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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2018 in all areas

  1. After a few months of Zeke's parents being reported missing, and noted as possible dead. Zeke was sent off to Tau Ceti, to an Orphanage that NT sent some funding to. He was scared and lonely for a while, and didn't speak common very well due to only really needing to speak Skrellian. He ended up meeting and becoming friends with a boy named Fredrick Scott. Zeke and Fred were never adopted, and when they reached about 16, they took a sort of aptitude test to see what kind of work they would be best suited for. Fred ended up going for security and learning space law while Zeke for forensics and medical, this would lead them to being able to getting a job with Nanotrasen.
    4 points
  2. Comissions: OPEN I've found a hidden talent, honestly I never knew I would be so good at being an artist. You could print it off and sell it for a pretty ? penny anywhere in the world. I speak from experience. Art galleries will LOVE you if you bring any of these to them for sale. Without further ado, I bid you my masterpieces: Ty, (me) Terry Watson, @shatterdcoyote
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. I decided to remake the ice tea thing.
    2 points
  5. Tayswift has passed their trial and is now a Game Administrator.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Hey, thanks for the encouragement! Really appreciate it. Recently I drew something in my sketchbook which I really liked, so I decided to trace it digitally. I post two versions again this time mostly because I mostly prefer the sketch, since again, I'm not very good with colors yet. But hey--same character as before, but with a slightly different design.
    1 point
  8. Doctor Reid: "So tell me Zeke, what do you remember about your mother?" Zeke Varloss: "What I remember? ... I always remembered her having a gentle smile, and I swear she must of had a bizarre fascination with plants... If she was able to, she would sneak a plotted plant off of what ever planet we were near at the time." *Also wondering who Doctor Reid is? He's part of a thing I've been writing, I'll share the WIP here.
    1 point
  9. A sketch in the different style again; Here's a drawing of a smol younger Zeke and his mother. A sort of mission came up and a group that was a part of Nanotrasen requested some help on Xarxis 5, Zeke's parents a few other Skrellian crew ended up joining with this scientific event. Unfortunately the outcome didn't go as planned, there were no reports of anyone coming back alive. silly sketch dumb;
    1 point
  10. ZN23X has retired from their position as Game Administrator.
    1 point
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