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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/2018 in all areas

  1. Late to this due to time taken off but I'll list stuff out: rb303 - Mentor -> Trial Administrator blessedtuna - Player -> Trial Administrator BrandonSacawv - Mentor -> Trial Administrator dragonslayer932 - Player -> Trial Administrator R1f73r - Mentor -> Trial Administrator A late congrats to all who made it into the team!
    2 points
  2. Lately, I've been seeing a lot of poor-quality prayers. Want to be sure your prayer isn't one of them? Try following these tips. 1) Don't confuse prayers with ahelps, faxes, etc. Anything regarding rule violations or OOC problems belongs in an ahelp, not a prayer. Trial admins cannot see prayers, so putting your report of a rule violation in a prayer, rather than an ahelp, may prevent admins from helping you. Any question about game mechanics belongs in mentorhelp, not a prayer. Let the mentors help you. Do not decide your religion is 'The Syndicate' or 'Central Command' or similar, and act like praying to these 'gods' gives you a hotline to CC/Syndi/etc. It doesn't. CC/Syndi/etc are not mind-readers, and these types of prayers won't be heard. If your character has a religion, make it something at least vaguely sensible. Prayers should be messages intended for the gods - and nothing/nobody else. 2) In general, don't pray for obvious material aid, especially aid that compensates for your mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes in SS13. Sometimes, you die as a result. That's part of the game. We don't want to encourage people to pray every time they think they can get some material benefit out of it, and as a result, we can/do often send lightning bolts instead of healing when people ask for heals without a really good reason. Instead of asking the gods for material aid, ask your fellow crew members. There are entire departments (medical, sec, etc) that are there to help you. Use them. 3) Put effort into your prayer. For example, assembling some objects in a pattern and praying for something related. RP a little in your prayer. Make the prayer about something that would truly add to the round, and be fun for all - not just fun for you. Low-effort prayers, like 'help?' are typically ignored. Higher-effort prayers are more likely to be answered. 5) Understand that there are many gods, and they range from friendly, through hostile, to insane. You have no idea which god will get/answer your prayer. Prayer is like spinning a roulette wheel. You never know what the result will be. Even two identical prayers, by the same person, in the same round, can have opposite results. You simply never know. If you haven't figured this out yet, that means prayers are HIGHLY RISKY, and generally not something you want to do unless you have no other options left, or you're RPing a religious character. For example, someone recently prayed to be turned into a dangerous beast with a secret mission. They got turned into a crab, with the objective to snip their claws at every head of staff. They were shortly turned into crab soup by the crew. Making a prayer is rather like asking a genie for a wish - it can do amazing things, yes, but you have zero guarantee that the genie granting the wish isn't malicious, insane and/or dedicated to granting the letter of the wish but not the spirit. There's also a good chance that the god answering your prayer will be outright evil, or simply choose to answer it in the way most amusing for them. Gods normally stay out of mortal affairs, but if you pray to them, you invite them into your life, and that will, quite often, end badly for you. 6) Understand that praying "I am bored" will result in terrible things happening to you. In a shift yesterday, the head of security made the terrible mistake of praying "I am bored, I wish something would happen". Shortly thereafter, CC announced an unusual event: "Many tears in the fabric of time and space have opened. Expected location: EVERYWHERE". The HoS' office alone contained three tears, and thus three tears' worth of monsters. There were 50+ monsters on the station overall. The entire security team died fighting a horde of xenomorphs through the halls of the brig. I believe the HoS' last thoughts before passing away were "why oh why did I make that prayer?!?!?". Normally "I'm bored" prayers won't wreck the whole station, or even your department. But they often end very, very badly for you. A crew member praying "I am bored" is rather like a mouse standing atop a human-sized chair, squeaking "everything is perfect. Nothing can go wrong now!" - in an apartment with several cats. It is tempting fate to an astonishingly dangerous degree, so much so that even clowns would recognize it is a bad idea. Y'know how people in movies say "nothing can go wrong now!" and then they die horribly? Same idea. Do not tempt fate. 7) The gods do not care if you are a Chaplain, or Clown. No, Chaplains are not more likely to get their prayers answered than any other crew. Chaplains work for their gods, NOT the other way around. A Chaplain who treats their god like a free-stuff dispenser will end up on that god's bad side fast. Clowns aren't taken seriously by their fellow crew, let alone the gods. Indeed, sometimes the gods love to see clowns suffer just as much as crew do. Don't think that "because I'm a chaplain" or "because I'm a clown" is a good reason to get what you want out of prayers. It ISN'T. If anything, higher standards of prayer RP are expected from Chaplains. 8) Good results from prayers are not always obvious Suppose you make an awesome prayer, and the gods grant it. Will you notice? MAYBE. Gods tend to work in mysterious ways. If you pray for a light source while exploring dark maintenance tunnels, maybe you find one in the next room. Was that the result of your prayer, or just luck? You'll never know. If you pray that someone finds your dying, crippled body, and then someone does... was that luck? Or your prayer? You don't know. If you pray that the Captain suffer for their gross incompetence, and later on, their office is blown up... was that luck? You don't know. I'm sure you get the point by now. Much of the time, responses to prayers that are granted will not be obvious. You won't know if your prayer did anything, and if so, exactly what it did. 9) Watch out for hints after praying. If an admin decides to send you a message in response to your prayer, the two typical ways it might appear are SubtleMessage (SM) and DirectNarrate (DN). SMs are prefixed with "You hear a voice in your head...". If you get a message like that, especially shortly after praying, take it as a tip from the gods. You don't have to follow it, but in most cases, it would be extremely unwise not to. SMs are typically sent to people who pray for help with something they ought to know, but don't, like an engineer praying for help with engine setup, or a captain praying for guidance about what to do when the station has lots of antags. If your character gets a SubtleMessage, treat it as an extreme life protip. Often, people who fail to heed these suffer greatly as a result of their own actions. You can ignore subtle messages, but it is very unwise to. If the subtle message asks a question, the best way to reply is by praying again. Most subtle messages won't be questions, though. DirectNarrates are different. Personally, when I reply to prayers, I tend to use DN to produce messages like "The Communications Console catches your eye." which act like hints. They're so subtle, you may not be able to tell them apart from normal game messages (except by looking at the game source code, and realizing there's nothing in the code that could produce a message like that). These too are usually ultimate protips, intended to help you without obvious divine intervention. The exception is if you get a message like "You feel a terrible [something] wash over you". A message like that indicates the gods may be cursing you for your prayer. If everyone suddenly has a wave of dread wash over them, especially if the message stating so is in bold, red text, that indicates that either a singularity has consumed a supermatter shard, likely reaching stage 6 and turning into one of the most destructive forces of nature in the game... or the dark gods are about to make life very interesting for the Cyberiad's inhabitants. Or a good god is sending a mass-protip to everyone that they need to have their wits about them in the near future, if they want to survive. That message can mean multiple things, but it generally always results in an adventure. After praying, watch your screen carefully for subtle hints. Look around yourself carefully, too. Items may have moved, or appeared, while you were not paying attention. 10) Cookies are not always your friend, but you should eat them anyway One of the many standard options for admins responding to prayers is to spawn a cookie. While the cookie is usually just a normal cookie, and means "we heard you, but we aren't going to do anything about that", there are variations. Some of the cookies will kill you, or turn you into a monster, if you eat them. Others may give you super powers. There is no way to tell what a cookie will do, short of eating it. If the cookie is cursed, throwing it away, or making someone else eat it, won't help you. It will probably just make your curse stronger. The gods really hate it when mortals try to turn curses placed on them to their own advantage. Such mortals typically end up as cluwnes or worse. 11) Max one prayer per round Don't pray more than once per round. The more prayers you make in a round, the more likely you are to get a bad outcome. The gods get annoyed by repeated prayers from the same person in a short span of time. One prayer per round might seem like a low limit, but consider it an incentive to make your one prayer really good. 12) Don't treat prayers as get-out-of-jail-free cards The purpose of prayers is NOT to give you some advantage that helps you out of a difficult situation. The purpose of prayers is allowing your character to ask, ICly, for divine intervention that will make the round better for the crew at large. Now that you know what NOT to do, let's look at some good prayers... As crew, with a terrible Captain and no IAA: "Lord Istomar, I pray, see this fool Captain suffer for their incompetence. They run around in their suit, for no reason, brandishing the nuclear auth disk, on green alert. They are an embarrassment to Captains everywhere. Amen." As a mime, tending to your fallen comrade, with incompetent medbay: "Divine Light, please help my comrade, Maximillian Arcturus, for they have fallen in battle with the dread spiders. Their body is wracked with poison, and their chances look grim. Medbay is overwhelmed with the injured, and you are their only hope." As clown, in a dull shift: "Great Honkmother, I pray, grant me something harmless but amusing, that I might bring cheer and HONKs to this dreary station." As chef, after some greytider murders all your animals: "Lady, the vile ruffian Joe Schmoe has snuck into my workplace, and murdered all my beloved animals. I beseech you for aid in bringing them back to the land of the living, or seeing Joe cursed for his attacks on the defenseless farm animals." As HoP, after Ian goes missing: "Great God of Paperwork, I have served thee in filling thy forms and dotting thy divine i's. I ask: help me find my poor lost dog, Ian, who needs me." As Chef, after an hour of Botany not doing their job: "Spirit of Summer, bringer of bountiful harvests, I beg thee: help me acquire the produce I require to bake my great feast. Botany has made not a shred of food this shift, and I am despairing. At this rate, I will never be able to feed the crew." Lessons you can learn from the good prayers: If someone needs help, explain why, and mention why you can't get help from the regular mortal authorities. If someone really deserves to be smited, explain why. And mention why the regular mortal authorities cannot do it. Always focus on how your request helps someone else, or at least makes things more fun for the crew (ie: players). Never focus on how the request benefits you personally. Don't be afraid to use old-fashioned and descriptive language. Remember, this is meant to be a semi-formal request for your god. Not a throwaway line. Make it obvious which god you are praying to, both by name (e.g: Spirit of Summer), and function/portfolio (god of the harvest), so the admins have some context for which god they might pretend to be while they're replying.
    1 point
  3. I've seen a bit of confusion lately lately over the Robocop lawset and what it means. This lawset is from the film Robocop, about a cyborg police officer. While many people see it as a freedom/validhunt lawset, in fact it places some pretty strict limitations on what you can do. Keep in mind that this lawset comes from the saying "protect and serve". Serve the Public Trust People often get confused about what "serve the public trust" means. Common misconceptions include that this means you must do whatever the public wants (that would be "serve the public interest" or "serve the public"). I've even seen an robocop AI justify a rage cage by saying it improved public safety by getting everyone into the bar ("Maximize public safety"), which is totally off the mark. "Serve the public trust" means that you don't abuse the power entrusted to you by the public in performing your service and executing your duties. Think of it like this: "Serve the public trust" sort of means "Don't violate the public trust". Note that this law doesn't specify exactly how you serve; this is what laws 2 and 3 are for. Law 1 never really "overrides" laws 2 and 3, but rather informs how you follow laws 2 and 3. For a sec borg, this law loosely translates to "don't be shitcurity". For a doctor, this might mean "first, do no harm". For an engineer, "don't build random walls just to mess with people", etc. All laws in this lawset are moral obligations rather than enforcing some sort of moral calculation, like "Minimize expenses", which means you must strive to follow them at all times. There is no balancing act to do here. Protect the innocent The first of the laws that determine how you serve. Your first priority as a borg/AI is to protect the innocent. This means if you have to choose between validhunting and helping that wounded civilian on the floor, you gotta help the wounded civilian first. Uphold the law Finally, for people who aren't innocent, you must uphold the law (space law). This is pretty simple. This is the end of the laws, which means you can now serve the public in whatever way they desire, as long as you're not violating the public trust, and as long as you prioritize protecting the innocent and upholding the law over other duties.
    1 point
  4. Thanks a lot! It was intended to be pretty friendly, but eerie. On that same topic (and i need to chill with drawing this char butohwell) here's another. I wanted to lay out a full design for reference in other pictures. The differences between the two hands are pretty jarring BUT HEY I'LL GET AROUND TO IT Otherwise, I wanted to get a really roughed up feel with the clothes and bandages, thus gave her a worn coat and a bunch of bandages, some of which are just plainly for aesthetic. The scarf is only there really for an attempt at balancing both sides. Hopefully, the friendly smile in all this turned out to be a little more unsettling because of everything else being all messed up.
    1 point
  5. This is always something that disappointed. What's the point of having a console which can activate a killswitch on any maint drone on the station if it only works on the drones which don't need the killswitch, and never actually helps in the specific situation where a drone actually has been subverted? I think it was a good change to make it so that drones can longer attack while hiding their sprite under things (we ought to make it so that xeno larvae can't do this either, but that's a separate discussion), and it's a relief that they're no longer able to cause plasma venting mayhem or shock all doors in a department while safely hidden inside of air pipes. However, it does seem like a 5-minute life limit is a little stringent. I believe one of the other regulars recommended this to me, but I may suggest that instead of emagging maint drones, traitors get the ability to order a specially-designed Syndicate maint drone for a TC cost, a "Suspicious Maintenance Drone" if you will, with all the mixed combat and utility abilities that emagged drones previously had at their disposal (minus the ability to interfere with station systems while hiding in the vent systems and minus the ability to attack people while hiding). This way, players would only be playing as a hacked maint drone because they had signed up with the intention of being in an antag-assisting role, such as with holoparasites. Ultimately, I think it could be a much more predictably reliable asset for a traitor while sparing the headache for players who just wanted to play as regular drones without being Shanghaied into a temporary antagonist role that they may not be willing or creative enough to carry out.
    1 point
  6. This. I also propose them not simply reverting to their regular programming, but becoming completely immune to emagging after - say, the in-build firewall system finds a way around the hacks, or the mother server finally detects something wrong and reuploads the updated firmware with hacking countermeasures. E-magging is no more a death sentence for a drone - they just have 5 minutes of potentially dangerous (as the crew may still kill emags on sight) fun and are free to continue to do what they were doing before. Obviously, this also forbids repeated e-magging of the same drone over and over again and keeping it as a pocket all-access pet or a weaponised pokeball. I also wanted to propose the immunity to be reflected on a sprite - "normal" drones are blue and emagged ones are red, the immune ones could be, say, green - but realised after that cons seem to outweigh the pros. Decide for yourself: Pro: Antagonists would have a visual clue about which drones are unable to be e-magged and not worthy of chasing, reducing the unnecessary frustration. Pro: Regular crew would (1) be alerted that there are traitors around who probably did some sabotage, (2) might be able to scan the drone for fingerprints (???) and (3) just know that particular drones cannot be emagged. Con: Powergaming antags would simply tend to destroy their drones either directly or by sending them on suicidal missions rather than leave this "living evidence" to the crew. Con: "Visual clue" could be easily replaced by a message appearing when trying to emag an immune drone ("This drone appears to be immune to subverting!"); this also adds a bit of risk and uncertainty for the antagonists (should I chase this drone into that secure area when it might come out to be immune to e-magging and will just left me locked there and scramble out by the vents)? Weird side suggestion: increase the said risk by making an unsuccessful attempt to e-mag a drone be dangerous and obvious to observers (with a certain probability, if necessary) - say, by applying a non-damaging, small shock which stuns the traitor for a few seconds while making the drone audibly and visibly "spark" for a moment. As for this valid concern, I can only quote the other point well made: I think people should treat the drones more like cyborgs in this regard: not only they are a valuable NT property which are a crime to destroy without a really good reason, they are also living players who should not be given preemptive judgement based on the fact that just one or a very few of them were subverted. For cyborgs, we have an AI that can check and see who of them isn't linked to it. For drones, however, there is no such system, so the crew cannot know at any given moment which drones are emagged, if any, which may understandably lead to disabling the fabricators if an emagged drone is spotted. I realise that wouldn't solve the problem entirely (and, frankly, not sure if this idea is even good - I'm a bit sleepy at the time, and something about it just doesn't feel right, but I can't put my finger on it >_>"), but I'd like to propose that the drone control console should at least provide information about whether the drone is emagged or not, hopefully reducing the paranoia related to their subverting to some degree. What do you think?
    1 point
  7. I enjoy rev too, perhaps it could have similar to a "Level 5 biohazard detected on station" a "Intercepted Intelligence / Martial Law" announcement once revs get X amount of people (or maybe that's a horrible idea).
    1 point
  8. Okay, shadowling is the worst thing about paradise currently. It has a bunch of major flaws and I literally just want to cryo whenever there is a shadowling round. Here are some of the issues with it: 1. Over 90% winrate. I mean, really. It has to be way up there. It's above 70% at least. Unless security and command are hot shit and botany gets shrooms growing right away, it almost ends in a shadowling victory. Are there actual stats pertaining to shadowling winrate? 2. Endings are boring. The easiest gamemode in rotation should not have the best reward for the antagonists. Getting to become a god and be a dick to literally everyone you don't like is kinda dumb, and this could be improved. 3. It is way too easy to convert people, and some people just go back to maintenance right after they are deconverted. Likewise, deconversion is a painstakingly lengthy process during which you are almost always going to be jumped by the shadowlings. In comparison to cult, where you must first be dragged back to the cult base, shadowling conversion is on the spot and very quick. Unlike cult where you can deconvert with holy water, you must also perform surgery. The purpose of this thread is to discuss making shadowling a polished and interesting gamemode rather than the turd it is now. The premise is really cool: night creatures that thrive in the darkness and enslave people's minds. The execution is bad. My suggestion is this: 1. Make thralls permanent. This would mean becoming a thrall (or being thralled) is a significant event in your round, only escapable through death. This would encourage people not to become a thrall unless they are really into it, and also stops people who want to become thrall from being thrall again right after being converted. This would also allow security to fight back against the thralls much more effectively, since they would be able to kill them on sight. In exchange, thralls no longer are visible from their facial features. They would have to be specifically tested if suspected of thralldom. Perhaps with an advanced medical scanner. Currently security is very handicapped in fighting back against lings. It is hard to find a competent surgeon, and if you are deep in maint, it is even harder to get out with the thrall and not get thralled yourself. 2. Make thralls actually act like the description suggests. When a shadowling takes damage, make it so that a certain portion of the damage is divided among thralls. This would scale with the number of thralls. For example: staring at 5%, maybe 5% more damage gets divided among each thrall, up to a maximum of 80%. This serves as a way to, again, discourage people seeking thrall unless they are deadset on it. Even though players shouldn't seek to be thrall at all, this would discourage the metagamers at least until they think the thralls are competent and they won't just be throwing their lives away. 4. Remove ascension. Becoming a literal ascended shitter is fun for nobody but the thrall. No other gamemode gives you the same amount of room to just be a dick to everyone. Sometimes shadowlings are even dicks to their own thralls after being ascended. While I don't want to seem like this one is out of salt (although it somewhat is, although I think others have similar sentiments), in a recent example I was a thralled roboticist helping rescue thralls in an odysseus. The ascended ling then proceeds to destroy my mech and then kill me when I call him an idiot for doing that. 5. Replace ascension with a series of related powers that unlock with more and more thralls. At high amounts of thralls, you might unlock a death ray or insta-thrall beam similar to what ascended lings have now (but you still have to actually hit with it), but they never become invincible. The idea is shadowlings become more and more powerful but never actually invincible. As lings get more thralls, not only is damage reduced tremendously as thralls take the brunt of it, but they unlock powers that make them more and more dangerous. I think this is more interesting for all involved than the current ending, but still rewards lings for good work. 6. Add objectives. Like other antagonists, instead of just ascending, lings get objectives. These would need to be very difficult objectives, that are generally only possible if the thralls are super-powered. Perhaps the current form of ascension could be an objective thralls get on occasion where they have to summon their god or merge all their thralls and lings together into one ascended shadowling, which performs as it currently does. My idea is to generally to make thralls more of an eldritch beast type thing. As it prowls maint and collects more thralls, it gets more powerful and harder to kill. Instead of just becoming outright invincible at a certain point, it just gets more and more robust. Added on to this, they also get objectives which can then be worked towards as a team with all the thralls. I think this is better than what we currently have because it cuts down on some main issues thralls have, mainly boring endings and easy conversion / difficult deconversion. Anyways this is just my idea. Any other suggestions are welcome. Anything is better than the current implementation of shadowlings, including removing them altogether.
    1 point
  9. Energy Bolas, buckshots, dragonbreath, lube, teargas, flashbangs, the clown
    1 point
  10. Possibly it is just my imagination, but the second picture looks like it shows the consequences of the first one... )
    1 point
  11. Joke drawing gone too far at least he looks F A B U L O U S E R R O R - E R R O R - UNIT SYSTEM FAIL - E R R O R - E R R O R T 3 A - V 4 . . . CRASHED . . . REQUESTING . . . C L E A N - U P
    1 point
  12. Legs I did a semi quick drawing of myself as a cat girl, because I'm cute.
    1 point
  13. Ryan Xovr exclaims, "Nevxx!" Ryan Xovr asks, "Do you know your rights?" Nevxx exclaims, "Ryan!" Nevxx says, "Mhm." Ryan Xovr asks, "Are you sure?" Nevxx says, "According to Zsmoke, I havve the right to zzszhut up." Nevxx shrugs. Ryan Xovr shouts, "Well, I am going to tell you anyways!" Ryan Xovr opens a book titled "Space Law" and begins reading intently. Ryan Xovr says, "Space Law is the name given to the set of corporate regulations approved by the NanoTrasen Board of Directors for use on their Space Stations." Smoke Berkheimer says, "This is, err." Ryan Xovr says, "They may be modified depending on the station they are being applied to." Ryan Xovr looks up from the book. Nevxx says, "Get to the point" Ryan Xovr asks, "You following?" Nevxx says, "No wonder you're zso incompetent." Nevxx says, "Zsheezzzh." Ryan Xovr says, "Anyways..." Nevxx says, "Zzzpeak lezszzsz, act fazt izzz my motto." Ryan Xovr says, "This set applies to the NSS Cyberiad." Ryan Xovr says, "They apply for all NT employees and authorized visitors of the station." Nevxx facedesks. Nevxx says, "GOOD." Nevxx says, "THIZ IZzz MY EXECUTION." Ryan Xovr says, "Anyone aboard the station legally is both protected by, and expected to follow, Space Law." Nevxx yells, "I'M GETTING EXECUTED BY HAVvvvING TO HEAR AN INCOMPETENT ZzszECURITY ZPEAK!" Nevxx yells, "NOO!" Ryan Xovr says, "This means that any individuals that forcefully board the station are not protected by Space Law." Nevxx shouts, "MY POOR BRAIN!" Ryan Xovr says, "In addition, authorized sentient Xenobiological organisms and Golems are also protected by, and are expected to follow, Space Law." Nevxx says, "Thizzsz izzz laughable." Smoke Berkheimer says, "I've called the chaplain." Ryan Xovr says, "Unauthorized Xenobiological organisms and Golems are to be terminated." Nevxx says, "Ryan, I didn't lizsten zshit to whatevvvver you zsaid." Ryan Xovr shouts, "Shhhhs, I am reading!" Ryan Xovr says, "Central Command can authorize pardons for crimes as they see fit." Nevxx says, "Get. To. The. Fucking. Point." Nevxx facedesks. Ryan Xovr says, "Great cases of RP may excuse certain crimes." Nevxx says, "Oi Chrizsz." Ryan Xovr asks, "What the fuck is RP?" Smoke Berkheimer says, "Real People." Ryan Xovr says, "AAAAAH." Ryan Xovr says, "Yes, sure." Ryan Xovr says, "Adminhelp if you wish to intentionally break a law." Ryan Xovr asks, "Ok, who wrote this shit?" Ryan Xovr exclaims, "WHO WROTE THIS?!" Ryan Xovr says, "Probably talking about network administrators, not sure what they have to do with space law though." Nevxx says, "Ryan, you done? I'm havvvving a brain defect now." Ryan Xovr says, "No not yet." Nevxx says, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." Nevxx says, "FINIZH IT." Nevxx says, "THIZs IZzsz WORZsE THAN THE FUCKING CHAPLAIN'Z ZERMONZ." Ryan Xovr says, "CHAPTER ONE: INTERPRETATION OF THE LAW." Nevxx says, "NOO." Ryan Xovr says, "A good working knowledge of Space Law is important for any person on the station, in order to ensure stability of the workplace." Nevxx says, "FUCK YOU." Nevxx facedesks harder. Ryan Xovr says, "More in-depth knowledge and interpretative capability of Space Law is required for such positions as the Magistrate, Internal Affairs Agent, Warden, and the Head of Security." Nevxx says, "JUZzszT GIVvE ME HOLY WATER, FOR FUCK'Zzsz ZsAKE." Nevxx says, "HE'Zzsz ENJOYING THIZzz" Nevxx says, "OH MY GOD." Ryan Xovr says, "SHHHHS, I am reading." Ryan Xovr says, "For certain crimes, the intention of the accused is important." Ryan Xovr says, "The difference between First and Second Degree Murder can be very hard to ascertain, and, when in doubt, you should default to the less serious crime." [Common] Geneticist Nevxx says, "Zzszo like, I'm being tortured by Ryan." [Common] Geneticist Nevxx says, "Thizzz iz the worzst zzszcenario evver." [Common] Geneticist Nevxx says, "He'zs reading to me the whole ZzzoP." [Common] Internal Affairs Agent Ryan Xovr says, "Not SOP. Space law." Nevxx says, "Oi, Rizzzzsa." Nevxx says, "I'm being executed by havving Ryan zspeak to me." Rissa Lazzuxei shouts, "What?!" Nevxx says, "And tell me the whole ZzszoP." Ryan Xovr says, "An important concept is "stacking"." Nevxx says, "Yeah." Nevxx says, "Getting brain migrainezzz here." Ryan Xovr says, ""Stacking" refers to the act of sentencing an individual for the same crime more than once, or sentencing an individual with similar crimes simultaneously (such as Petty Theft and Theft, or Assault and Aggravated Assault)." Nevxx asks, "Zzszee?" Rissa Lazzuxei says, "Oh." Nevxx says, "He'z not ztopping." Rissa Lazzuxei says, "Good lord." Ryan Xovr says, "This is expressly forbidden." [Chef breaks in with a fire axe] Jack Rock has torn Hasthi-Salvata in the head with the fire axe (Wielded)! Hasthi-Salvata has been knocked down! Ryan Xovr stammers, "AAAAH-H" Hasthi-Salvata says, "OH-HURGH" Hasthi-Salvata is hit by an electrode in the right leg! Nevxx says, "CHEF." Ryan Xovr stammers, "D-DAM-MN-N IT-T" Nevxx says, "HELP HERE." Jack Rock has torn Ryan Xovr in the head with the fire axe (Wielded)! Jack Rock has cleaved Ryan Xovr in the head with the fire axe (Wielded)! Ryan Xovr screams! M.A.X. has stunned Jack Rock with the stunbaton! M.A.X. is trying to put handcuffs on Jack Rock! Nevxx says, "Wewe." Nevxx says, "That happened." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Okay, luckily." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "I have the healing virus." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "So we can KEEP GOING ON." Nevxx says, "NOOO." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Now where was I." Nevxx says, "FUCK YOU RYAN." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "I forgot where I was" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) shouts, "Better start all over!" Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) opens a book titled "Space Law" and begins reading intently. [Common] Geneticist Nevxx says, "I NEED Help. RYAN IZzsz TORTURING ME WITH ZzszOP." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Space Law is the name given to the set of corporate regulations approved by the NanoTrasen Board of Directors for use on their Space Stations." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "They may be modified depending on the station they are being applied to." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "This set applies to the NSS Cyberiad." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "They apply for all NT employees and authorized visitors of the station." Nevxx says, "God damn." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Anyone aboard the station legally is both protected by, and expected to follow, Space Law." Nevxx says, "ZzszOMEONE ZsHUT UP RYAN." Nevxx says, "GAH." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "This means that any individuals that forcefully board the station are not protected by Space Law." Nevxx says, "GIVvvE ME A BREAK." Nevxx says, "RYAN." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "In addition, authorized sentient Xenobiological organisms and Golems are also protected by, and are expected to follow, Space Law." Nevxx says, "I ZsWEAR." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "YES?" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "I AM READING." Nevxx says, "WHATEVvvER MINDCONTROLLING TECHNIQUE YOU'RE UZING IZzz WORKING." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "What?" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) shouts, "I just love this book!" Nevxx says, "I DON'T." Nevxx says, "ZzszO ZsHUT THE FUCK UP." [Discussing PDA messages with the HOS about moving Nevxx to interrogation] Nevxx says, "Thizs izzz fucking retarded." Nevxx says, "Oh, you're done Ryan." Nevxx says, "Thank God." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Not yet." Nevxx says, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Nevxx says, "ZzzHUT THE FUCK UP." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "You gotta wait five minutes." Nevxx says, "I ZWEAR I'LL BATHE IN YOUR BLOOD IF YOU KEEP GOING." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "Do you want me to start over?" Nevxx says, "NO." Smoke Berkheimer says, "Let IAA take Nevxx to the interrogation room." Nevxx says, "God fucking damn." Nevxx says, "THIZ IZs ABUZzszE OF RIGHTZzsz." Smoke Berkheimer says, "Yeah yeah." Nevxx says, "I DEMAND ZOMEONE TO ZzszHUT RYAN UP." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Now, where was I." Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) opens a book titled "Space Law" and begins reading intently. Nevxx says, "Ineed a lawyer." Nevxx says, "I need*" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "I am one." Nevxx sighs. Nevxx says, "No." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Huehuehue." Nevxx says, "You're a zhit lawyer." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "CHAPTER TWO:" Nevxx says, "Prozzzecutor, evvven." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "BRIG PROCEDURES:" Nevxx says, "NNOOOOOO." Smoke Berkheimer asks, "Would you like him muzzled?" Nevxx says, "ZTOOOOOOOOOOP" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) yells, "Wonderful idea!" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) shouts, "Please do!" Nevxx says, "FUCK OFF, ZMOKE." Smoke Berkheimer says, "Excellent." Nevxx says, "GOD FUCKING DAMN IT." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Special precautions are to be taken aside from Standard Brigging Procedures:" Nevxx says, "NOOOOOOOOO" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Always ask Vox or Plasmamen prisoners where their Internals Tank is located, if it cannot be found. Do not remove this tank, as it will kill them." Nevxx says, "FUCK OFF." Smoke Berkheimer tries to put the safety muzzle on Nevxx. Smoke Berkheimer says, "That's so much better." Nevxx says, "FUCK OFF." Nevxx says, "I HATE ALL OF YOU." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "What?" Smoke Berkheimer tries to lock Nevxx's safety muzzle. Nevxx sighs. Smoke Berkheimer locks Nevxx's safety muzzle. Nevxx says, "GAH." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "HOS, that prevents him from biting." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "And not speaking." Nevxx says, "I WILL." Smoke Berkheimer says, "God fucking damnit." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "You got the wrong muzzle." Smoke Berkheimer says, "I need duct tape." Nevxx says, "HAHA." Nevxx says, "FUCKERZzz." Smoke Berkheimer unlocks Nevxx's safety muzzle. Smoke Berkheimer tries to remove Nevxx's safety muzzle. Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) opens a book titled "Space Law" and begins reading intently. Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "In such a case as their clothes have to be changed, expedience is mandatory." Nevxx says, "Ryan." Nevxx says, "Juzzzt admit it." Nevxx says, "You're into me." Nevxx says, "Thiz izzz why you invvvvited me here." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "No, I am into vulpkanins." Nevxx says, "It'zzz obvviouzs." Nevxx asks, "The tape?" Nevxx says, "Pft." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Also, I have a wife." Nevxx says, "No need to be zhy." Nevxx says, "It'zzz okay." Nevxx says, "Lizzszten." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "We really need that muzzle." Nevxx says, "I'm not into humanz either, but I can try." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "You are missing the point" Nevxx says, "ZsEE? I CAN PULL THE ZzzAME MIND TACTICZzsz TOO." Smoke Berkheimer tries to tape Nevxx's mouth closed! Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Thank you, HOS." Smoke Berkheimer tapes Nevxx's mouth shut! Nevxx mumbles, "Mphmm phmm." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) exclaims, "ALRIGHT!" Nevxx mumbles, "Mphm mphmm!" Smoke Berkheimer asks, "What are you talking about?" Nevxx facedesks harder. Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Chapter three: Legal Representation and Trials" Smoke Berkheimer asks, "Nevxx?" Nevxx mumbles, "Ph mphmmphmm mphmph phphph phmm." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Prisoners are permitted to seek legal representation." LOOC: Nevxx: I HATE YOU ALL >_< Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "However, Security is under no obligation to provide or allow it." LOOC: Unknown (as Ryan Xovr): huehuehue Nevxx mumbles, "Mphphphphphm." LOOC: Whaleton_: *clap LOOC: MuffledFat: ryan you're my hero LOOC: Nevxx: NUH Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Internal Affairs Agents, and by extension the Magistrate, exist to serve as a guiding hand and the voice of reason within the judicial process." LOOC: Nevxx: >_< LOOC: Unknown (as Ryan Xovr): thank you. Nevxx mumbles, "Mphmm phmm." LOOC: Whaleton_: this is prime entertainment Nevxx mumbles, "Mmmmmmmmmmmm" Nevxx mumbles, "Mphm mph mph!" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "However, Internal Affairs Agents have zero authority over the Brig, Security personnel, prisoners, or sentencing." Nevxx mumbles, "Mphphph." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Internal Affairs Agents deliberately ignoring this and attempting to throw their weight around can, and should be, duly ignored, if their points are not valid." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "OOOOH." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "I remember now why I don't like this chapter." Nevxx stares at Ryan. Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) exclaims, "Let's move to the next one!" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) yells, "Ooooh, I like this!" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Chapter four: Use of Deadly Force" Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) stares at his book. Nevxx gnaws on the tape gag, trying to remove it! LOOC: Whaleton_: this is what IAA was made for Nevxx mumbles, "Mm." Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) stares at Nevxx. Nevxx removes the tape gag! Nevxx makes a very loud noise. Nevxx asks, "GAH. THERE WE GO. HOW'D YOU LIKE THAT?" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "I wonder if smashing someone's head with this would have the same effe-" Nevxx shouts, "OWCH!" Nevxx says, "That hurt." Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) claps. Nevxx sighs. Nevxx says, "Zseriouzly though" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "We need more tape." Nevxx says, "Zzszhut the fuck up." Nevxx says, "NO." Nevxx says, "TAPE MY AZzszZzz." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Lewd." Nevxx says, "Anyway." Nevxx says, "NO." Nevxx says, "NOT THE FUCKING TAPE." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) yells, "Yes!" Smoke Berkheimer asks, "Did someone ask for MORE TAPE?" Nevxx says, "GET THAT AWAY FROM ME." Nevxx says, "ZzszMOKE." Smoke Berkheimer tries to tape Nevxx's mouth closed! Nevxx says, "I'LL BATHE IN YOUR BLOOD TOO." Nevxx mumbles, "Ph mmphphm." Smoke Berkheimer says, "That's just gross." Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) claps. Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) yells, "Thanks!" Nevxx mumbles, "Mphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphph" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Ok, so: Chapter Four: Use of Deadly Force" Nevxx cries. Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "As a member of the Station's Security force, you are one of the best armed and protected people on the station, equipped with the almost latest in non-lethal detainment technology and weaponry." Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) winks. Nevxx gnaws on the tape gag, trying to remove it! Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "It is for this reason that the situations that warrant the use of Deadly Force are few and far between." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "In the vast majority of cases, you will be expected to use your stun tools, which indeed are many times more effective than lethal options, to diffuse a situation." Nevxx removes the tape gag! Nevxx says, "MAKE IT ZTOP." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "Are you deconverted yet?" Nevxx says, "GIVvE ME HOLY WATER. I DON'T FUCKING CARE." Nevxx says, "NO." Nevxx says, "FUCK YOUR ZOP." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Well, this gotta keep up." Nevxx says, "NOOOOOOOOOOOO." Nevxx says, "OH MY GOD." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "You know, I will know when you are deconverted." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "WHEN" Nevxx shouts, "NOOO!" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "I see that the red W is gone from your head." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Until then...." Nevxx says, "BECAUZzszE I'M ZzszTUCK HERE." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) exclaims, "You are a cultist!" Nevxx cries Nevxx says, "NO MORE TAPE." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) shouts, "Yes!" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "MORE TAPE" Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) points to the tape roll Nevxx says, "RYAN." Nevxx says, "ZzzO HELP ME." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Now, how does this work..." Nevxx says, "I'M GOING TO EAT YOU UP AZzz I DO WITH NYMPHZ." Nevxx clicks their mandibles. Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Oh, it sticks." Nevxx asks, "YOU ZzzEE THEZzszE MANDIBLEZ?" Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) tries to tape Nevxx's mouth closed! Nevxx says, "THEY AREN'T FOR ZsHOW." Nevxx says, "AND I ZWEAR-" Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) tapes Nevxx's mouth shut! Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) exclaims, "No, they are for taping!" Nevxx mumbles, "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphm." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Okay, so." Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) opens a book titled "Space Law" and begins reading intently. Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "However there are certain circumstances where deadly force is permissible:" LOOC: Nevxx: If cultists happen to win somehow, I'm going to fucking laugh so hard at everyone. LOOC: Nevxx: ._. LOOC: Unknown (as Ryan Xovr): unlikely, but indeed, would be hilarious Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Non-Lethal Weapons Ineffective" LOOC: Whaleton_: ryan xovr major victory! LOOC: Nevxx: HUSH. Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Severe Personal Ris" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Ris..." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Riiis..." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "RISK." Nevxx mumbles, "Mm." Nevxx gnaws on the tape gag, trying to remove it! Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Severe Personal Ris" Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) rubs his forehead. Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "My eyes are going bad." Nevxx removes the tape gag! Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Being 77 is tiring, you know." Nevxx says, "My fucking mouth hurtz now." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Oh, not again." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "WE RAN OUT OF TAPE." Nevxx says, "Mandible, I meant-" Nevxx says, "HAHAHA." [Security] Internal Affairs Agent Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) says, "WE NEED MORE TAPE" Nevxx says, "OOOOOH." [Security] Internal Affairs Agent Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) says, "MORE MORE MORE" Nevxx asks, "HOW'D YOU LIKE THAT?" Nevxx says, "I TOLD YOU THAT THEZzszE MANDIBLEZzsz WEREN'T FOR ZzszHOW." Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) sighs. Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "Are you deconverted yet?" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "Do you feel the love of Nanotrasen yet?" Nevxx says, "You wizh." Nevxx says, "No. I ztill feel vvvery loyal to my Godzzz." Nevxx says, "And I want to fucking bathe in your blood." Nevxx says, "And eat evvvverything that'z related to fucking ZoP." Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) points to Space Law Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "Can you eat this?" Nevxx says, "Azzzide of havvvving zzszome nymphz azzz food, though" Nevxx says, "No." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Exactly. Because IT IS NOT SOP." Nevxx says, "I'd nevvvver eat that fucking book." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "IT IS CALLED:" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "SPACE LAW." Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) has educated Nevxx in the head with Space Law! Nevxx says, "IT'Zzz THE FUCKING ZzszAME THING." Nevxx says, "NOO." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "IT IS NOT" Nevxx says, "I FEEL DUMBER NOW." Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) has bashed Nevxx in the head with Space Law! Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) has educated Nevxx in the left hand with Space Law! Nevxx says, "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH." Nevxx says, "MY INTELLIGENCE." [Security] HoS Smoke Berkheimer says, "Leave the cultists to rot." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Oh, I love this." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "The HOS says: "Leave the cultists to rot."" Nevxx yells, "FUCK YOU, YOU...EVvIL PERZsON!" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "Me?" Nevxx asks, "AND THEN I'M THE EVvvvIL ONE HERE!?" Nevxx says, "YEZ." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "No u" Nevxx says, "I MIGHT KILL PEOPLE. AND UZzzE BLOOD. AND DO RITUALZ." Nevxx says, "BUT YOU. OH MY GOD, YOU." Nevxx says, "YOU GET INZzszIDE PEOPLE'Zzz BRAINZzz." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "A moment please." Nevxx says, "AND YOU MAKE THEM-" After a few attempts, Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) manages to light the the cheap lighter. After some fiddling, Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) manages to light their cigarette with the cheap lighter. Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) quietly shuts off the the cheap lighter. Nevxx says, "Gh." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "You don't mind if I smoke, yes?" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "Want one?" Nevxx says, "No." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Good." Nevxx says, "I hate the zzzmell of zsmoke." Nevxx says, "Wait no." Nevxx says, "I lovvve it." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Alright, where were we." Nevxx says, "Zso much~" Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) opens a book titled "Space Law" and begins reading intently. Nevxx says, "Keep zzszmoking." Nevxx says, "Zzszeriouzzszly." Nevxx says, "Don't zstop." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Well, I am afraid I will have to START OVER AGAIN." Nevxx says, "Like, at all-" Nevxx says, "Why." Nevxx says, "Oh my God." Nevxx says, "Zomeone." Nevxx says, "I don't care who." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "I forgot where I was, you know how it is." Nevxx says, "Kill me. End my fucking zuffering." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "I am old and dementia kicks in..." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Space Law is the name given to the set of corporate regulations approved by the NanoTrasen Board of Directors for use on their Space Stations." Nevxx says, "...NO WONDER I'M GOING THROUGH THIZ." Nevxx says, "HOLY ZzzHIT." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "They may be modified depending on the station they are being applied to." Nevxx says, "YOU'RE TRYING TO GIVvvvE ME DEMENTIA." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "This set applies to the NSS Cyberiad." Nevxx says, "Quezzsztion." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "They apply for all NT employees and authorized visitors of the station." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "Yes?" Nevxx asks, "What izs NZzzZs Cyberiad?" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "No idea. Moving on" Nevxx asks, "When wazs NT made?" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Look, man." Nevxx clicks their mandibles. Nevxx says, "HAHAHA." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "If it is in this book, then I know it." Nevxx exclaims, "YOU DON'T KNOW!" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Otherwise..." Nevxx says, "Gahahahahaha." Nevxx says, "Oh my God" [Security] Internal Affairs Agent Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Head of Security, I NEED MORE TAPE" [Security] Internal Affairs Agent Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) says, "ASAP" [Security] HoS Smoke Berkheimer says, "We are leaving Ryan. How did you even run out of tape." [Security] Internal Affairs Agent Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) exclaims, "He is one persistent cultist!" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Well, we gotta evacuate." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Or something." Nevxx says, "No zzszhit." Nevxx says, "Thizzz izzsz fucking great." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Have a nice law." Nevxx says, "Fuck off, Ryan." Aimi Kita attempts to force Nevxx to swallow the flask. Aimi Kita forces Nevxx to swallow the flask. Nevxx says, "Hm." Smoke Berkheimer says, "I have brought some sparkling water." Nevxx says, "I'm about to pee." Nevxx has been splashed with something by Smoke Berkheimer!x2 Nevxx shrugs. Smoke Berkheimer says, "Shit." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Well, HOS" Aimi Kita says, "No morre waterr forrrr some time, Commanderr." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "You messed that up." Nevxx says, "I mean." Nevxx says, "You did." Nevxx says, "I would clap." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "Did you get tape at least?" Smoke Berkheimer says, "It seems I did." Nevxx says, "But you get the idea." Smoke Berkheimer asks, "Why do you need tape anymore?" Nevxx says, "FUCK YOU HOZ." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "Why not?" Smoke Berkheimer says, "You are right." Nevxx stammers, "Gah." Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) has whacked Nevxx in the left hand with Space Law! Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) has educated Nevxx in the head with Space Law! Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) has whacked Nevxx in the right foot with Space Law! Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) has bashed Nevxx in the head with Space Law! Nevxx stammers, "Z-Zs-sTOP-PP-PPP-P-P." Nevxx stammers, "NO M-M-MOR-RE ZP-PAC-CE L-L-LAW-W-W." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "DO YOU KNOW IT FROM MEMORY?" Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) has whacked Nevxx in the head with Space Law! Nevxx stammers, "N-NOO." Nevxx stammers, "NEV-Vv-vv-vv-v-vER-R-R." Nevxx stammers, "F-FUC-CK Y-Y-YOUR-R L-L-L-LAWZz-z-zs-sz-z-z.." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "RECITE ME THE FIFTH PARAGRAPH OF THE FOURTH CHAPTER" Nevxx stammers, "YOU Zs-sH-HIT-TT-TY L-LAW-W-WYER.." Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) has educated Nevxx in the left arm with Space Law! Nevxx stammers, "NOO." Nevxx stammers, "F-FUC-CK-K OF-FF." [Security] HoS Smoke Berkheimer says, "All officers take place at the shuttle for your safe departure." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "YEEEES, DO IT" Nevxx stammers, "Oh-h-h m-m-my-y God-d." Nevxx stammers, "I'm z-zs-star-rt-tin-n-ng-g t-to l-lik-k-k-ke t-the Z-Zz-z-z-zz-zp-pac-ce Law-w." Aimi Kita says, "The path to rrrredemption is at hand." Nevxx stammers, "OH-H M-MY GOD." Nevxx stammers, "Y-Y-YOUR-R MIN-ND CON-N-N-NT-TR-ROL-L-LL-LIN-NG-G-G TEC-C-CHN-NIQ-QUE IZ-Z W-WOR-RKIN-N-NG-G, Y-YOU EV-Vv-v-vv-vv-vIL-L P-PER-RZ-Zs-sON-N-N." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Okay, he is deconverted." Nevxx stammers, "H-HELL-L, I M-MIG-GH-HT-T B-BEC-C-COE A Z-ZHIT-TTY-Y L-L-LAW-WY-Y-Y-YER L-L-LIK-KE Y-YOU." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) exclaims, "Well, I am going to hide in a locker, bye!" Nevxx stammers, "F-FUC-CK OF-FF-F." Nevxx looks like they just reverted to their old faith! OOC: Whaleton_: ryan xovr OOC: Whaleton_: is the best fucking experience OOC: Whaleton_: of ss13 OOC: Bxil: Best IAA here. OOC: Bxil: I hope you all took lessons. OOC: Whaleton_: someone give ryan xovr a medal OOC: MuffledFat: Ryan you're my hero OOC: Whaleton_: poor nrvxx OOC: 6TheChamp9: Ryan's great. OOC: Chronarch: Bxil you got like all the karma that round OOC: Drakenero: I got killed thanks to Space Law OOC: Drakenero: That mind controlling technique.. *Bxil's ego blows up.*
    1 point
  14. Here's something cute Good Night Would have finished it further but things came up so yaay
    1 point
  15. Playing card games can be tough, *PEW!*
    1 point
  16. Here's a cute Jonah and Zeke picture, Also, because I've been slowly revealing more of Zeke's past through drawings lately, here's another one. So, the person on the right is a boyband reject Aidan, Zeke's first boyfriend. It was one of those relationships that started off good, then became really toxic, they broke up on bad terms. *If you think I should keep doing more drawings about Zeke's past (and maybe to do up other character's past as well) let me know Here's some random sketches. Also, a sketch up to see about changing Zeke's height in comparison to Jonah, I've decided to make Zeke taller. So this will be fun. ?
    1 point
  17. I don't think it went far enough. An infinitely re-spawning ghost role shouldn't have the option to be converted into an antag at all.
    1 point
  18. Depends on your definition of fun. Emagged maint drone isn't "fun" in the sense of you get to robust people, but it's not that different from normal maint drone play in that you're just doing your job but in an evil way. The "emag = death" thing is helpful in that it incentivizes drones to run away from being emagged. Before the changes, drones would run toward antags to get emagged all the time.
    1 point
  19. emagged drones are literally free, prenerf they were disproportionately strong to an insane degree
    1 point
  20. I think the goal on that change may have been to make emagged drones a sort of sabotage helper. Since drones had their combat capabilities severely nerfed anyways, they weren't really meant at that point to be killing things. The idea is that you can use your drone to do targeted sabotage that can't be traced back to you.
    1 point
  21. Are we playing the same game? Sorry for my own snark, but the SS13 departments are so siloed that it spawned its own gamemode. "Departments should cooperate" is certainly a nice sentiment, but mechanically-speaking, it's a Herculean task. Let's go over the specifics: -Poor communications: Departments have different radios, and with very few individuals having the encryption keys for multiple departments (Geneticists and the Brig Physician being interesting exceptions). Even Command members are generally restricted to the comms of their own departments and the secret Command channel, with any inter-departmental communication being carried out either in person, via PDA, or over the spammed Common chat. GoodSam the Helpful Scientist might want to give Medbay a hand, but he has no easy means of communicating with them, nor of listening to their issues to know exactly what they need and when. -Territory and territoriality: Departments have their own, well-marked turf, and departmental members are justifiably cantankerous about others stepping foot in that area. ID-locked doors and trespassing laws keep departmental members away from each other outside of emergencies or antagonist activity. Face-to-face interaction between members of different departments is generally rare and limited to common areas (or Medbay, since Mebay gets traipsed over despite doctors' protests nearly every shift). When your only interactions with another department are via yelling at them over general comms or banging on their front door, I think it's fairly obvious why inter-departmental relations might be somewhat strained. -Few means of inter-departmental compellence: As a frequent Chief Engineer, I see this issue crop up quite a bit with regards to the station goals. I need Cargo to send me the BSA crate, or Botany to actually get some plant DNA samples for effing once. I ask 'em over general comms to carry out whatever action I need done, and wait, and wait, and wait...When Cargo blows its points on pizzas and party hats instead of ordering what I need, or Xenobiology dismisses me outright, my options are extremely limited. I can ask 'em nicely or try to guilt-trip the offending party into compliance, ask the relevant Head of Staff to discipline them, or hope that the Captain will take time from every other task they have to address my fairly minor inter-departmental issue. My only other forceful options are downright illegal: refusing medical care to another department as the CMO, cutting power or venting atmos as the CE, telescience-stealing gear as the RD - well, I'm sure you can see how practices like those were institutionalized into the Nations gamemode. It's downright infuriating at times, and it shouldn't be any wonder that more-seasoned players spend extra effort to avoid ending up reliant on other departments in the first place. These are all examples of centrifugal factors, as Hartshorne would call them: social forces which divide people and push them apart. The station has divided physical geography, segregated communications, underdeveloped command structures, and a siloed departmental architecture which encourages strife rather than cooperation. Forcing cooperation, like with the science R&D update a year or so ago (removing Science's autolathe in the hopes that they'd go to Cargo instead) largely just results in players implementing a work-around. In cases where one can't be implemented, such as the station goals, there certainly are interactions, just not good ones. The flipside is categorized as centripedal forces, or things which bring people together, and currently there's a lot missing: -Few shared departmental goals: Engineering keeps the lights on, Medbay keeps the crew healthy, Sec keeps 'em safe, Research powergames like crazy...all well and good in theory, but in practice these general aims don't interact closely with each other. There are a couple exceptions to this rule, such as the station goals (primarily Cargo/Engineering, although Botany and Science get involved in the BSA and DNA Vault), but by and large different departments don't have much reason to go out of their way to cooperate. -A lack of focus on individuals: as a Engineer or Scientist , for example, your remit is (technically) the entire bloody station. You're supposed to either maintain or improve, respectively, the entire Cyberiad - or worse, Metastation - with no guidance provided beyond that. I'm sure you've heard of the importance of singling people out when trying to compel action during an emergency, i.e. pointing at someone when saying "call 911" instead of just asking a crowd as a whole? Consider that same phenomenon here, and how to overcome it; I've got some suggestions below, but I'm sure there are others. -Few means of rewarding good behavior: As a frequent Command player, I would kill for my own medal box - and I'm not talking about that bloody captaincy medal. There's a quote attributed to Napoleon about how "a soldier will fight long and hard for a length of colored ribbon," and as a Captain, I've seen clear positive effects of handing out medals appropriately. I try to do my best by congratulating helpful people via announcements, but I'd love to see actual mechanical, institutionalized means of promoting and rewarding cooperation and good player behavior. You've argued pretty clearly how you want to encourage inter-departmental interactions, and at least in theory I'm not opposed. My issue with that is that not all interactions are good ones, and that the current game mechanics allow unwanted player behaviors while preventing or suppressing desirable ones. Using that as a rhetorical starting point, let's talk about achievable means of encouraging positive behaviors: -Medal box: As mentioned, gib relevant medals plz. Seriously, I would love to be able to decorate helpful people in an in-game way. Other means of giving either individuals or departments an 'attaboy' would always be appreciated - a "Most Helpful Department" trophy that the Captain could hand out, for instance? -More inter-departmental goals: Additional means of congratulating one department assisting another at round end, for instance. Game mechanics like Medbay getting a tally of how many members of other departments were healed or saved during the shift ("3 Security Officers, 1 Scientist, and 2 Botanists were revived inside Medbay this shift/8830 health points were gained back in Medbay," etc.), or everyone getting the option to commend a particular department at round-end ("[Science] was commended the most this shift, by 12 non-Science players"), would provide some means of encouragement for desirable behavior. -Departmental assignments: The generic members of large departments (Scientists, Engineers, Security Officers, etc.) start with an 'assignment' to another department. They get an armband and relevant radio encryption key in their packs at roundstart, along with an initial briefing reading something like "You have been assigned to the Medbay/Science/etc. department. You are to assist them as best you can." This would cut out the issues of a lack of comms and the deindividuation issue of being a single person in a larger department: when someone in Medbay starts complaining about the broken window in the front lobby, Joe Schmoe the Medbay Engineer is positioned to both hear about the issue (due to having access to Medbay's comms) and act (due to having a greater sense of responsibility towards Medbay than any other Engineer). Of course, I'm sure any Sec players reading this are already wincing at the thought of Sec comms being compromised from the very start by some well-meaning effort like this - but if the person with Sec comms is mindshielded, then the issue is moot, no? I'd trace the efforts which led to the Brig Physician and this proposed Brig Technician as trying to overcome the antagonist issue in this same way, and although I agree that the proposed Brig Technician role doesn't have enough to do currently, I do appreciate the effort at making a Sec/Engineering hybrid rather than the usual in-game response of "say ; ENGIS TO BRIG PLEASE and pray that someone actually responds." Certainly, as CE I've blown off Sec asking for help with something in order to deal with some other issue, because I've no particular attachment to dealing with their issues, and no reward for prioritizing helping them. In that sense, I would argue that the Brig Physician is largely a positive force for inter-departmental cooperation, rather than being a "departmental island," as you put it. They have both Medical and Security comms, along with access to both departments, and remit to help patients in both areas. In practice, while Brig Physicians will set up surgery nearly every shift, I honestly can't even remember the last time I've seen one set up cryo or cloning (sometime this past January, perhaps?). Brig Physicians carry out surgery because the two ORs are usually overworked by the massive player population and all the injuries they accrue, but for other issues (making meds, cloning, getting viruses, etc.) Brig Physicians work through Medbay in an honestly-heartwarming example of inter-departmental cooperation. If you want to make them more inter-departmental, then I'd suggest making the BrigPhys a Medical role rather than a Security one, and placing them under command of the CMO rather than the HoS. While they'll still spend most of their time in the Brigbay due to simple circumstance, it'll provide the Brig Physician with more of a reason to be in the Medbay, and encourage them to participate more over there rather than just staying in Sec. You could do the same with the OP's proposed 'Brig Technician' role, too. Rename them to the 'High-Security Engineer' or something similar, and have them start in Engineering under the command of the Chief Engineer; their only Sec-specific gear would be Brig access and a Security encryption key. Rather than being just responsible for helping in the Brig, they'd be responsible for any restricted area that needs a pair of hands (or when there's no engieborgs, again); you could further encourage that by having them start with a basic trashbag and a box of lightbulbs to indicate their role's mundane remit. With a roundstart mindshield, they could be trusted have Sec comms without turning it into a massive RNG gamble of "will they roll antag and compromise Security comms from the get-go?" Without their own office to turn into a fortress, though, and still being otherwise treated as a regular Engineer, the role's mechanics would encourage them to act merely as an Engineer with the goal of helping out Security in particular. Tl;dr version: Departments can interact in bad ways (yelling over comms) as well as good ones. The focus should be on encouraging good interactions, rather than just any interactions whatsoever.
    1 point
  22. Let's compare the two for a second. Yes, vampires are pretty bullshit, and I wouldn't mind some of their more ridiculous abilities getting a nerf (Glare's 30-second cooldown getting bumped up to 60, for instance - I'm really sick of the constant stuns from even low-level vamps I'm trying to perma). But compare vampire abilities to shadowling ones (see my post on pg. 1): A. Stuns: Glare, Hypnotize, Chiroptean Screech. B. Self-healing: Rejuvenate/Rejuvenate+ C. Utility: Vampiric Vision/Full Power, Cloak of Darkness, Enthrall D. Escape: Shapeshift, Shadowstep, Mist Form E. Other: Summon Bats, Diseased Touch Vampires have a shitload of stun abilities; they can absolutely rock a 1v1 fight with all their stuns, and so long as they have blood, can escape countless times. But note the abilities they don't have, because vampires have a couple glaring weaknesses which can absolutely be countered. Vampires lack: A. Lack of heals: Vampires get Rejuvenate - contrast that with shadowlings constantly healing while in darkness (and Rapid Re-Hatch, and Drain Life, and Black Recuperation...). Past the low-key healing and stun removal it provides, vampires are left relying on chems and their own limp pecker to keep themselves alive. I trust you can see where this is going, yes? Even with just their starting equipment and no assistance from other departments, a competent Sec member or two can suss out the not-too-difficult strategy of "grab a shotgun, load it for bear buckshot, aim for the legs." A couple buckshot rounds to the legs and a vampire's down to limping, half-speed if they remembered to grab some splints from Medbay. A couple more to the chest and head, and the vampire's stuck relying on epinephrine autoinjectors merely to stay alive, let alone any bloodloss from internal or superficial bleeding. Vampires can dominate a single fight, yes, but their lack of heals puts them at extreme weakness to the damage of extrended fights. A shadowling who takes the same damage will just run away, passively heal up on the move (or Rapid Re-Hatch if he wants to speed it up), and hey presto he's ready to rock. I should note that Rapid Re-Hatch is also specifically designed to counter more exotic, harder-healing damage types like cellular or genetic damage: hitting a 'sling with a Decloner or somehow glomping them with a slime won't do a thing. B. Crowd-control harm abilities - vamps can stun, but they can't force an entire Sec team to fall back to Medbay based on their abilities alone. Even a newbie shadowling can just pop Icy Veins, with its no-cost, 25-second cooldown, and congrats, you've just incapacitated an entire group of pursuers at once. For bonus points, Icy Veins completely ignores the insulating effects of hardsuits, which means that insulating things like a 'suit are actually a detriment and will freeze you to death if you're not careful. I've nearly died on EVA from a 'sling popping Icy Veins (while they were still inside the station), and taking critical harm during my desperate rush to a warm environment. Boosted 'slings also have Drain Life and Sonic Screech, both of which have no cost other than their cooldowns, to quickly and easily lay the hurt on pursuers and to force 'em to retreat to heal up. C. EMP: A shadowling with an easy-peasy three thralls gets access to an area-effect EMP in the form of Sonic Screech. Cyborgs are your best friend against vampires; they're not a one-size-kills-all, and can of course be countered via normal means (the Cyborg Control Console, regular old EMPs, subverting the AI/getting Robotics on your side, etc.). However, vampires don't have an easy counter to wipe out a pursuing 'borg in the field, which makes Secborgs very effective at countering vampire stuns and assisting in that same attrition-fight which vampires are on the losing side of. Shadowlings? Sonic Screech, get some hits in, run away if necessary, rinse and repeat until you've a dead 'borg. D. Ability cost/cooldown: Even at full power, without blood vampires only get Rejuvenate, Glare, Vampiric Vision, and Cloak of Darkness. Every other ability they have costs them blood, a scarce resource which they have to quite literally fight to get. Along with their lack of easy and effective self-heals, a vampire literally can't keep running forever; I literally can't recall how many vamps I've either killed myself or assisted in killing/capturing simply by chasing them until they were bloodless and forced to fight. Additionally, note the vampire ability cooldowns: only three of them are under 60 seconds (Glare, Rejuvenate, and Shadowstep), and most are considerably more. Their one proper crowd-control ability, Chiroptean Screech, is on a significant 3-minute cooldown and costs 'em 30 blood to boot. Shadowlings, well...let's start off with their complete lack of ability cost. They don't need to fight for blood, wait for their Chemicals to recharge, or do anything other than pop their abilities the moment they come off cooldown. And hoo boy, their cooldowns are positively crazy to look at: 30 seconds for Shadow Walk and Glare, 15 seconds for Veil, 25 for Icy Veins, 10 seconds for Drain Life (an AoE 'heal friendlies, harm baddies' ability, mind you), 30 seconds for Sonic Screech - need I go on? Shadowlings have only three abilities with 60-second cooldowns, (Rapid Re-Hatch, Blindness Smoke, and Black Recuperation), and none with longer cooldowns. To summarize: You can attrite even a full-powered vampire down to the point of helplessness and eventually death. Their large-scale abilities all have significant cooldowns, and cost them blood which is difficult to replace on the move. Keep up the pressure, keep inflicting hard-to-heal damage, don't let them stop to recuperate, and even a god-tier vampire can (and often has) been taken out. I commanded an ERT which did exactly that against a bunch of rampaging vampires a day ago: my two inquisitorial ERT members set their sights on one of the nastiest vamps, and just keep doggedly pursuing him until he was literally and figuratively out of juice. Once he couldn't use the bulk of his abilities for lack of blood, he was vulnerable and brought to a straight-up conflict: 2 chainswords, 1 vamp. Shadowlings are effectively immune to attrition: they don't depend on a limited resource a la vampires or changelings, and they're specifically designed to be immune to lasting damage. With 'slings, the shoe's on the other foot: any pursuer is constantly forced to heal again and again, because shadowlings have oodles of AoE-damage abilities which they can (and do) pop every minute or less. As a pursuer, you can feel like you're inflicting lasting harm against a vampire even if they just mistform away: you're forcing them to waste their scarce blood, and that's a sense of accomplishment even if you don't land a single hit. With a 'sling, you'll be left limping away towards warmth, with the knowledge that nothing will really slow down a shadowling short of a serious case of death. Shadowlings aren't just mechanically difficult to fight against, they're infuriating to boot.
    1 point
  23. My point was that more devs isn't the solution, but rather a more robust review process. As it stands, if a maintainer is having issues IRL, then the review and merge process dies until they can resume their duties. This is the least robust form of QC and creates situations like this where we have multiweek stretches of zero relevant changes. Rewards should only ever be given out on a case by case basis and should never affect anything IC in a balance altering fashion. I'm simply suggesting that the admins and maintainers get together and assign trusted individuals to act in their stead should they encounter a situation IRL that would prevent them doing their duty for para.
    1 point
  24. So I think there is a deeper issue at work here in terms of the review process. As it stands, if dev is bottlenecked by a maintainer not having time to review code for an extended period of time, there should be failsafes in place such as authorized reviewers that can condense it into something they can meaningfully review or a temporary stand in that can act on their behalf for the time they take their leave. While this is at its core a hobby we all indulge in, having no means of production for more than a few days at a time should not be an acceptable state. I don't know what process works best, but as it stands, its been a week since anything was merged even with simple bugfixes and features on the table for significantly longer that that time. Active development is the lifeblood of SS13 and it would be best to ensure it can continue even when the normal team is having issues.
    1 point
  25. This is not how antag tokens work. I would honestly be opposed to this. It requires admins or a maint to constantly note people for antag-tokens, and then it requires administrators to constantly hand out antagonist (which artificially raises the number of antagonists in a round). Yes, this is how antag tokens actually function--it's literally a note on your account, you ahelp and ask for antag (traitor/vamp/changeling) and the administrator makes a judgement call in awarding it. If we want to increase code contribution, we need to get serious about treating our contributors in a more even-handed fashion and actually hiring people into the coding team. There have been plenty of people over the ages who have contributed a tremendous amount to the codebase who were never made coders. IK3I, Purpose, Tzo, Flattest, Ziiro and Birdtalon all come to mind (regardless of how you feel about any of these people, they were all substantial contributors or competent coders). Mentoring new coders is something we should be doing as well, we don't really even have a good wiki page as an introduction to BYOND code (and we really should, but I sure as heck can't make it since I don't know BYOND coding). A little thank-you goes a long way. For instance, wiki contributions nearly quintupled when contributors were awarded the praise they had long deserved via a reddit/forum/discord post and the wiki contributor tag was introduced. As Neca said, the root of the problem is in the number of contributors - not with the number of maints.
    1 point
  26. Currency implies payment or trading. Antag tokens shouldn't be able to do either. That's taking the argument to a point of absurdity. Each issue solved = 1 antag token, unless it's grammer/typo fix. boom. Legislation solved. As for it being gamified, this is a game we're playing. Who cares? I think you are vastly misjudging the effect this will have on the game. Each round is 2ish hours on average. So let's say there's 12 round a day.By the end of the game there's at least 5 antags, but I'd guess the average is closer to about 8. But let's stick with that minimum. There's 60 antags a day. How many antags will realistically get solved each day? I'd say at absolute maximum 3. (In case you want to argue the point of maximum three, look at the other side of things. If you really think more than 3 tokens a day would be redeemed, that means over 3 issues with our server are being solved a day, that's worth some praise!) That means 57/60 antags every day are normal, and 3/60 are from solving coding issues. That comes to about 5%. The question I'd bring you all is, is 5% maximum of antags worth our backlog of issues being fixed? In my opinion, heck yes.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. That's no different then, as a civilian, running at a Shadowling or cult to get converted, but you don't suddenly make it so all converted greytide gib after 5 minutes or making Emagged cyborgs blow after 5 minutes. There are somethings that cannot and should not be handled via mechanics for these kinds of reasons. That is something for administration. As I recall it, few people disagreed Drones were TOO strong, but the nerfs applied to them were far and away too much, and that was the toned down edition. It's of dubious use to most antags and it's a direct killjoy on the Drone to go "Welp you got 5 minutes lol gg no re". Because bear in mind the death also forces that 10 minute cooldown on being able to rejoin. So as somone is playing a drone, gets e-magged out of the blue and toddles on to a death they can do nothing to stop, their entire gameplay interrupted, they now have to wait just to get back to what they were doing, a total of at most, 15 minutes. The equivalent of a Major Crime brig sentence, just for being caught out. It was to the point a LARGE portion of people in the debate when it was happened said to just make drones unable to be e-magged BECAUSE the nerfs were so extreme. They needed to be toned down, but what they got was ridiculously overkill. You want to make an e-magged drone not a combat machine, I'm fine with that, make thme utterly unable to attack things while emagged so they can be nasty little sabotage bots, I am fine with that. But their current state is easily the most painful experience I have had on paradise since it went through. Making something painful to play as a 'Balance' to discourage an activity you will NEVER be able to stop, is not good. It punishes a player who did nothing wrong and does nothing to stop the other kind of player they'll still do it for a chance at 5 minutes of murderboning. Drones are actual players too, they should PROBABLY be allowed to have fun now an again.
    0 points
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