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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/2018 in all areas

  1. The thing in common being loosing family? A tragedy. What isn't a tragedy though is this picture of Dreamy and Alex And then a cute picture of Alex with a baby, her name is Honora or Nora and to bring up an old sketch
    3 points
  2. Heh, well @Kitchi Ikamura you should be happy to know that I've actually started sketching up the next page! And hopefully at some point I'll find some good motivation to do pages more instead of them being basically one every month or so. ^^'
    1 point
  3. Brilliant work Dreamy! one thing I missed when I was away from Paradise! Seems like Kitchi has something in common with Zeke in the bottom picture though
    1 point
  4. Kit'Chi Demands More Heads!
    1 point
  5. the Utah Werewolf, no regrets Something cute(?) and silly, with comedy gold
    1 point
  6. RIP, it's been a while since I've work on this... Introducing the Head of Security Gloria Church An out of date crew record of her can be found here
    1 point
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