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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/23/2018 in all areas

  1. That's why the Clown has a spare, of course! honk
    2 points
  2. I was in a low pop round as a non antag engineer. Someone had been disabling cameras around the halls so i decided to be a good worker and fix them. Nek minut an officer charges in tazes me and radios in that ive been wrecking all the cameras. I get dragged off to the brig screaming at him the whole way. Get interrogated as they think im a traitor. Despite my constant denials I'm considered a risk and thrown in perma with the other 2 "traitors" for doing my job. Turns out one of them was a ling and and had already eaten the other guy. After pleading with him not to eat me i realised that the half assed officer only took my hardsuit,pda,radio and backpack but not my insulated gloves or toolbelt. Decided to bargain i let the ling out in exchange for not eating me and was promptly lasered to death on site by the same officer who arrested me for now being "a fucking ling". ?
    1 point
  3. Alright another story from me about one of my own flukes that led to a memorable shift. This is actually the longer version of the Major Crime part of Tetra's security record. I go to join an early low population shift that is about 10 minutes in...depleted security force...I decide that having SOMEONE as HOS is better than nobody, so I take the job. This was my first time as HOS aside from 1 or 2 shifts where I was Acting HOS for a short while. I'm very inexperienced and inform command of this but they (which was literally just a captain and HOP) are glad to have me. Mostly had only dealt with cultists and traitors at this point. There are vampires on the station. Okay I've got this. Call the chaplain, get a tank blessed, 2 fire extinguishers in processing, we are good to go. My officers bring in our first vamp. Due to my experience with cultists I proceed to force feed this vamp enough holy water to de-convert a cultists. Despite emptying both extinguishers on the vampire they continue to burn. After we clean up that mess the magistrate bring me aside and informs me that I'm being demoted and arrested for manslaughter. I'm unhappy with this but accept my punishment without much resistance. Served the rest of the shift in perma. My officers did a good job making me comfortable, didn't put me in prison gear, giving me cigs and a botany bag. Kept me company and even still consulted with me about things. Eventually got a few vampire roommates that attempted to eat me and led to a lock down, one of them being executed, and the other agreeing to be a civil roommate with me. Appealed to central after working with IAA. Denied. I was super salty about this at the time but looking back now, just yet another unique experience given to me by SS13.
    1 point
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