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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/2018 in all areas

  1. Some Zeke and Jonah drawings Non SS13 related character, he's a fallen angel. Fun(?) faces
    3 points
  2. So I noticed as HoP on rounds where a lot of people die there really isn't a place to store "Terminated" IDs so I was thinking. I'm sure even a "Terminated" ID could pose a security risk so why not add a shredder to the office? just put old IDs in there. maybe it makes a noise and deletes the ID from the game that way the HoP office doesn't just get taken over by a pile of old IDs. and maybe you could use it as a traitor HoP to get rid of evidence? who knows possibilities are endless. just a late night Idea I posted in the coders chat a while ago and some people even made basic models for it (Thanks @Greytide on discord for making that)
    2 points
  3. Have uh..this thing i have mainly mixed feelings about with really. I kinda drew a blank of what the main purpose this was but i suppose it looked cool.
    2 points
  4. This, the song of sons and daughters Hide the heart of who we are; Making peace to build a future Strong, united, working 'til we fall. And we all lift And we're all adrift together Together; Through the cold mist 'Til we're lifeless together Together.
    2 points
  5. On the topic of fire you can also light your cigs with e-swords and wands of fireball. The latter only has a moderate chance of blowing you up.
    1 point
  6. So I just finished doing an shade army hijack and a problem became apparent. Shades are able to attack their master and due to either not knowing shades have a master or being upset that I killed them I had a number of my shades attack me. I was unable to attack them back and so the only way to stop them was other shades or admin intervention. This seems like an issue. There are 3 proposals to fixes for this, I don't know the feasibility of them though. 1. Give shades and their masters a hud icon like mindslave has. This way they can easily identify without having to sort through chat which may be scrolling fast. 2. Disable shades from attacking their master. Seems like it might be more complex to implement but definitely a complete solution to the problem. 3. Allow masters to attack shades. This one is a very basic bandaid that doesnt fix the problem. This at least allows masters to stop from getting killed by shades that attack them. I don't know how easy or difficult coding and implementing this would be, but it seems like a good thing to fix.
    1 point
  7. L....LEWD SAVY IS LEWD ~!~ Don't tolerate that lech Pretzi ?
    1 point
  8. Just make it an ID recycler. Old ID in, new ID out. Would be cool if the HoP's computer was replaced with it--demolecularize an ID card and reform it into a new one with different access.
    1 point
  9. One of my way older characters who I still like, my devil Lao Sha-Khan
    1 point
  10. Behold! A paleblood sky! Commission for wimphyena on tumblr.
    1 point
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