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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/2018 in all areas

  1. Did a thing for @Darjeeling a.k.a. ELO.
    3 points
  2. I know what you mean--most of my digital art seems to come across a lot softer than in my sketchbook. Glad you like it. Bad camera time! This is a recreation/redesign of a character I drew not too long ago. Doesn't look as much as a little shit, and looks more creepy--I want to do more drawings with this design more. This is a W.I.P of the character I've been drawing more lately. There's a few oddities in the picture i intend to fix later, but this is mostly just more practice with coloring stuff!
    2 points
  3. I am back with finished commissions woah for @V-Force_Bomber for @Normalyman Aaaand a bonus blueshield sterling! *^*
    2 points
  4. Honestly I just want this so I can start a PEN15 club
    2 points
  5. Did a thing, usually I'm pretty precise with my pixel work. I tend to probably spend more time than really needed placing certain pixels in different spots but with this one I decided to use some big brushes and just went loose. Turned out way better than I originally thought it would.
    2 points
  6. Name: Rissa Lazzuxei Age: 27 Gender: Female Race: Tajaran Blood Type: O+ General Occupational Role(s): Coroner; Engineer; Security Officer; Roboticist; Brig Physician; Shaft Miner Biography: This weedy little Tajaran claims to have simply "woken up" one day, and has little to no recollection of a childhood or anything regarding a past. Despite frequent visits to a therapist, and several psychological evaluations, Lazzuxei insists on believing that she was once a pAI unit. For the first several months of employment aboard the NSS Cyberiad, Rissa's lack of a citizenship on any particular planet, and her lack of registered alliance with a faction, meant that she was one of the few employees that could legally work for free. She was, absurdly, more than happy to do so. Qualifications: None Employment Records: Applicant has had little to no previous employment prior to being admitted aboard the NSS Cyberiad. Applicant has stated that she has studied basic Engineering duties, has an understanding of Coroner requirements, and recalls the necessary amount of information about Space Law, but has politely requested not to be placed in Security roles unless it is absolutely necessary. Security Records: At the date of acceptance, employee has had no criminal record entries. Medical Records: Employee has passed regulated physical and mental examinations required to work on-board the NSS Cyberiad. Employee claims that they suffer frequent headaches and night terrors. Employee claims that headaches have receded, and that the night terrors are now no longer problematic. Employee has sought therapy from crewman Wilson Mounsion. Written assessment, diagnosis and treatment summary to be copied, signed, and placed alongside crew record. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): A black Tajaran with green eyes smiles nervously at the camera. Unkempt, curly black hair dangles past her face and her shoulders. She's wearing a green sweater that seems incredibly ill-fitted, as it easily slips past either shoulder and sags. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: Will frequently sing old Sol songs in the middle of her shift, regardless of what work is being performed. Apparently takes requests. Supposedly lives in an ever-expanding plane of existence, with Death as a landlord. Really, really likes the colour green. There is, according to her, an endless number of herself.
    1 point
  7. Actually, how the hell didn't I notice Rissa has green eyes ;_; AAAAAAAAAA GREEN IS SUPERIOR
    1 point
  8. 1 point
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