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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/2018 in all areas

  1. Here we have Kerri, E.L.O, and MURA-128
    3 points
  2. @Spartan and I are in a bit of a disagreement?
    2 points
  3. Vox Armalises. Armali? Whatever the plural is, after a visit to the station to check on their kin. Surprisingly well behaved crew - ofc the one shift where there was only 3 vox ?
    1 point
  4. My excitement jumped through the roof.
    1 point
  5. Been some time since I updated this topic. Here's a chemist sue pic in which I tried to get hands to work but lack of foresight made it really hard to get any good looking ones in, so I said eh! Figured I spent enough time on the drawing so I just left feet/hands as is. Tried to get more shading in though.
    1 point
  6. Name: Lyn Atan Age: 21 Gender: Male Race: Unathi Blood Type: A+ General Occupational Role(s): Brid Doctor Medical Doctor Biography: Lyn does not seem to share much of his history to the crew however our contacts on Moghes have been able to find some information, please check security records for more information Even though Lyn's last name is Atan he belonged to the "Bikketuz" Clan on Moghes (Please see security records for more information on "Bikketuz"). He Attempted to gain employment with Nanotrasen Q1 2560. In his original testing he showed to have Skill for medical and engineering knowledge, The medical knowledge most likely factoring from his time acting as a "street doctor" on Moghes. and the Engineering is unknown where he learned it from. Q2 2561.He was accepted into the NT medical program due to his past connections in the medical field. He appears to have come to NT in hopes of escaping his clan life Qualifications: NT basic medical training NT advanced medical training NT Basic field surgical training NT basic brig security training Whatever "the streets" counts for medical training (almost nothing) NT blueshield Combat lifesaving. Employment Records: (past) Medic for the Bikketuz clan (current) Crew Member aboard the NSS Cyberiad Security Records: [Clearance: Security] Some background into his clan shows they are a clan of exiles. they mostly kept to themselves in the sketcher parts of cities and towns moving around. Due to their exile nature the level of crime would raise whenever they entered a city, partly due to their impoverished situation. A few members of said "clan" have been said to kill for food and or money however our local resources to not seem to believe Lyn was connected to the criminal section and more along the lines of one of the clan's doctors, fixing his clanmates when they are injured during their crimes. Do to his willingness to join NT and the fact that he did not directly commit any crimes that we could link him to he. We consider him to be fit for all duty however close observation is recommended due to his connections to the underworld. Medical Records: Clean bill of health Personnel Photo (Appearance text): A male Unathi standing about 6'2" , He appears to be albino with white scales and pink eyes.. He has a thin build. His head has two short blue horns on it and his facial struction is more feminine then most male Unathi however he is still noticeably male. He appears to have a small scar under his left eye Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: It has been noticed that he switches between first and third person depending on who he is speaking to. He has been shown to mostly spend his time with other Unathi crewmembers and appears to be untrusting of people from outside his own species unless they have done something to earn his trust or was introduced by another Unathi. He appears to be somewhat racist against humans however this does not seems to affect his work ethics, He primarily avoids talking to them during his down time.
    1 point
  7. With no shame or fear, I've been trying original kinds of chiibs, this time not using templates, any kind of base behind it, you know We should call it a very experimental prototype.. ...for a volley aficionado Danggg I promised L.U.M.I a drawing and this' gonna be made NOW! It's amazing how we can find silver linings everywhere, no matter how messed we're feeling
    1 point
  8. Last meal - meat pie (told him afterwards it was human) Last smoke - embellished enigmas. Last words "I'm a changling"
    1 point
  9. This is the admin censor organisation. That picture above me is a fake and you shouldn't pay attention to it. None of the admins were involved in this (especially not someone named "Normalyman") and no servers were broken in the process. There were no restarts. Move along please @BottomQuark
    1 point
  10. The biggest thing I remember from my first round was the fact it was an extended round, that it was actually fun RPing just as a civie and learning the way things are, my first cloning after getting stupid with the air tanks... low stress, lots of time to learn the (IC) rules and systems in place... At the end of the round, imagine my disappointment when I'm told the truth about how chaotic it gets with traitors, vampires, wizards, changelings, shadowlings, cultists... and that an extended round is not likely to happen again. Next round, 10 minutes into the game I get kidnapped by a vampire and eaten, then cremated.
    1 point
  11. In late july of last year or something like that, a pair of my friends were bugging me about trying "this space station game" Telling me it's "really indepth, you'll love it", and after a while of boredly sitting in teamspeak talking about goofy things at four-five in the morning, I cave and eventually download Byond, then join the server. They gave me the briefest rundown of what to do and what to absolutely not do, and directed me to the rules, then after observing for 5 minutes and thinking "this is retarded how can anyone play like this" (I didn't understand ghostears/ghostvision) a new round starts and I join as a miner. After learning the UI pretty quick, and figuring out mining to the point of going outside and picking up ores for a while on the east asteroid, I came back with not much and got yelled at by the QM, then went to wander around the station. I went over and checked out the medbay, and some guy in chemistry got my attention "Hey Gabe" he says (first character name), then asks "Want something to do?" to which I respond "Yeah of course." (now what I didn't know here is that this chemist guy was one of my two buddies and he knew what I was doing.), he gives me a beaker of 100u krokodil, a dropper, and tells me to go put it on food, now it didn't quite click with me what krokodil was at the time (nor was I aware of it's connection to the real thing), and tells me it's got some other good stuff in the beaker, and to just go put it on the food, which I do for a while and that ends up really messing with people. (there was this one Vox who got addicted and ended up going to the medbay and getting told "sorry, we don't know how to fix you..." and he just sadly responded "okays..." and went back to gib in the kitchen or whatever krokodil does at the end of withdrawal, which broke my heart) Eventually, my friend decides that this wasn't stupid enough and PDAs me to come back, and asks "would you like to just inject people with this? It'll be faster", this still being before I realized what I was doing, I say yes, so he gives me a syringe and a spray bottle of ethanol and neuro-toxin, which I spray people with which little to no effect, and end up in the library spraying the librarian. While in the library, the detective shows up and asks "what the fuck are you doing" so I go over and spray him, he tells me to stop, I spray him again, he tells me "seriously, cut that out", I spray him a third time, and he tells me "okay listen bub do it again and I'll arrest you", so I cut it out, then he goes to light a cigarette, bursts into flames, I panic and run to hide on mining. In this time, I mention what just happened on teamspeak (still unaware the other two were actually in the game, but knew that we shouldn't be in voice comms discussing a round.) and they both burst out laughing, then the chemist explains his part in it and that he's actually playing, and how mad the detective probably is and that I should REALLY avoid him. Anyways, ten minutes of hiding in a locker later, I come back to mining and get shot six times by the upset detective, taken to the brig, and explain that "I had no Idea what was in the bottle, the chemist just told me to do it", and end up dodging brig time, my buddy gets arrested, and he passes the buck on the other chemist (who totally got murdered earlier by something completely unrelated) and manages to dodge brig time too. All five people in the teamspeak channel (myself and four others who've played space station) were cracking up about this for a while.
    1 point
  12. I was directed to the game by a friend and had no idea how to play or what to do. So, I spawn in as a civilian thinking it will be easy. I see the little botany room near arrivals and grab the hatchet; because WEAPONS. I try to use it, I end up believing that I needed to point to it and then click on what I wanted to use it on to use it. I managed to hit a security person twice. I then realised how stuffed I was and how much I didn't understand and quit the game after being harmbatoned enough for my vision to start fading. My second game I use the wiki and play librarian. I see that the librarian needs to argue with the chaplain about religion. The chaplain comes in and asks for a bible to be printed. I manage to print a bible and I put it onto the table saying "you know that is fiction, right?". An argument follows which ends up with the chaplain taking out a chainsaw and slaughtering me. Like you I was unaware of revival methods so I quit. Later on I rejoined and thought how am I alive. I later find out from my friend that there are things like cloning. I have now been playing for 4 months now and am starting to get a hold on some of the more complex jobs. My character is called Rodrigo Jackson, I play any job and have different views based on which job I play. When I am quartermaster/cargo tech I usually declare independence from NT or something similar because . . . All Hail Cargonia Land of the Stolen Things Always Obey the Quartermaster Unless he is a ling That is the very short anthem of CARGONIA land of the free
    1 point
  13. So I wrote this guide initially about 4 years ago. As proud as I was of it, it was outdated, clunky, and a little bit cringy. SO, I've went ahead and stripped a bunch of the fat from it to make it more long term usable. This guide assumes you've done at least one round of chemistry before: please refer to the wiki for instructions on how to The 7 medicines are, in order of priority: Strange Reagent (1u) Pills Synthflesh (20u-40u) Patches Synthflesh (Burn/Brute): These emergency patches heal both burn and brute damage. They’re a pain in the butt to make because they require Styptic Powder as a component, but I have a work around. I’m including two different ways to make it because I believe my method is fairly unique, and every other chemist uses bottles. My Recipe: 5 Sulfur, 5 Hydrogen, 5 Oxygen, 10 Aluminium, 10 Oxygen, 10 Hydrogen, 40 Carbon, 40 Blood. 120 Synthflesh. I can hear Squish dying from here. My Distribution: 20 unit patches. Create 30 patches (Repeat five times.) Save about 90 units of it in bottles for Mitocholide. Mitocholide (15u) Pills Mitocholide (Internal Organs): The bitchiest of bitchy medicines to make. Heals up organ damage without the use of surgeries. This again, makes surgeons even lazier, but again, this drug is useful if both of your operating rooms are in use. Precursor: 90/120 Cryoxadone, 90/120 Synthflesh. Recipe: 30 Cryo, 30 Synth, 30 Plasma. Results in 90 units of Mito. Distribution: Create 15 unit pills. You can make 18 or 24 pills (3 or 4 times). It honestly just depends on which of the two methods you used to create the synthflesh: you either get 90 or 120 of it, so just distribute it depending on how you like. Cryoxadone (30-50u) Bottles Cryoxadone (Brute/Burn/Oxy/Toxin/Cloning): What you fill the cryotubes with! Chances are people have been yelling at you to make this already; that’s because Cryoxadone is also used to stock the cloning machine, as Cryoxadone is used to create synthmeat. You can make this one first if you so please, but the general consensus is that the doctors shouldn’t be relying on those damn cryotubes anyhow. Precursor: 90 Acetone. Recipe: 30 Acetone, 10 Water, 10 Nitrogen, 10 Chlorine, 10 Radium, 50 Plasma. Creates 120 units of Cryoxadone. Distribution: Create 30 unit bottles. Get 12 bottles (Repeat three times). Save a few of those bottles for Mitocholide. Hydrocodone (50u) Bottles Perfluorodecalin (10u) Patches Perfluorodecalin (Oxygen): Your standard oxygen medication. Heals up oxygen like nobody’s business, but leaves the user mute. Since the doctors using this medicine will have to be with the patient in order to distribute it, the user won't exactly need to talk or yell for help, since they have a doctor with them. In addition, Perfluoro is much easier to make than the inferior Salbutamol [spoiler2]for some strange reason[/spoiler2]. Recipe: 10 Welding Fuel, 10 Carbon, 40 Hydrogen, 30 Fluorine. Heat. Makes 90 Perfluoro. Distribution: 10 unit patches. Create 18 patches (Twice.) Pentetic Acid (5u) Pills Pentetic Acid (Toxin/Purging): This little bitch to make is your standard toxin medication. It deals with toxin damage and purges everything out of your blood stream (Including other medication such as Saline Glucose, so be wary). The downside is that it deals some minor brute damage. An upgrade over charcoal. Precursor: 20 Formaldehyde, 20 Cyanide, 20 Ammonia (Take the starting Ammonia; the Forma and Cyanide you’ll have to make seperately; check the components section) Recipe: 20 Formaldehyde, 20 Cyanide, 20 Ammonia, 20 Welding Fuel, 20 Chlorine, 20 Sodium. Creates 120 Pentetic Acid. Distribution: 5 unit pills. Create 24 pills. (Once.) Ammonia: Component for Pentetic, Silver Sulf, Diethyl, and Cyanide. Easy to mix. Recipe: 30 Hydrogen, 10 Nitrogen. Creates 30 Ammonia. Sulfuric Acid: Component for Atropine and Syptic Powder. Easy to mix. Recipe: 10 Hydrogen, 10 Oxygen, 10 Sulfur. Creates 20 Sulfuric Acid. Acetone: Component for Cryoxadone, Atropine and Mutadone. Make and bottle separately. Recipe: 30 Oxygen, 40 Welding Fuel, 10 Carbon, 10 Hydrogen. Creates 90 Acetone. Phenol: Component for Atropine. Make and bottle seperately. Recipe: 10 Welding Fuel, 10 Carbon, 10 Hydrogen, 30 Water, 30 Chlorine Diethylamine: Component for Atropine. It’s a special case (See Atropine). Recipe: 10 Ammonia, 10 Ethanol. Heat. Creates 20 Diethylamine. And here are the rest of them. Unstable Mutagen: Requested by Botany if Botany’s actually doing stuff. Also a component for Cryoxadone, Mutadone, and Strange Reagent. Easy to mix. Recipe: 10 Chlorine, 10 Plasma, 10 Radium Formaldehyde: A poison for Pentetic Acid. Recipe: 10 Ethanol, 10 Oxygen, 10 Silver. Heat. Cyanide: The other poison for Pentetic Acid. Recipe: 10 Oil, 10 Ammonia, 10 Oxygen. Heat. Holy Water: If you feed these to Vampires and Shadowlings cool things happen! (Someone help me with this). Also used in Strange Reagent. Security will ask for this a lot, just go ahead and provide it to them. On a side note, the substance will just say "Water". Don't worry, it's holy. I swear. Recipe: 10 Wine, 10 Water, 10 Mercury. Tips And Tricks -Use buckets. I tend to grab three from the public garden but you can also print them from cargo. -If you place down your beakers and buckets onto a table, they're sprite will appear on the top of a stack. That way, it won't drowned in the thousands of meds that you've hopefully made. -If you're starting out, go to your chem master and make sure that the button is set to "beaker" and not "disposals". You might accidentally waste a lot of your meds if you aren't paying attention. -Wear the gas mask to not die from poison fumes - This guide assumes you have access to buckets. If you don't have any buckets, take the time to get some. Credits -TZO wrote up a large blurb on what to distribute to people. I wrote up my own version, but TZO still gets all tha credit. Find what they wrote on the second page. Special thanks to all of the insane chemists that have spent at least a year working out all of this information before hand. -Primarily Ansari, whose initial guide helped me get started learning about chemistry (Though I still stumbled quite a lot). -The three chemistry masters: Squishika Sirius, Halogen, and Kiyaka, whom helped inspire me to keep working in this job. -The other regular chemists that I work with: Jacob Ryals, Elizabeth Hartman, and Cid Squishings. -Tully, whose amazing guides served as my inspiration. He also graced us with a giant mutant man eating tomato named Frank. Editors Pssst, hey. You. Reply if you noticed anything that's wrong here. Get your name on dis fancy list. -PinataColada and NTSAM for clarifying the uses of the goggles, Droppers/Pipettes, and Wrapping Paper. -ShadeyKins for spelling (Welcome to the OMNIZONE, MOTHERFUCKERS *John Cena theme music playing in the background*) -FlattestGuitar managed to fix the Mito recipe I fucked up. (Yes, I know it currently looks ugly as fuck right now. I'm going to go find ways to make it look nicer later. Thank you for reading.)
    1 point
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