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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/2018 in all areas

  1. Did a thing, usually I'm pretty precise with my pixel work. I tend to probably spend more time than really needed placing certain pixels in different spots but with this one I decided to use some big brushes and just went loose. Turned out way better than I originally thought it would.
    5 points
  2. My suggestion: - Allow joining as friendly (standard) entities from the starting screen, aka Ian, E-N, Poly, also Diona Nymphs, excluding antag entities like Borers; - Allow joining into activated Posibrains from the starting screen; - Maybe also allow registering a pAI in the starting screen. My reasoning: Sometimes I really love playing as a non-crew friendly entity. But I don't like giving up the chance to join as crew role just to realize that the entity I would have wanted to play as is either taken, dead or does not exist (in the case of Dionae). In that case I would like to still have the chance to normally join as a second option. In the case of cyborgs, I more often than not had the experience that ghosting before joining as borg took away from my round experience, because in almost every case the round type and even an antag identity is revealed to me, thus giving me information I would have liked not to have. Same with pAI, but to a lesser and less relevant degree. A point speaking against this would maybe be that it possibly takes away roles from people that are dead/not revivable. Another point against it might be that it gives away minor IC knowledge. There might be a lot of pros and cons to this that I have not considered before. And probably not enough people are interested in this option to make the work someone would have to put into the implementation worthwhile. Please feel free to comment.
    1 point
  3. That's no different then, as a civilian, running at a Shadowling or cult to get converted, but you don't suddenly make it so all converted greytide gib after 5 minutes or making Emagged cyborgs blow after 5 minutes. There are somethings that cannot and should not be handled via mechanics for these kinds of reasons. That is something for administration. As I recall it, few people disagreed Drones were TOO strong, but the nerfs applied to them were far and away too much, and that was the toned down edition. It's of dubious use to most antags and it's a direct killjoy on the Drone to go "Welp you got 5 minutes lol gg no re". Because bear in mind the death also forces that 10 minute cooldown on being able to rejoin. So as somone is playing a drone, gets e-magged out of the blue and toddles on to a death they can do nothing to stop, their entire gameplay interrupted, they now have to wait just to get back to what they were doing, a total of at most, 15 minutes. The equivalent of a Major Crime brig sentence, just for being caught out. It was to the point a LARGE portion of people in the debate when it was happened said to just make drones unable to be e-magged BECAUSE the nerfs were so extreme. They needed to be toned down, but what they got was ridiculously overkill. You want to make an e-magged drone not a combat machine, I'm fine with that, make thme utterly unable to attack things while emagged so they can be nasty little sabotage bots, I am fine with that. But their current state is easily the most painful experience I have had on paradise since it went through. Making something painful to play as a 'Balance' to discourage an activity you will NEVER be able to stop, is not good. It punishes a player who did nothing wrong and does nothing to stop the other kind of player they'll still do it for a chance at 5 minutes of murderboning. Drones are actual players too, they should PROBABLY be allowed to have fun now an again.
    1 point
  4. Oh I agree 100% prenerf they were insane. Post nerf, however, they're not very fun for the player being emagged. The current time limit seems to be balanced toward the following assumptions: 1. Both the traitor and the drone are competent/robust enough to execute a complicated plan. 2. Said plan can be explained and executed within 5 minutes, usually including the time it takes to move to a secluded position to explain after capturing a drone. 3. The drone knows the pipe system enough to be able to travel to the intended area with enough time to spare to accomplish any goals. Maybe change it so the drone just goes back to regular programming after the time limit is up? Right now it's just a death sentence, and if you're caught the drone fabricators are usually quickly turned off.
    1 point
  5. tikiitak & cat wilson
    1 point
  6. I gagged. Having a duo of officers vs. a dozen traitors with uplinks allowing them to access p-p-p-p-POWERFUL WEAPONS isn't very fun for security. People wonder why security mains don't stick around, and also actively balance the game to make playing security as frustrating as possible.
    1 point
  7. Please see the updated version of the server rules.
    1 point
  8. having 10 traitors and 4 members of security is retarded
    0 points
  9. emagged drones are literally free, prenerf they were disproportionately strong to an insane degree
    0 points
  10. I think the goal on that change may have been to make emagged drones a sort of sabotage helper. Since drones had their combat capabilities severely nerfed anyways, they weren't really meant at that point to be killing things. The idea is that you can use your drone to do targeted sabotage that can't be traced back to you.
    0 points
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