robotics division, where she started the forementioned labour. It was three months after that she became the only Roboticist working, being given a promotion to manage all the robotics and biomechanical duties on the Robotics department, as she proved her worth and experience on the field, being these rapidly improving, as she worked under harsh circumstances and, failing to comply or to achieve the schedules and work that was put onto her was grounds for death. After another three months, the vessel was attacked by an unknown military ship, and with her Engineering skills, she managed to break into one of the EVA rooms onboard the syndicate ship by cutting some grilles and ALT-rotating some windows; and It was just some minutes afterwards that she was on space, fleeing from the combat, with a softsuit, magnetic boots and a jetpack on her back. After encountering some debris , she managed to catch up her breath for a moment, when she saw another vessel passing by, where she decided to board on. She then reunited with her brother, Zarko Lakkotrypis, which by the age of 22, was the Head of Security of said found vessel. It was an emotional encounter of two family members separated at their childhood. Argyro, with seventeen years old, became one of the Roboticists working on the vessel. This was possible by the great work Zarko was doing while managing the ship's security, and thus, she had the advantage of nothing being held a prisoner again because of influence, as this ship was confirmed under jurisdiction of the Syndicate. Four years pass. Argyro is now twenty-one, and she still mainly works as a Roboticist on board the ship, and her skills have grealty improved. She would also fill the Cargo, Service, and Engineering department, depending on the demand for each day; but still, mostly Robotics. She would also often fill the position of a Security Officer, just to catch up with Zarko, although she wasn't robust at all; but still learned some basics and got some notion on firefighting and Space Law. Subject admits being involved in raids and in smuggling people. Argyro said that she did these aften, and that is were she first met Nanotrasen: when she first captured one of the crewmembers after raiding one of the company's vessel. She stated that It was often that they had prisoners from NT around, as they are one of the biggest target by rivals to this day. During a raid by an unknown rival faction and of unknown reason, she fled from the ship she was currently on. She said that she heard "energy swords, loud blaster sounds, and screams; coming from man on black elite suits, firing big blue laser carbines that could even destroy reinforced walls". She managed to escape on a pod with her brother, and some other survivors, after being retrieved by one of Nanotrasen's ships. Logs and reports of the crewmembers that were part of the team managing their pod retriaval from space stated that all the crewmembers aboard said pod were "severely malnourished and pale". Argyro couldn't tell days that passed on that pod because they had no sense of day and night, nothing to keep track of days, nothing to keep track of time, though she said that "It felt like an eternety in minutes". Due to some bluespace space-time dilation, it is possible that they are now much older than before. Argyro is now thirty-four (was retrieved from space at thirty-three), doing the math of how time flows in certain parts of space, but still seems much younger, like she was still twenty-one/twenty-two; although, the prior option was our choice to put on her records, as we believe that mathematics is the language of the universe. During the time they spent on the pod -although she said that there was almost to no conversation among the tripulants-, a conversation about her past happened with her brother. Zarko said that he could not remember almost anything, but told her their parent's names: the mother, named Alexandra Mrdakovic Lakkotrypis, and the father, named Stergios Mrdakovic Lakkotrypis. Apparently the parents last names were joined when they were married, but the sons only got their father last name; this is a possibility because the father's first name is Greek, and Lakkotrypis is also Greek; although their origins, nor the children's, are confirmed. After being retrieved from space by one of Nanotrasen's ship, they were accepted as crewmembers after their Security, Medical and Employement Records were done, and all crewmembers were transferred to the NanoTrasen Space Station NSS Cyberiad. After the record filling and interviewing each one, five crewmembers were registered: Argyro Lakkotrypis, Lenny Longwax, Eawyn Hammer and Zarko Lakkotrypis. The fifth and last one is unknown to this date, and their whereabouts and origins are currently under investigation by Nanotrasen. Under employement of Nanotrasen, Argyro and Eawyn became great friends, although Lenny and Zarko are rarely seen around, though they are still employed. Argyro is often seen working as a Blueshield, Security Officer or Roboticist; subject is likely experienced in doing a little bit of everything, although, without doubt, she master Robotics. It is still not known what was hidden behind the scar on her left ear, whether it was an object or an implant of some sort; most possibly it was the latter due to their backstory; When questioned, she had no recollection of it. Known Relationships: Zarko Lakkotrypis (Brother) Ide Taro (Friend) Desmond Summy (Friend; they were married, but now they are divorced) Giggles (Friend) Slith-Skaar (Good Friend) Eawyn Hammer (Good Friend) S.A.M. (Good Friend) Amira (Good Friend; often threatens Argyro with Swirlies) Ruum-Oov-Ruum (Friend; and both are currently undergoing a soap-eating contest) Henk De Fries (Good Friend) Alissa Bennet (Good Friend; calls Argyro "greek lady") Mike Murdock (Friend) Zack Glover (Friend) Slade (Friend) Kennard Rose (Friend) Steven Stingray (Friend, Acquaintance?) Cosmos (Friend) Snori (Friend) Siopi (Friend(?)) Emily-7 (Friend) Squishy (Good Friend) Eeehirawk (Good Friend) Goobina (Good Friend) Alma "Mango" White (Good Friend) Spark 5.5 (Good Friend; she often calls them "scrap metal nerd") Bo'Ndugo (Friend) Katherine Pixel (Good Friend) Vasharr Zahirn (Good Friend; Argyro trained Vasharr to be a Security Officer when they first joined the THE LAW) Marcus Albright (Friend) Meija Leiza (Friend(?)) Val Ragnar (Friend) Behaviour: Argyro seems to be rather friendly towards people. She is always willingly teaching newbies at Robotics when she's working on said job, also always offering to help those in need throughout the station. She seems rather calm. With all that said, It's more than likely that she can be trusted, and seems to be a good friend. She often does not commits any crimes, but has been seen Breaking and Entering and Tresspassing around. Subject claims to have been brigged for it already. Argyro seems to get rather angry when people call her "busty" due to her physical bulge. Although she states that she doesn't really cares much because it is, as stated by her: "just the way I was born, and not some genetic defect", she gets startled by it for some reason. She said that this does not alters the way she treats people who calls her that, nor diminishes the relationships to those she considers friends when they also say that word to her. Additional Notes: Her favorite drink is Beer and Whiskey 'n Cola. Her favorite food is the Japanese cuisine. She smokes cigarretes often, and always lits the Havanian Cigar when working as a Captain. Although calm, sometimes she seems rather sad; reasons for such emotion is unknown, but still, she always tries to keep a smile on her face. -- Anyway, I would like to thank you all for the wonderful experience this server is! I'm sorry if I forgot any other names on the "Known Relationships" section, but I'll make sure to make edits as I make new friends and as I remember people! And sorry if this Is kind of a silly story or something. This is the most deep and serious character I've constructed in any RPG ever. Anyway, here is her story. I hope it makes sense, at least in my head it does. I still have no art for her, as I am not really good at drawing those; but if any of you make any, I will be most glad to accept it! Art is always welcome! The relationships stated above are what my character considers, not what others does. I could not be a friend for Slith, for instance, but they are a friend for me, as Argyro is very fond of them, and so am I, as a player. Anyway, I guess this is it! It may have some gaps, and there IS story on those gaps, it's just that I want to leave it to be commented ICly, as this is kind of an interview that happened before she could join Nanotrasen's crew manifest. Finally, good day, everybody! __ And too, just gonna leave this here. It can only be added by Badmemes: Commendations: --
    1 point
  7. @bigfatbananacyclops we've already found a new v̶i̶c̶t̶i̶m̶ partner for the s̶m̶e̶l̶l̶y̶ handsome bachelor. Congratulations Jessica Murdock~!!! @Benjaminfallout @PhantasmicDream
    1 point
  8. Nice to meet you. I will be the one to make you miserable...IC-ly. -Wolf O'Shaw.
    1 point
  9. Are we playing the same game? Sorry for my own snark, but the SS13 departments are so siloed that it spawned its own gamemode. "Departments should cooperate" is certainly a nice sentiment, but mechanically-speaking, it's a Herculean task. Let's go over the specifics: -Poor communications: Departments have different radios, and with very few individuals having the encryption keys for multiple departments (Geneticists and the Brig Physician being interesting exceptions). Even Command members are generally restricted to the comms of their own departments and the secret Command channel, with any inter-departmental communication being carried out either in person, via PDA, or over the spammed Common chat. GoodSam the Helpful Scientist might want to give Medbay a hand, but he has no easy means of communicating with them, nor of listening to their issues to know exactly what they need and when. -Territory and territoriality: Departments have their own, well-marked turf, and departmental members are justifiably cantankerous about others stepping foot in that area. ID-locked doors and trespassing laws keep departmental members away from each other outside of emergencies or antagonist activity. Face-to-face interaction between members of different departments is generally rare and limited to common areas (or Medbay, since Mebay gets traipsed over despite doctors' protests nearly every shift). When your only interactions with another department are via yelling at them over general comms or banging on their front door, I think it's fairly obvious why inter-departmental relations might be somewhat strained. -Few means of inter-departmental compellence: As a frequent Chief Engineer, I see this issue crop up quite a bit with regards to the station goals. I need Cargo to send me the BSA crate, or Botany to actually get some plant DNA samples for effing once. I ask 'em over general comms to carry out whatever action I need done, and wait, and wait, and wait...When Cargo blows its points on pizzas and party hats instead of ordering what I need, or Xenobiology dismisses me outright, my options are extremely limited. I can ask 'em nicely or try to guilt-trip the offending party into compliance, ask the relevant Head of Staff to discipline them, or hope that the Captain will take time from every other task they have to address my fairly minor inter-departmental issue. My only other forceful options are downright illegal: refusing medical care to another department as the CMO, cutting power or venting atmos as the CE, telescience-stealing gear as the RD - well, I'm sure you can see how practices like those were institutionalized into the Nations gamemode. It's downright infuriating at times, and it shouldn't be any wonder that more-seasoned players spend extra effort to avoid ending up reliant on other departments in the first place. These are all examples of centrifugal factors, as Hartshorne would call them: social forces which divide people and push them apart. The station has divided physical geography, segregated communications, underdeveloped command structures, and a siloed departmental architecture which encourages strife rather than cooperation. Forcing cooperation, like with the science R&D update a year or so ago (removing Science's autolathe in the hopes that they'd go to Cargo instead) largely just results in players implementing a work-around. In cases where one can't be implemented, such as the station goals, there certainly are interactions, just not good ones. The flipside is categorized as centripedal forces, or things which bring people together, and currently there's a lot missing: -Few shared departmental goals: Engineering keeps the lights on, Medbay keeps the crew healthy, Sec keeps 'em safe, Research powergames like crazy...all well and good in theory, but in practice these general aims don't interact closely with each other. There are a couple exceptions to this rule, such as the station goals (primarily Cargo/Engineering, although Botany and Science get involved in the BSA and DNA Vault), but by and large different departments don't have much reason to go out of their way to cooperate. -A lack of focus on individuals: as a Engineer or Scientist , for example, your remit is (technically) the entire bloody station. You're supposed to either maintain or improve, respectively, the entire Cyberiad - or worse, Metastation - with no guidance provided beyond that. I'm sure you've heard of the importance of singling people out when trying to compel action during an emergency, i.e. pointing at someone when saying "call 911" instead of just asking a crowd as a whole? Consider that same phenomenon here, and how to overcome it; I've got some suggestions below, but I'm sure there are others. -Few means of rewarding good behavior: As a frequent Command player, I would kill for my own medal box - and I'm not talking about that bloody captaincy medal. There's a quote attributed to Napoleon about how "a soldier will fight long and hard for a length of colored ribbon," and as a Captain, I've seen clear positive effects of handing out medals appropriately. I try to do my best by congratulating helpful people via announcements, but I'd love to see actual mechanical, institutionalized means of promoting and rewarding cooperation and good player behavior. You've argued pretty clearly how you want to encourage inter-departmental interactions, and at least in theory I'm not opposed. My issue with that is that not all interactions are good ones, and that the current game mechanics allow unwanted player behaviors while preventing or suppressing desirable ones. Using that as a rhetorical starting point, let's talk about achievable means of encouraging positive behaviors: -Medal box: As mentioned, gib relevant medals plz. Seriously, I would love to be able to decorate helpful people in an in-game way. Other means of giving either individuals or departments an 'attaboy' would always be appreciated - a "Most Helpful Department" trophy that the Captain could hand out, for instance? -More inter-departmental goals: Additional means of congratulating one department assisting another at round end, for instance. Game mechanics like Medbay getting a tally of how many members of other departments were healed or saved during the shift ("3 Security Officers, 1 Scientist, and 2 Botanists were revived inside Medbay this shift/8830 health points were gained back in Medbay," etc.), or everyone getting the option to commend a particular department at round-end ("[Science] was commended the most this shift, by 12 non-Science players"), would provide some means of encouragement for desirable behavior. -Departmental assignments: The generic members of large departments (Scientists, Engineers, Security Officers, etc.) start with an 'assignment' to another department. They get an armband and relevant radio encryption key in their packs at roundstart, along with an initial briefing reading something like "You have been assigned to the Medbay/Science/etc. department. You are to assist them as best you can." This would cut out the issues of a lack of comms and the deindividuation issue of being a single person in a larger department: when someone in Medbay starts complaining about the broken window in the front lobby, Joe Schmoe the Medbay Engineer is positioned to both hear about the issue (due to having access to Medbay's comms) and act (due to having a greater sense of responsibility towards Medbay than any other Engineer). Of course, I'm sure any Sec players reading this are already wincing at the thought of Sec comms being compromised from the very start by some well-meaning effort like this - but if the person with Sec comms is mindshielded, then the issue is moot, no? I'd trace the efforts which led to the Brig Physician and this proposed Brig Technician as trying to overcome the antagonist issue in this same way, and although I agree that the proposed Brig Technician role doesn't have enough to do currently, I do appreciate the effort at making a Sec/Engineering hybrid rather than the usual in-game response of "say ; ENGIS TO BRIG PLEASE and pray that someone actually responds." Certainly, as CE I've blown off Sec asking for help with something in order to deal with some other issue, because I've no particular attachment to dealing with their issues, and no reward for prioritizing helping them. In that sense, I would argue that the Brig Physician is largely a positive force for inter-departmental cooperation, rather than being a "departmental island," as you put it. They have both Medical and Security comms, along with access to both departments, and remit to help patients in both areas. In practice, while Brig Physicians will set up surgery nearly every shift, I honestly can't even remember the last time I've seen one set up cryo or cloning (sometime this past January, perhaps?). Brig Physicians carry out surgery because the two ORs are usually overworked by the massive player population and all the injuries they accrue, but for other issues (making meds, cloning, getting viruses, etc.) Brig Physicians work through Medbay in an honestly-heartwarming example of inter-departmental cooperation. If you want to make them more inter-departmental, then I'd suggest making the BrigPhys a Medical role rather than a Security one, and placing them under command of the CMO rather than the HoS. While they'll still spend most of their time in the Brigbay due to simple circumstance, it'll provide the Brig Physician with more of a reason to be in the Medbay, and encourage them to participate more over there rather than just staying in Sec. You could do the same with the OP's proposed 'Brig Technician' role, too. Rename them to the 'High-Security Engineer' or something similar, and have them start in Engineering under the command of the Chief Engineer; their only Sec-specific gear would be Brig access and a Security encryption key. Rather than being just responsible for helping in the Brig, they'd be responsible for any restricted area that needs a pair of hands (or when there's no engieborgs, again); you could further encourage that by having them start with a basic trashbag and a box of lightbulbs to indicate their role's mundane remit. With a roundstart mindshield, they could be trusted have Sec comms without turning it into a massive RNG gamble of "will they roll antag and compromise Security comms from the get-go?" Without their own office to turn into a fortress, though, and still being otherwise treated as a regular Engineer, the role's mechanics would encourage them to act merely as an Engineer with the goal of helping out Security in particular. Tl;dr version: Departments can interact in bad ways (yelling over comms) as well as good ones. The focus should be on encouraging good interactions, rather than just any interactions whatsoever.
    1 point
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