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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2018 in all areas

  1. You are a Spider Smuggler! You are a Syndicate agent implanted with many special eggs, designed to release varying kinds of Terror Spiders onto the station so that NT's presence aboard it can be eradicated. After [10~15] minutes, the eggs will hatch, releasing an above-average amount of spiderlings into the area, all of which will grow into Terror Spiders - and one of which will grow much faster, becoming a powerful Queen. Your objective is simple: find a secluded area for the Terror Spiders to nest in and allow the spiderlings to infest it, even if their birth kills you in the process. When the station is devoid of NanoTrasen personnel, it will become the Syndicate's and your clone will be greatly rewarded. The Terror Spiders mode is, well, exactly what it says on the tin. It begins in much the same way as the Blob gamemode; one crewmember is chosen to become a Spider Smuggler, a Syndicate operative whose task is to infest the station with Terror Spiders. They're implanted with special Syndicate Spider Eggs, which can spawn spiders of any type (although it can only rarely spawn one or two Tier 3s, and cannot spawn Empresses of Terror at all) and will always spawn a single, fast-growing Queen Spiderling. These eggs will automatically hatch after a slightly varying amount of time; upon the timer reaching the two-minute mark, the Smuggler will be given a warning to get into a secluded area if they haven't already. You feel the first of the spider eggs begin to wriggle around under your skin, as the spiderling inside tries to break free. You don't have much time now... find a secluded area, before you burst open! Upon hatching, the Smuggler will be gibbed and release 15 spiderlings into the area, one of which will become a Queen Spiderling. Two others may be chosen to become one of the Tier 3 Spiders, one of each, but it's not guaranteed (25% chance?). The Smuggler can then choose to either inhabit the Queen Spiderling when it grows, inhabit one of the Tier 3 Spiders (if any spawned at all), or Ghost and wait for another Terror Spider to grow up. From there... well, it plays out as you'd expect. There are Terror Spiders everywhere, and there are no other mode-specific antagonists. The round ends when the Escape Shuttle arrives at Centcomm, or when all spiders and spiderlings (and there will be a lot of them, unless the Smuggler gets unlucky) have been killed; whichever comes first. That's about it. No fancy tricks, no new spiders, just one man and a lot of eggs. NOTE: Special thanks goes to Kyutness, who came up with this idea originally during a conversation in DSay.
    2 points
  2. Honestly, it all strikes me as a bit unintuitive right now. To put it this way, when you use a welder on someone, 1. If they have a robotic limb and are on help intent, you fix it or do nothing. 2. If they have a robotic limb and are on harm intent, you damage them. But, if they have a fleshy limb, 1 and 2 are exactly the same; you always harm them regardless of stance. This creates this weird inconsistency, where stance only matters if you THEORETICALLY could do multiple things to something with your item, even if you can't ACTUALLY do multiple things to something with an item. The new airlocks thing is definitely consistent with how help/harm has usually worked; I'm personally not sure why it worked that way in the first place, though. Why can you bash people with a fire extinguisher on help intent? Is it just because it's funny? Because it IS kind of hilarious.
    1 point
  3. Making art in this game is a headache. Such is the struggle of the artist, however.
    1 point
  4. The history is repeating itself!
    1 point
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