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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/2018 in all areas

  1. Wah, art spam time. To start off, here's a redraw of a Campe I drew back into 2012. A Campe is from Greek mythology, they're normally described as a dragon with a pretty lady head and upperbody, as well as having a scorpion tail A drawing of Zeke Varloss, Jonah Bright, and Garoon Garuda looking pretty snazzy. A Von Bon and a Calico Furrytail Lastly a cute drawing of Jay Wingler and Sefra'neem Wingler, being cute kitties in love
    3 points
  2. Apologies in advance for my English, I'm still learning. :3 I love this suggestion! However, I'd like to bring attention to one point. Most alien languages are so hard to learn not only because they just use different verbal conventions (as do most languages on Earth now), but because the mediums they use are beyond other species' perception or ability to imitate. If an alien were to learn the inherent language of a species, I'd suggest the following prerequisites: It has to be learned it as a secondary language (as a choice among the languages available now - that is, Gutter, Tradeband or Clownish), either for Karma or for free; An artificial aid might be required - for instance, a specialised headphone set that can interpret high-pitched sounds, an armband that gives harmless electrical tingles when detecting certain pheromones in the air, an ear-drum replacement surgery done somewhere in the past, a temple bone implant, DNA manipulation surgery, pheromone synthesizer mask, etc. - either for loadout points or coming for free with the language. Both prerequisites are necessary in order to understand and use the language, of course - an assistant that just "stumbled upon" some nice headphones wouldn't be able to make sense of these weird tones without prior learning and education, while even a proficient interspecies linguist couldn't comprehend sounds beyond their perception without these special headphones they just lost somewhere. Some alien languages, however, might be understood and spoken without a mechanical aid - omitting the second prerequisite, but making fluent use of language more difficult - provided the species are natively capable of understanding and reproducing the sounds/gestures/smells/etc. required. Even then, just like many species have trouble fluently speaking in GC, speaking other "alien" speeches might be accented as well (probably in a preference-like way, like it's done now with the auto-hissing). What follows are my thoughts about this topic, which should most probably be split to a separate suggestion. I have some ideas about how it all can be implemented, too, but for now I'll keep it to this post and wait for feedback, if any. :3 I realise it might be a bit complicated to implement code-wise, but it would make a lot of sense - and play heavily in role-playing favor - if the languages of different species conveyed information in different spectrums, and in order to understand a sentence fully, all these spectrums must be percepted at once. Right now, most languages are just different-colored versions of vocal speech, which is quite an oversimplification that does not play well with the lore. Of course, I don't expect Paradise to follow its lore to the letter, and simplifications are used there all the time - after all, it's a medium-RP, brisk-paced multiplayer computer game with quite an unserious tone, and many things are just hand-waved. I just think that given that various species-specific alien languages are already a heavy RP aspect to begin with, it could use some more flavoring and in-depth complexity. Here are two lists, which are hopefully self-explanatory. The languages: Sinta'Unathi, of Unathi. Spectrum: Vocal. Hard, but probably not impossible to emulate by an average human without artificial aid. Skrellian, of Skrell. Spectrum: Ultrasound. Can't be reproduced or understood without mechanical assistance. Siik'tajr, of Tajaran. Spectrums: Vocal, Body language. Can be understood, but is impossible to utilize fluently for members of all other known species. Rootsong, of Diona. Spectrums: Many. Can't be reproduced or understood even with mechanical aid. Sol Common, of Human. Spectrum: Vocal. Can be understood and reproduced by most other species. Canilunzt, of Vulpkanin. Spectrums: Vocal, Body language. Can be understood and reproduced by most other species. Trinary, of IPCs and other synthetics. Spectrums: Sound. Non-organics are incapable of learning to speak or interpret the language in any meaningful capacity. Telepathic, of Grey. Not a spoken language, included there for completeness. Spectrum: Telepathy. Can be understood by most organic species (not by synthetics, as their posibrains and other electronics are not affected by... whatever weird spectrum is used for transmitting thoughts), lacks a written form. Orluum, of Drask. Spectrum: Vocal. Suggestion: being comprised of hums and loud tones, it is difficult to understand and impossible to reproduce without artificial aid. Chittin, of Kidan. Spectrums: Vocal, Body language, Pheromones. Hard to understand and reproduce fully without artificial aid. I have some suggestions, which I can explain later if anyone's interested. Bubblish, of Slime People. Spectrum: Vocal. The nature of these bubbling and popping sounds make it difficult if not impossible to successfully emulate the language through natural means. It can probably be understood, though, albeit with a difficulty. Vox-Pidgin, of Vox. Spectrums: Vocal, Ultrasound. As many of the vocalizations of Vox-Pidgin are beyond the range of hearing for most species, or simply prove impossible to reproduce for non-Vox, the language is largely shared only between Vox. Symbolics of Plasmaman. Not a spoken language, included there for completeness. While Plasmamen' native language has been lost a long time ago, they make rich use of both iconography and symbolism. The spectrums: Vocal. Your average, human-perceptible sounds. Perceptible by all species. Can be transmitted by radio and recorded on tape. Ultrasound. High-pitched sounds above the hearing range of an average human. Perceptible by Skrell and Vox. Can be transmitted by radio and recorded on tape. Body language. Visual. Perceptible by all species. Can be tapped by videocamera and seen via cameras (maybe even taped, if taping video is ever to be implemented somewhere in the future). Pheromones. Unique to Kidan. Cannot be written or recorded, and is beyond natural range of perception of other species. A Kidan is able to "smell" the imprint of a Chittin sentence spoken recently from a particular place, provided there is air and they can smell it. Languages "spoken" in several spectrums at once often do not require them all to be perceived together in order to understand the sentence. If you can't either see or hear your Tajaran colleague, you'll still be able to get a part of the message, and probably infer the missing parts (/proc/stars(...), anyone?). Some spectrums are more important than others, though: in Canilunzt, for example, body language seems mostly to convey the intents and emotions, so if you can't see the speaking Vulpkanin, you may lose a little bit of punctuation, but if you can only see them, then the message might be utterly undiscernable. Like I stated before, I have some ideas about how it all can be implemented (I'm a coder myself, so I have some picture about how it could look when programmed in), but for now I'll keep it to this post and wait for the feedback, if any. I don't want to waste a lot of time elaborating on a feature no one wants, but if this piques people's interest, I'd be happy to help making it come to life. :3
    2 points
  3. The... Veil... IS... TORN!!! Kit'Chi Has Risen!
    1 point
  4. I am back with finished commissions woah for @V-Force_Bomber for @Normalyman Aaaand a bonus blueshield sterling! *^*
    1 point
  5. That's no different then, as a civilian, running at a Shadowling or cult to get converted, but you don't suddenly make it so all converted greytide gib after 5 minutes or making Emagged cyborgs blow after 5 minutes. There are somethings that cannot and should not be handled via mechanics for these kinds of reasons. That is something for administration. As I recall it, few people disagreed Drones were TOO strong, but the nerfs applied to them were far and away too much, and that was the toned down edition. It's of dubious use to most antags and it's a direct killjoy on the Drone to go "Welp you got 5 minutes lol gg no re". Because bear in mind the death also forces that 10 minute cooldown on being able to rejoin. So as somone is playing a drone, gets e-magged out of the blue and toddles on to a death they can do nothing to stop, their entire gameplay interrupted, they now have to wait just to get back to what they were doing, a total of at most, 15 minutes. The equivalent of a Major Crime brig sentence, just for being caught out. It was to the point a LARGE portion of people in the debate when it was happened said to just make drones unable to be e-magged BECAUSE the nerfs were so extreme. They needed to be toned down, but what they got was ridiculously overkill. You want to make an e-magged drone not a combat machine, I'm fine with that, make thme utterly unable to attack things while emagged so they can be nasty little sabotage bots, I am fine with that. But their current state is easily the most painful experience I have had on paradise since it went through. Making something painful to play as a 'Balance' to discourage an activity you will NEVER be able to stop, is not good. It punishes a player who did nothing wrong and does nothing to stop the other kind of player they'll still do it for a chance at 5 minutes of murderboning. Drones are actual players too, they should PROBABLY be allowed to have fun now an again.
    1 point
  6. tikiitak & cat wilson
    1 point
  7. Aaah, stuff I've drawn lately and forgot to post! A commish for ID107, who i don't think has a forum account... and another picture of ID107, because i'm super proud of how this turned out. sterling the angry robot, complete with esword this started as me just scribbling and somehow became playing around with lighting, i like it though. (slightly related: i just realised i forgot his head accessory thing, aaah...) aaand a proper, full body picture of sterling, because i like how it turned out for some reason i've been drawing sterling a lot lately...
    1 point
  8. TEENY TINY ROBOTS! (and one slime) it's SAM, STERLING, LUMI, ELO, PATCH, BEER, BT-7274, ID107, and serac ( unrelated: i totally forgot i was going to draw tetra last time i looked at this thread, i am a sham )
    1 point
  9. Borg lockdown is very powerful, a borg is only able to talk locally and in binary chat when they are locked down. It is very useful, however in it's current state it is over powered and very unpleasant for a borg player. A borg can be locked down, the person who did it could be killed or distracted, and the borg is then screwed for the rest of the round. This also is way too easy a way to mess up the AI if they are malf, or even just suspected. A simple idea (I don't know how simple the code execution would be though) is to give lock down a time limit. 5-10 minutes or something in there, after which a borg automatically regains control of itself. Maybe make it so a borg can resist the lockdown and can "hack" itself out. Another additional possibility is to add a cooldown to the lockdown so that you have to use lockdown intelligently, because if you use it too early you can't lock down that borg for a short time. A lot of these ideas are minor though, the biggest thing is that it needs to be changed that borgs can be locked down and are left to rot for the rest of the round. The last round I played all of the borgs were locked down and we stayed that way for the rest of the round, until we got detonated. It was a very long time. One borg was on the construction station so he had basically no chance of ever being found. You are able to resist cuffs and welded lockers, you can break out of jail and perma, a locked down borg should be able to get themselves out or be released automatically. Permanently locking down borgs is super powerful, but much more importantly, is a HORRIBLE experience for a player and a fix should be implemented.
    1 point
  10. I had a rather unusual situation today as the captain. Syndicate agent was caught bombing people and wanted to die. Her boyfriend pleads with me to reduce it from execution so I cut him a deal. Give me /something/ and I'll drop it to permabrig. He comes back with.. very little. But, I liked the CE and he does damned good work, so in exchange for saving her, he puts his department into overdrive and it was greatly needed at the time. Then she tried to commit suicide. Now I have a chief engineer working his tail off in exchange for keeping his GF alive, who is now in a sleeper with enough ether to keep her out. Then a shitcurity officer declares on security channel he's going to execute her and not only did I jump his case, the magistrate did as well. I'll say it was an interesting shift.
    1 point
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