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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/2018 in all areas

    2 points
  2. So I noticed as HoP on rounds where a lot of people die there really isn't a place to store "Terminated" IDs so I was thinking. I'm sure even a "Terminated" ID could pose a security risk so why not add a shredder to the office? just put old IDs in there. maybe it makes a noise and deletes the ID from the game that way the HoP office doesn't just get taken over by a pile of old IDs. and maybe you could use it as a traitor HoP to get rid of evidence? who knows possibilities are endless. just a late night Idea I posted in the coders chat a while ago and some people even made basic models for it (Thanks @Greytide on discord for making that)
    1 point
  3. Just make the Captain's Spare immune to it. Plasma infused gold that jams the blades. I'd like this idea more if there was a counter-part to print fresh IDs so those boxes of blanks could be removed.
    1 point
  4. what happens if every ID with ID computer access gets shredded?
    1 point
  5. Sometimes, you just gotta decide that gameplay is a little more important than immersion. Most people don't want to play rounds for more than two hours at a time, and that's fine. Often times, people get removed from the round permanently, and as much fun as being re-inserted as whatever wacky flavor-of-the-round is, most of us want to play the main part of the game. That's why the vote exists, to keep rounds from dragging on unnecessarily. Now, if something really cool is going on, and everyone is happy with the round going on, it can, if a majority of people vote to extend the round. But if most people vote for the round to end, that means they want the round to end, and removing the vote just removes the agency of most players in favor of the small handful who have crazy ideas, and anything even remotely feasible to do really shouldn't take more than an hour or so to set up. My two bits.
    1 point
  6. It would be nice if you provided some antag plans and projects to supplement this idea. The run of the mill syndicate agent has three objectives (two if you discount escaping), which is certainly doable within two hours. As for projects, I can only imagine massive construction/redesigning of the station taking longer than two hours. I've been a part of some rounds which voted to continue on, and those shifts were fun for the most part. If you want the round to go, perhaps you need to convince the crew with some fun activity to give them a reason to stay. This is not a valid argument.
    1 point
  7. Half the people not voting is probs because they know it's gonna be crew transfer 99% of the time, not that they don't care either way.
    1 point
  8. We have an entire playerbase to consider, and if the players are bored, they aren't having fun... which is kind of the point of a video game. it's incredibly disrespectful and selfish to handwave that. Some servers hold rounds longer than two hours because that's what their playerbase wants. And yet others hold rounds that last maybe an hour at most. Our playerbase tends to prefer 2 hours, and considering the overwhelming number of votes to end the round almost every round, this is plain to see. Two hours is well more than enough time to build nice things.
    1 point
  9. I mean yea, but as you said, people get salty or bored and they vote to restart.
    1 point
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