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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/2018 in all areas

  1. A bit more sprite stuff..the one on the left is unfinished..kinda couldn't quite..get around the hair but the ones on the right are good. For context i picked up necrodancer again and i felt like putting together some new sprites based on it.
    2 points
  2. First Name: Maxwell Last Name: Crysten Gender: Male Orientation: Straight Nicknames: Max Picture: Credit to @thatdanguy23 Age: 22 years old Place Of Birth: 'Reno' Species: Human Blood Type: O+ Alignment: Neutral good Affiliation: N/A Religious Beliefs: N/A Childhood: (Ages 13 - 16) Electrical assistant at a local Reno electrical repair store Adulthood: (Ages 18 - 21) Electrician for NanoTrasen. (Age 21 - Present): Freelance electronic repairman Detailed Information Appearance: Clothing: Maxwell wears a yellow bandana, a Canaan University of Technology hoodie (generally with a grey t-shirt underneath), blue jeans and a set of winter boots. If they're feeling chilly (quite often), they'll don a simple yellow scarf. They also generally tend to have a pair of headphones on hand. Body: Maxwell is almost more machine than human. A genetic disease has left Maxwell forced to replace several limbs with robotic counterparts. Their eyes are a cheap mechanical set purchased from a dubious source. To Maxwell's dismay, they are an eerie shade of red, often causing unease in those that glance upon him (especially in dark maintenance tunnels). In addition, their heart and arms are also completely mechanical, custom built with the assistance of a friend. Outside of the mechanical bits, Maxwell is very young looking, often being mistaken for a teenager. Character Voice: Maxwell's voice is soft spoken and others often have a hard time hearing him. Matching his appearance, he sounds very young (furthering the mistake of being someone at least 4 years younger, to Maxwell's irritation) Personality: Maxwell is better known as a well reserved, shy individual, opening up to few, however the friends he does happen to make he keeps very close. Maxwell tends to avoid direct confrontation, often fleeing or finding other methods to problems involving combat. Medical Record: Several mechanical pieces. A brief discussion with the individual indicates they had replacements done at a young age, but no details outside of that. Mechanical organs are as follows: -Left arm -Left hand -Right arm -Right hand -Mechanical heart -Mechanical eyes -Right leg/ Foot Almost all of these parts are seemingly 'custom' made, with no indication of who created them or surgically placed them. Character Biography Background: Maxwell's childhood was, initially, fairly tame. At the age of 13, Maxwell Olphert went to school, came 'home', and often went back out to serve as an assistant at a nearby electronic repair store. When the store closed down years later, however, Maxwell found himself alone and searching for work. It was here that, in a random job working alongside Nick Crysten, that they uncovered Spark 5.5, lying in a dumpster. And here that Maxwell would meet his 'best friend' of sorts. However, even with their discoveries and the odd jobs they did, they didn't make enough to get by. The (working) Crysten family and Maxwell came together with a plan. After managing to buy an (extremely cheap and well out of maintenance) ship, they decided to find better places to work than the dump that was their current planet. But the Crysten (+ Olphert) family was no stranger to disaster. The ship very quickly (obviously) broke down, and with little choice, a rescue beacon was sent out. Fortunately, a NanoTrasen supply vessel was on its way to a nearby station and was able to provide them with a ride... however, this left them within NanoTrasen's (a company notorious for poor standards) debt. Again, left with little choice, the group signed a contract each, binding them to work. While they started out work on some of the lesser maintained stations, They soon decided to attend different schools to further their careers and perhaps grant better pay. Maxwell, alongside Spark (who had recently obtained an IPC) both attended the Canaan University of Technology, where both passed with decent grades. Now with better skills and certifications, Maxwell and the rest of the family were enabled to move onto better stations, such as the NSS Cyberiad and NSS Aurora. Although Maxwell was nervous most of the time, he was quite capable at his given career. However, the game of disaster wasn't quite finished. Maxwell's body began showing signs of a genetic failure, causing it to start shutting down various parts. Thinking relatively fast, Maxwell and Nick were able to locate or even create parts to replace his decaying ones. His heart and arms were very quickly replaced. His eyes were already mechanical due to another (much more common) birth defect, so this wasn't... entirely new. While this wouldn't stop the issue, it has delayed it by a course of several years. However, these procedures, in accordance with several other things within the Crysten family, have left them all in a lot of debt. It was at this point Maxwell decided to change his name and join the Crysten family as a full member. Maxwell's current goals consist of both repairing Spark 5.5 completely, and furthering his career (well, ok, and clearing out the deadly genetic disease eating at him but that's a given). Maxwell has made several accomplishments over time, including procuring a miniturized version of Spark 5.5 (dubbed Spark 5.5m) for pAI usage. UPDATE: Due to hard work and efforts put in by Maxwell's family and select friends, such as Slade, Maxwell's illness has been cured. Although technically still bound by contract to Nanotrasen, Maxwell largely spends his recent days at home with his Wife, Rita, self employed as a fix-it man. Family: Spark 5.5 -??? Spark 5.5m - ??? Matthew Crysten - Step brother Nick Crysten - Step brother Jane Crysten - Step sister Rissa Crysten - Step sister Rita Crysten - Wife Personal Relationships Spark 5.5 - Respected Spark 5.5m - Respected Matthew Crysten - Good friend Rissa Crysten - Good friend Nick Crysten - Good friend Jane Crysten - Good friend Kei' Shen - Acquaintance Issoris S'eisoss - Acquaintance Rita Crysten - Romantically involved/ Married Kennard Rose - Fear Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Faction Relations NanoTrasen - Dislike Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Other Information This character isn't really played anymore, but has a very special place in my roster of characters, perhaps even more than my standard character, Spark 5.5. Were it not for this single character, I would not have met my (amazing) significant other outside of the game, which has led to a long, happy relationship since 2018. I wouldn't want it any other way. As such, I felt this warranted an update to a few recent developments. I may go back and add more later, but for now, I feel this gets the general picture across. -02/08/2020-
    1 point
  3. Glow sticks Fireworks. Bouncy ball. Vox assorted headgear. (Can it fit on your head? Reward.) Fully stock the beach getaway so the chef can actually have a BBQ. Also ensure there is an industrial outdoor grill and players can get 'You smell the [meat/food/what ever] grilling!' if they are within 4 or 5 tiles of an active grill. A toy horse Plastic Rocket Fist. With grapnel upgrade that can be used to snatch and real in items from a distance. The NT Foamsoft nerf guns. Or what ever they are called. A Xeno exosuit that hisses and spreads oil over the floor as resin. A magic lamp that just blows raspberries at you and huffs insults when rubbed (used) VR Pods for mini-thunda dome and FPS coop shooters. (VR Deffsquids vs Xeno hive anyone?) Rock-it launchers that can actually launch any pocket sized item. RC Copters and drones. Perhaps even a race track for them. Also, Battlebots. 'I survived the gateway and all I got was this lousy jumpsuit' apparel. Fat stacks of mining loot. Ore/Sheets of material and other fun loot. Scooters, bicycles, unicycle (for the clown) and other vehicles. Also the old school cargo tram. A massive pile of (worthless) bitcoins. And an unmarked hard drive with hundreds of them. Antag tokens. (The coin, not the actual status)
    1 point
  4. Name: Illiad Age: 25 Gender: Female Race: Grey Blood Type: O- General Occupational Role(s): Captain Nanotrasen Representative Chaplain Biography: Illiad came from a colony beyond the Milky Way, according to her own personal accounts. Sent out as an explorer, her mission was to report back to her main colony. However, her coming to Nanotrasen (not of her own volition) came from a mass slaughter of her home colony by an unknown source, leaving her isolated from all other contacts. She was sourced from another Grey Nanotrasen Official aboard the [REDACTED]. Qualifications: Illiad has run through all tests and should be qualified with most jobs, excepting Research department jobs and Engineering. Employment Records: Comes from a colony beyond the Milky Way galaxy. Refused to provide furthur details when questioned. --INCIDENT 001-- Illiad authorized for a captain role when on station duty. ----- --INCIDENT 002-- Illiad authorized for a NT Rep role when on station duty. ------ Security Records: Has a flawless crime record, and has exceptional understanding of space law. Medical Records: Extremely mentally sound, with an almost dismissive attitude in even the most drastic and lethal of situations. It should be noted that due to events noted in her Biography, she may have reactions to seeing widespread death, and may avert personal relations with friends. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Her body is lithe, thinner than most others, standing at a mere 4 foot 9, and her chest looks flat. Her eyes appear to be flecked in what appear to be gold specks, in swirling patterns inside her eyes. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: Knows how to speak Common like a human, but normally speaks in Grey language Common.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
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