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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/2018 in all areas

  1. So that happend to Xann, don't ask. I don't know myself
    3 points
  2. oh, single round thing. I was thinking just implement a tiered rating system where admins can award a rank/rating to players with good roleplay. It would give rewards in a tier and incentivize, y'know, roleplaying. Give them a royal crown.
    2 points
  3. This is the admin censor organisation. That picture above me is a fake and you shouldn't pay attention to it. None of the admins were involved in this (especially not someone named "Normalyman") and no servers were broken in the process. There were no restarts. Move along please @BottomQuark
    2 points
  4. Wizard gamemode literally relies on one single person, and in most cases, said person will die in few minutes resulting in round not even reaching 20 minute mark, because its rare to get that role and is very easy to screw up/get lynched by crew. If that gamemode instead would be replaced with raging mages, such rounds would have more action in it, more people can roll for wizard and whole station will be affected by this gamemode, which won't result in <20 minute extended. It will require tweaking and nerfing/buffing few spells since slaughter/laughter demons are already very devastating, but if it'd be done right, we will have magical version of nuke ops, which is way better than wizard which we have now.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. It's really stressing as a command staff to be put under because you aren't informed of what is happening at that moment, could get assassinated/looted, or your department goes bad without you. Either way, another pet peeve: When you have something important to say but Telecoms decide to take a lunch break at that moment (ionspheric anomalies/antag sabotage). Double points if I was going to scream angrily at someone being incompetent.
    1 point
  7. Wait, what? Why were you refusing to cooperate on this? let the surgeon do what they need to do, sounds like he wasn't unreasonable to not deal with you, rude to just abandon you there though. You don't normally get to make demands of the surgeon while they're trying to perform surgery, especially if it's an ER situation. If they need to cut your clothes off, you don't really get to refuse if you want to be treated.
    1 point
  8. One of the best clowns I ever saw was a Vox, gave people "Prank certificates" to sign after slipping them, clownstamped those and turned them in to the HoP. And cut that shit out immediately when Red was declared. However, Vox clowns are often pretty shit :v
    1 point
  9. The current things that are causing my blood pressure to rise, rant initiated: - The same people looting the gateway every round denying the rest of us the chance to have a go at learning it, looking at you cardboard boxing WW'ers. - The omnipresence of meme chars that dchat/ooc likes to fawn over, the players themselves aren't even that bad and are usually quite decent well thought out individuals but the cringey ego rubbing bothers me. - The people who play comdomand roles just to fool around with their not!metabuddies and don't do their damn jobs, looking at you RD's who fail to oversee their manchildren/CMOs and CEs who ignore their departments and fuck off to the bridge all round, NT reps/magistrates are especially bad for this somehow and they don't even have any real responsibilities. - The current prevalence of round start backup clone scanning by everyone, this would be understandable if it were say the captain doing it or perhaps someone who might expect to find themselves dead in the near future like say an engineering team setting up a SM engine or a miner who is a bit self doubting of their goliath kiting abilities. Not the botanist and his not!metabuddy the roboticist. Give the damn antags a chance you dishonoirbru bastards. - The nasty habit most QM/HoPs have of making you jump through every possible hoop to slow you down that they possibly can just because they can. Yes asking for a stamp/signature is reasonable if I want a transfer to somewhere "high risk" like virology/sec or want to order a crate of guns, but when it's for some joke position like cadet or intern or I'm after some janitorial supplies it's just redundant and all you are doing by making me get a stamp is wasting everyone's time. - The cunts who give the rest of us a bad name and play civilian just to grief and get away with borderline shit, even better when it's a veteran doing it who should know better, who've discovered the joys of the grey for the first time after months of being too scared to leave medbay, bonus points if they're a vox/slime/plasmaperson as they tend to go even further. - People who roll for clown/chef/unique role, get it, don't get antag and immediately cyro/kill themselves, at least make some shitty food/tell some bad jokes before spacing yourself damnit. - On a similar note, the people who immediately cyro when it's revealed to be a conversion antag round, the excuses in dchat are usually something along the lines of "well I hate this gamemode" when what I suspect they mean is "I don't wanna leave my aarpee hugbox and have to actually do antag shit", cowards. - The players who unironically have all antag roles set to no, always play sec, and honestly believe that people who roll for antag are bad people and must be punished. - Neon vulps and neon everything, in fact make that anything that sceams "i iz uniquee and iz superior" in general, specifically elitist IPCs who straight up refuse to interact with filthy meatbags despite working in medbay or the oh so "clever" fuckers who take some pop culture name and fuck about with the vowels to make it oriqunal, or the worst, the lazy ones who throw together some "cuteeee" N.O.T.A.N.A.C.T.U.A.L.A.C.R.O.N.Y.M. together and can't even be bothered to make up some meaning behind it and then expect to be taken seriously, whilst having robotic cat ears. - Slimes/plasmapeople with names like squelchy/memedrogen, you are not one of snow white's dwarves. - The "no, you are wrong" approach people have towards incompetence, the honest to god I have no idea what I'm doing kind of "bringing a fuel tank to a blob/tasing a xenomorph" incompetence, they will not learn if you do not teach them and calling them a fucking idiot and bullying them is not teaching. - Being arrested and not interrogated/talked to at all, I mean yeah I have an emag in my pocket and was half way through stabbing the HoP's face off when you caught me but come on at least grill me a little for info before dumping me in perma and forgetting I exist, meant to be an RP game right? Where's muh interaction? - The absolute zero tolerance by command towards gimmicks, I cannot count the number of times I have been straight up told to fuck off when I bring up things like creating a no additional access civilian militia to help sec fight shadowlings/try to setup a feudal hierarchy (more than once for that one)/run a maint mafia doing harmless mafia things, then people complain about rounds being boring. - Certain AI players who play to win and then some, you know the ones who always "LAHWS UPDAYTED" to let the crew know about that "do not state" chicken law you just gave it? How about the ones who use macros to check camera lists and immediately dispatch sec whenever one goes down? No fun allowed incarnate.
    1 point
  10. That's when an Admin should spawn a Changeling to mess with those people.
    1 point
  11. Whenever I'm Captain, I refuse to raise the alert level above green just because sec caught and/or killed one traitor/vampire/changeling. I always say, "1 - 1 = 0, therefore no traitors/vampires/changelings.". I don't just assume that there's going to be more because metaknowledge years of experience.
    1 point
  12. "We cant have a changeling because its vampire and traitors."
    1 point
  13. Non-gateway/derelict cults. I just love cultstended when the station base is found in 10 minutes.
    1 point
  14. Or accidentally throwing the fire axe at people... ? * People who suddenly forget the radio/pda messaging exists and wish to "speak" in person. Double points if it's in a isolated area. * People who threaten to do stuff/crimes/be a nuisance if you don't give them something. * People who flip at me when I talk to them or pass by them.
    1 point
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