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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/2018 in all areas

  1. tikiitak & cat wilson
    4 points
  2. I love how Aurora Caelus brings crew of all kind together to enjoy the view! One of my favorite events.
    3 points
  3. That's no different then, as a civilian, running at a Shadowling or cult to get converted, but you don't suddenly make it so all converted greytide gib after 5 minutes or making Emagged cyborgs blow after 5 minutes. There are somethings that cannot and should not be handled via mechanics for these kinds of reasons. That is something for administration. As I recall it, few people disagreed Drones were TOO strong, but the nerfs applied to them were far and away too much, and that was the toned down edition. It's of dubious use to most antags and it's a direct killjoy on the Drone to go "Welp you got 5 minutes lol gg no re". Because bear in mind the death also forces that 10 minute cooldown on being able to rejoin. So as somone is playing a drone, gets e-magged out of the blue and toddles on to a death they can do nothing to stop, their entire gameplay interrupted, they now have to wait just to get back to what they were doing, a total of at most, 15 minutes. The equivalent of a Major Crime brig sentence, just for being caught out. It was to the point a LARGE portion of people in the debate when it was happened said to just make drones unable to be e-magged BECAUSE the nerfs were so extreme. They needed to be toned down, but what they got was ridiculously overkill. You want to make an e-magged drone not a combat machine, I'm fine with that, make thme utterly unable to attack things while emagged so they can be nasty little sabotage bots, I am fine with that. But their current state is easily the most painful experience I have had on paradise since it went through. Making something painful to play as a 'Balance' to discourage an activity you will NEVER be able to stop, is not good. It punishes a player who did nothing wrong and does nothing to stop the other kind of player they'll still do it for a chance at 5 minutes of murderboning. Drones are actual players too, they should PROBABLY be allowed to have fun now an again.
    3 points
  4. Removes their ability to pathfind under people's legs. Remove the hidden diamond drill module Rewritten its drone control code so that drones that don't call home and verify their programming after a certain amount of time are destroyed automatically. The "certain amount of time" is 5 mintues. I understand where the nerf came from, after seeing a couple rounds of antags that would carry 3+ emagged drones and throw them like pokeballs at sec, but I personally think the nerf went a little too far. Specifically, the 5 minute time limit is not enough time to even find a target, let alone cause that target chaos. Aside from the debilitating time limit, the other two changes were greatly needed. Thoughts?
    2 points
  5. As far as i am aware, drone were intended to give permadead players something to do, without any interaction with current round (or at least as low as possible). They should be able to be emagged since it is ss13 and we need as much freedom as possible, but emagging drones shouldnt be something that happens every time. It must be small rare feature, not something antags base their plans on. Therefore, it should be useful if you meet drone accidentally but completely useless to try to find one on purpose In conclusion - it is pretty good as it is right now
    2 points
  6. What makes a man turn neutral... >.<
    2 points
  7. Comissions: OPEN I've found a hidden talent, honestly I never knew I would be so good at being an artist. You could print it off and sell it for a pretty ? penny anywhere in the world. I speak from experience. Art galleries will LOVE you if you bring any of these to them for sale. Without further ado, I bid you my masterpieces: Ty, (me) Terry Watson, @shatterdcoyote
    1 point
  8. Updated relations and added a few new ones.
    1 point
  9. Depends on your definition of fun. Emagged maint drone isn't "fun" in the sense of you get to robust people, but it's not that different from normal maint drone play in that you're just doing your job but in an evil way. The "emag = death" thing is helpful in that it incentivizes drones to run away from being emagged. Before the changes, drones would run toward antags to get emagged all the time.
    1 point
  10. I think the goal on that change may have been to make emagged drones a sort of sabotage helper. Since drones had their combat capabilities severely nerfed anyways, they weren't really meant at that point to be killing things. The idea is that you can use your drone to do targeted sabotage that can't be traced back to you.
    1 point
  11. Be proactive- arrest criminals before they commit a crime. This made me giggle like a school girl.
    1 point
  12. So first, it was clearly a "troll post" in the sense of it being a lampoon. "Troll" has the implication of it being for a malicious intent, same as "stir shit up". This was indeed a joke, a caricature, a lampoon, spoof, farce, parody, for enjoyment. A possible solution does not mean a good solution; the fact that it indeed is plausible was interesting to me, as I am not sure how often something so outlandish is actually indeed able to be plausible. I am certain, that with very few tweaks, someone could have a server without security, and be absolutely fine. There have been plenty of servers without rules, even, that are dictated purely by RP, and they have surprisingly been fine. But the implication of malicious intent, is disheartening. This was, or so I thought, clearly light-hearted, and meant for the casual discussion for the purpose of opening up serious dialogue from a place of comedy and community. I think most people got the joke; I'm not sure people got the intent of the joke, though, and that it is meant to spark discussion and "think tank". These sorts of posts were quite common and well received years prior; if they are no longer welcome, or they are no longer understood, let me know, and I will cease further humour. For everything else; I'm not sure people remember what shitcurity means. It is the same as "captain is comdom" "ai is rouge" "George Melons is griffing me 4no Raisins". Memes. Common jokes, with associated meanings. Almost never serious. Here are some links to help explain the jokes versus when it is actually serious https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Shitcurity https://www.reddit.com/r/SS13/comments/3174il/what_do_you_consider_shitcurity/ Shitcurity is a prevalent meme, because of how almost every security player falls into learning the ropes. For example; harmbatoning, which is also a meme, because of how often it happens. It is only after learning what to do, not do, how, when, why, etc, that if certain things are repeated, that it becomes an unironic use of shitsec. Or comdom. Or "Rouge". Or what have you. I'm not sure how it is derogatory, because it has never been, nor am I sure how it compares to "furry". If the meanings have evolved as such, then I must have missed a mile stone, in which the user demographics have drastically changed beyond the point of comparison. Shitsec used to mean "don't do that". If it is now a derogatory term, which compares to a term that dances on being a bannable offense, then it should be made known that insulting security dances on the line of being punishable. Officially, or unofficially, IC or OOC. As far as kicking and screaming; it is more likely the people who use the word often; are doing so out of jokes, doing so out of intent to cause greytide, or intent to demoralize and aggravate. I strongly doubt the terms are used seriously in any real context, outside of shorthand, usually by staff. The people who use it are likely to not be very consistent in making an appearance, they probably aren't likely to care, and it is likely to be premeditated to find themselves in such a situation where they can spout off as such. IE; the problem, if it is indeed a problem to such a scale; then there is a troll problem, and not a child problem. Still children, but not the children you seem to imply. Which is probably really important to note, if no one has yet to note it. To make that more clear; there are people who value their time, and people who don't. Then there are people who like to waste other peoples time; in this context, grey tide. Grey tide can log on, cause problems, leave, and not break any rules. Equally, so can security, but perhaps that is beside the point. People who are vested and immersed in a round, can have it broken by someone who doesn't care. If that happens once every round, ruining each one, and someone chooses to play for an entire day; they have effectively wasted their entire day, and they are likely to feel that. What did the other person waste? Nothing. They got what they wanted. Others simply don't value their time, and won't care if they have several rounds ruined or not. The motivations are different. Understanding that is kind of important.
    1 point
  13. Ok removing security
    1 point
  14. Got another character coming up, again, for a campaign if I join it. A quiet character obsessed with technology.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Valthorne Haliber, @DarkPyrolord
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. emagged drones are literally free, prenerf they were disproportionately strong to an insane degree
    0 points
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