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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/2018 in all areas

  1. Necaladun has weeded their way back into the system, he has rejoined us as a Game Administrator!
    6 points
  2. Well, ya want help becoming a good bartender, eh? Rise above the masses, and such? Came to the right place. Name's B.E.E.R, I've been tending to bars for around 33 years now. Needless to say, I know my shit. First and foremost, looks. You want to be respected, start here. See that top hat on your counter? Wear that shit, it looks good. Don't take off those shades, either. They will actually scan containers, and tell you what's in them Now for your uniform, you've got a couple choices here, fashionwise. You've got the standard uniform with a bow tie, that looks okay. Make sure you wear a jacket with this There's the Amish suit in your wardrobe in the back, which is better. Make sure you wear a jacket with this If you're feeling really fancy, go on down to the clothesvend and grab the executive suit, It's bound to turn some heads. Don't wear that armor, either. You really shouldn't need it. LACEUP SHOES: WEAR THEM. I mean, you're wearing a fancy-ass suit, and then sneakers, or sandals. Come on. Keep that bandolier on, for intimidation points. You see a dapper man with a belt full of shotgun shells, are you gonna fuck with him? If you're of the more feminine persuasion, the following is likely to look better: The standard uniform with a waistcoat would work quite well, although definitely keep the laceups and hat. If you want to go for a more fancy custom outfit, I recommend checking out the Victorian attire. Alright, so you look the part. Now to equip yourself properly. You got a shotgun in the back, it's a classic double barrel. Get rid of your bag, and put her there. Trust me, you won't need a bag. You are able to recolor the shotgun to more fit your looks. I personally like the faded grey, it blends right in. (alt click to recolor, use a pen to rename.) In the back as well is a shaker, should be right next to the shotty. For the love of Synthetica, use this to mix drinks! It's 100 units, and is made to mix things in! Make sure you set the transfer rate to 50 Back to the counter now, grab that rag if someone hasn't already. Use it to wipe off glasses when people are done drinking from them. or make a molotov There's a zippo, grab that as well. Even if you don't smoke, you can light cigs for people, and look badass doing it. You got your shit, now to make the bar look nice. You got a stack of books and shit on your table by the booze-o-mat, clear that off. Those books are junk anyway. Toss the russian revolver on that table too. This will display it, while keeping it secure. Put out some glasses, on the other counter, by the dispensers. Make them neat and orderly. NEVER make large amounts of drinks and toss them out there. This isn't the damned kitchen. Make drinks to order, and clean up when the person is done. If someone wants to reorganize, let them If you're good at construction and interior design, you could do it too So, you look good, feel good. Time for how to actually do things So, someone walks into the bar, what do you do? Greet them by last name unless you personally know them, and ask if they would like something to drink. Assuming they ordered, place a glass in front of the guy, as confirmation that they ordered, and you heard. You toss the shaker in the relevant dispenser, and mix that shit. Make sure you make more than 50u. Full glasses make for less asses. Pour out the drink, then put the shaker back in the dispenser to empty it. When they leave, wipe off the glass, and put it back. Make conversation with people! You're not a damned automa! Ask questions, or tell stories! Don't make the questions or stories too personal, you'll just creep people out. Lights went out! What now? Don't panic. Make for the office, and grab two packs of eternal candles. Light them in the packaging, and throw them around the room. Make sure you don't hit people. If the power is out as well, grab the keg, or the booze cabinet as well. How to deal with shitters I have a system I use for shitters, the three strike system. First strike, I will warn the person to not do it again. Second strike, I will shoot them twice in the chest, and drag them out of the bar. After this, alert sec Your bandolier, and by extension, your shotgun, are loaded with 5cm beanbag slugs. Two of these to the chest will knock anyone onto their ass. Third strike, and if sec is not responding, I will get violent. If they are attacking you go straight to strike three. Bottle to the head will knock the guy on their ass and soak them with nice flammable alcohol. If they continue being a shit after being bottled, you have that zippo still, right? Time to burn, bitches. If someone is climbing over the bar, you can click on the table to knock them off Most importantly: Make this your bible Feel free to ask me any questions!
    1 point
  3. So, I decided to make the mistake of playing as Magistrate. It was all chill, not really getting into security's way, but helped out here and there and tried getting involved, like giving a prisoner, who was about to be executed via a firing squad, the permission to stand as he was about to be executed. Hell I even went and fetched him a blindfold and bought a cigarette. Suddenly, captain calls me to the bridge, and shoves a fax message in my face, that basically says that command and security are incompetent and that ERT should be called to purge them; it had a stamp, it was written in my name (and of a IAA who I haven't met, but was on the manifest), but naturally, it wasn't signed. So I headed to the IAA office, and /surprise/ there was the original message that was faxed, and an automatic response from CC. Well, it was either the other IAA who was messing about, or something else was up. I called the detective who scanned the papers aaaaand... we got a name. Not too surprisingly, that name was on several cell logs, with the crime being of breaking into places, and currently ,said person was punching himself in a cell, until restrained, and kept shouting to kill ourselves, and that we are stealing his shit. He even started punching when second he go out of cuffs, and when I accused him of the fax messages, he naturally denied it. I showed him the detective's scanner reports, that had his prints on it. I was told to kill myself. The IAA's ID was discovered then, which was in his PDA (security failed to notice it before). Then he suddenly turned catatonic, to be stuffed to cryo. Well. I guess it was a better experience than just spamming my gavel on the bridge, but damn. Sometimes I wonder what sort of people are behind these sort of 'characters'.
    1 point
  4. For emagged drones to work, we need to know, 100% that people are not specifically becoming drones and allowing themselves to be emagged. If people are doing that, the whole thing breaks down. And the problem is, there is absolutely zero way to enforce drones not trying to be emagged. Unless the person who plays the drone is dumb enough to do something really egregious or flat out admit they are doing it, they will never be caught. All you need to do to get emagged is be in science maintenance while a traitor with an emag is around and let it happen. Can we prove that a drone was in sci maint specifically to be emagged? No, we cannot. And on top of that drones are anonymous so you can't even establish a clear pattern of behavior. Forget all of the other arguments, this right here is why emagged drones should not be a thing. Because it relies on rules that are totally unenforceable, and unenforceable rules are not rules. Everything else, from fun for the drones and antag, to their combat power mostly being derived from a bad interface, to the power of an emag, to antag/sec balance is static and doesn't matter because this issue means emagged drones cannot work, no matter how they are implemented. It would be better if we didn't have them at all, but the current crippling nerf of making them basically useless is better than how it was before at least. They should have been removed entirely, but as they say, a good compromise makes everyone upset.
    1 point
  5. Had it been only the timer, or the removal of the drill, or limiting their mobility and table pass, it may have been acceptable nerf. But this nerf was the quintessential 'i ded plz nerf' response to a problem that could be solved with two clicks of an ion rifle or less. Most if not all the nerfs should be reverted and some new method implemented, as well as certain people coming to understand that 'No interference' does no mean or equate to 'run away from all crew on sight'
    1 point
  6. That's no different then, as a civilian, running at a Shadowling or cult to get converted, but you don't suddenly make it so all converted greytide gib after 5 minutes or making Emagged cyborgs blow after 5 minutes. There are somethings that cannot and should not be handled via mechanics for these kinds of reasons. That is something for administration. As I recall it, few people disagreed Drones were TOO strong, but the nerfs applied to them were far and away too much, and that was the toned down edition. It's of dubious use to most antags and it's a direct killjoy on the Drone to go "Welp you got 5 minutes lol gg no re". Because bear in mind the death also forces that 10 minute cooldown on being able to rejoin. So as somone is playing a drone, gets e-magged out of the blue and toddles on to a death they can do nothing to stop, their entire gameplay interrupted, they now have to wait just to get back to what they were doing, a total of at most, 15 minutes. The equivalent of a Major Crime brig sentence, just for being caught out. It was to the point a LARGE portion of people in the debate when it was happened said to just make drones unable to be e-magged BECAUSE the nerfs were so extreme. They needed to be toned down, but what they got was ridiculously overkill. You want to make an e-magged drone not a combat machine, I'm fine with that, make thme utterly unable to attack things while emagged so they can be nasty little sabotage bots, I am fine with that. But their current state is easily the most painful experience I have had on paradise since it went through. Making something painful to play as a 'Balance' to discourage an activity you will NEVER be able to stop, is not good. It punishes a player who did nothing wrong and does nothing to stop the other kind of player they'll still do it for a chance at 5 minutes of murderboning. Drones are actual players too, they should PROBABLY be allowed to have fun now an again.
    1 point
  7. Although not in relation to Paradise at all, this happened on my second playthrough on Aurorastation. Wanted to try out a heavy RP server for awhile now, and figured I try out Aurora before I check out Bay12. Now usually, I don't have a problem with Sec on Paradise, because anything that does pop up that I might have a legit issue with, could get resolved via the IAA/Magistrate, or if unavailable, then ahelp normally solves the problem. And I can see now that this might be a recurring problem on servers like Aurora, where IAA/Magistrate roles are non-existent or not played at all, and you have to rely on admin presence to deal with the issue. So when my character gets put away in a cell for 35 minutes without formally being charged with anything and just 'wordlessly' thrown into a cell, I'm left with complete disappointment rather than anything else, and on a heavy RP server I'd expect some layer of roleplay to be involved, but didn't even get the basics. And what dastardly crime did I do to get put away for 35 minutes? I used a cleaning grenade and slipped up two officers in an attempt to rescue a fellow revolutionary. My slipping didn't yield much results sadly, and I was tazed, and battered to the point that my right arm was bleeding, despite not offering any resistance. They didn't even know if I was part of the same group but they could have safely assumed as much by my actions, but not a single word was actually uttered at me or indirectly during all of this, and I was thrown into a cell wounded. Having quickly reviewed their space law regulations, nothing I had done would have condoned that sentence. So I ahelped it... I got nothing in response, and my ticket was eventually closed, again, without a response. I didn't actually have to spend a full 35 minutes in jail because about 15 minutes later, a gang of fellow revolutionaries show up to rescue me, but failed in the process.. and from then on, I'm dragged around by the CAPTAIN cuffed and bleeding out. Heavy RP my ass!
    1 point
  8. The wikipedia section on morphine synthesis says that it's possible though way more expensive than extracting it from poppies. Maybe given a few hundred years morphine synthesis would be possible?
    1 point
  9. Let's see... Modafinil: It works quite differently than Cafe Latte. Cafe Latte wakes you up from sleeping as long as you have a unit in you and heals Brute damage. Modafinil reduces stun, knockdown, unconsciousness times and heals stamina damage at a hilariously low metabolization rate. It's practically our Meth without brainloss, with half its metabolization rate and without the speed buff. Feels waaay too strong for me but I'm not good with balancing. Morphine: There is a way to make morphine - Botany and they can mass produce it. (Or order it from Cargo but eh...) I've never seen Medbay running out of Morphine (especially if you turn it into Hydrocodone, as you get 60u Hydrocodone for 30u Morphine) but even if you do, you can give Botany a job - I would love to keep it this way. I usually order morphine from Botany as a Roboticist as well for the rest of the species I have to borg/implant that I cannot put under. Cryptobiolin: Not sure why would we need it, our Spaceacillin is made of space fungus + ethanol and cryptobiolin only causes confusion. But if you want to keep it for the confusion, then I guess we could have it? Royal Bee Jelly: We have it with this exact recipe, however it is currently bugged, it doesn't split the queen for some reason (I tried it). That's why it is not on our wiki. Chlorine Hydrate: Sounds almost exactly the same as Ether except for the confusion+death part. I... am not sure if I wanted to see this ingame. Feels like it'd be overused for kidnapping - unless, well, it requires 10+ units to metabolize, but then who would use it and for what purpose? I can only think of cultists and dragging off people to the nearest teleport rune. If it is a slow-acting anesthetizer, Ether would be always safer (and it is about to get a buff as I've seen on Github). If it's too slow-acting for antags, antags won't bother with it - I think... Impedrezene: Pure mercury does almost the same but I have nothing against it. Mute Toxin: Perfluorodecalin does exactly the same, not sure if we need a second muting chemical... Lexorin: It feels like a super easy way to get Pancuronium (though Lexorin doesn't paralyse)... Not sure... If we were to have it, the recipe has to be much more complicated. Fentanyl: This is almost exactly our Neurotoxin. Pax: Sounds hilarious. We have this in the form of pure hugs but it's almost impossible to make so I'm down for getting this. Just change the mindbreaker toxin part. Synaptizine: We have it, it's called Haloperidol. Spewium: Jesus Christ hahahah I didn't expect anything like this. It feels like a too low-RP chemical for me but I have nothing else against it. I wouldn't like to see it personally but maybe others have a better sense of humour than me.
    1 point
  10. The mining location being a boring hunk of stone that contains literal trash for loot (most of the time. Okay the ultra rare demon heart never actualy happens if you are antag and they dont hire from manifest ever despite you being able to demon crawl is a huge advantage for sec) instead of a lava filled hellscape is another big pet peeve I hate when RNG screws me over and I roll miner. If it only was some lava filled hellscape with worthwhile challenges, ruins, rewards and loot I would love mining.
    1 point
  11. Some new ones since I've been playing a lot of Supply. As Quartermaster: -Having 3+ Cargo Techs. I know it's a good entry job for new players, but it gets messy and even boring when there's too many people in the department with nothing to do. In addition, if one of them is REALLY new, that's a good 20+ minutes of supply being slowed down to a crawl so I can teach them. Maybe I should start finding fun roleplay things to have an overflow of Techies do. -Techs that obsessively ask for paperwork for everything. I'm guilty of it too as a new Cargo Tech, but please stop asking the brig physician for paperwork on their console screens for a body scanner, or a welder an injured IPC is asking for. -Techs that call and send out the shuttle when i'm there without talking to me first. There's usually a good reason the shuttle is where it is. Don't call the shuttle without any orders, and don't return the shuttle if it wont give us the points to buy what we need! Until tech disks come, the shuttle should always be in a flux of having and not having any points. -Crew that don't check their mail before asking where their crate is. This is annoyingly common, and there's been too many times someone like the brig physician has come down asking "Where's my crate?" for me to tell them I mailed it 5 minutes ago. "Oh." is always the response. Check your mail. -Crew that think they have to break in to cargo to use the autolathe, rather than just ask. Unless you know the person at the front is being a stickler, ask first. If it's odd or possibly illegal, well.... I accept bribes. -Miners who don't respond on comms (and dont take a GPS to boot). Let me know you're ALIVE so I don't have to pester the HoP for a replacement. Miners are important to the station, don't go silent. -Me being an antag and having to leave the Cargo Techs to fend for themselves. I want to be an antag, but it always feels bad abandoning my post for most of the round. I'm a monster! As Miner: -Slow Scientists -Finding a bunch of Hivelords on my first mining run, while i'm full health. Such a waste. -Miners who spend the first 15 minutes hunting and killing xenos instead of mining. Save some for the rest of us! Also do your job! -Surprise Gibonite. Oh hey, there was more gibonite ore behind that first one- there goes my arm. -The fact that Gibonite can destroy your ore crate, leaving nothing behind. Goliath + Narrow Corridor + Tentacle activated Gibonite = Bye Bye 8000 points of ore.
    1 point
  12. No help intent drives my blood pressure up. Especially when it's in tight quarters like the cargo bay or the cloning room. Double that if it's in tight quarters and I'm trying to haul in my mining box or trying to rig up an IV. I also second the medical pet peeves. W ether it's people calling dibs on OR's, people dragging patients away from each other, CMO's that don't have a clue on the basics and virus crates (why? Dear god why the virologist doesn't need that crate unless they're up to no good) I've turned off most of the roles there. A couple more to add to the salt pile: -science not giving upgrades to miners but salting about not having enough minerals. I hear ya research I'm hunting down more diamonds but it would really help if you could give me a dang mining bag of holding at least. - Captains raging at me when I'm playing QM about not shipping the station parts off, even though I literally did in the first 20 minutes of the shift and we both know those crates are going to sit abandoned in engineering all shift. -Department heads ignoring me in :c when I'm trying to get approval for transfers. Do you want more paperwork? Because this is how you get paperwork. Double this when I'm trying to get ahead of the demand for gateway explorers and ask the Cap early how many they want to allow and they just ignore me. And then I have a lineup of people hollering that they want Gateway. -People hacking into the Gateway if they don't get their way in the HoP line. People fucking off to the Gateway without even letting us know what's on the other side. -People not playing the roles they signed up for. Didn't get antag so you suicide in the first minute of the shift. Cool. You joined mid shift and selected your job but you want to transfer immediately? No you can't transfer into cargo you chose to be a doctor dammit. I don't need more techs I need docs that's why we have job slots argh!
    1 point
  13. If sec brings in the clown (or anyone) for slipping them then they are shitty sec. Regardless of threats or otherwise. Only time an arrest would be justified for slipping is if it was directly interfering with security dealing with a threat. On that note, if a clown slipped me while I was hunting a wizard I'd probably tase and cuff them to a chair or pipe n leave them there saying "If you are gonna waste my time I'm gonna waste yours"
    1 point
  14. If someone is calling on the radio that there's a WIZNERD IN DORMS and you're dragging some guy who was hacking the eva doors to brig, cut them loose and get to the dorms if you're equipped to handle the threat. If we know there's a wizard but he's vanished and nobody has a clue where they are, it's security's job to arrest the other criminals and you absolutely cannot fault them for doing their job just because you feel you should get a free pass into a restricted area while there's an ostensibly larger fish to fry. Do your job, sort your priorities. Security can't do shit if the threat is nebulous and not actively harming the crew, they're not clairvoyant. You're just as much of a shithead and worthy of brig for breaking into places during a severe threat to the crew as security is busting you for it with a big threat around. Now, if there's an active wizard and the crew is calling for help, and some sec dude ignores it to bring in the clown for slipping him, that's shitty security work.
    1 point
  15. I don't see why bigger threat present on station immediately "turn off" lesser crimes from Space Law and I hate Warden/HoS who will let thef, or vandal go, becouse NukeOps declared war, or Wizard is around. If threat is not present in brig at the moment, why Sec should let criminals go? Especially Sec Borgs that almost always lack any means to fight: "Why are you arresting me, when there is a wizard on the station?". What I should do? Shoot disabler untill battery runs dry and get EMP'ed?
    1 point
  16. BUT...DAT WINDOW THO... Its...its expensive to replace... WTF is this corporate lawset? I agree with this to a degree, and on the counter side I hate when anyone on the station just fucks around and is disruptive regardless of the dangers on the station. The "Who cares that we all might die...it happens all the time" meta attitude. There was a wiz round one time where I was warden and had a greytide who eventually escalated to self antagging brigged the whole round. He was being disruptive to sec and was like "There is a wizard on station, why are you even bothering with me?" to which I countered "Why are you actively disrupting us if there is a wizard on station? Just because there is an emergency doesn't give you a free pass to break laws."
    1 point
  17. Lack of communication and coordination between security officers. People who get mad for overstepping their bounds and getting punished for it - sec included. Lack of communication between players. One accidental hit or awkward scenario becomes round-long (or even longer) drama. Fastmos. 1 psi pressure doesn't do that, not with our small spaces! Gateway explorers that don't hand in contraband. I really think this should become an official job. We need more jobs in general, because civilian/assistants/traders/businessmen swarm the station and the HoP doesn't manage 'em. They just become a big mass of uncontrollables fighting each other for the last screwdriver that's available.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Don't forget the unspecified surgical tools accidentally left somewhere in your chest/head cavity.
    1 point
  20. Going to robotics for an implant, but ending up in medbay with half your blood gone, an open cavity, the doctors don't know how to help you and you don't even get the implant in the end...
    1 point
  21. So it just dawned on me, that many people don't actually know what a psychiatrist is, what they do, what they know, etc. In a lot of ways, they'd actually (potentially) know more than the CMO. They would probably be a senior doc, second in command, if you think about it that way. So, it would be 12 years, at least, of school/study/practicum/research/etc. That is your first 4 of normal college. 4 more to be a doctor, then 4 more of psychology study/etc. In all of that time, you would have learned everything a normal doctor would have (this includes all aspects (surgery, emergency medicine, etc)). You would have learned some chemistry. You might have even learned some genetics (because this is scifi, and there is no way of knowing what the real word equivalent would be). Okay, so, you know a little bit of everything. Or, a lot of everything. What gives? You're not payed to do shit. No patients? No problem. But what could you do, what do you actually know? Well, you studied for 12 years. Do you remember it all? Maybe you forgot. Maybe you cheated, lied, and bribed. You got options. If you aren't feeling that intensity, change the title to psychologist, or therapist or whatever the alt titles are. A psychologist is probably more geared towards researching, or being a professor. Has a PhD. A therapist might have a masters, maybe only a bachelors. A councilor might only have an associates, but might have a bachelors or a masters, maybe. The role allows for a lot of freedom. You can be super competent, and have a lot of knowledge. You could also be a total dunce that thinks everyone is ill and can't find your way out of your own chair.
    1 point
  22. People who know literally every antag power/item/etc and use that knowledge to basically ruin a round as quickly as possible. The same people who then whine that the round is boring and the crew is greytiding because they are so bored since antags got destroyed asap. People who abuse antag item knowledge but then pretend like they don't know those same traitor items can be found in maint, on the asteroid, in the gateway etc. How much of the crew consists of vigilantes who screech about anything and everything. Crew who blindly trust command/sec/the ai/borgs because " x cant be an antag, lol" Officers who assume the first one to scream over comms/report something is the victim. Officers taking one persons word as evidence even when conflicting actual evidence is apparent. Officers who forget that tresspassing doesn't apply if the person was let in or given access. (example: Bob is let into science by Science Nerd George who has access. Science Nerd Urist doesnt like it and calls sec and sec arrests Bob despite him doing nothing wrong and George verifying this) Players who do these sorts of things: "Bob is a vampire he glared at me! Only vamps can glare!" "I HEAR LIGHTS SMASHING IN MAINT, SLINGS!" - random doctor. "Bob murdered me in maintenance with an esword, he had an emag too, he was wearing black, his favorite color is purple and he likes long walks on the beach" - some person right after being cloned
    1 point
  23. Jokes on you, by code airlocks are subtypes of doors.
    1 point
  24. People who go about thier normal business when there is a dangerous threat on the station because "thats what always happens" or "its normal" then cry endlessly when they become collateral damage for getting in the way because whatever they were doing was interrupted. Also both sec and antags (hell even other players) who play as hard as possible constantly and then cry that rounds are boring while failing to realize that thier inability take it easy for the sake of the round led to the it being boring.
    1 point
  25. Security Security skirting the law or even straight up break the law without consequence. Security jumping the bar, thinking they own the place (I will still shoot you as bartender, unless you are actually here to investigate) HoS players not taking the role seriously, breaking SoP and sometimes even Space Law without reprimand Detectives who don't do their job Detectives who don't do their job, while laying in a dog bed in the hallway hissing and meowing like a cat at passers by..... Over Sentencing Security using non-standard equipment without any clear reason other than "I want a baseball bat" Security with Hulk without good reason Security putting loaded weapons into Evidence/not disarming potential weapons Wardens who claim they know Space Law but brig with bizarre charges and times ("Sabotaging the brig" =/= picking up metal rods and glass sheets) Security who fire weapons down a crowded hallway (This should honestly be "Reckless Endangerment" and be subject to demotion) Security who just want to ruin the antags day as fast as possible resulting in 90 minutes of extended Security should be scrutinised a lot more not just ICly, this goes double for the HoS/Warden. There's a reason a lot of old sec players stopped playing and its not just the antags
    1 point
  26. If there was something like an "Controllable/Filterable X-Ray-Vision" Gene IRL and its easily add able to anyones genome you can be sure as hell that police and military forces across the world would use it all the time. Heck I would love such an ability even when "just" working in a lab because it would be so handy to have. The SSD on roundstart is common but oh well... if you set all fucking combat intensive roles or roles where you expect to get into action to medium if not high priority and wind up with genetics despite having it set to never and your prefs stating you want to be a Civi if no prefs are aviable (read in as Pseudo RnG fucked you over again) people are of course "cheating" on the system by going ssd, being brought to cryo late, so they dont give up their respawn rights. Do note I do not encourage that stuff. Atleast pretend you do the job and cryo after 30 minutes for reasons like "Yeah dont assign a combat oriented person to fucking medical" or some shit. People who SSD because "NOT ANTAG IN TWO ROUNDS" however despite getting their high priority role... those are fucking horrible. Hacking into a Gateway: Fuck queues and fuck paperwork. Takes the HoP a good 10 minutes to deny the clown all access before activating those fucking flashers, or show him that he wont get all access by gently tapping him with the E-Gun. After thats done guess what: You can file out a form on while you should get gateway explorer while the people hacking into it get a headstart and have clear all the fun stuff (T-Spiders and Syndi Base). On a more unrelated note: The department suffering the most from people who want to be Civi and not doing anything is Botany. Heck I sign up as botanist too if no Civi roles are aviable... then go to the HoP, provided I have my QoL stuff assorted, and ask to be swapped to Civi. And know whats worse? FUCKING HOPS WANTING YOU TO DO PAPERWORK TO BECOME CIVI! GOOD LORD, I BURN THAT FUCKING PIECE OF PAPER INFRONT OF YOU AND JUST NOT DO MY JOB. Those HoPs are the fucking worst. Paperwork in general is horrific if you have to work with that crap on a regular basis IRL. Fuck I know that you have to wear safety goggles in a lab, no fucking need to tell me that every half year and make me fill out bullshit that "assures" my colleagues and me know that. God I HATE paperwork. I cryo over fucking paperwork bullshit. Paperwork bullshit antags that fake paperwork in the most unbelieveable way and still require me to FAX central with PAPERWORK give me fucking conniptions. Fight already like a man. With guns. With Fists. With Energy blades. But not with fucking paper you sadomasochistic prick.
    1 point
  27. Security Detectives not wearing their Forensic Gloves. Detectives scanning floors. The Head of Security being completely silent on the Security channel. Lack of communication in general on the Security channel. Detectives with SecHUD glasses. Detectives with a taser and their .38 revolver. Detectives who refuse a partner because "I only work alone." Witnesses refusing to give information on a crime. People who try and suicide in processing. People who ignore police/engineering tape break it. Security Officers/Detectives/Head of Security/Wardens getting X-Ray when there's no need for it. People committing a crime then going SSD for the rest of the shift after they're caught. Brig Physicians not doing their job. Security Officers that don't lock their lockers. "Loud" Antagonists. Security ignoring the Detective. Security Pod Pilots that go SSD in their office after a while. Service Wet floors with no wet floor signs. Bartenders that require payment for drinks. Bartenders that refuse to give up the last flask because it's for them even though they have an entire bar behind them. Botanists that don't supply the Chef with any ingredients and instead make weed/bluespace bananas/death nettle. Chefs that use corpses for ingredients. Medical Coroners that go SSD/cryo in the beginning of the shift or are just too lazy to do the job. Chief Medical Officers that refuse to do the Coroner's job when there isn't one or hiring a replacement for them. Engineering People who ignore police/engineering tape break it. Mechanics that fuck off into space without first asking if anyone wants a pod. People who think it's a good idea to open/deflate/pop that inflatable barrier. Science Science not upgrading anything. Supply Having more than two Cargo Techs. Being asked to fill out a form for a common item in Cargo. Command Heads who refuse death alarms. Heads who try and avoid the Blueshield when they're not an Antagonist. Head of Personnels asking for paperwork, then refusing to check it because the line is closed. General Jobs with unique items in their locker/workplace cryoing with them in an irretrievable state(I.E. The Detective cryoing with his .38 in his holster). @Streaky Haddock's puns. People calling airlocks doors. People going SSD round start because they didn't get the role they wanted instead of cryoing. Greytide. PEOPLE WEARING SUITS AND SNEAKERS! Diona Nymphs attacking people. Borers in general. People who don't use proper punctuation.. AIs that ignore decent requests. People who break into the Gateway because they can't be bothered to ask the HoP. People who steal tool belts from Engineering when Botany can make them. People who don't know how to do their job and refuse to accept any help on learning how. People who think walking out of a depressurized room will work the tenth time they've done it. Being put into crit by said people when trying to throw them out of said room. Being spaced by said people. I'm sure I'll think of more later on.
    1 point
  28. I get a little nervous when I see pet peeves of other people that I dont mind, such as HoP paperwork, which I like because it feels more immersive (not that I've ever been HOP) but here's a few peeves. -One trick pony clowns that only do one thing for the whole round. Bonus points if they suicide instead of cryo -Clowns that don't say anything and only slip people -Being in medical and having the consoles spawn too high for me to close, or have the consoles when I click not open at all. -Being in medical and having people take away patients from me. -People who ignore you when you try to roleplay with them. -People who don't explain their abbreviations when you asked them to explain. (as a new player this sucks especially when I roleplay a character that is new to the station and try to ask IC) I think thats it so far. -
    1 point
  29. My suggestion if you aren't getting any patients as the psych is see if you can hang out at the brig. You can treat any prisoner who is freaking out about thier 5-10 minute sentence as if they are mentally ill. If nothing else security will sure get a kick out of it. And youll be punishing crininal for screaming like the angry child they are IRL Anyone can RP that they need help from the psych at any time for whatever reason. You don't need some sort of objective holding your hand and guiding you. We already have a game mechanic that causes people to start hallucinating. Many players largly ignore or just meme about because it's "normal" Adding random mental disorders would be treated the same way. RP heavy roles are only pointless and boring when people don't RP.
    1 point
  30. Well the Therapist is a pure RP role like the NT Rep for example and I'm pretty sure it will stay that way. So yes if no one plays along you won't get any patients but if you are creative you'll allmost allways find interesting people to take care of. The problem with adding mental dissorders that are coded into the game is that you need something to else that removes them right? From what you said it would be something similar to a virus, the patient get the mental dissorder for whatever reason and it worsens over time. But what would trigger for a mental dissorder to appear and what would be the cure for it? The only logical option I see are pills and that would horrible RP wise, because I'm allready not a fan of the Therapist havin Meth inside his locker for example. To sum up I think it's fairly hard to implement mental disorders and the Therapist should stay a pure RP role. Let your imagination flow and you'll have fun with him.
    1 point
  31. Which perspective are you approaching from? Biological? That would mostly be pill pushing. I don't think there would be any difference in RP that you'd find enjoyable with pill pushing. Nor would it be interesting to forcibly have to RP a disorder that someone may have zero concept of. Psychology is a little bit more complicated than giving pills until an infliction passes. Or probably anything that could feasibly be put in a game. Diagnosis of any given ailment could vary wildly depending on background and perspective. Treatment; even more so. Beyond that; role playing a psych is only fun if you treat it like anything else; fantasy, not based in reality. Like a kid playing call of duty and thinking they'd make a fine soldier and it'd be "fun". After a while of any given psych bullshit; it can weigh down significantly on anyone actually worth a damn. Seeing the same people over and over that fail to recover or improve, even with extensive and varied treatment, is extremely taxing. The only people that persist with it, seemingly; are either total pants on head, naive, or chasing after insurance money. Very rarely will you find a psych of reasonable quality that has enough legitimate knowledge, wisdom, insight, to effectively understand or address anything. Otherwise, I'm simply jaded and apathetic towards psych colleagues and much of the field in general. There is insufficient success rate or treatment for my liking. Beyond that; tolerating the people seeking treatment can be the most difficult, at times. So I am beyond biased. My pocketful of cents.
    1 point
  32. When people kill sentient animals. That's a player you just ending the round for. Three slabs of corgi meat is not worth it. That and when it's two minutes into the round and greytide Jim is walking around with harm intent pushing and stoping people rather then passing.
    1 point
  33. TEG is ok, you can grag the midle and hold each side in a hand. Cargo opening the sat crate is much worse. One problem about box that shouldn't be opened and locked boxes, is that cargo is suposed to check if the boxes actually contain the things that the manifest says they do. I get really pissed when cargo delivers me a incomplete crate, but if they couldn't open it for any reason, theres no much they could have done. I can only hope thay they'll understand what happened, be able to get a refund, and order a new one.
    1 point
  34. "Hey CE, could you please /unlock/ this crate of Thermo-Electric Generator? Just unlock it, don't ope- Oh... Nevermind... Thanks anyway."
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Once I was walking down a hallway and in the other direction came a sec officer. He was not on help intent, so we started bumping. I decided to keep bumping since he was the one without help intent, he could change to help or go around me. The fucker stunbattoned me to keep walking a straight line.
    1 point
  37. When you are a clown and people completely ignore you when trying to be legitimately fun: "Everybody come watch my performance at the bar!", "Can I borrow the hand tele for a escapism number?", "Need eggs, a burned mess and access to your grinder", "I require space lube", "Use these genuinely red shoes that aren't dyed clown shoes, they are wonderful!", "Everybody gather at escape, grab a tomato and wait for me around the chair for especial fun!", "You cannot arrest me for the consequences of my prank!", etc...
    1 point
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