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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/2018 in all areas

  1. Felt like drawing up a picture in a different style for fun, my have to draw more in this style at some point. And then here's Ezekiel Varloss making people sexually confused since 2559 don't judge me
    4 points
  2. (1) Not really possible, as antag selection happens before job selection now. (2) Even if it were possible, the "screw antags; they ruin the game" crowd will actively latejoin as sec just to keep antag numbers low or stack things to their advantage. There's far too many problems with this to even remotely be feasible, and that's assuming I agree with this notion to begin with (I don't).
    2 points
  3. Hey, I'm PhantasmicDream. HereticChurch showed me this game a little while ago, and I just recently started playing it. I decided to do some arts and stuff for it, so here's a thread showing it off! I've only played one round so far, and I was a tourist Skrell dressed as a pirate named Zeke Varloss. The picture is when I got caught climbing over the bartender's counter to steal drinks. It ended abruptly when I drank copious amounts of rum, blacked out, and was dragged into an exploding escape room. FUN!
    1 point
  4. There's no confusion here. Wink wink nudge nudge.
    1 point
  5. Not in a good mood so I'm summoning up some of that old badmin juice n invoking the power of the RA. Zero.
    1 point
  6. Well Oracle has the "Anti-Greytide Goals" and they work rather well. That could be something we could try to implement.
    1 point
  7. You're assuming most of the crew care. It isnt stacked against the chef unless he's a target. It's a minority that play for "sec vs antags". If you're outnumbered just accept you're not gonna deny them all their greentext and focus on the real threats. Accept that the blueprints will get stolen. And maybe recruit more sec members, call ert, etc. I prefer the odds against me personally. 2 sec vs 10 tators is way more fun than the reverse for me.
    1 point
  8. woo here are some toootally long awaited doodles i decided to upload First off is a small Gundham, from DR2. Wish I drew this with his body in mind but ohwell. I think it turn ed out decent regardless, considering how bad I usually am with short hair and those kinds of eyes. Next is a...special Himiko, from DRV3. The right side of her face kind of got screwed up harder as I went, she wasn't always like this ok. It's mostly just me not spacing out her left eye correctly/placing it somewhere better so as a result anything on her right side probably would've ended up looking just as weird. This one is quite different--I have barely worked with color at all when drawing so being able to access it with a drawing tablet was a blessing. So I decided to mess around with my favorite monster and the watercolor tool in firealpaca. I think it turned out mostly decent--bar the skin color, since I was having a hard time finding that particular color. that's basically all I have for now. sorry for the shitty camera quality on the first two. i'll prolly be posting more shit here for those few that check back on this topic, especially since I got my tablet and im seeing ez improvement.
    1 point
  9. -- My english may suck, so be prepared! -- Well, it was a very good day. I was in charge of Cargo, people called me QM. My Cargo Techs were energetic and motivated. Especially one Cargo Tech. She was always by my side and asked me to get permission for "searching crate in maint". Well, nothing wrong about that, right? Some time has passed, the Cargo Tech (i call her...Sharon, just to have a name), was absent more often and i was thinking about it. Later, the IAA came to me, he told me that there are Cultists on the Station and that some of my people may be cultists. I thought about Sharon...could she be a cultist? I tried to lure her into a trap. I got me some nice holy Water. I wanted to mix it with a drink, like "sharon, you do great work, let's drink something". i never got the chance to mix the drink, because sharon came to me first and asked me to follow her into maint. I knew that this was a trap, but i wasn't unarmed (had a cleaver in my pocket) so i followed her. She lured me deep into maint, and then it happened. a flash hit me and i was paralyzed, i had no chance to react. She said something strange and then...well, I was a cultist, she converted me... i belonged to them. I faced my destiny and met the other cultists, we teleported into a abandoned room so we could make a strategy. And then it happened again...a flash, well not that bright and not painfull...why? becauce it killed me in an instant. What happened? Well, one cultist activated an EMP Grenade...accidently of course (or some EMP spell, i dont really know). You know it by now, right? My heart was a mechanical one, so the EMP attack killed me instant. The first comment i saw in chat (as a ghost) was "woops, we killed the QM". And that's it, maybe not that heroic, but it was a funny situation for me.
    1 point
  10. felt like posting this one. char from a weeby campaign im in. pardon the shitty camera.
    1 point
  11. Decided to draw a character I'm playing in a pathfinder game. Meet my shadow-walker rogue, Arsene. Still working on trying to get my characters to be less flat, for a better word. When I have peace and quiet, probably will try to see if there's any resource for that.
    1 point
  12. "I'm a tough guy, I can handle it!" (Mash *scream hotkey through the entire surgery) "Whew, that wasn't so bad!"
    1 point
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