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  1. This took about five hours. "Maggots" Do note this was posterization. I'm not talented whatsoever.
    2 points
  2. I Alright let me share my favorite stories, one as a Nuke op, and one as a crew member. As nuke op we declared war and I kept trying to get set up, in the ship as we were getting ready to launch but the ship kept getting moved and I kept falling. After five times I got annoyed and sat down. Forgetting of all items the pinpointer. Well we break in and everyone splits up well on my own I managed to run into the captain, who gets a face full of shotgun pellets and goes down easier than a nice glass of vodka. I grab the disk and find the tunnels are full of people howling for my blood so I try to call for backup but everyone is dead and finally I make a new breach and flee into space. I search my bags for the pinpointer.... I had remembered tools, spare ammo, to get an emag, everything but the pinpointer. And getting lost in space I lost the disk and the ship, but found the depot. So I ended the round popping the top on the space beer, eating syndie cakes, and vowing to get the cyberiad next time. Lesson of the story: nothing is more important than the pinpointer as a Nuke op. Now as a crew member, I recall being a mechanic and checking out the gateway. It was the wizard school and I had a brilliant idea. I got the spell book of recall and recharge, learned the spells, and went back and bound the NAD. My plan was get in my space pod, fly around, avoid nukies, and if I heard the captain died I would recall the disk, leave the z level and let me the disk disappear, return recall repeat. Well it didn’t go as planned... one nukie stole the sec pod and shot me out of the sky and I barely had time to get in the station where I met a friendly borer. With brain buddy we went to the bridge and saw a bomb, we moved it and got chased by a nukie who shot me into crit and took it back. Borer somehow saves me and we limp back to see the bridge is now a crater, and the captain was silent. So I recall the nad and form a new plan. Dump the caps backpack with nad in the disposals, flush, move to new disposal, recall and repeat. This works and the shuttle is called, I run into the captain who wants the disk and I recall it.... only this time it was still in the disposal so it appears still in the disposal which is now broken and nothing can be taken out. So I make my way to the shuttle, recalling it as I go, and the last nukie is there. They try everything they can to get it out and fail, then in a rage they hijack the shuttle which winds up at nukie hq, but since the disk was on the shuttle and not in nukie hands it was a crew major victory. lesson of the story: sometimes being clever can overcome all the guns and bombs in the world.... and never recall something in disposal bin.
    2 points
  3. What stays unseen will emerge one day... Preparations were made... From the deepest depths we resurfaced... Everything is under control... We are back. Shifted. Altered.
    2 points
  4. Doctors were doing surgery, I see.
    1 point
  5. you can put boxes into printed out shipping boxes if you wrap them beforehand.
    1 point
  6. The game isn't about winning. You will not always be able to complete the station goal, that's bound to happen sometimes. It does not mean that we need to extend the round timer for something all of maybe three people are working on, at best, most rounds.
    1 point
  7. I've been spriting for a few years now, for multiple reasons and games, so I thought I'd make a little gallery here to share them! I am open to commissions for very flexible prices. Just hit me up on discord. This is going to be a huge mess of sprites, from when I started to now, so sorry for the varying quality. EDIT: After posting I see that a lot of the greys use blend in with the forums background. Oh well. Space Station 13 sprites: Borgs: First up, the Noble borgs which are currently in game. Then the unused combat variant. Here were the original two tile tall versions. And here are the unused jet versions. Next up are what were originally going to be my fluff borgs, but got denied because players might not be able to tell its a borg. Not shown are the service and combat versions. Might add them one day. This was a work in progress deathbot borg from Jak and Daxter. This next one is incredibly old and was one of my first ever sprites. Never completed. These chompers were going to be added a long time ago, but we never got around to finishing the code for them. Pictured here are the yellow ones. Security ones with a larger jaw and spiky syndicate versions were also made. I also made Sigholts custom borg sprites, but I do not have a picture available at this time. Items: Next up are a ton of miscellaneous items made for SS13. Most of these older ones will be actual size rather than blown up, so may appear quite small. Most of these are relatively old except for the Plumbus. From right to left: 1 & 2: A heavy and light version of hatchets made specifically for an old work in progress race called Grezlins. They later found life in my Starbound Shellguard mod. 3: Improvised rocket hammer. A high powered hammer that would have knocked people down, improvised. 4 & 5: Laser Blunderbuss and Laser Musket, respectively. For space pirates, of course! 6, 7 & 8: Modified laser pistols. Converted into a carbine and SMG. 9: Golden frying pan. Self explanatory. 10 & 11: Party popper and Party whistle. I am unsure if either made it into the game, but I know my confetti sprite did and is currently in use. 12: Plumbus made for Desolate 13 & 14: Shellguard and Syndicate rocket hammers. Back to blown up images again! This was a spear also made for the Grezlin race, adorned in gold, named the Sunspear. This is a vibration sword made for the space pirates theme. Antique Cannon made to be a replica of the pneumatic cannon. It would have had a gas tank attached under it. Creatures: These were a race called the grezlins. Males and females had slightly different chests. The legs were hard to make back when I first started spriting, as I didn't want an issue like with vox of having to resprite all the clothes. This was one of their races military in their tribal get up. Since I've learned more about pixel art since making this, if I were to go back in time and try again, I would have added much more contrast to the colours. This was made just before Grezlins, called the Wayfarers. They were a race that moved around the universe by hibernating on asteroids. The well known and feared Prince Terror Spider. Clothes and random sprites, not organised. This was a door hit by a thermic lance, an item currently in the works. NA NA NA NA NA NA DONK MAAAAAAAAAAN Currently my WIP fluff item, a hoverboard from Jak and Daxter. A Solgov uniform made for Flattest Guitar A knight Shellguard Power Armour, based off my Shellguard faction from Starbound. Starbound: These next sprites are a mish mash of sprites from my Starbound mod. These are some of my newer sprites. Hence the massive change in quality. This was a shop to buy Shellguard Items from. I love working with higher resolutions than SS13's 32x32. This was an incredibly huge boss called The Dark Noble. Another boss, the Shellguard UFO. A Shellguard Automated Security Tank Shellguard Shield That just wraps it up for my first post! More to come soon!
    1 point
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