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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/17/2018 in all areas

  1. Don’t tag me to that god damn it
    2 points
  2. Vampire things? I drew this up for @Spartan because he "loves" fishnet clothing
    2 points
  3. Decided to practice some level of shading along with not using black for lineart. I think it turned out fairly well!
    1 point
  4. ???: Well, a Station with Minerals is like a Mule with a Spinning Wheel: No one knows how he got it and dang if he knows how to use it! CROWD: Laughs CHIEF ENGINEER: Hehehe, mule. ATMOS GUY: The name's Guy, Atmos Guy, and i came before you good people tonight with an idea, probably the greatest.... Nah, it's not for you. It's more of a uh, Syndicate Idea. CAPTAIN:Now, Wait just a minute. We're twice as smart as the Syndicate. Just tell us your idea and we'll vote for it. ATMOS GUY: Alright, i'll tell you what i'll do. I'll show you my idea. I present to you the Cyberiad Atmos Rail! CROWD: Gasps ATMOS GUY: I've sold Atmos Rails to /tg/station, /vg/station and FTLstation, and by gubmint it put them on the map! ATMOS GUY: Well, sir, there's nothing on earth like a genuine, bonafide, pressurized, six pod Atmos Rail! What'd i say? CHAPLAIN:Atmos Rail! ATMOS GUY:What's it called? HoP AND QM, IN UNISON:Atmos Rail. ATMOS GUY:That's right, Atmos Rail! CROWD, CHANTING: Atmos Rail, Atmos Rail, Atmos Rail! LIBRARIAN: I hear those things are awfully loud... ATMOS GUY: It glides as softly as a cloud! JANITOR: Issss there a chance the track could bend? ATMOS GUY: Not on your life, my lizard friend! ASSISTANT: What about us brain dead slobs? ATMOS GUY: You'll be given cushy jobs! MAGISTRATE: Where you sent here by the Devil? ATMOS GUY:No, Good Sir, i'm on the level! HOS:The ring came off my pudding can! ATMOS GUY: Take my Fireaxe, my Good Man! ATMOS GUY:I swear it's the Cyberiad's only choice, so throw up your hands and raise your voice! CROWD:ATMOS RAIL! ATMOS GUY:What's it called? CROWD:ATMOS RAIL! ATMOS GUY:Once again... CROWD:ATMOS RAIL! IAA:But the Main Hallway is all cracked and broken... SHAFT MINER:Sorry IAA, the mob has spoken! CROWD:ATMOS RAIL, ATMOS RAIL, ATMOOOOOOOS RAAAAAAAIL! CHIEF ENGINEER: ATM- D'oh!
    1 point
  5. Got a new one! So lately there's been a particular HOS who is rather absent on comms. I've grown accustomed to working with him when I'm Warden, doing my part as Warden while directing sec through comms. This shift particularly I had the NT rep pull me into thier office to record a conversation about this. Asking me about the HOS performance and such. Apparently several officers complained about his absence saying he was too busy playing super commando, abusing his gear and access, to bother leading us. He also allowed the first ling we encountered to get away due to his super commando shenanigans. From my view, I noticed his absence but didn't care because I enjoy coordinating sec. Either way I was under the impression he was being demoted mostly due to the fact that he wasn't really leading security. Not sure who's fault it was, but it took over an hour and a half to get him demoted and me promoted to the new HOS. During this time, Security managed to kill and dispose of 4-changelings. Some we burned, some we cut thier heads off. The only one that ever revived and got away was the one the original HOS allowed to get away. As I am finally being promoted to HOS, another cling killed in chapel maint. I wasn't sure where it was killed myself but I ordered officers to have it's head cut off, which they did before it revived. During this process the captain ordered it be burned, I informed the captain it's been dealt with as cutting the head off has the same effect, but the captain and AI spent the rest of the shift blasting me and security for failing to follow orders, on comms, via station wide, even in OOC after. 5 dead changelings, the only one that got away was the one the first HOS ramboed. Captain and AI are freaking out because they think we are dragging around changeling bodies that are reviving, when we've decapitated them. Threatening to fire me and officers because we didn't burn them like they asked, despite the fact that we did ensure they won't revive. Good luck demoting me considering how long it took them to demote the first HOS. Shift ended with the captain and AI blasting me and my sec crew over comms and station wide. When I did the same to defend sec they accused me of being unprofessional. Got nothing done the last 15 min of the shift because the captain was too busy power tripping about us not disposing of the ling the specific way they requested. The captain "fired" me over comms without faxing CC. Redefine comdom. Code green shuttle on a changeling round. Given nothing but shit for it. No love for sec.
    1 point
  6. I was in a low pop round as a non antag engineer. Someone had been disabling cameras around the halls so i decided to be a good worker and fix them. Nek minut an officer charges in tazes me and radios in that ive been wrecking all the cameras. I get dragged off to the brig screaming at him the whole way. Get interrogated as they think im a traitor. Despite my constant denials I'm considered a risk and thrown in perma with the other 2 "traitors" for doing my job. Turns out one of them was a ling and and had already eaten the other guy. After pleading with him not to eat me i realised that the half assed officer only took my hardsuit,pda,radio and backpack but not my insulated gloves or toolbelt. Decided to bargain i let the ling out in exchange for not eating me and was promptly lasered to death on site by the same officer who arrested me for now being "a fucking ling". ?
    1 point
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