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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/2018 in all areas

  1. Been spending way too much time on this then I should have--decided I needed to brave my fears and actually do SOMETHING with the pen tool so I went ahead and outlined this, as shitty as the outline is, its a start. Also unfinished. Heres the work in pencil vs color and some pen. Looking back, the progress versus the first image and this one makes me feel tingly, but I still got a ways to go.
    3 points
  2. EDIT: It's beer. Forgot to say that...
    3 points
  3. Here's a cute imp Here's the cute imp being gifted away
    2 points
  4. Well, ya want help becoming a good bartender, eh? Rise above the masses, and such? Came to the right place. Name's B.E.E.R, I've been tending to bars for around 33 years now. Needless to say, I know my shit. First and foremost, looks. You want to be respected, start here. See that top hat on your counter? Wear that shit, it looks good. Don't take off those shades, either. They will actually scan containers, and tell you what's in them Now for your uniform, you've got a couple choices here, fashionwise. You've got the standard uniform with a bow tie, that looks okay. Make sure you wear a jacket with this There's the Amish suit in your wardrobe in the back, which is better. Make sure you wear a jacket with this If you're feeling really fancy, go on down to the clothesvend and grab the executive suit, It's bound to turn some heads. Don't wear that armor, either. You really shouldn't need it. LACEUP SHOES: WEAR THEM. I mean, you're wearing a fancy-ass suit, and then sneakers, or sandals. Come on. Keep that bandolier on, for intimidation points. You see a dapper man with a belt full of shotgun shells, are you gonna fuck with him? If you're of the more feminine persuasion, the following is likely to look better: The standard uniform with a waistcoat would work quite well, although definitely keep the laceups and hat. If you want to go for a more fancy custom outfit, I recommend checking out the Victorian attire. Alright, so you look the part. Now to equip yourself properly. You got a shotgun in the back, it's a classic double barrel. Get rid of your bag, and put her there. Trust me, you won't need a bag. You are able to recolor the shotgun to more fit your looks. I personally like the faded grey, it blends right in. (alt click to recolor, use a pen to rename.) In the back as well is a shaker, should be right next to the shotty. For the love of Synthetica, use this to mix drinks! It's 100 units, and is made to mix things in! Make sure you set the transfer rate to 50 Back to the counter now, grab that rag if someone hasn't already. Use it to wipe off glasses when people are done drinking from them. or make a molotov There's a zippo, grab that as well. Even if you don't smoke, you can light cigs for people, and look badass doing it. You got your shit, now to make the bar look nice. You got a stack of books and shit on your table by the booze-o-mat, clear that off. Those books are junk anyway. Toss the russian revolver on that table too. This will display it, while keeping it secure. Put out some glasses, on the other counter, by the dispensers. Make them neat and orderly. NEVER make large amounts of drinks and toss them out there. This isn't the damned kitchen. Make drinks to order, and clean up when the person is done. If someone wants to reorganize, let them If you're good at construction and interior design, you could do it too So, you look good, feel good. Time for how to actually do things So, someone walks into the bar, what do you do? Greet them by last name unless you personally know them, and ask if they would like something to drink. Assuming they ordered, place a glass in front of the guy, as confirmation that they ordered, and you heard. You toss the shaker in the relevant dispenser, and mix that shit. Make sure you make more than 50u. Full glasses make for less asses. Pour out the drink, then put the shaker back in the dispenser to empty it. When they leave, wipe off the glass, and put it back. Make conversation with people! You're not a damned automa! Ask questions, or tell stories! Don't make the questions or stories too personal, you'll just creep people out. Lights went out! What now? Don't panic. Make for the office, and grab two packs of eternal candles. Light them in the packaging, and throw them around the room. Make sure you don't hit people. If the power is out as well, grab the keg, or the booze cabinet as well. How to deal with shitters I have a system I use for shitters, the three strike system. First strike, I will warn the person to not do it again. Second strike, I will shoot them twice in the chest, and drag them out of the bar. After this, alert sec Your bandolier, and by extension, your shotgun, are loaded with 5cm beanbag slugs. Two of these to the chest will knock anyone onto their ass. Third strike, and if sec is not responding, I will get violent. If they are attacking you go straight to strike three. Bottle to the head will knock the guy on their ass and soak them with nice flammable alcohol. If they continue being a shit after being bottled, you have that zippo still, right? Time to burn, bitches. If someone is climbing over the bar, you can click on the table to knock them off Most importantly: Make this your bible Feel free to ask me any questions!
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Hi. I forgot to say hi when i joined forums so i did a post only now
    1 point
  7. @Tayswift I was looking forward to punching in my lucky number for the second time in a week but I guess I'll have to punch in the 2 and let someone else handle the next one
    1 point
  8. Edit: I'm so sorry. I couldn't resist. Can we make officially trialmins not count for this thread?
    1 point
  9. I needed a shit post to cheer me up.
    1 point
  10. You know, it looks kinda boring if you only swap the counting up between @R1f73r and @Trubus. It's also all posted somewhat the same time ago, looks like boring thread camping.
    1 point
  11. Name: Colleen Blake Age: 22/early 20's Gender: Female Race: Human General Occupational Role(s): Any sort of Civilian based role Biography: From speaking with Miss Blake time to time, it has come to our attention that non of her "stories" of her past seem to line up with each other. They seem to be mostly fabricated up on the spot and most of the time being very outrageous, as if she's trying to give her self a more interesting life. We will note down some of the things she told us in her interview; She was once part of a vampire cult back when she lived on Mars. One of her old boyfriends was a space drug lord. She "chilled out" with a bunch of space pirates for a while. Her old roommate was actually a changeling out to get her but it took her three months to find that out. She used to word for a secret organization were she has to do "undercover spy work" and proceeded to say that she "couldn't just go around telling that to everyone she me" Whether or not these stories are true is currently beyond us, and we'll have to look more into it on a later date. Security Records: A few occasions of vandalizing the station Medical Records: In the works of being diagnose as being a Pathological lying. She also has a bad bubble gum habit. Other Notes: • Maybe too open to speaking her mind • Writes really bad free style poetry • Likes to kick ass and chew bubblegum • Has a nose ring • Had a sort of "cosmetic" surgery to have her ears pointed
    1 point
  12. I asked Spark if he wanted me to do a sprite edit of some random fitting character from starforce so i spent a bit to do this at the bottom, Theres also the Tanker i drew of one else.
    1 point
  13. pAI's shouldn't have radios full stop. They're a portable friend and should only really be speaking to you, not chatting on comms. Whenever i see a pAI cluttering comms i always have the urge to just go destroy it. As for everything else? well, the people who don't choose to play pAI's still probably won't choose to play them. Why? because it's still a chatting RP role, with many more exciting things like the swarmers available which they may have a chance at becoming instead.
    1 point
  14. Name: Jessica Krish Connor. Age: 17 Gender: Transvestite Female. Race: Caucasian Human. Blood Type: O-. General Occupational Role(s): Assistant and other jobs at Random. Qualifications: Bartending and Basic First Aid. Employment Records: Previous work in Medical and Cargo. Security Records: [Records Lost] Medical Records: Mutadone prescription for seizuresand stuttering. 1 unit pill before and after bed. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Ectomorphic build, Flat chested, 5'3 (160 cm), and has a tattoo on her back that reads "Property of Logan Connor." Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes:
    1 point
  15. The shirt part is right, but that's Wolf's 'hawk :P Shirt is mostly because I wasn't feeling like making the drawing lewd Or maybe it's because I didn't want my school notebook filled with shirtless male anthropomorphic dogs
    1 point
  16. Please see the updated version of the server rules.
    1 point
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