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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/2018 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. I don't believe this should have been posted on forum @EldritchSigma
    1 point
  3. Apparently not. Spread of mouth is so inconsistent. It works when it should not and works not when it should. Did I not make myself clear enough? Do I really need to speak it out once again aloud? Not that I am dissappointed anyways in any possible way. Do not disturb me on any plattform, be it discord, steam, skype, reaxys, any social networks etc. if you are just going to fucking talk about whats happening here; if you are in an administrative position dont talk to me whatsoever on said plattforms. I want my peace and not be enraged because frankly any form of powertripping pisses me off. I dont mind the few people doing it who are being actual friends. The rest... It does not yield anything of use. I am not going to go into full privat mode just because some scum do not know their boundaries. Especially now that I come to think after yesterdays reminder by some individual who fucking talked to me. Remembering me that someone fucked an entire situation up and did even have the audacity to ask me about a different case I was forced to deal with and not excusing once for their major fuck up. Demanding someone to be sorry while not being able to apologize... Again. If you just fucking talk to me on discord about this game or are associated with the administration do yourself a favor and take your hand and talk to it. It just pisses me off so much I cant even enjoy a week of recovery and vacation. Good fucking lord. Also good grief add an option for people to erase forum accounts. It is not that hard.
    0 points
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