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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/2018 in all areas

  1. hey. my girl Dia Kiribi this time--I posted a redesign earlier and decided to go further with it. Camera quality is slightly less bad. I wish I made the body bigger and didnt angle it so badly, but all in all I don't think its that bad.
    3 points
  2. Here's a cute Jonah and Zeke picture, Also, because I've been slowly revealing more of Zeke's past through drawings lately, here's another one. So, the person on the right is a boyband reject Aidan, Zeke's first boyfriend. It was one of those relationships that started off good, then became really toxic, they broke up on bad terms. *If you think I should keep doing more drawings about Zeke's past (and maybe to do up other character's past as well) let me know Here's some random sketches. Also, a sketch up to see about changing Zeke's height in comparison to Jonah, I've decided to make Zeke taller. So this will be fun. ?
    1 point
  3. and here we have- a picture of the proudest robot on station traitor tried to get to the captain, i caught the fact the AI was subverted before anyone else noticed, PDA'd the CE, and managed to haphazardly hold off the bad guy (while having no cuffs to actually detain him) while they hacked into the bolted room to help u-u the guy got away in the end, but the captain still thought i did good ;-;
    1 point
  4. The one condition that would make rev palatable would be if there was a round-start warning announcement that a revolution was in progress. The revheads can sprint around flashing groups of people, and generally the outcome of revolution hinges on how many people the Revheads convert within the first 5-10 minutes. From there, all the revolutions needs to do is have a single competent chemist or toxins researcher, suicide-bomb the brig, and they've pretty much won. Overall, there are things about Revolution that I miss: For one, revolution gave every department an excuse to come up with creative and violent ways to use their department tools on other people. Botanists get an opportunity to use their deathnettles, roboticists get an excuse to use their own combat mechs, atmostechs get a reason to flip out the fireaxe and start fires rather than extinguish them. The problem is that, due to how the rules are, security risks getting banned every time they want to test for revolution. Standard Operating Procedure does not have a section on how to acceptably identify a revolution, or what is an acceptable level of suspicion before someone can be tested with a mindshield. The mid and late phase of revolution--where security is desperately trying to distribute a limited supply of mindshields while trying to identify and assassinate the rev leaders, or all-out assaults when a ripley crashes through security's front door and a flood of angry crewmen swarms the brig while screaming lines from Braveheart and Les Miserables. The problem is that in order to get to those good moments there are a vast number of OOC rules that need to be stepped over, and often the inconsistent information means that not everybody on the server realizes that there's a revolution going or how the rules change in regards to one.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. You lift the tape to allow passage...
    1 point
  7. gamemodes can be objectively observed as more or less mechanically dynamic and variant which as a rule of thumb correlates to enjoyment in an emergent multiplayer game
    1 point
  8. Lots of people trying to "balance" the gamemode so slings don't win all the time. That's great and all but this does not resolve my first post on this thread, that the gamemode is boring, almost changeling tier boring. Balance, no balance, i don't care, it's still a pretty flawed and boring gamemode that needs a bit of rework. I won't deny that it's fun to be a shadowling though, ascending and blowing up people you don't like is always fun. But what about security? It gets old real fast going into maint and tasing the nearest gas mask toting grey shirt and dragging them into medbay ad infinitum. And the shadowlings don't fight us, they just mist away upon seeing a group of sec so it's just hunting gas masks all round till the captain calls evac to spare us this misery. Space station 13 is fun because every round is different, when it comes to shadowlings it doesn't feel that way. When i am in a shadowling round i'm in maintenance tasing anyone with a gas mask and a stun prod out. The shadowlings also suffer from this, they suffer from a linear strategy, work with your fellow slings, don't let them die, thrall thrall thrall. But they don't mind how boringly linear this is because they become a god and blow up people they don't like and stuff. I agree with an earlier suggestion that shadowlings be individuals seperate from other shadowlings on the grounds there must only be one god. Shadowlings can CHOOSE to kill the other shadowlings in order to loosen up competition or CHOOSE to team up against a robust security team only to betray eachother once they are dealt with and so on. This makes rounds more unique and actually interesting.
    1 point
  9. Literally me. Do your homework
    0 points
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