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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/2018 in all areas

  1. Basically anyone running around not on help intent. I got so sick of it yesterday as HoP running errands for my dept I just started batonning people. Yes, I'm hauling a bee crate, no if you fucking try and open it I'm going to beat you. Anyone who works medchem and blows the dispenser. In nearly 5 years of playing this game, I've never done. Why is it so common? If you don't know how to chem. Ask. There is a literal wiki that tells you everything you need to know. If you want to make bombs, Science has their own deluxe chem lab to be an antag workshop. Metacliques. For a while it seemed they were dying out and people were starting to play as a community. Then just the other day I have the vulp mafia trying to break into my office because I wouldn't give McFluffy access to engineering when it was pretty damn clear she wasn't going to help the CE fix the breaches and power net. Basically any engineer and CE who doesn't at least attempt the station goal or make repairs. Yes, your autism fort looks pretty with the floor tiles. Don't mind the screams over the radio, that's just everyone else yelling that the main hallway has been breached and unbreathable for the last hour while you stole all the metal. Gateway missions. Specifically Wild West but in general. Loot pinatas designed around exploits in the code, it'd be one thing if these were VR missions and thus players could make multiple attempts without getting game breaking gear, but it's another when 30 minutes into the round some greyshit can have an L6 and more C20s than they know what to do with. Medical personnel who don't do Body Scan printouts. These things can be a life saver, as well some level of proof that malpractice bay isn't in full effect when they can show mr corpse didn't have those injuries before walking out of medical. More IAAs need to look into how many people medical is actually saving and how many bodies are piling up. When you try to play Warden and been goodsec, but all your sec officers are just buckle cuffing crew to chairs without even saying a word or putting a blip in their crew records, then freaking out 20 minutes later after you release them because so and so was totally an antag or assaulted someone. HoS's who assume anything they have access to is theirs by right, from the Warden's gloves, the medkits in storage, gloves in engineering and all the ammo cargo's lathe can print. Somewhat less so but equally infuriating when Blueshit walks into medical and empties all the synthflesh from the fridge to use on light bulb burns. Sec mains who try to use SoP and Space law to get you brigged, demoted or executed for not doing what they want, but suddenly become blind and deaf when they are the ones breaking SoP/Space Law. Bonus points for McRedshit last week who was using an emag he confiscated to access RnD.
    2 points
  2. Tiger is an admin, and also maintainer. Given that maintainer is the more prominent role, only maintainer gets shown. Just to clear up a potential misunderstanding. Also, -1
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. i ded plz nerf Is a very good summarization of the process where people are making changes to the overall balance of the game without first considering all the balance that is in place. You don't nerf d-esword because it can deflect most projectiles fired at it, because members of security are upset their tasers aren't working. You point out that there was still plenty of options that COULD have worked if the salty player didn't just want to hit every problem on the head with their preferred tool and call it a day. Drones have a number of weaknesses from their pitiful low health, blatant EMP/Flashbang rendering them immobile for a long period of time to their reliance on the piping network to get around. Tay's first suggestion was to remove vent crawling all together. Then they wanted to make them pAI with door access. Then we got the crap fest that is in the current build. I was the one who suggested the timer On the understanding that the other nerfs would be removed from the PR. Spoiler, they weren't. Which leads us here today, where people who supported the nerfs are still dancing around the question as to why they were necessary to begin with. If you're going to argue 'you just don't like the PR so you're argument is invalid' you could at least come up with some half ass excuse to why any of this was necessary from the get go.
    1 point
  5. Golems are a literally infinitely respawnable role, can be converted by cult and slings. I've seen far more golems used in this manner then I've ever seen emagged drones. And unlike the drone, the golem can't even try to evade the conversion if they aren't antag fishing. Drones on the other hand are rather obvious if they are antag fishing since the tator has to be at the fabber or the drone must track down someone they know to have an emag. I'm just constantly astonished people act like hack drones are a round ending event, I rarely see them, in 5 years of playing this game across multiple servers I can count maybe 20 instances of emagged drones and at least one group of those was a metacomm group that got banned years ago. I have to disagree strongly with this assertion. Tay's intention was to nerf hacked drones into the ground not because they upset the balance, but a because a few rare cases in which a hacked drone was able to damage the station in a manner nearly any emagged borg could. There is no sensible reason to throw multiple game changing nerfs onto a role, ignore almost all criticism in the PR, promise that only 1 or 2 of them is going to take affect and then just apply all of them. This is literally the same behavior that has seen tg borgs get nerfed into obsucrity. Not because they had some aspect of the role that was over powered, but because a few select players are so good at the role or game in general that they can reliable dunk less robust regulars with their knowledge of how the game works. Despite said roles having numerous hamstrings, limitations and hard-coded weaknesses that their opponents never bothered to get ahold because we can't have antags having unique flavors that bring different elements to the game ensuring that no single strategy, weapon or item is the end all be all for any valid hunting crew. In the end, Tay gave no reason for the nerf to begin with, saying 'they are too powerful and annoying' without citing any examples. Changelings and Vampires are too powerful and annoying to deal with, I don't see their powers nerfed into obscurity, do you? TL;DR the entire PR was salt i ded nerf plz without any consideration for what lead to it.
    1 point
  6. I did attack their idea, repeatedly, several times in the PR that brought the changes to begin with. There was never any real rebuttal to those arguments. I also gave alternative suggestions, I didn't just say "Idea's shit lol" and carry on, I provided thought out suggestions. Calling someone salty and saying they're letting it make them irrational is not a personal attack, it is absolutely calling into question the motives for WHY they're making their suggestions and motivations can be important to know. It's literally the entire reason that "i ded pls nerf" github tag even exists. If you disagree withsomeone, attack their idea, don't try to dismiss it out of hand because it was delivered in a way you don't like. The point of the maintenance drone is not to INTERFERE in the round, not have no impact, that notion is literally impossible. You cannot be involved in the round or exist in it and have no impact in it. Drones have engineering tools, can repair breaches/various items, can clean and even set up atmos layouts. ALL of those things impact a round rather heavily. If someone like an antag blows a hole in the station and a drone fixes it, it has impacted the round rather heavily, potentially foiling an antag's plot. If a drone repipes atmosia to be more effective, thus handling a plasma fire efficiently, it effected the round quite heavily. If it sets up the turbine/solars and helps power the station, it is impacting the round. By cleaning up a room of blood and gibs, it's potentially wiping away a crime scene before anyone saw it. That's another massive impact. Doing ANYTHING shy of being your normal everyday civilian RPing in the bar, is going to have tangible impact on the round. You cannot avoid a drone having impact in the round, by the fact it EXISTS, it has impact and always will, you;re taking that interpretation far too literally, or far too strictly. The goal is for them not to INTERFERE in the round, not to be seperate from it entirely. Earlier your quantification for "Emagging drones to work" was knowing that a drone didn't do so intentionally, that they didn't purposefully get themselves made an antag, but a positronic brain can do that EXACT same thing. They are both ghosts joining into the round, both can just as easily tell who is and isn't an antag prior to joining if they had a mind to. They are both designed to have impact in the round, just to differing levels. A borg can have MORE of an impact in a more open manner since it can talk. As for oversight, Drones have just as much oversight as Cyborgs, the problem isn't that they DON'T, the problem is the crew is too lazy to ever give a shit to do that. That shiny drone console in engineering tells you the location and name and status of every single active drone. It can be used to resync drone laws (Mostly a hold-over feature from when there was an occasional bug that caused drones to have borg laws instead of the KEEPER laws.) and to give a remote kill command to any NON-EMAGGED drones. Each drone has a unique number identification, and unlike cyborgs, blowing every single drone, while a dick move, is a lot less of a big deal, considering those non-antag players can also respawn. Currently, emagged drones do not appear on that console and are thusly, immune to it. Something emagged cyborgs can't say. That was why the number one suggested nerf was to have them show up ON that console and able to be remotely blown, just like a cyborg. Thus keeping drones from being tiny murderboner bots, because that's a great way to get yourself instagibbed. The choices taken to get to this point were illogical and irrational. Most people AGREED nerfs needed to be had, what people argued was for a series of smaller nerfs until we got to a good place, as opposed to taking a sledgehammer to the entire thing, repeatedly, in several areas all at once. Again, few people said they didn't need ANY nerfs. The problem was it was 3-4 all at the same time, instead of 1 or 2 to bring their power level down safely and slowly. It was all about a knee-jerk quick-fix instead of doing the job correctly and precisely.
    1 point
  7. Legs I did a semi quick drawing of myself as a cat girl, because I'm cute.
    1 point
  8. Take off harm intent. It's not really their job to chase after criminals unless under extenuating circumstances where security forces are lacking.
    1 point
  9. Not that I'm suggesting we necessarily go back to this model, but, what you describe was the de facto standard, once upon a time. The chef had access to the bar and his kitchen, but the bartender only had access to the bar. The bar was also attached to the kitchen, as well. This stems from Goon and is still a thing on TG; it's really just a Bay thing to break the two off, completely. The end result of the original arrangement was, the chef, by virtue of his access, kinda had a de facto authority amongst the bar+hydroponics and could easily facilitate requests---also, since he was more important than the bartender, he could leverage that importance in getting extra ingredients for the bartender that the bartender would normally have an enormously hard time getting.
    1 point
  10. Head of Personnels 90% of the time. Two Cardinal Sins: First being paperwork for paperwork's sake. The purposes of stamps and forms is retain and communicate information over long periods of time. For regular job transfers no stamps are needed, no signatures needed, you just need to ask over the command radio: "Hey is X good for Y". Then you'll get an answer or no response. You break out the stamps and signatures when the relevant head of staff isn't responding over radios (Basically: Look pal, you want your job, you're gonna have to track down your soon-to-be-boss for me) or when someone's getting additional accesses you want to make sure are properly recorded and remembers for later. Like, when someone asks "WHY THE FUCK DOES THE CLOWN HAVE SEC ACCESS" and you don't quite remember, you go to your file cabinet, open the draw and see the transfer letter with the clown and cryo'd HoS stamp and you say: "Ah, yes, the HoS thought sec's morale was low." and then you hear "BUT I'M THE HOS" and then you say. "You're the NEW HoS. The Old HoS cryo'd." People who do paperwork for paperwork's sake slow things the fuck down. There's one HoP who I won't name who is so anal about pointless, fruitless bureaucracy that i've seen four separate riots outside their line and when they aren't rioting it's never empty. You should want your line empty for as much of the round as possible because: Sin Number two: Not managing your departments. Head of Personnel is seen as an easy logistics job well let me tell you otherwise, Sonny Jim, the Head of Personnel has the second most crucial job on the station. Whilst the Captain manages the Heads of Staff, the Head of Personnel manages the crew. He was the OG, man. The original Internal Affairs; and actually acts as Human Resources. He checks that the clown isn't dead and is actually trying to be funny, he makes sure the mime isn't speaking, he makes sure the janitor isn't SSD or dead in a closet somewhere and he makes sure that Hydroponics and Cargo are supplying science, the kitchen, engineering, security. Heads come to him going "weehhh i have no chemist" or "wehhhhh my detective got gibbed" and for about 70% of these issues, the Head of Personnel's solution is simple gratifying and that is: Throw more People and more Resources at the problem. The Head of Personnel should be hiring and supplying new/extra janitors and detectives. He should be helping Medical get their blood bags and spray bottles.The Head of Personnel is able, if given permission from relevant heads, to logistically macromanage the shit out of the manifest. Do you realise how powerful extra detectives are? In a community where I get ahelps from furious antags who are certain of meta but never take basic forensic precautions, extra detectives are POWERFUL. The ability to hire replacements for turbo-dead or just plain perma-missing personnel is a godsend to a stressed department. Not to mention, the Head of Personnel is uniquely placed in having hydroponics, mining AND cargo access. If the QM is tearing his hair about points, he is uniquely placed to just SHOWER cargo in extra points. Just... just DRENCH those short-wearing nerdos in points. A Good HoP never had to valid-hunt (first because it's against the rules) because if he's doing everything well, the station should be a well-oiled production MACHINE. Yet 90% of the HoPs I see just sit there doing fuck-all and making sure job transfers are as agonising as possible and then whine "but i have nothing to doooohoohoohooooooooo" until they eventually get promoted to Captain.
    1 point
  11. My list of things that rustle my jimmies. Medical. 1. When the female nurse with cat ears and a tail gives me the wrong type of blood even after she uses a medical scanner on me four times. 2. When I am put back into the healing tubes over and over, even after I clearly express I have robotic limbs. 3. When I'm hit with a stun baton, cuffed, and pulled to medical by a security officer as Magistrate for "Needing and refusing medical treatment." In other words, having the stuttering disability and being at 100% blood and health. 4. Being forced under for surgery. I'd much rather you take me telling you seven times that I want to stay awake into consideration. 5. Seeing someone who works in genetics with four to five super powers and then seeing not a single person working for security have any. 6. When people heal me rather then the dying person on the floor. I got punched three times. Save the fucking HoS first. Security. 1. When I'm in processing and all of security refuses to even talk to me. Vore Station has better RP when it come to putting people in jail. 2. When I'm shot with a taser on green without a word out of the security officer's mouth. You can ask me to come with you. You can tell me to put my hands up. Role play a little. 3. When I'm put into Perma and have no integration with security what so ever from that point on. Tell me to make you holsters! Come in and beat me from time to time! The round does not end for someone once there put into Perma. 4. When the detective shoots you six times, cuffs you, and try to put me in jail after I shoot him once with a laser tag gun. All other work places. 1. When assistance don't talk whatsoever at any point. 2. When I get treated poorly as assistant. even after I fix up the bar and got every crate I could find it to Cargo. 3. When people jump the bartender's counter when he goes SSD for 10 seconds. 4. Not knowing what *squish means. Is it lewd? Is it like snapping? Can I as a human go around *squishing? 5. When asking a Vox what pocket there tank is in and they Don't say anything. Well it's a 50/50 chance your not going to have air for a bit. 6. The clown and the mime working together... 7. When people call him zorg and not z0rg.
    1 point
  12. Double bonus points when these hypocrites absolutely ignore the AI/Borgs when the reverse is true and the Silicons are trying to get crew out of obvious danger areas or get assistance with tasks that require hands and otherwise beyond what a borg can do (organ implants/transplants, atmos manual valves, doors and equipment with AI wires cut, ect...) I'm usually amazed at how these people expect silicons to have perfect situational awareness and superhuman reaction times, yet just getting their attention requires everything to and including a sec borg strolling up with a stunbaton to get them to an area they need to be in. Extra double points when these same people who average maybe 30 minutes a month playing as silicons scream and rage on the git when ever buffs or balance tweaks are recommended for borgs or new modules attempt to get added.
    1 point
  13. This is my biggest one yet and I've done it about five times... Repairing Skull Bone Gel Hands get dirty Switch to chest targeting to wash my hands (instead of my face) Grab bone setter SLAM on my patients chest because I forgot to switch back to head targeting. I really wish Bone Setters did 0 damage or at least just didn't smack people on help intent. It's one of those things you learn through a lot of mistakes and I'm sure my patient wakes up thinking I'm a shitty doctor or something even though I know at least know 4 surgeries by heart and know by memory what all medicine does now.
    1 point
  14. When playing as a borg and people automatically assume you're under Crewsimov or similar variant and give you ridiculous Law 2 demands, then immediately ahelp against you for not following your laws without ever once bothering to check what lawset you're under or consider their demand was overruled by other pressing matters (like doing life saving surgery as a mediborg and some greyshit just wants to loot the OR) Playing as a miner and you get a mother load of minerals, haul it down to RnD and ask for some minor upgrades to your gear, only be flatly denied, told Research isn't done or they have something else going on. As you stop in the bar to take a break and await Science to do something, you then hear the familiar stomp of a combat mech go past not 10 minutes later. Also when you mine and are told to come back later or the scientist has an attitude and takes offense to you trying to do your job and get them to do theirs, only for the next miner to wander along to get showered in toys and gizmos for bringing up a satchel full of glass and plasma, and then be told when you get back that they used up their diamonds on other things and can't give you anything till you mine more crap. Vampires, that's all that needs to be said. Though, specifically vampires and changelings that feed on unmonkeys. (why has this not been coded out but Swarmers and Peacekeepers still get pulls to nerf or remove them?) When you're playing as blueshield and everyone wants you to do everything that's specifically not your job. From the captain wanting you to arrest the clown for farting in the main hall to the CMO demanding you come arrest the assistant stealing first aid kits cause the HoS won't do anything to the random civs outside the bridge screaming for you to give them all access or find the head of staff who won't answer the radio, has their sensor turned off and is most likely rogue or dead in space somewhere after saying all of five words over command before going silent. Attempting to customize the engine layout to work better for your needs (compact Tesla, dual singulo, TEG/Super matter refit) only for somebody to just flip the PA on without even checking if the pen is clear or set up. Trying to atmos and do a project only for a borg/drone/CE to burst in, start ripping your pipes or 'fix it' and inadvertently dumping your super cooled waste loop right into the distro line. *BWOINK* Playing the good little scientist, max out RnD fast as you can, waste little material as possible and run about the station upgrading anything and everything you can think of to make people's jobs and rounds more entertaining. Never receive anything more than a token thank you. Drag 3 people onto the shuttle and heal them back to full in the sleeper, pass out space drugs and adrenaline pills and any other gadget you could print off. 0 Karma. The next day roll robotics, spend 90% of the round re-reading the wiki on how to make and maintain bots, slap a few new power cells into borgs and hook a few people up with robot limbs while explaining that mining has done nothing so you can't make anything fun. End of round, 5 karma gain.
    1 point
  15. Cyborgification contracts are also necessary or else it would be murder.
    1 point
  16. Station heroes, those really piss me off: If you see a kidnapping taking place and turns out the kidnapper uses a vampire power to stop you from helping, you don't jump back into maints, you thanks the vampire for not taking you, run away and report to security. Or when you suspect of someone being an antag and start watching every move, not playing the role you selected at all. Then we have the aggressive heroes. Those start to hit you with the hardest thing they can find for a minor crime they saw you commit. Your cover is lost, you need surgery for sure and the entire security department is after your. Your round is pretty much ruined either you ahelp it or not. And last but not least, PET SLAUGHTERS. These players who just kill your pet for absolutely no reason at all, or for totally unjustified reason, in cold blood. And then gib its body. I believe that should be explicitly forbidden in the server rules under a long jobban from everything but animals.
    1 point
  17. So far, the only time I've felt actually annoyed with anything was when a roboticist just refused to make any positronic brains despite several ghosts constantly messing with the lights to get their attention.
    1 point
  18. A few new ones: Clearly new doctors refusing to listen to friendly advice from experienced medical personnel, often leading to patient death because they wanna be the hero the station doesn't need. Security wanting to KoS/Execute EVERYONE for EVERYTHING; You aren't fucking Judge Dredd. Follow Space Law, you unrobust nerd. Security making up Space Law or applying it inaccurately. Yes, I'm looking at you, Dumbass McTaze tazing people for lazertagging. Security going full harmbaton mode because someone non-violently resists arrests/manages to unbuckle themselves from the chair. Security going harmbaton mode on anything that doesn't out-right deserve it in the first place.
    1 point
  19. 0 points
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