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  1. DarkLordPyro has retired from his position as Head of Staff, stepping back down to the position of Game Admin.
    2 points
  2. A list of (most) weapons & their damages: I died in the gateway so I thought I'd do this. Did you ever wonder which was better in combat - a spade or a shovel. Well one is better at range, the other at melee. Below an almost complete list of weapons for those who care. LISTED BY Name - Melee Damage - Ranged Damage - Modifiers Misc Ashtray 0, 3 Ashtray – Bronze, 0, 10 Ashtray – Glass, 0, 6 Baseball Bat 10, 12, Knockback Buckler 10, 5 (30% block) Cardboard Tube 1, 1 Cane, 5, 7 Candy sword, 15, 10 Cash: 1 Cigarette: 4 burn Chainsaw (Diy): 13, 13, Engaged - 21 Sharp Classic Baton, 12 Claymore - 40, 10, sharp 50 block Extinguisher: 10, 10 Extinguisher - Mini: 3, 2 Flamethrower: 3, 10 Garrote: 2-3 Oxy plus stun/silence Glass Shard, 5, 10 Guitar / eguitar, 10 Harpoon 20, 15, sharp Harmonica, 5 Holosign Projecter: 5/7 Icepick, 15, 10 Katana - 40, 10 sharp 50 block Lighter, 5 Burn, 4 Brute Light , 3, 5 Match, 3, 0 Burn Phone, 3, 2 Picket Sign, 5 Plasma Shard, 8, 15 Pneumatic Cannon, 5 Soaps, 0,0 cleanspeed 50. Homemade cleanspeed 45, Delux 40, Syndi 10. Stool, 10, 10 Spear, 10, 20, Wielded - 18 Stunprod, 3, 5 Tank 5, 10 Toolbox, 10, 10 Whetstone, add 4 damage to sharp. Capped at 30. Wirerod 9, 10 Violin, 10 Antags Alien Claws: 15 Blob Blob Spore 2/4 melee dmg (lower/upper body) Blob Zombie 10/15 Blobbernaut 20/20 + 60 ox Cult Cultblade 30/10 sharp Morph Basic attack 20 Slaughter Demon Basic attack 30 Wizard Broom, 3, 5 Scrying Orb, 7, 15 Staff: 3, 5 Veil Render 15, 10 Syndicate Artistic Toolbox, 5, 10, gains 4+4 per kill. Will heal owner. Batterer, 0, 5 Bee Briefcase: 10 Chainsaw 15, 15, Wielded - 40. 35 Arm pen. Sharp. Knockdown. Chameleon Projector, 0, 5 Energy Shield, 3, 3, (50% block for melee, bullets and lazer. 30% block for bombs. 0% energy/bio/rad) Energy Sword. 3, 3, 30 weilded (50% blockchance) sharp Energy Sword - Dual, 3, 5, 34 wielded (75% block) sharp Powerfist, 12, 10 (variable settings) Powersink, 0,5 Radiation Lazer, 3, 3 (Irradiates / Paralyses after a few seconds) Safety Scissors, 18 (special attack with help intent, 18 brute 30 oxy) Sleeping Carp, wrist wrench +5 & stun Sleeping Carp, back kick weaken Sleeping Carp, stomach kick, losebreath, stun Sleeping Carp, head kick, 20+stun Sleeping Carp, elbow drop, 50 Throwing Star 2, 20, sharp 100% Embed Toolbox - Syndicate 15, 18 silent Job Equipment Barber Scissors, 5 sharp Botany Cultivator 5, 7 Hatchet 12, 15 Scythe 13, 5 – 20armour pen Captain Chain of Command, 10, 7 Rapier, 15, 10, 50% block, 75% penetration, sharp Cargo/Mining Mineral sheet 5, 5 Pickaxe, 15, 10 improved pickaxes such as Jackhammer or diamond axe are no different Shovel, 8, 4 Spade, 5, 7 Vending Restock Unit: 7, 10 Chaplain Weapons Null Rod: 15, 10 Godhand: 15, 0 burn (No disarm) Staff: 5, 5 50 blockchance Claymore & other swords: 15,10 sharp, 30 blockchance Scythe, 15, 10, sharp, 35 penetration Hammer, 15, 10 Chainsaw Hand, 15, 0 sharp (no disarm) Clown knife, 15, 10, sharp, honks Whip, 15, 10 Fedora, 0, 20 Armblade, 15, 0 sharp (no disarm) Carp, 13 Bostaff, 13, 13 40 blockchance Pitchfork 10, 15, Sharp Rosary, 0, 0, Prays (25% chance of heal 5 oxy, 5 tox, 5 brute, 5 fire) Nullifies vampire abilities Salt, 0, 0, Calls ghosts Bread, 0, 0 Silences Chef Butcher Cleaver, 15, 8 sharp Carrot Shiv, 8, 12 Kitchen Utensil (fork, spoon, spork etc.) , 5, 0 (n.b., fork can eyestab) Knife 10, 10, sharp Meat Cleaver 25, 15 Mould, 5, 5 Rolling Pin, 8, 10 Clown Bikehorn 0, 3 Engineering Crowbar, 5, 7 Crowbar - red, 8 Crowbar - Large, 12 Crowbar - Cyborg - 10 Crowbar - Power - 15 (has unique suicide) Rods 9-10 Fireaxe, 5, 15, 24 when weilded Multitool, 5, 0 Rcd 10, 10 Screwdriver, 5, 5, Can eyestab Tile, 10 thrown Tile, Plastasteel, 6, 10 Tile, light, 3, 5 Welding tool 3, 5, 15 burn when engaged. Wirecutters: 6 sharp Wrench, 5, 7 IAA/Magistrate Briefcase, 8 Gavel: 5, 6 Gavelblock: 2, 2 Tape Recorder, 2, 0 Tape, 1, 0 Janitor Bear trap, 0, 0, Trap damage 20 Mop, 3, 5 (flammable) Mop - Advanced, 6, 8 Medical Defib, 5, 6 Health Analyser 0, 3 Mass Spectrometer, 0, 5 Nanotrasen Representative Fancy Cane, 12 knockdown Security Bola, 0, 0, Weaken, Legcuffs Combat Knife, 20, 20 Handcuffs 0,3 Krav Maga – Legsweep 5 knockdown increased by harm intent 10-15 depending on state Krav Maga – Throat punch 10 Oxy increased by harm intent 10-15 depending on state Krav Maga – Neck Chop 5 silence increased by harm intent 10-15depending on state Tele baton, (extended), 10 knockdown Tele Shield, 3,3 (50% block for melee, bullets and lazer. 30% block for bombs. 0% energy/bio/rad) Riot Shield, 10, 5 (50% block for melee, bullets and lazer. 30% block for bombs. 0% energy/bio/rad) Seclite, 9 Stun Baton 10, 7 stuns when powered Surgery Bone Setter, 8, 9 Circular Saw, 15, 9 sharp Scalpel 10, 5 sharp Robotics These all have specific defensive stats and abilities not here listed Mecha 5, 0 modifiable Mecha, combat, 30, 0 Mecha, durand, 40, 0 Mecha, maurader, 45, 0 Mecha, phason, 15, 0 Drill (Mecha), 15, 0 Clamp (Mecha), 20, 0 Missile, 15 plus modifiers
    1 point
  3. Not giving out all access makes sense, and I sort of dislike the meta of doing that because it breaks down jobs having roles by giving everyone access to everything and things just sort of become every man for himself with people busting into departments and doing things on their own. But not giving out guns? That I wouldn't like. I don't think non-sec non-antags should be some kind of cattle there to be killed or defended. An engineer or doctor or scientist can do their job armed or unarmed, but if they're armed at least they have a chance to defend themselves from whatever threat is currently facing the station. Terror spiders specifically are a mode where arming yourself is a huge deal. It's not like Xenos where you're just going to be chained stunned anyway so it doesn't matter if you're the best SS13 player ever or AFK making a sandwich. Against spiders being armed is a pretty big deal because spiders don't have a ranged attack and it's suicidal to fight them in melee. I would never want to be without a weapon during a spider infestation. I'd feel like my job is to be an object to be killed by the antags so they can have fun and nothing more.
    1 point
  4. I like this a lot - one of my fears would be that people would just be bombing and plasma flooding and all kinds of awful things. The idea is to make it so that people are hesistant to just give guns and all access out to everyone - so this would work well. The other idea was that they'd then have the objective to kill the Captain or HOS, basically "Kill their queen!". This would make the hos and captain have a vested interest in not opening the armoury up.
    1 point
  5. Sometimes I get art from other people (either commissioned or gifted), thought it'd be fun to share the ones that haven't been posted!! FuFnStuff (I'm not sure if I spelled that right) Drew a Dreamy head! Shazbot drew a R.A.B.B.I.T! Nomanoah drew Zeke, and then one of Zeke and Jonah! Jedr made a smol Zeke! (I'm not sure if this was ever posted on the forums) (commissioned) Arofexdracona did up a cute Chibi drawing of Dreamy and Churchy! Unfortunately I lost the name of the person who Sketched up this Zeke. (commissioned) Ataricynical did a cute cartoonish Dreamy! (commissioned) Hivon did a sort of anime(?) like style of Dreamy and Churchy! Vailelir did up a cute drawing of my bun Ginger! (commissioned) TheZodiacLord did up a fun drawing of Dreamy and Churchy! He also Sketched up R.A.B.B.I.T and Azriel Amadeus And we did a sort of collab (I did the sketch while he coloured it. ^^ ') Of my character Nathaniel and his character Lust. (Commissioned) FinestFox did up my floofy characters Ginger and Timothy! (Commissioned) YuiVS, a few different characters. (Commissioned) My good Friend Sumico did a lovely drawing of Jonah and (human) Zeke dancing!
    1 point
  6. Hello to everyone! This here is for those who do not know how the formatting of paperwork, or needs a refresher. See the Guide to Paperwork in the wiki or here! NOTE: Replace any <> with a bracket [ ], due to that the format applies to the forums and it is not easily shown. Basic Text formatting BOLD (Bolds your text) [b]Example Text[/b] ITALICS (Italicizes your text) [i]Example Text[/i] UNDERLINE (Underlines your text) [u]Example Text[/u] Text size and centering CENTER (Centers your text on the paper) [center]Example Text[/center] LARGE (Makes your text larger) [large]Example Text[/large] SMALL (Makes your text smaller) [small]Example Text[/small] Paper formatting LINE BREAK (Or new line, allows to skip a line, similar to just pressing enter, no closing tag required) [br] LIST (Can create a list of items, each bullet separate bullet shown as [*]) [list] [*]Example Text One. [*]Example Text Two. [/list] HORIZONTAL RULE (Allows you to create a horizontal line, no closing tag required) [hr] Bureaucracy LOGO (Creates a nice blue Nanotrasen Logo, don't forget to center it! No closing tag required.) [logo] SIGNATURE (Creates a signature with your character name, can be hard to be forged, no closing tag required.) [sign] FIELD (Creates a spot on the paper that allows you to add text later on, format can be used in it, no closing tag required.) [field] Tips Don't forget to close your tags! It could affect any text after the opening tag or leave you with a ugly failed tag. Remember to center your Nanotrasen logo! If you don't, it will end up on the side. You can rename a piece of paper by holding it and right-clicking it and choosing "Rename".
    1 point
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