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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/2018 in all areas

  1. unathi miner and a kidan in the dark.
    3 points
  2. DarkLordPyro has retired from his position as Head of Staff, stepping back down to the position of Game Admin.
    1 point
  3. Oh, I don't mean not at all - but just...not opening the armoury and leaving it open, or having boxes full of shotguns etc just lying around. Giving to crewmembers here and there is great, but not to literally every greytider.
    1 point
  4. Not giving out all access makes sense, and I sort of dislike the meta of doing that because it breaks down jobs having roles by giving everyone access to everything and things just sort of become every man for himself with people busting into departments and doing things on their own. But not giving out guns? That I wouldn't like. I don't think non-sec non-antags should be some kind of cattle there to be killed or defended. An engineer or doctor or scientist can do their job armed or unarmed, but if they're armed at least they have a chance to defend themselves from whatever threat is currently facing the station. Terror spiders specifically are a mode where arming yourself is a huge deal. It's not like Xenos where you're just going to be chained stunned anyway so it doesn't matter if you're the best SS13 player ever or AFK making a sandwich. Against spiders being armed is a pretty big deal because spiders don't have a ranged attack and it's suicidal to fight them in melee. I would never want to be without a weapon during a spider infestation. I'd feel like my job is to be an object to be killed by the antags so they can have fun and nothing more.
    1 point
  5. I like this a lot - one of my fears would be that people would just be bombing and plasma flooding and all kinds of awful things. The idea is to make it so that people are hesistant to just give guns and all access out to everyone - so this would work well. The other idea was that they'd then have the objective to kill the Captain or HOS, basically "Kill their queen!". This would make the hos and captain have a vested interest in not opening the armoury up.
    1 point
  6. I've been a holoparasite once and my host and 2 others got perma-stunned by fastmos. So options were, I do nothing and all three of us die. I only save my host and they scream on comms before dying. Or my host explains they have a holoparasite that will save all of them in exchange for their silence. Needless to say we went with the last option, saved everyone, and they actually kept their mouths shut. So good-guy-traitors do happen rarely. I feel I'd like this idea most if yellow spiders cannot infest husks, and they do not gib people after their time is up, they husk them. Allowing them to not be guaranteed permakills. Also if controlled corpses behaved as though they have brain damage. Unable to work consoles or complex machinery. (They are still a spider piloting a corpse).
    1 point
  7. Basically yes. All spiders accumulate energy over time, which they use to fuel their natural health regeneration. You can gain a major buff to your energy by eating. To eat, wrap a humanoid corpse, and you'll bite into it to suck out the fluids.
    1 point
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