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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/2018 in all areas

  1. It's only retarded if you play to "win" by "beating" the antags. Otherwise it's just a tough round for security. But that's ok, balancing the game around "antags vs sec" isn't really needed as the most engaging stories generally come from desperate situations. Play for the story and not to deny greentext and suddenly it turns from retarded to awesome.
    3 points
  2. Giraffe driving down the coast because why not?
    2 points
  3. Let's be honest, without a fair amount of thought, there isn't a whole lot to do as a civilian besides wandering through maint hoping you find a cultist or gateway exploring. So something I think would make it more fun to play is sort of an objective that would work similar to the AI ion storm laws. It would basically just add something to their notes that they should do over the course of the round. This could include something like, "You are a very tall midget and must assert this to everyone", "You worship a rival god of the chaplain, spread word of the falseness of their god", "You must actively seek out and repeatedly hug/throw/scream at all [inset race, gender, department staff, etc. here]", or something else that just gives them something to do.
    1 point
  4. You're assuming most of the crew care. It isnt stacked against the chef unless he's a target. It's a minority that play for "sec vs antags". If you're outnumbered just accept you're not gonna deny them all their greentext and focus on the real threats. Accept that the blueprints will get stolen. And maybe recruit more sec members, call ert, etc. I prefer the odds against me personally. 2 sec vs 10 tators is way more fun than the reverse for me.
    1 point
  5. I am four talking in this while putting in the number.
    1 point
  6. Human Zeke is super cute.
    1 point
  7. Here's a pretty merman After seeing Dan's "different flavours of cat" kinda made me want to draw up some of my alternate versions of Zeke. Here's normal Zeke, Vampire Zeke, traitor Zeke, and human Zeke.
    1 point
  8. When you told me you were doing a picture of a giraffe driving down the coast in a convertible I thought you were joking. I'll be damned...
    1 point
  9. Maybe I shouldn't be allowed to draw...
    1 point
  10. There are two types of shadowlings Security is tired round 1 The day (the Blueshield) Ruum dared the station's bravest drask - Naar - to become a captain ...At 12:05: Security is tired round 2 Shadowling being chased by the HOS and an officer, when And said PDA conversation resulted in
    1 point
  11. Sooooooooooooooooooooo the first time I really decided to make a Clown, I named her Mona Mina. Her HENKmother name being Peaches the Clown. She's fairly lewd and loves a good slipup. She ended up being stripped nekkid and "interrogated" with tasers and pepper spray crying and begging for decency and the IAA. A very special officer and IAA did in fact manage to recuse her from the clutches of a very... sadistic HoS.... it was a pretty odd and semi traumatic experience. Klownlyfe I suppose! I gotta play her more.
    1 point
  12. Please see the updated version of the server rules.
    1 point
  13. Combinations that are too powerful are removed to prevent abuse. A hulk can not have carp projectile protection, or a double esword, a bunch of powerful genetics powers will cause you to die from genetic instability, carp should not be able to be combined with antags such as changelings or vampires, vampires especially. Vampires are very dangerous in close quarters. They have excellent stun abilities with an AOE glare, a stunning shriek. They can summon bats to help them escape, they can shadowstep out or mist form away. They have an anti stun, they have thermal vision. A single full feeding will give most of these powers. Combining this with immunity to all projectiles is ridiculous. Now the obvious argument against this is that vampires dont have easy access to hulk, they don't get telecrystals or an uplink. While that is true, currently it is not working out that way. People are purposefully seeking out traitors to get carp fist, usually in exchange for completing their objectives. As well with the current round balance, traitors+ rounds are very common so having vamps and traitors in the same round is fairly likely. An obvious solution would be to crack down on friends seeking each other out to try to code word each other to get their carp, but that doesn't appear to be against the rules technically and much more importantly would require a ton of work from the admins. The simplest solution is simply to make it so a vampire can not use a carp scroll. If they want to get syndie equipment they still can to help them, but not something quite that incredibly over powered.
    0 points
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