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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/2018 in all areas

  1. Here's a bunny and a Lynx Here's a fun Star Wars AU with Zeke, Jonah, and Slade
    2 points
  2. Maybe i'll regret it but someone will probably ask me eventually.
    1 point
  3. While playing as a janitor, I noticed that publicly accessible disposal chutes are few and far between. For example, if I'm down in engineering, I have to walk all the way up to the bar to throw something out. I think that occasional disposal chutes in hallways would reduce the amount of trash being left on the ground, and it would cut down on walking time for the janitor.
    1 point
  4. I don't agree with many of these ideas put forth for various reasons, mostly ones already stated. Some of said ideas also would also adversely affect dynamic balance between sec and antags, which currently is, at best, finicky. That being said, this idea really stuck me as brilliant, and definitely deserving of some thought for it. It would increase rp between sec and crew on green instead of just a instant taze from bot/sec officer. This would increase quality of life for both the crew and sec together. That, in my book, is a instant plus, and I fail to see a downside to it. Also giving a alt title of 'security cadet' or something of the sort to sec officer is worth trying, at least. It would give fellow officers a heads up on who is new, while still retaining the same amount of access and responsibility. Once again, I fail to see a downside to that. Or the 'greytide' just might be bored and forget that sec are players as well. : /
    1 point
  5. Security needs more bodies in high pop, period. The current maximum sec numbers are best for around 80 pop. Anything more is too much. Some antags spawn based on how many people are on station. Not how many security. There are sometimes traitor rounds that have 20ish traitors. When security is fully staffed they have a total of 12 bodies. One is a doctor. Two are supposed to stay in the brig. Three arent supposed to be directly handling antags unless in defense. Its honestly not even a good idea for the HOS to go in the field unless its an extreme emergency but they usually go supercop anyways and it doesn't help much. Traitors are more well armed then security, especially if they work together cuz they can get gear that compliments each other (one with carp one with guns) while sec is stuck using the same equipment as each other, half of which is nullified once a traitor kills one newbie officer and gets a HUD and headset. God forbid if a freaking cling or vamp get thier hands on syndicate gear. Forget it. Antags are also more likely to be given useful equipment by collabs or meta buddies whereas sec rarely gets anything extremely useful from science. Antags are also are regularly tapped into sec comms and have the element of surprise initially whereas sec stands out like a sore thumb. Add in greytide who constantly harass security or cause other problems sec needs to deal with because they are bored that they didn't roll antag and hate authority. It's also far more likely to get 2 or 3 experienced antags who have literally worked together countless times than it is to get a sec team that works together well (same antags love bitching about cliques...lel). Also the general attitude of the community that authority sucks and bad guys are cool because half our players are teenagers who already have severe issues with the authority figures in thier lives (parents, teachers, boss) and want to vent thier frustration here because its a game and they are too young and dumb or just don't give a shit that sec players are also players as well so they treat them like crap and make thier jobs difficult as much as possible.
    1 point
  6. I think the standard uniform with a waistcoat would work quite well, although definitely keep the laceups and hat. If you want to go for a more fancy custom outfit, I recommend checking out the Victorian attire.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Don't even ask cause you'll get exactly zero information about it!
    1 point
  9. In the internet, we have this one rule.. .. pic or it didn't happen.
    1 point
  10. "Hey ah Beer sir? What would you suggest for a female bartender to wear? The same thing or something more girly?"
    1 point
  11. @PhantasmicDream
    1 point
  12. It's never been against the rules to not hire from the manifest to my knowledge, and there's a fairly good reason not to...
    1 point
  13. The only good vulp is a dead vulp.
    1 point
  14. ZN23X has passed their trial and is now a Game Administrator. In other news, Normalyman has joined the staff as a Trial Administrator.
    1 point
  15. Funny, I actually asked HoS/CE if I could be "Security Engineer" a couple days ago :^). ((CE did not aprove for unknown reason?)) The problem with that would be: Even if brig gets breached from time to time, there is not much hull to fix there. Besides making autolathe,body scanner, surgery table, making back-up SMES and maybe reinforcing floor there is nothing to do. Brig phys has something to do, sec officers or prisonners always get demaged, and brig-engineer? Uh.... I REALLY like the idea. But I'd expand his resposibility to also help security outside the brig. Like, helping them break in certain areas etc. I actually would main that job. I love the idea.
    1 point
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