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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/2018 in all areas

  1. I got a commission ordered for my character Szlaa Kaallu, I'm sooo happy with how it turned out, having it for profile pic makes me so happy ? The artist's deviantart deviantart.com/sumicoarts/ Discord @Sumico#7836
    3 points
  2. Some feedback from an actual play test of terror-spider-mode - the other day on extend I spawned myself in as 1 white terror spider, about 10 mins into the shift. The crew was utterly unprepared for this, and it resulted in a huge amount of death and destruction. I think this would heavily change as people get used to the idea that terror spiders could appear before the 1 hour mark (People didn't quite seem to believe they existed...), and the meta grows and ebbs. The exact amount of spiders and tiers and all that can be tweaked and refined endlessly as the meta changes. How well balanced X amount of Tier Y spiders is is something that will drastically change as people grow more and more used to the game mode - for both the crew and the spiders. However, I think this is a really cool idea for a way to make terror spiders into a mode. Linking it specifically to a syndicate smuggler is just...cool, lore wise, and for the overall feeling. I think I'd be giggling evilly to myself with the idea of coming on board the cyberiad with a deadly bio-weapon payload. It might also be cool to give the -exact same- warning to the crew that is given in blob rounds, at the same time. This means that for both modes, there is some uncertainty as to whether they should begin welding vents (And thus wasting time letting the blob grow), or search maint for the blob (and thus let spiders pick them off). I'd also advise that whoever is selected as the "smuggler", is the one guaranteed to take control of the biggest spider tier. This means they have a much more vested interest in picking a really good spot, rather than just wherever - and also lets us give more effective jobbans etc to people who fuck over their team.
    2 points
  3. Like, using your gear to clear your path and others benefit passively, sure. But specifically gearing to save the day to say "look, I saved y'all, gimmie greentext" eugh.
    1 point
  4. Using traitor gear as traitor to play hero when you are supposed to be the bad guy sounds like a bore to me. After all, its called antag for a reason. Perhaps that is just me though.
    1 point
  5. The thing I wouldn't like is a traitor using their gear to "be the hero" against Tspiders, to get the crew to be 'on their side'
    1 point
  6. This is 100% correct. Having a small number 1-3 of traitors or other threats would spice up "Terror Spiders" as well as all the other messy game plays we have at the moment such as Blob or Nuke ops". Not only would it defuse trashy play such as giving everyone all access and throwing weapons out there it would give the few other antags opportunities whilst other crew were distracted and make sure departments still have to function at some level.
    1 point
  7. Re: smuggler gets to be a spider, yeah, that is probably a good idea. My original beacon item called TS to the station, but there was no guarantee you'd end up as one of the TS, and they had no loyalty to you. Thus... you might get killed by your own creations. Good for a hijack item. Not really good for a game mode item, due to bad incentives. Re: making both TS and blob use level 5 biohazard, I'm against this. Aside from the fact I think the current level 3 alert is cool, I also think that if we're going to merge 3 and 5, there's really no reason not to merge all biohazards into one generic 'biohazard' alert. Everyone ignores level 7s anyway. Personally, I think its cool that we have different levels of hazard. Re: knowledge that there are no other threats... I could add a new, yellow spider, that infests corpses and uses them to sabotage the station, bursting out and back into spider form after a couple of minutes. Alternatively, I could add a queen ability that doses a crew member with strong hallucinogens that make them friendly to spiders for a limited time. Both of these abilities would require very strong limitations, in order to prevent a single person releasing the tesla, or whatnot. Not decided yet. Still at the idea stage on these.
    1 point
  8. One issue I can see here from testing, similar to nuke ops and blob - is the meta knowledge that there will be no other threats. Thus, giving every crewmember all the guns they want, all access, etc, I fear will become the norm, vastly shifting the balance in favor of the crew. Even a tiny number of traitors would really mix this up. (Blob could do with that too, but that's for another time...). Alternatively....some kind of spider that can mind control crew. Either giving them the objective to start unwelding vents or something....or kill them, inject spiders into their skull, that then take them over and control them for a few minutes before they explode.
    1 point
  9. This would be a good idea, since there is little incentive to choose a 'antag' roll when it means you die 10-15 mins in without a guaranteed spider spawn. Id love that. I'm a bit tired of seeing people yelling blob as soon as that message appears without the biohazard 5 alert, and without seeing one.
    1 point
  10. Ever played Starcraft 1? Remember the psi emitter? The beacon that lures the zerg to a world? I actually coded a version of that, which lures terror spiders to the station. I could add that as a syndicate item. Probably adminspawn-only.
    1 point
  11. Its complicated, but basically: Gray terror spiders without energy heal 50% faster, at 15 HP/minute, rather than the normal 10/minute most spiders get. Gray terror spiders with energy still heal at the normal high-energy rate (30 HP/minute), but their energy depletes more slowly. They can remain in the high-energy healing state for 50% longer. This also means they get 50% more healing from the same amount of energy. Overall, this means that grays, played in a hit-and-run style, are much harder to take down than their 120 HP health pool would indicate. If you do 60 HP damage to them, taking them to half health, they'll likely heal themselves right back up to full health inside two minutes. This makes grays much stronger than you'd expect when played as hit-and-run attackers, or as ambushers. The problem most people have with grays is that they just charge in and fight until they die... which is the exact opposite of how the gray is meant to be played. If you want to rambo, play a red. If you want to pick off a long stream of people, while recharging to full health in between each fight, play a gray.
    1 point
  12. Made some stuff for my sword girl nera. she's pretty cool. and a little persona cut in thingy cause i wanted to use the template for something actually decent
    1 point
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