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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/14/2018 in all areas

  1. Since a few people have been asking for it, I'm posting up a loading screen for Paradise. This should already be resized to fit the loading screen in-game, all anyone has to do is right click and save as.
    3 points
  2. Good morning crew, I would like to formally introduce myself as Dr. MURA-128, MD-PhD, MSc, While you are all contracted you can expect to see me as one of valiant Chief Medical Officers or Surgeons tasked with keeping all of you as fit as a fiddle. I can only hope your time aboard the Cyberiad is a long and healthy one. Now, suit sensors up and have a good shift! Greetings, salutations, and Καλημέρα! It has been a bit since I've started playing on here, so it seemed like a good time to make a formal introduction on the forums! My name's Joey, but you probably know me by the character I've been playing and neglecting my other characters since I've unlocked IPC's, MURA-128! I found out about ss13 through my one friend who doesn't play the game anymore, and absolutely fell in love with the game. Since then I've basically given up on most of my other games for ss13 and now that I start to think about it I might have problem... Anyway, It's been great since I've joined, and I can only wait for what more this soul crushing spess game holds
    2 points
  3. Not entirely, as they can still be used to hide one's identity. While the ID itself has no access, the fact the ID has a name on it, means someone can use it to disguise themselves. And someone who wants a disguise is the kind of person who won't care if the ID is terminated, they either have the tools to break in to places or have something like an e-mag. In general, putting IDs anywhere public is asking for trouble, terminated or not.
    1 point
  4. ohh, ok that explains, I made Xann ((my engineer main character Kidan)) at the beginning of this year So if you need that: major changes in engineering: When you open maintanance panel on airlock, you can now add metal/plasteel to secure it, if someone wants to hack secured doors they need to remove cover Now, airlocks can get demaged, when you attempt to weld airlock on help intent you will attempt to fix airlock. In order to weld or unweld airlock, you will need to chose another intent That's propably everything. I mean that: You basicly have character skilled in engineering, atmospherics, chemistry, mining, cargo, paramedicing (medicine then too), robotics, command and security. Some people don't like that, even if that does not bother me, I can see why.
    1 point
  5. Release the hounds Or the bees Or the hounds with bees in their mouths and whenever they bark they shoot bees at you
    1 point
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