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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/26/2018 in all areas

  1. Last meal - meat pie (told him afterwards it was human) Last smoke - embellished enigmas. Last words "I'm a changling"
    2 points
  2. Arts. My only good drawing was the duck and the tiny devil slime.
    2 points
  3. A commission for someone on DeviantArt of their DnD(?) character Marwen Telford in a Tarot Card sort of style A commission for Kirinae of their IPC M.I.S.C.H.I.E.F
    1 point
  4. Behold! A paleblood sky! Commission for wimphyena on tumblr.
    1 point
  5. So, I decided to make the mistake of playing as Magistrate. It was all chill, not really getting into security's way, but helped out here and there and tried getting involved, like giving a prisoner, who was about to be executed via a firing squad, the permission to stand as he was about to be executed. Hell I even went and fetched him a blindfold and bought a cigarette. Suddenly, captain calls me to the bridge, and shoves a fax message in my face, that basically says that command and security are incompetent and that ERT should be called to purge them; it had a stamp, it was written in my name (and of a IAA who I haven't met, but was on the manifest), but naturally, it wasn't signed. So I headed to the IAA office, and /surprise/ there was the original message that was faxed, and an automatic response from CC. Well, it was either the other IAA who was messing about, or something else was up. I called the detective who scanned the papers aaaaand... we got a name. Not too surprisingly, that name was on several cell logs, with the crime being of breaking into places, and currently ,said person was punching himself in a cell, until restrained, and kept shouting to kill ourselves, and that we are stealing his shit. He even started punching when second he go out of cuffs, and when I accused him of the fax messages, he naturally denied it. I showed him the detective's scanner reports, that had his prints on it. I was told to kill myself. The IAA's ID was discovered then, which was in his PDA (security failed to notice it before). Then he suddenly turned catatonic, to be stuffed to cryo. Well. I guess it was a better experience than just spamming my gavel on the bridge, but damn. Sometimes I wonder what sort of people are behind these sort of 'characters'.
    1 point
  6. Helping sec is always a fucking chore, it'd be nice if someone manned the sec lobby desk. Everytime I find something that I should deliver to sec I spend minutes in the lobby yelling to officers passing by who usually just ignore me.
    1 point
  7. Got a new one.... So doing my usual maint looting run. It's 30s into the shift and I'm not expecting much, actually I'm just trying to find some damn tools. See an electrical locker that by rights should be empty by now. "Huh, a used storage implant..." I say to myself as I search through the untouched T-RAY scanners and other assorted junk. I grab it an immediately head to sec to turn it in. Get to the brig, HoS is right there infront of me. I drop it at his feet and say where I found it in maint. He thanks me and tells a fellow officer to fetch the detective, good deed done for the shift. I leave the brig and meet up with my friends we chat and catch up until 10 minutes later the HoS complete with an entourage of 3 other officers show up. "Miss, you're under arrest for possession of contraband and being an EoC" the HoS says.... A YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? I get cuffed, dragged to brig like I'm public enemy No. 1 and sat in processing for another 5 minutes. The officer and HoS wander off, leaving Kennard the Detective standing across from wondering why the hell I'm here. As I'm being dragged I call for the IAA and state my case to them in processing. As soon as Kennard realises that I brought the implant to sec and thus it had my prints on it he fetches the officer that put out the arrest (The same one who saw me drop it infront of the HoS) and yells at them for their incompetence. He immediately uncuffs and escorts me out. Apparently towards the back end of that round the HoS threw Kennard under the bus and got him demoted. Why we don't issue job bans for gross incompetence I don't know...
    1 point
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