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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/2018 in all areas

  1. Hey! Online games may sometimes unleash the artistic bugs, and them somehow bite you - paradoxically, even the most "imageless" text-based RPG Due to the fact that my word is almost 99.999% based on digital art (only the 'pixeled' though. Every digital art is pixel-made, but... you've got it!) inspired (but not limited) by the artstyle from games from the awesome Zak McKracken to the curious Habbo, the physical paper and pen were a tad abandoned but they're always the best friends when it comes to digging ideas and gags, and it probably applies to some of you, too Hand-Drawn (mainly a red pen) A kind of "past meeting the future"-themed one, although some very imaginative people may claim they're actually exchanging kisses The dragon speaks and the human doesn't mind Right before turning seventeen - a rebirth in the emptiness of the space! Pixel Art The Quilly Synthesizer!! It's never played a real song though, besides its beep-beep-trrRRR sounds. That was a test program in order to... test some non-RPG commmands in a RPG Maker Angels making mischief around a plane Samples of Chibis/Alterations I've made for people over the months, half of them made under amazing bases. Since we're here, feel free to request one little you, if you're keen! Yes, it's been a crazy year. Thank you very much
    1 point
  2. Quebrando Tudo Let's make another one inspired by our Sims character? Let's do, then. But, this time, just not to say we're forever locked into the utopic land of our fortes and nothing else, some new patterns and techniques need to be practiced and, well, they're a mix of fun, relaxing and reinvigorating to make, you know?? LUCPIX, the another me (but not too much of an "another me" to be called "alter ego" hahaha I know it doesn't mean a thing) running with 2 of the best friends he'd ever have in his polygonal lifetime. And then we ask... where are the friends? They're imaginary!! Just kidding, we're working on them and eventually you gonna witness a real crazy thang. If you're reading, gangelwaefre, my P.A. buddy, yours will be made real soon, sorry the inelegant delay! The full moon is gone but this is not an excuse to become an idle worm again!
    1 point
  3. Wryn clown and a really confused IAA Diona.
    1 point
  4. Great story! This is the kind of shenanigans changeling is all about. Well done on your impersonation of that sec officer! And hey, this story proves that the end result of greentext doesn't matter, it's all about the journey ?
    1 point
  5. No rush! I'm honoured you're keeping me in mind! I love how full of expression your chibis are. So cute!
    1 point
  6. Name: Lyn Atan Age: 21 Gender: Male Race: Unathi Blood Type: A+ General Occupational Role(s): Brid Doctor Medical Doctor Biography: Lyn does not seem to share much of his history to the crew however our contacts on Moghes have been able to find some information, please check security records for more information Even though Lyn's last name is Atan he belonged to the "Bikketuz" Clan on Moghes (Please see security records for more information on "Bikketuz"). He Attempted to gain employment with Nanotrasen Q1 2560. In his original testing he showed to have Skill for medical and engineering knowledge, The medical knowledge most likely factoring from his time acting as a "street doctor" on Moghes. and the Engineering is unknown where he learned it from. Q2 2561.He was accepted into the NT medical program due to his past connections in the medical field. He appears to have come to NT in hopes of escaping his clan life Qualifications: NT basic medical training NT advanced medical training NT Basic field surgical training NT basic brig security training Whatever "the streets" counts for medical training (almost nothing) NT blueshield Combat lifesaving. Employment Records: (past) Medic for the Bikketuz clan (current) Crew Member aboard the NSS Cyberiad Security Records: [Clearance: Security] Some background into his clan shows they are a clan of exiles. they mostly kept to themselves in the sketcher parts of cities and towns moving around. Due to their exile nature the level of crime would raise whenever they entered a city, partly due to their impoverished situation. A few members of said "clan" have been said to kill for food and or money however our local resources to not seem to believe Lyn was connected to the criminal section and more along the lines of one of the clan's doctors, fixing his clanmates when they are injured during their crimes. Do to his willingness to join NT and the fact that he did not directly commit any crimes that we could link him to he. We consider him to be fit for all duty however close observation is recommended due to his connections to the underworld. Medical Records: Clean bill of health Personnel Photo (Appearance text): A male Unathi standing about 6'2" , He appears to be albino with white scales and pink eyes.. He has a thin build. His head has two short blue horns on it and his facial struction is more feminine then most male Unathi however he is still noticeably male. He appears to have a small scar under his left eye Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: It has been noticed that he switches between first and third person depending on who he is speaking to. He has been shown to mostly spend his time with other Unathi crewmembers and appears to be untrusting of people from outside his own species unless they have done something to earn his trust or was introduced by another Unathi. He appears to be somewhat racist against humans however this does not seems to affect his work ethics, He primarily avoids talking to them during his down time.
    1 point
  7. I was lone wizard, named self 'Potted Plant' took noclothes, scrying orb, ethereal jaunt, disintegrate, and blood vial. teleported to mime office, locker is open, and I dress up. go to HoP, write on paper that I don't have ID and PDA. He gives me both with no questions. I go to front of bridge, dance and stuff for captain. I point at captain, at me, and at floor next to captain. "Alright" they let me in. I gib captain when no one is looking, and leave. I talk to dchat with scrying orb. they tell me captain brain is going to be transplanted. I go to medical, steal brain, gib CMO at perfect moment, no witnesses again. dchat informs about the HoS arriving on shuttle. I find him in hallways, alone, gib. by this time people have caught on, sort of, but not really. I let out the blood demon. a sec officer wants me to stop so they can talk to me. gib. I go to bridge, see Katherine Pixel, CE, she screams and gets away. HoP comes in just in time to gib. blood demon shows, and I get away, dchat says demon is hunting me. round ends in one last effort to grab katherine, JUST missing her climbing over HoP desk from line, then I get got soon after by sec with ballistics my plan was to kill all members of command, and announce to the crew that they are free. >install communism.exe >play russiananthem.mp3
    1 point
  8. Did a thing, usually I'm pretty precise with my pixel work. I tend to probably spend more time than really needed placing certain pixels in different spots but with this one I decided to use some big brushes and just went loose. Turned out way better than I originally thought it would.
    1 point
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