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  1. We already have this, its called Vox and costs 45 karma. I guess human Vox costing 5 would make sense.
    3 points
  2. This is still a Work In Progress and any and all Feedback to make this viable in game is welcome. To break away from the idea that Karma roles are intended to be better roles than their base department, I submit the idea for Convicts as a job role, round start Permabrig prisoners used by Security and the station as a whole for manual labor. There is a number of possible applications, but lets start with the basics. The Primary function of this Role is to give Security personal a form of interaction within their department during low population rounds as well as giving them something to barter with other departments should relations become tense. (Go go Nations mode slaves) Karma Cost: 5. This job offers no special access and in lore the station is allotted a higher budget to hold and care for them.This is a job for masochists and people who want a new, if challenging, RP and playstyle. Spawn Area: Convicts have previously been convicted of a Major Crime prior to round start and their sentence has already been handed down by CentComm or a previous shift. Because of this, they spawn in the PermaBrig (or a Protective Custody wing if such a thing were to be added.) They are not eligible for Execution at round start. They can volunteer for Cyborgification how ever. Late Join Convicts would spawn at a sleeper located in the permabrig. Access: Convicts have NO default access, starting with Prisoner IDs and tracking beacons maxed by default in their orange jumpsuits. They do not receive a backpack or PDA, and security is allowed to revoke their headset privileges if they are abusing them. Job Responsibilities: In theory, none. By default, Convicts exist to serve out their sentence and CC sends a regular allowance to the Security Department for every Convict the station is safely housing. In low activity rounds CC might want reports on their status or could send over equipment and experiments to utilize on Convict. Security may also use Convicts for manual labor as they see fit, be it Gulag mining or allowing Science to requisition a Convict for human testing of their various experiments. SOP of course would require an active clone scan to be on file during any activity that might endanger the Convict's life, as any unlawful reduction to a Convicts sentence would come back down on the Warden and/or Head of Security (and Captain as well.) Janitorial, Kitchen, Hydroponics, and Cargo work would also be acceptable under SOP with proper supervision. Convicts who are daring may attempt to escape, and their Rules of Engagement would be somewhat loosened compared to otherwise loyal crew. They are not antags and should not act like them, though they would be allowed to attack Security and Crew alike (or threaten such violence) if it could reasonably be asserted to lead to their escape (such as holding a Doctor prisoner) If possible, Convicts would be weighted higher for Kill Objectives from Syndicate Agents, as they themselves most likely failed their previous assignment and the Syndicate doesn't need any loose ends (thus, forcing Convicts to weigh the balance of cooperating with security or escaping and risking an assassination themselves.) Other Antagonists might be tasked with ensuring the escape of a Convict, or even a hard mode objective of requiring a Hijack with the convict(s) in custody for 'DeBriefing' by Syndicate Interrogations. Labor Detail: When a Convict is assigned to work a job on the Cyberaid, voluntarily or otherwise, it is referred to as a Labor Detail. Security MUST ensure the Convict is wearing their Orange jumpsuit to differentiate them from regular Crew, their sensors maxed out, and Power Pack equipped to their back for tracking and remote disciplinary processing. Unruly or Uncooperative convicts should not be assigned Details without good reason, and any convict failing to complete their detail should be apprehended and disciplined by Security personnel.(Please note these are SOP/IC guidelines and not mandated rules OOC) Head of Personnel may customize an ID for Convicts on long term details, otherwise a standard Guest Pass may be issued if an escort is unable to supervise the convict during their detail. Convicts may work any of the following Jobs if requested by appropriate head of staff: Mining (Convicts may work in the Gulag or Mining Asteroid Abroad. They are NOT allowed use of a Kinetic Accelerator or Kinetic Crusher without specific permission from Head of Security. All mining points gathered by Convict are to be forfeited to Quartermaster.) Botany (Convicts may grow edible plants and medicinal herbs in Hydroponics or Permabrig. Convicts are NOT allowed use of a Hatchet without direct supervision. Convicts are not allowed to ingest or partake in use of any hallucinogenic compounds found in various medicinal strains of plants. All produce must be forfeited to Supervisor or Botanists.) Kitchen (Convicts may work in the Kitchen preparing food for crew. Use of a knife is permitted only under Supervision and may not be stored on the person of the Convict or taken outside of the bounds of the kitchen. At request of Crew, Convicts may ordered to deliver food to workstation and offices.) Custodial (Convicts may be assigned to work in various departments of the station collecting trash, cleaning up messes and ensuring a Hygienic work environment. Convicts should only be assigned one Department or work area at a time to clean, and should be thoroughly searched by Security before returning to the brig or assigned another detail. Cargo (Convicts may work in Cargo bay transporting and recovering crates only. Convicts are not allowed to approve or deny Supply orders and must be supervised while working with unlocked crates containing goods.) Test Subject (Convicts may be requested for use as Test Subjects for Genetics, Virology, Robotics or Research Lab. A Clone Back up should be acquired before partaking in such experimentation. Security may force uncooperative Convicts to be test subjects, but should only select cooperative ones who volunteer. Any enhancements gained through such experimentation should be removed prior to end of testing unless authorized by Head of Security.) Construction (Convicts may be requested by Engineering department to aid in construction, remodeling or repair details as appropriate. Convicts should not be given tools without supervision, but should be given EVA Softsuits as needed. Primary tasks would include carrying extra construction material and preparing groundwork for Engineers such as placing lattice or plating. Ensure all convicts are searched prior to end of detail to prevent smuggling of tools or equipment.) Other (Convicts may be requested by general crew for mundane tasks and labors as needed and approved by Security. Convicts should not be assigned as personal servants or aides, but can otherwise be utilized for odd jobs around the station where manpower is low. Convicts should not be sent through the Gateway or given Exile implants without CC approval, nor should they be tasked with exploring space around the station.) Other Info: Convict's role on the station is designed to add a dynamic of Non-Crew to the station, they have little to no rights save for what Space Law provides them, and the individual crew members are free to decide how to treat them or feel about their presence on the station. Convicts are considered Station Property, similiar to pets and Borgs, and should be treated as such if crew attacks them or otherwise interferes with their details. (Murder of a Convict still counts as Sabotage, breaching the brig to kill multiple Convicts counts as Grand Sabotage.) Convicts would still be eligible for appropriate Antagonist roles (Such as Vampire or Changeling) but have lower roll rates on Syndicate Agents or Cultists (as they spawn with no inventory or bag to hide their gear.) Optional Additions: These are ideas that could be implemented alongside or after Convicts to add flavor or use to the role.Security Points: Side-Antag: Pirates/ Prison Break: If three or more Convicts are active and alive on the station, a group of Pirates, Criminal Gangs or other nefarious may spawn with the intent of Liberating the Convicts and getting them off the station. This event would only fire 60 minutes into a round, and less likely to fire if an Syndicate Agents present among the crew had free, capture or kill objectives.
    2 points
  3. Since a few people have been asking for it, I'm posting up a loading screen for Paradise. This should already be resized to fit the loading screen in-game, all anyone has to do is right click and save as.
    2 points
  4. New picture and a slight history update along with a theme. Credit goes to Phantasmicdream i REALLY love her art.
    1 point
  5. COLOUR CODING KEY: Red means security clearance Blue means centcom and higher clearance, Green means scribbled in comments from MURA themself Name: MURA-128 Full Designation: Medical Utility Response Android model 128 Age:42 Gender:None designated Race:IPC Oil Type: 10W-20 General Occupational Role(s): Chief Medical Officer[Primarily] Surgeon[Secondary] Background: The Medical Utility Response Android model 128 has been in employ with nanotrasen for 15 years as of 02/17/2562. Their exact date of creation is unknown, but they claim to be 40 years old, making them among the pre-Synthetic Struggle wave of IPCs.[while claiming to be a Bishop Cybernetics model IPC there is no record of any production of the MURA line of IPC’s, only of the MURC line of cyborgs. Only one instance of a MURA IPC was known, but it were assumed destroyed in the syndicate raid and destruction of the BCMF Revenant, a Bishop Cybernetics manufacturing facility located in the Proxima Centauri system.] There is little information available of them from before their employment to nanotrasen Qualifications: MD MSc in chemistry Nanotrasen provided training in basic microbiology and basic genetic modification Employment Records: FIRST INSTANCE OF NANOTRASEN EMPLOYMENT Originally employed as an emergency surgeon at the NCB Morning Star. Said IPC quickly climbed the ranks at hospital located at the aforementioned Commerce Base, reaching the rank of Chief Medical Officer in a record 10 years[I might’ve been made CMO on my tenth year there, but I’d been basically running the place since my sixth…], following the untimely death of the previous CMO. For their extraordinary service to nanotrasen and their skill in medical sciences, they were offered a tenured position as CMO aboard the the NSS Speedwell. They proceed to wait three months before acknowledging the offer, and another two before eventually accepting.[You’d be surprised how much administration work goes into a base compared to a station or a vessel] SECOND INSTANCE OF NANOTRASEN EMPLOYMENT Once aboard the NSS Speedwell, they learned firsthand the danger of the syndicate[Sure, this was when I learned what the syndicate could do] Said increased syndicate activity led to MURA purchasing a true-to-original recreation of the early 21st century S&W Model 500 handgun for self defence in case of emergency.[In their time aboard the Speedwell, the handgun was never fired. Said handgun was prohibited to be brought aboard the Cyberiad upon transfer to said station]Unlike their previous position at the Morning Star, which was mostly a civilian installation, the smaller and incredibly more dense population of the station led to MURA fostering closer relationships aboard this station, a task made easier due to the comparatively more positive opinion towards IPCs than when they started their employment with nanotrasen. After only 3 years of service on the Speedwell, they were offered a position aboard the NSS Cyberiad,with the option to return to their previous station should they choose. This station was a new and experimental plasma research station located in the Epsilon Eridani system. This offer was under a caveat, however, as the NSS Cyberiad does not have a fixed crew, rather than a rotation of crew. [It might have been a downgrade from tenure, but working on a cutting edge station could be very profitable.] CURRENT INSTANCE OF NANOTRASEN EMPLOYMENT MURA is currently employed on the NSS Cyberiad, as part of the rotating command staff as CMO, and as a surgeon.[ For as cutting edge and new as this station is, They hire a surprising amount of undeclared assistants…] Security Records: Arrested for disturbing the peace with Synthetic rights protesting Medical Records: Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Surprisingly, an increase in resistance in the cables sending out power from their microbattery, similar to high blood pressure In Organics Personnel Photo (Appearance text): [credits to @PhantasmicDream] Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes:
    1 point
  6. I'd just give you the chance to fix it rather than punishing you with perma for an obvious mistake.
    1 point
  7. none of the box one is true. Well... the parts about the good looks and nice dress are.
    1 point
  8. Lit alcoholic shot glasses are also usable as pocket-sized flares.
    1 point
  9. Ryan Xovr exclaims, "Nevxx!" Ryan Xovr asks, "Do you know your rights?" Nevxx exclaims, "Ryan!" Nevxx says, "Mhm." Ryan Xovr asks, "Are you sure?" Nevxx says, "According to Zsmoke, I havve the right to zzszhut up." Nevxx shrugs. Ryan Xovr shouts, "Well, I am going to tell you anyways!" Ryan Xovr opens a book titled "Space Law" and begins reading intently. Ryan Xovr says, "Space Law is the name given to the set of corporate regulations approved by the NanoTrasen Board of Directors for use on their Space Stations." Smoke Berkheimer says, "This is, err." Ryan Xovr says, "They may be modified depending on the station they are being applied to." Ryan Xovr looks up from the book. Nevxx says, "Get to the point" Ryan Xovr asks, "You following?" Nevxx says, "No wonder you're zso incompetent." Nevxx says, "Zsheezzzh." Ryan Xovr says, "Anyways..." Nevxx says, "Zzzpeak lezszzsz, act fazt izzz my motto." Ryan Xovr says, "This set applies to the NSS Cyberiad." Ryan Xovr says, "They apply for all NT employees and authorized visitors of the station." Nevxx facedesks. Nevxx says, "GOOD." Nevxx says, "THIZ IZzz MY EXECUTION." Ryan Xovr says, "Anyone aboard the station legally is both protected by, and expected to follow, Space Law." Nevxx yells, "I'M GETTING EXECUTED BY HAVvvvING TO HEAR AN INCOMPETENT ZzszECURITY ZPEAK!" Nevxx yells, "NOO!" Ryan Xovr says, "This means that any individuals that forcefully board the station are not protected by Space Law." Nevxx shouts, "MY POOR BRAIN!" Ryan Xovr says, "In addition, authorized sentient Xenobiological organisms and Golems are also protected by, and are expected to follow, Space Law." Nevxx says, "Thizzsz izzz laughable." Smoke Berkheimer says, "I've called the chaplain." Ryan Xovr says, "Unauthorized Xenobiological organisms and Golems are to be terminated." Nevxx says, "Ryan, I didn't lizsten zshit to whatevvvver you zsaid." Ryan Xovr shouts, "Shhhhs, I am reading!" Ryan Xovr says, "Central Command can authorize pardons for crimes as they see fit." Nevxx says, "Get. To. The. Fucking. Point." Nevxx facedesks. Ryan Xovr says, "Great cases of RP may excuse certain crimes." Nevxx says, "Oi Chrizsz." Ryan Xovr asks, "What the fuck is RP?" Smoke Berkheimer says, "Real People." Ryan Xovr says, "AAAAAH." Ryan Xovr says, "Yes, sure." Ryan Xovr says, "Adminhelp if you wish to intentionally break a law." Ryan Xovr asks, "Ok, who wrote this shit?" Ryan Xovr exclaims, "WHO WROTE THIS?!" Ryan Xovr says, "Probably talking about network administrators, not sure what they have to do with space law though." Nevxx says, "Ryan, you done? I'm havvvving a brain defect now." Ryan Xovr says, "No not yet." Nevxx says, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." Nevxx says, "FINIZH IT." Nevxx says, "THIZs IZzsz WORZsE THAN THE FUCKING CHAPLAIN'Z ZERMONZ." Ryan Xovr says, "CHAPTER ONE: INTERPRETATION OF THE LAW." Nevxx says, "NOO." Ryan Xovr says, "A good working knowledge of Space Law is important for any person on the station, in order to ensure stability of the workplace." Nevxx says, "FUCK YOU." Nevxx facedesks harder. Ryan Xovr says, "More in-depth knowledge and interpretative capability of Space Law is required for such positions as the Magistrate, Internal Affairs Agent, Warden, and the Head of Security." Nevxx says, "JUZzszT GIVvE ME HOLY WATER, FOR FUCK'Zzsz ZsAKE." Nevxx says, "HE'Zzsz ENJOYING THIZzz" Nevxx says, "OH MY GOD." Ryan Xovr says, "SHHHHS, I am reading." Ryan Xovr says, "For certain crimes, the intention of the accused is important." Ryan Xovr says, "The difference between First and Second Degree Murder can be very hard to ascertain, and, when in doubt, you should default to the less serious crime." [Common] Geneticist Nevxx says, "Zzszo like, I'm being tortured by Ryan." [Common] Geneticist Nevxx says, "Thizzz iz the worzst zzszcenario evver." [Common] Geneticist Nevxx says, "He'zs reading to me the whole ZzzoP." [Common] Internal Affairs Agent Ryan Xovr says, "Not SOP. Space law." Nevxx says, "Oi, Rizzzzsa." Nevxx says, "I'm being executed by havving Ryan zspeak to me." Rissa Lazzuxei shouts, "What?!" Nevxx says, "And tell me the whole ZzszoP." Ryan Xovr says, "An important concept is "stacking"." Nevxx says, "Yeah." Nevxx says, "Getting brain migrainezzz here." Ryan Xovr says, ""Stacking" refers to the act of sentencing an individual for the same crime more than once, or sentencing an individual with similar crimes simultaneously (such as Petty Theft and Theft, or Assault and Aggravated Assault)." Nevxx asks, "Zzszee?" Rissa Lazzuxei says, "Oh." Nevxx says, "He'z not ztopping." Rissa Lazzuxei says, "Good lord." Ryan Xovr says, "This is expressly forbidden." [Chef breaks in with a fire axe] Jack Rock has torn Hasthi-Salvata in the head with the fire axe (Wielded)! Hasthi-Salvata has been knocked down! Ryan Xovr stammers, "AAAAH-H" Hasthi-Salvata says, "OH-HURGH" Hasthi-Salvata is hit by an electrode in the right leg! Nevxx says, "CHEF." Ryan Xovr stammers, "D-DAM-MN-N IT-T" Nevxx says, "HELP HERE." Jack Rock has torn Ryan Xovr in the head with the fire axe (Wielded)! Jack Rock has cleaved Ryan Xovr in the head with the fire axe (Wielded)! Ryan Xovr screams! M.A.X. has stunned Jack Rock with the stunbaton! M.A.X. is trying to put handcuffs on Jack Rock! Nevxx says, "Wewe." Nevxx says, "That happened." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Okay, luckily." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "I have the healing virus." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "So we can KEEP GOING ON." Nevxx says, "NOOO." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Now where was I." Nevxx says, "FUCK YOU RYAN." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "I forgot where I was" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) shouts, "Better start all over!" Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) opens a book titled "Space Law" and begins reading intently. [Common] Geneticist Nevxx says, "I NEED Help. RYAN IZzsz TORTURING ME WITH ZzszOP." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Space Law is the name given to the set of corporate regulations approved by the NanoTrasen Board of Directors for use on their Space Stations." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "They may be modified depending on the station they are being applied to." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "This set applies to the NSS Cyberiad." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "They apply for all NT employees and authorized visitors of the station." Nevxx says, "God damn." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Anyone aboard the station legally is both protected by, and expected to follow, Space Law." Nevxx says, "ZzszOMEONE ZsHUT UP RYAN." Nevxx says, "GAH." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "This means that any individuals that forcefully board the station are not protected by Space Law." Nevxx says, "GIVvvE ME A BREAK." Nevxx says, "RYAN." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "In addition, authorized sentient Xenobiological organisms and Golems are also protected by, and are expected to follow, Space Law." Nevxx says, "I ZsWEAR." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "YES?" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "I AM READING." Nevxx says, "WHATEVvvER MINDCONTROLLING TECHNIQUE YOU'RE UZING IZzz WORKING." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "What?" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) shouts, "I just love this book!" Nevxx says, "I DON'T." Nevxx says, "ZzszO ZsHUT THE FUCK UP." [Discussing PDA messages with the HOS about moving Nevxx to interrogation] Nevxx says, "Thizs izzz fucking retarded." Nevxx says, "Oh, you're done Ryan." Nevxx says, "Thank God." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Not yet." Nevxx says, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Nevxx says, "ZzzHUT THE FUCK UP." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "You gotta wait five minutes." Nevxx says, "I ZWEAR I'LL BATHE IN YOUR BLOOD IF YOU KEEP GOING." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "Do you want me to start over?" Nevxx says, "NO." Smoke Berkheimer says, "Let IAA take Nevxx to the interrogation room." Nevxx says, "God fucking damn." Nevxx says, "THIZ IZs ABUZzszE OF RIGHTZzsz." Smoke Berkheimer says, "Yeah yeah." Nevxx says, "I DEMAND ZOMEONE TO ZzszHUT RYAN UP." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Now, where was I." Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) opens a book titled "Space Law" and begins reading intently. Nevxx says, "Ineed a lawyer." Nevxx says, "I need*" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "I am one." Nevxx sighs. Nevxx says, "No." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Huehuehue." Nevxx says, "You're a zhit lawyer." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "CHAPTER TWO:" Nevxx says, "Prozzzecutor, evvven." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "BRIG PROCEDURES:" Nevxx says, "NNOOOOOO." Smoke Berkheimer asks, "Would you like him muzzled?" Nevxx says, "ZTOOOOOOOOOOP" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) yells, "Wonderful idea!" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) shouts, "Please do!" Nevxx says, "FUCK OFF, ZMOKE." Smoke Berkheimer says, "Excellent." Nevxx says, "GOD FUCKING DAMN IT." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Special precautions are to be taken aside from Standard Brigging Procedures:" Nevxx says, "NOOOOOOOOO" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Always ask Vox or Plasmamen prisoners where their Internals Tank is located, if it cannot be found. Do not remove this tank, as it will kill them." Nevxx says, "FUCK OFF." Smoke Berkheimer tries to put the safety muzzle on Nevxx. Smoke Berkheimer says, "That's so much better." Nevxx says, "FUCK OFF." Nevxx says, "I HATE ALL OF YOU." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "What?" Smoke Berkheimer tries to lock Nevxx's safety muzzle. Nevxx sighs. Smoke Berkheimer locks Nevxx's safety muzzle. Nevxx says, "GAH." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "HOS, that prevents him from biting." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "And not speaking." Nevxx says, "I WILL." Smoke Berkheimer says, "God fucking damnit." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "You got the wrong muzzle." Smoke Berkheimer says, "I need duct tape." Nevxx says, "HAHA." Nevxx says, "FUCKERZzz." Smoke Berkheimer unlocks Nevxx's safety muzzle. Smoke Berkheimer tries to remove Nevxx's safety muzzle. Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) opens a book titled "Space Law" and begins reading intently. Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "In such a case as their clothes have to be changed, expedience is mandatory." Nevxx says, "Ryan." Nevxx says, "Juzzzt admit it." Nevxx says, "You're into me." Nevxx says, "Thiz izzz why you invvvvited me here." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "No, I am into vulpkanins." Nevxx says, "It'zzz obvviouzs." Nevxx asks, "The tape?" Nevxx says, "Pft." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Also, I have a wife." Nevxx says, "No need to be zhy." Nevxx says, "It'zzz okay." Nevxx says, "Lizzszten." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "We really need that muzzle." Nevxx says, "I'm not into humanz either, but I can try." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "You are missing the point" Nevxx says, "ZsEE? I CAN PULL THE ZzzAME MIND TACTICZzsz TOO." Smoke Berkheimer tries to tape Nevxx's mouth closed! Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Thank you, HOS." Smoke Berkheimer tapes Nevxx's mouth shut! Nevxx mumbles, "Mphmm phmm." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) exclaims, "ALRIGHT!" Nevxx mumbles, "Mphm mphmm!" Smoke Berkheimer asks, "What are you talking about?" Nevxx facedesks harder. Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Chapter three: Legal Representation and Trials" Smoke Berkheimer asks, "Nevxx?" Nevxx mumbles, "Ph mphmmphmm mphmph phphph phmm." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Prisoners are permitted to seek legal representation." LOOC: Nevxx: I HATE YOU ALL >_< Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "However, Security is under no obligation to provide or allow it." LOOC: Unknown (as Ryan Xovr): huehuehue Nevxx mumbles, "Mphphphphphm." LOOC: Whaleton_: *clap LOOC: MuffledFat: ryan you're my hero LOOC: Nevxx: NUH Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Internal Affairs Agents, and by extension the Magistrate, exist to serve as a guiding hand and the voice of reason within the judicial process." LOOC: Nevxx: >_< LOOC: Unknown (as Ryan Xovr): thank you. Nevxx mumbles, "Mphmm phmm." LOOC: Whaleton_: this is prime entertainment Nevxx mumbles, "Mmmmmmmmmmmm" Nevxx mumbles, "Mphm mph mph!" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "However, Internal Affairs Agents have zero authority over the Brig, Security personnel, prisoners, or sentencing." Nevxx mumbles, "Mphphph." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Internal Affairs Agents deliberately ignoring this and attempting to throw their weight around can, and should be, duly ignored, if their points are not valid." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "OOOOH." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "I remember now why I don't like this chapter." Nevxx stares at Ryan. Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) exclaims, "Let's move to the next one!" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) yells, "Ooooh, I like this!" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Chapter four: Use of Deadly Force" Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) stares at his book. Nevxx gnaws on the tape gag, trying to remove it! LOOC: Whaleton_: this is what IAA was made for Nevxx mumbles, "Mm." Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) stares at Nevxx. Nevxx removes the tape gag! Nevxx makes a very loud noise. Nevxx asks, "GAH. THERE WE GO. HOW'D YOU LIKE THAT?" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "I wonder if smashing someone's head with this would have the same effe-" Nevxx shouts, "OWCH!" Nevxx says, "That hurt." Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) claps. Nevxx sighs. Nevxx says, "Zseriouzly though" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "We need more tape." Nevxx says, "Zzszhut the fuck up." Nevxx says, "NO." Nevxx says, "TAPE MY AZzszZzz." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Lewd." Nevxx says, "Anyway." Nevxx says, "NO." Nevxx says, "NOT THE FUCKING TAPE." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) yells, "Yes!" Smoke Berkheimer asks, "Did someone ask for MORE TAPE?" Nevxx says, "GET THAT AWAY FROM ME." Nevxx says, "ZzszMOKE." Smoke Berkheimer tries to tape Nevxx's mouth closed! Nevxx says, "I'LL BATHE IN YOUR BLOOD TOO." Nevxx mumbles, "Ph mmphphm." Smoke Berkheimer says, "That's just gross." Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) claps. Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) yells, "Thanks!" Nevxx mumbles, "Mphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphph" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Ok, so: Chapter Four: Use of Deadly Force" Nevxx cries. Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "As a member of the Station's Security force, you are one of the best armed and protected people on the station, equipped with the almost latest in non-lethal detainment technology and weaponry." Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) winks. Nevxx gnaws on the tape gag, trying to remove it! Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "It is for this reason that the situations that warrant the use of Deadly Force are few and far between." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "In the vast majority of cases, you will be expected to use your stun tools, which indeed are many times more effective than lethal options, to diffuse a situation." Nevxx removes the tape gag! Nevxx says, "MAKE IT ZTOP." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "Are you deconverted yet?" Nevxx says, "GIVvE ME HOLY WATER. I DON'T FUCKING CARE." Nevxx says, "NO." Nevxx says, "FUCK YOUR ZOP." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Well, this gotta keep up." Nevxx says, "NOOOOOOOOOOOO." Nevxx says, "OH MY GOD." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "You know, I will know when you are deconverted." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "WHEN" Nevxx shouts, "NOOO!" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "I see that the red W is gone from your head." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Until then...." Nevxx says, "BECAUZzszE I'M ZzszTUCK HERE." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) exclaims, "You are a cultist!" Nevxx cries Nevxx says, "NO MORE TAPE." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) shouts, "Yes!" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "MORE TAPE" Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) points to the tape roll Nevxx says, "RYAN." Nevxx says, "ZzzO HELP ME." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Now, how does this work..." Nevxx says, "I'M GOING TO EAT YOU UP AZzz I DO WITH NYMPHZ." Nevxx clicks their mandibles. Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Oh, it sticks." Nevxx asks, "YOU ZzzEE THEZzszE MANDIBLEZ?" Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) tries to tape Nevxx's mouth closed! Nevxx says, "THEY AREN'T FOR ZsHOW." Nevxx says, "AND I ZWEAR-" Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) tapes Nevxx's mouth shut! Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) exclaims, "No, they are for taping!" Nevxx mumbles, "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphphm." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Okay, so." Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) opens a book titled "Space Law" and begins reading intently. Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "However there are certain circumstances where deadly force is permissible:" LOOC: Nevxx: If cultists happen to win somehow, I'm going to fucking laugh so hard at everyone. LOOC: Nevxx: ._. LOOC: Unknown (as Ryan Xovr): unlikely, but indeed, would be hilarious Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Non-Lethal Weapons Ineffective" LOOC: Whaleton_: ryan xovr major victory! LOOC: Nevxx: HUSH. Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Severe Personal Ris" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Ris..." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Riiis..." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "RISK." Nevxx mumbles, "Mm." Nevxx gnaws on the tape gag, trying to remove it! Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Severe Personal Ris" Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) rubs his forehead. Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "My eyes are going bad." Nevxx removes the tape gag! Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Being 77 is tiring, you know." Nevxx says, "My fucking mouth hurtz now." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Oh, not again." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "WE RAN OUT OF TAPE." Nevxx says, "Mandible, I meant-" Nevxx says, "HAHAHA." [Security] Internal Affairs Agent Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) says, "WE NEED MORE TAPE" Nevxx says, "OOOOOH." [Security] Internal Affairs Agent Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) says, "MORE MORE MORE" Nevxx asks, "HOW'D YOU LIKE THAT?" Nevxx says, "I TOLD YOU THAT THEZzszE MANDIBLEZzsz WEREN'T FOR ZzszHOW." Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) sighs. Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "Are you deconverted yet?" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "Do you feel the love of Nanotrasen yet?" Nevxx says, "You wizh." Nevxx says, "No. I ztill feel vvvery loyal to my Godzzz." Nevxx says, "And I want to fucking bathe in your blood." Nevxx says, "And eat evvvverything that'z related to fucking ZoP." Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) points to Space Law Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "Can you eat this?" Nevxx says, "Azzzide of havvvving zzszome nymphz azzz food, though" Nevxx says, "No." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Exactly. Because IT IS NOT SOP." Nevxx says, "I'd nevvvver eat that fucking book." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "IT IS CALLED:" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "SPACE LAW." Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) has educated Nevxx in the head with Space Law! Nevxx says, "IT'Zzz THE FUCKING ZzszAME THING." Nevxx says, "NOO." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "IT IS NOT" Nevxx says, "I FEEL DUMBER NOW." Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) has bashed Nevxx in the head with Space Law! Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) has educated Nevxx in the left hand with Space Law! Nevxx says, "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH." Nevxx says, "MY INTELLIGENCE." [Security] HoS Smoke Berkheimer says, "Leave the cultists to rot." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Oh, I love this." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "The HOS says: "Leave the cultists to rot."" Nevxx yells, "FUCK YOU, YOU...EVvIL PERZsON!" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "Me?" Nevxx asks, "AND THEN I'M THE EVvvvIL ONE HERE!?" Nevxx says, "YEZ." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "No u" Nevxx says, "I MIGHT KILL PEOPLE. AND UZzzE BLOOD. AND DO RITUALZ." Nevxx says, "BUT YOU. OH MY GOD, YOU." Nevxx says, "YOU GET INZzszIDE PEOPLE'Zzz BRAINZzz." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "A moment please." Nevxx says, "AND YOU MAKE THEM-" After a few attempts, Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) manages to light the the cheap lighter. After some fiddling, Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) manages to light their cigarette with the cheap lighter. Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) quietly shuts off the the cheap lighter. Nevxx says, "Gh." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "You don't mind if I smoke, yes?" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "Want one?" Nevxx says, "No." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Good." Nevxx says, "I hate the zzzmell of zsmoke." Nevxx says, "Wait no." Nevxx says, "I lovvve it." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Alright, where were we." Nevxx says, "Zso much~" Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) opens a book titled "Space Law" and begins reading intently. Nevxx says, "Keep zzszmoking." Nevxx says, "Zzszeriouzzszly." Nevxx says, "Don't zstop." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Well, I am afraid I will have to START OVER AGAIN." Nevxx says, "Like, at all-" Nevxx says, "Why." Nevxx says, "Oh my God." Nevxx says, "Zomeone." Nevxx says, "I don't care who." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "I forgot where I was, you know how it is." Nevxx says, "Kill me. End my fucking zuffering." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "I am old and dementia kicks in..." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Space Law is the name given to the set of corporate regulations approved by the NanoTrasen Board of Directors for use on their Space Stations." Nevxx says, "...NO WONDER I'M GOING THROUGH THIZ." Nevxx says, "HOLY ZzzHIT." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "They may be modified depending on the station they are being applied to." Nevxx says, "YOU'RE TRYING TO GIVvvvE ME DEMENTIA." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "This set applies to the NSS Cyberiad." Nevxx says, "Quezzsztion." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "They apply for all NT employees and authorized visitors of the station." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "Yes?" Nevxx asks, "What izs NZzzZs Cyberiad?" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "No idea. Moving on" Nevxx asks, "When wazs NT made?" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Look, man." Nevxx clicks their mandibles. Nevxx says, "HAHAHA." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "If it is in this book, then I know it." Nevxx exclaims, "YOU DON'T KNOW!" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Otherwise..." Nevxx says, "Gahahahahaha." Nevxx says, "Oh my God" [Security] Internal Affairs Agent Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Head of Security, I NEED MORE TAPE" [Security] Internal Affairs Agent Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) says, "ASAP" [Security] HoS Smoke Berkheimer says, "We are leaving Ryan. How did you even run out of tape." [Security] Internal Affairs Agent Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) exclaims, "He is one persistent cultist!" Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Well, we gotta evacuate." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Or something." Nevxx says, "No zzszhit." Nevxx says, "Thizzz izzsz fucking great." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Have a nice law." Nevxx says, "Fuck off, Ryan." Aimi Kita attempts to force Nevxx to swallow the flask. Aimi Kita forces Nevxx to swallow the flask. Nevxx says, "Hm." Smoke Berkheimer says, "I have brought some sparkling water." Nevxx says, "I'm about to pee." Nevxx has been splashed with something by Smoke Berkheimer!x2 Nevxx shrugs. Smoke Berkheimer says, "Shit." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Well, HOS" Aimi Kita says, "No morre waterr forrrr some time, Commanderr." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "You messed that up." Nevxx says, "I mean." Nevxx says, "You did." Nevxx says, "I would clap." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "Did you get tape at least?" Smoke Berkheimer says, "It seems I did." Nevxx says, "But you get the idea." Smoke Berkheimer asks, "Why do you need tape anymore?" Nevxx says, "FUCK YOU HOZ." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "Why not?" Smoke Berkheimer says, "You are right." Nevxx stammers, "Gah." Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) has whacked Nevxx in the left hand with Space Law! Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) has educated Nevxx in the head with Space Law! Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) has whacked Nevxx in the right foot with Space Law! Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) has bashed Nevxx in the head with Space Law! Nevxx stammers, "Z-Zs-sTOP-PP-PPP-P-P." Nevxx stammers, "NO M-M-MOR-RE ZP-PAC-CE L-L-LAW-W-W." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) asks, "DO YOU KNOW IT FROM MEMORY?" Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) has whacked Nevxx in the head with Space Law! Nevxx stammers, "N-NOO." Nevxx stammers, "NEV-Vv-vv-vv-v-vER-R-R." Nevxx stammers, "F-FUC-CK Y-Y-YOUR-R L-L-L-LAWZz-z-zs-sz-z-z.." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "RECITE ME THE FIFTH PARAGRAPH OF THE FOURTH CHAPTER" Nevxx stammers, "YOU Zs-sH-HIT-TT-TY L-LAW-W-WYER.." Unknown (as Ryan Xovr) has educated Nevxx in the left arm with Space Law! Nevxx stammers, "NOO." Nevxx stammers, "F-FUC-CK-K OF-FF." [Security] HoS Smoke Berkheimer says, "All officers take place at the shuttle for your safe departure." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "YEEEES, DO IT" Nevxx stammers, "Oh-h-h m-m-my-y God-d." Nevxx stammers, "I'm z-zs-star-rt-tin-n-ng-g t-to l-lik-k-k-ke t-the Z-Zz-z-z-zz-zp-pac-ce Law-w." Aimi Kita says, "The path to rrrredemption is at hand." Nevxx stammers, "OH-H M-MY GOD." Nevxx stammers, "Y-Y-YOUR-R MIN-ND CON-N-N-NT-TR-ROL-L-LL-LIN-NG-G-G TEC-C-CHN-NIQ-QUE IZ-Z W-WOR-RKIN-N-NG-G, Y-YOU EV-Vv-v-vv-vv-vIL-L P-PER-RZ-Zs-sON-N-N." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) says, "Okay, he is deconverted." Nevxx stammers, "H-HELL-L, I M-MIG-GH-HT-T B-BEC-C-COE A Z-ZHIT-TTY-Y L-L-LAW-WY-Y-Y-YER L-L-LIK-KE Y-YOU." Ryan Xovr (as Ryan Xovr) exclaims, "Well, I am going to hide in a locker, bye!" Nevxx stammers, "F-FUC-CK OF-FF-F." Nevxx looks like they just reverted to their old faith! OOC: Whaleton_: ryan xovr OOC: Whaleton_: is the best fucking experience OOC: Whaleton_: of ss13 OOC: Bxil: Best IAA here. OOC: Bxil: I hope you all took lessons. OOC: Whaleton_: someone give ryan xovr a medal OOC: MuffledFat: Ryan you're my hero OOC: Whaleton_: poor nrvxx OOC: 6TheChamp9: Ryan's great. OOC: Chronarch: Bxil you got like all the karma that round OOC: Drakenero: I got killed thanks to Space Law OOC: Drakenero: That mind controlling technique.. *Bxil's ego blows up.*
    1 point
  10. *pulls out a long range water gun and fires at* Bad. Bad Vega. Down.
    1 point
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