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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/2018 in all areas

  1. Don't listen to those hotkey nerds. Classic control scheme has a hotkey for this, it's Page Up.
    2 points
  2. A drawing of a character that hardly get any attention, a human gone IPC Cute lizards, here's Garoon Garuda and Alistair Sslas Here's Keyreehee
    2 points
  3. ???: Well, a Station with Minerals is like a Mule with a Spinning Wheel: No one knows how he got it and dang if he knows how to use it! CROWD: Laughs CHIEF ENGINEER: Hehehe, mule. ATMOS GUY: The name's Guy, Atmos Guy, and i came before you good people tonight with an idea, probably the greatest.... Nah, it's not for you. It's more of a uh, Syndicate Idea. CAPTAIN:Now, Wait just a minute. We're twice as smart as the Syndicate. Just tell us your idea and we'll vote for it. ATMOS GUY: Alright, i'll tell you what i'll do. I'll show you my idea. I present to you the Cyberiad Atmos Rail! CROWD: Gasps ATMOS GUY: I've sold Atmos Rails to /tg/station, /vg/station and FTLstation, and by gubmint it put them on the map! ATMOS GUY: Well, sir, there's nothing on earth like a genuine, bonafide, pressurized, six pod Atmos Rail! What'd i say? CHAPLAIN:Atmos Rail! ATMOS GUY:What's it called? HoP AND QM, IN UNISON:Atmos Rail. ATMOS GUY:That's right, Atmos Rail! CROWD, CHANTING: Atmos Rail, Atmos Rail, Atmos Rail! LIBRARIAN: I hear those things are awfully loud... ATMOS GUY: It glides as softly as a cloud! JANITOR: Issss there a chance the track could bend? ATMOS GUY: Not on your life, my lizard friend! ASSISTANT: What about us brain dead slobs? ATMOS GUY: You'll be given cushy jobs! MAGISTRATE: Where you sent here by the Devil? ATMOS GUY:No, Good Sir, i'm on the level! HOS:The ring came off my pudding can! ATMOS GUY: Take my Fireaxe, my Good Man! ATMOS GUY:I swear it's the Cyberiad's only choice, so throw up your hands and raise your voice! CROWD:ATMOS RAIL! ATMOS GUY:What's it called? CROWD:ATMOS RAIL! ATMOS GUY:Once again... CROWD:ATMOS RAIL! IAA:But the Main Hallway is all cracked and broken... SHAFT MINER:Sorry IAA, the mob has spoken! CROWD:ATMOS RAIL, ATMOS RAIL, ATMOOOOOOOS RAAAAAAAIL! CHIEF ENGINEER: ATM- D'oh!
    1 point
  4. I am respectfully disagreeing with you here. I believe that the entire point of discussions like this one is deciding on what, exactly, changes community wants. Making ideas, refining various concepts, carefully considering balancing, all while looking at the problem from many different viewpoints. After the community comes to a reasonable consensus, a coder then can pick up from here and makes a PR incorporating the said changes into the game. Sure, it's not necessary in case of bugfixes and many minor issues, but we are talking about a rather controversial, balance-altering topic. I don't think many people would want to pour their time and effort into coding one of the possible solutions to this problem, only for them to be rejected (or stalled indefinitely) later. And, well... Even if they are accepted - here we are, dealing with the consequences of a single person implementing such changes without being aware of the negative impact it would cause. I'd like to bring up the concept of a purchasable "Suspicious/Syndicate Drone" (I'll be referring to it as "SD") that @Machofish suggested. I admit, I was skeptical about this idea at first, but after giving it some thought I began to take quite a shining to it. The concept of emagged drones as of now has serious issues with or without taking the nerfs in consideration. There is the suggestion to remove the e-magged drones altogether - while it technically solves the problems associated with them, it is met with some understandable hesitation, too. The @Machofish's concept takes the best from the both worlds, separating the "normal" maintenance drones and the antagonist ones (which feels right, considering how differently they are played), as well as removing the wild luck factor associated with finding a drone on chance, the balance issue associated with doing so and the meta-gaming issue of players deliberately trying to get their drones emagged. As the icing on the cupcake, it fits so well lorewise: a helpful autonomous contraption that was designed to improve and repair the station, remade and twisted to be another helpful tool for the agents with a high accent on stealth and sabotage - yet another NT product stolen and altered by the Syndicate to serve its shady means. There is a specific issue about it, however, that I'd like to discuss. Let's look at some pros and cons of the e-magged drone in the current implementation. Full cyborg-like access - a very obvious one. Order a SD, put it in your backpack and stride right into the Captain's office as the bolted airlocks hospitably open before you while close and electrify after the chasing security. Send it to the AI satellite, and it will have its doors bolted open, as well as defenses and APC disabled before even realising what's happening. Ventcrawling - spying and stealthy accessing most areas. I don't mind this one, but thought it's still worth mentioning. For some reason. >_> Fragility - maintenance drones have a significantly low health and speed. Once a SD is spotted by a crewmember, it's basically doomed. It can't run away, it can't fight back and it would be smashed into tiny robopieces before it has enough time to crawl into a vent. Its only hope is quickly hiding behind a bolted door or throwing itself into space... which, understandably, isn't always available and doesn't even always work. Energy - everyone who played a drone knows that a 10K powercell doesn't last long, not to mention the resource stacks that need to be refilled. It doesn't matter that much when a drone can pop into Robotics or Engineering from time to time in order to charge up, but if a SD was to attempt such a thing, it would be swiftly spotted (and consequently killed, see the previous point). 5 Minute Death Timer - an obvious one, already discussed a lot. Eessentially, it is a "glass cannon" - both very powerful and very vulnerable. It also makes it difficult to put a fair price tag on it. Here are my suggestions about what can be done about it. Full cyborg-like access => No remote access : basically, the idea is to completely take away all the cyborg-like access priveleges from the SDs, forbidding them from accessing the doors, APCs and other similar devices as a cyborg or AI could. I realise how controversial it might sound, but hear me out on this one. The drones start with the full set of engineering tools, including an equivalent of a fully stocked toolbelt - as any Greytide worth his toolbox can testify, opening most airlocks is a matter of seconds once you have the tools and know the wires. A maintenance drone without the access will still be able to get into most protected areas, hack the APCs and the like, but it would take a bit more time, cannot be done unnoticed and would require some knowledge about hacking. It goes well with the concept of a foreign sabotaging device imported straight from Syndicate - it's completely autonomous and not synced with the station's network, why would it have the means to directly interface with most digital devices, like AI does? It doesn't hamper at all with the SD's ability to do, well, sabotage - the thing it's designed for in the first place - while preventing it from being a pocket all-access remote. Ventcrawling - leave as it is. Maybe even make it a bit faster? Maybe. Fragility => Survivability - give the drone a bit more health and speed, and, perphaps, just a bit of armor. Not nearly enough to engage in a direct combat, but sufficient to be able escape safely when accidentally bumping into a minor (such as a random crewmember) or a moderate (security member with laser gun and a baton) threat. Energy => Energy - Being aware of how difficult it would be for their modified drones to get maintained themselves - compared to their original, legal counterparts, which could simply use any public charging station - the Syndicate provided their drones with the interesting alternative. A SD can "tap" any powered wire, parasitically sucking off the station's powernet while charging their powercells rapidly; in addition, their nanobot-based maintenance module will repair their hulls and replenish their supplies when activated at the hefty cost of energy. Combine the two simultaneously to effectively simulate a charging station! 5 Minute Death Timer => No death timer - well, duh. :3 As for the TC cost, I would price the SDs somewhere along the holoparasites. 10, 12 TCs? That's just a wild guess, though. I have some more thoughts to share about it, but I've already been up all night, is currently very sleepy and meh. It's probably the best if I just wait for the feedback and other opinions than try to throw in everything at once. :3
    1 point
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